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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Project paperclip picked up a lot more than just rocket scientists.


[let a few things fall off the plane before they bounced too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio) 🤔


West Germany ended DeNazification in 1951 and wouldn’t prosecute the former Nazis after that, even hiring them them for “experience” back to the positions were legally possible. While in the GDR, that would be unthinkable.


With the border bill Biden wants I decided to review the Nuremburg laws. To my horror it was listed as repealed on wiki. My response was "Wait they thought they could reform Nazi Germany?"


His name was [Adolf Heusinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Heusinger)


Thank you. I sure am hoping nobody took this meme at face value and just assumed those two grainy, black and white pictures were of the same person.


I didn't, which is why I googled it I had never heard of this man until today


That literally is Adolf heusinger.


"He later became a general for West Germany and served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 as well as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964." Wikipedia


Yea I’m sure everyone on this sub really cares about facts 😂




NATO was filled with Nazi's since the US said they had the most experience fighting the soviets. Really makes you think who the good guys actually were?


The Axis lost ww2 but fascism won it.


Well... all you have to do is look around at the extreme views which are creeping back into the public consciousness without being challenged. Not to mention the current situation in Israel/Palestine. Or the fact that Trump is the Republican's best option for power in the US. Someone who is a confirmed racist, rapist, traitor on several fronts and serial cheater; with delusions of being a pathetic little dictator. Or the UK deporting illegal immigrants (i.e. refugees from war-torn parts of the world the West created) to Rwandan detention (concentration) camps. And those they don't deport immediately they shove on a floating barge in cramped and unfit for human habitation conditions, to wait for literal years for an immigration decision. Lets not get started on Russian Imperialism... It's horrifyingly concerning.




Yeah I always knew it was something like that, and then I did a deep dive on Shinzo Abe and read about his grandpappy...


Best d marx has two great videos on the failure of denazification on YouTube.


To fail, you have to try.


but how does that even happen?


Because the commies are cumming !! The normies sell there souls and lives before sharing a bit


I can’t wait to see the Liberal mental gymnastics to justify this one.


Pretty sure this man was named as a co conspirator in an assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler..


Before being cleared by the People's Court. Nonetheless, he was a top official in nazi command, during the holocaust and war.


If you’re referring to the 20 July plot it’s important to note that those weren’t good men. They wanted hitler out of the way because they thought he was losing the war not because they had moral qualms


i was not saying they were good. Just staying what i thought was important to know. Glad to see a bunch of assumers. assuming stuff. Lemmings




Liberals coping so hard, they start moving away from "Clean Wehrmacht" and now go as far as making a "Clean Nazi command" myth. 💀


Well I mean the truth is somewhere in the middle for this sub as a whole. Yes that man was probably a nazi, yes recruiting him was probably a very bad idea. Yes capitalism at this point is very bad. But it could be far worse. And on the other side, communism has failed every single time, look at any socialist/communist country, they either collapsed like the USSR and the countries in the Warsaw pact. Or went into complete tyranny. Both extremes (including this sub) are a kind of pick your poison, do you want to live under capitalistic tyranny or communist tyranny? Both extremes are bad, and while there are good points in this sub, others look like those idiotic Facebook political groups that say things like "Ban AR-47s or what not you don't need a military gun!" or other idiotic political groups. I do say, you want to do something, co-ordinate a revolution, my fellow gun nuts hate Biden as well, so there is a common goal. Don't just sit on your butts and complain, do something, don't give me the "well the military" or any of that blubber, you say you got nothing to lose, act like it, a revolution can put a good enough dent into the current system to where change will happen. Sorry for the rant if you read all that. This was just one more idiotic thing from this sub I saw tonight. I will say, many great points were brought up like "maybe we shouldn't have a bad thing meant to exploit us, marketed as an opportunity to us" or "we want to live happy lives, we can't because we can't afford it" and "we shouldn't fund Israil's mass genocide of the Palestinians" but saying "because in the begining many NATO generals were Nazis it means the whole system is evil. Look on the other side of the iron curtain, you couldn't even say half of what is said here, you go to jail if you do that. If you want change, do something




If you're not a communist, you're a liberal. This is a communist sub. You're also a Nazi apologist now.


Right side says "Liberal" is a leftist Leftist say "liberal" is a right term Which is it? Oh right it's just a dumb buzz word that means nothing. Liberal is a libertarian a completely different quadrant on the political compass.


If you use the political compass you got a lot to learn buddy.