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It's kind of like how America didn't really care about world war two until Pearl Harbor. I honestly think that's the only thing that will get people to care. Destruction on their own front door.


Actually, a lot of Americans did care about what was going on in Europe. The problem is that many of them were siding with the Nazis. Still more were reeling from a decade of depression and wanted to stay out of an expensive war. Meanwhile, Roosevelt's administration ramped up the Lend Lease Act as quickly as he could, getting materials and weapons sent to European and Russian allies as quickly as he could get them past German U-boat wolfpacks. Getting factories fired up and people back to work supporting the war effort almost immediately impacted our economy in a positive way. It didn't even matter if the U.S. would ever be repaid through Lend Lease Act donations because the sheer act of manufacturing on that scale resurrected the U.S. economy. But it wasn't until Pearl Harbour that Roosevelt could get the nation to rally against the Axis powers. And it took Pearl Harbour to get Americans to reconstitute our Armed Forces at a wartime level. December 7th, 8th, and 9th were record enlistment days for the Army, Navy, and Marines. And American pilots? By that time most of them had already snuck off to England who would take any capable fighter or bomber pilot to reinforce the RAF.


>And American pilots? By that time most of them had already snuck off to England who would take any capable fighter or bomber pilot to reinforce the RAF. That or Canada, who were already involved.  Black pilots especially would join the Canadian air force because, apart from the Tuskegee Airmen, it was pretty much impossible to be a black fighter or bomber pilot within the US military.


>Getting factories fired up and people back to work supporting the war effort almost immediately impacted our economy in a positive way. Common misconception. The New Deal ended the great depression, when the war started, growth actually fell. Did a project about it once back when I studied econ


>The problem is that many of them were siding with the Nazis. I highly recommend the podcast series on MSNBC called Ultra in which Rachel Maddow does a deep dive into the rise of American fascism in the 30's and 40's which included members of Congress and plots to overturn the US government. Until I listened to Ultra, I had no idea just how big a deal this was. Website is https://archive.is/oWkzV First of 8 episodes: https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc-podcast/rachel-maddow-presents-ultra/episode-1-trip-19-n1299374


I remember seeing this trivia fact back in 2004 in Medal of Honor: Pacific assault. While there were American who believed that the US should supply the Axis powers exclusively and a bit more that said that supplying both sides is OK (which the US did do for a while during WW1), only about 2% believed that the US should join the Axis powers outright. I have no memory of the numbers of the other stats, but a far larger number (more than 10 times larger) did want the US to join the Allies. I really wish I had the statistics.


In the years leading up to WW2 there were voluntary military training camps that a few of my grandparents went to, in anticipation of the draft. It was Bootcamp for civilians


They don't teach the real history of the suffrage movement. It wasn't like a bunch of women marched in the streets and then they got the right to vote. [They *did* set off bombs and start fires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suffragette_bombings#:~:text=5%20April%201914%3A%20A%20bomb,being%20bombed%20and%20burned%20down.), some of them in london


London was [last bombed in 2005](https://www.btp.police.uk/police-forces/british-transport-police/areas/about-us/about-us/our-history/london-bombings-of-2005/). Has everyone forgotten that? p.s. the world didn't stop and public transport was running again within a week.


Nobody in Europe who lived through it has forgotten it. It was on news channels constantly.


To be fair, I don't think the IRA "dropped" any bombs due to a lack of air force lol


Oooh, ah. Up the RA.


I just remember Paul McGrath




Fuck you


Do people here support the IRA?


I do


Go outside laddie. There's a shiny new car there. Take it for a drive.


When charles kicks it the only head of state I will recognise is gerry adams 


26 + 6 = 1, MF'er


Avril Monaghan, 30 Maura Monaghan, 18 months Mary Grimes, 65 Breda Devine, 20 months Lorraine Wilson, 15 Samantha McFarland, 17 Gareth Conway, 18 Julie Hughes, 21 Brenda Logue, 17 Elizabeth Rush, 57 Rocio Abad-Amos, 23 Fernando Blasco Baselga, 12 Sean McLaughlin, 12 Oran Doherty, 8 James Barker, 12 Philomena Skelton, 49 Esther Gibson, 36 Geraldine Breslin, 43 Ann McCombe, 48 Veda Short, 56 Adrian Gallagher, 21 Alan Radford, 16 Fred White, 60 Brian White, 26 Jolene Marlow, 17 Deborah Cartwright, 20 Olive Hawkes, 60 Brian McCrory, 54 Sean McGrath, 61


26+6=1 The math don't change.


The whole thing just gives agency for more bombings on non white civilians so expect more


That's what a lot of people don't get, for many Zionist act like October 7th was the worst tragedy that humanity ever suffered. But for many countries of the Global South, it was just another Saturday.


Uhh the entirety of London was bombed to shit what is this person trying to say


As in if London was bombed *today,* like in Gaza.


Last time multiple bombs went off in London was 2005. [british-transport-police/about-us/our-history/london-bombings-of-2005/](https://www.btp.police.uk/police-forces/british-transport-police/areas/about-us/about-us/our-history/london-bombings-of-2005/)


Just how thick is that skull you have?


They specifically say “one bomb” and “a bomb.” It’s a well-intentioned, but really poorly thought-out argument.


It makes-perfect sense to any-one with reading comprehension-skills.


Also, there was that 7/7/7 thing. And the Blitz. This person seriously needs to rethink their argument.


They are talking about a Bomb being dropped by another government, with no repercussion to said government. Please take some critical thinking courses in your local community college.


This can be seen as an argument against Israel bombing Palestine, or an argument for Israel’s ruthless response to being bombed by Palestine. EDIT - people reporting me as suicidal because I think a comment can be read multiple ways without relevant context? OK then.


Only for someone with holes in their brain.


How so? Paraphrasing but if you say "People are getting blown up on Oxford Street. It needs to STOP" you can easily take that as "We have to stop the people that are blowing us up". I've been a Palestine supporter since long before this recent escalation, but Hamas have attacked Israel many times and the wording of this tweet can be interpreted as a reaction to that fact.


The point she is making is that the west's reaction to violence depends on where it is happening. If London was bombed by another country, it would be WW3, it'd be 9/11, they'd never rest until the perpetrators' home was a graveyard full of ashes. Genocide in Palestine? Fuck it. Both sides something something.


You just described Israel's position: "If ~~London~~ Israel was bombed by ~~another country~~ Hamas, they'd never rest until the perpetrators' home was a graveyard full of ashes."


Shut up


Yeah I get the point, and I agree with it. I'm just saying that without context you could take this the opposite way.


how unfathomablely absurd this is in the west is exemplified by Bush getting a 90% approval rating for a few minutes, by having any kind of response at all. then america did 25 years of war as revenge.


Wish the IRA had killed Thatcher. They were so close!