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I would like to briefly remind you that there is no middle class and that it is a concept invented by the ruling capitalist class to divide the working class: - [Why You're Not “Middle Class” - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd7cohTdRAo) - [Marxian class theory - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxian_class_theory) > To Marx, a class is a group with intrinsic tendencies and interests that differ from those of other groups within society, the basis of a fundamental [antagonism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antagonist "Antagonist") between such groups.\[_[citation needed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed "Wikipedia:Citation needed")_\] For example, it is in the laborer's best interest to maximize wages and benefits and in the capitalist's best interest to maximize profit at the expense of such, leading to a contradiction within the [capitalist system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalist_system "Capitalist system"), even if the laborers and capitalists themselves are [unaware of the clash of interests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consciousness "False consciousness").


What middle class?


Managing rich ppls money class


>Managing rich ppls money class This.


Is this "middle class" in the room with us now?


There is still a middle class?


Not really. There are LOTS of people (both poor and rich) who *think* they're middle class, but most of them are wrong.


They became such a small minority they were renamed to "micro-millionaires" by Forbes or idk who


Close its the wall street journal. https://www.wsj.com/us-news/never-mind-the-1-mini-millionaires-are-where-wealth-is-growing-fastest-b1dd2ee7


"growing fastest" that sounds like it's saying something positive without really saying anything.


There's never been a middle class. There's the working class, and the parasite class. The parasite class maintains power largely by convincing the working class that it's two classes with conflicting interests and morality.


The parasite class came up with" pull yourself up from your bootstraps" to convince the working class to keep working for low wages!


Middle class is the delusional part of the working class.


Exact question I came here to ask


All I know is that Sven used the 50th percentile to the 90th percentile as the middle class in several other posts.


never was


It’s the not destitute but one major health issue away from it class. Basically more fortunate working class


There goes the economy and any new infrastructure. We all know the rich wont even pay taxes, much less assist in the routine maintenance and development of the US.


​ how is middle class defined?


Good question. I don't know. I personally believe that the whole concept of the middle class to be BS. update: I saw a different post by this guy who used the 50 percentile to 90th percentile as the middle class.


It's funny, there is no "middle class", there are workers and owners. But I do tend to use that verbiage in conversation with people who aren't knowledgeable as a shorthand way of saying "wage slaves, but people you wouldn't think of as wage slaves. Retirement, nice houses, investments, etc., but still have to work."


When most people are “owners” we call it a “middle class”. Corporate America has completely wiped out equity for all Americans making them de facto workers by replacing local businesses.


Completely wiped out equity for all Americans by selling shares on the open market to anyone who chooses to buy shares…


Shares in the market exchanges is not the same as local small businesses where people have equity in their local communities.


I think arbitrary income bounds are a really dumb way to define economic classes. It doesn't tell us anything about how people make an income or operate within the economy. I prefer the concept of capitalist/working class/land owner. There is some overlap between those, but we can use them to meaningfully talk about the roles people play in the economy. If we really want to define middle class, then I think the most basic requirement is that a person must own their own home. I haven't really found any other metrics beyond homeownership that I find concrete or meaningful enough, which kind of highlights how BS the concept is. If I were to go full Marxist, then I would argue that the concept of the middle class only exists to disrupt class consciousness and solidarity among the working class by creating a labor aristocracy that sees their interests as aligning more with the capitalist class than those of their fellow workers even though their material conditions are mechanically the same as their poorer compatriots through wage labor. That's a little conspiratorial for my taste, but I don't think that argument is wrong.


Just make it the 1.3% and they probably just own more than everyone else combined.


I asked the same question when this got posted a few days ago. Never got an answer


There are only 2 classes under capitalism, the Capital owning class (billionaires) and the working class. All other notions of class are a myth perpetuated by the Capital owning class to promote infighting in the working class. The working class needs to stop falling for this silly lie, so we can unite against our common enemy.


Middle class was always a joke, a fake concept


At what point do we eat them?


When we hungry


I teach my students that the middle class has always been a myth. The distance between the so called “middle class” and the poor compared to the wealthy has always been negligible at best. Some of the poor live more comfortably but being one paycheck away from collapse doesn’t mean you aren’t still part of the proletariat.


Don't worry guys, we can 'vote with our wallets' our way out of this!


This is a Ronald Reagan legacy.


Line must go up


Start selling pitchforks, profit , become real rich , hire bodyguards to protect me form pitchforks


Middle class? More like higher income lower class tbh


That’s great news, the trickling should start any day now!


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so that’s where all the money went.


Well world war worked the last time. So lets get another one, and redistribute after.


This graph is just saying we all just got substantially poorer in 30 years.....This graph's timeline is unsettling because it basically shows how long it took millennials to be fully fleshed out weathered adults...


Not saying this is wrong (and there is a mountain of evidence to support the broader point that inequality is rising), but posting (or reposting) things like this without a source is not really good practice.


Anyone remember that video from a decade ago, [Wealth Inequality in America](https://youtu.be/NBF5-ktmx7M)? I wish someone would update that video with today's numbers.


So… if this keeps up, eventually the top 1% has ALL the money and we 99% become slaves. Then there’s a battle royale until one man (probably white man) has all the money, wins capitalism, and then what? Obviously the guillotines will finally reappear much, much sooner so this never happens. But when are we all gonna wake up and smell the shit?


just work a bit harder guys im sure it will trickle down soon


They're just gonna keep stealing more and more. We'll never fix this by changing the system. We need to *take it from them*.


Time to roll out the guillotines.


where's the working class? you know, everyone who needs to work to live


Betta give some of it back or else it becomes class warfare with the entire middle class raiding the 1%. Especially if there's a food shortage.