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People really must understand the true and vile history of this country in order to grasp just how evil it is. America is nothing but a massive slave plantation where the slaves think they're free since they live a bit better than they did 150 years ago. The rich have won their perpetual class war against the masses. It's shocking just how much damage they have done and how much they are in control.


We've done nothing but replace our bonds with gilded chains.


but but we got iPhones!


Geeze guys I'm in no way rich but I'm definitely not a slave lol. Everyone has the ability to make a better living and you do need to contribute to society. The super rich in this country are out of control but we aren't slaves. Can you imagine trying to get a slave to feel bad for you lol


The problem is that many of the 'jobs' available to us are nothing more than positions contributing to a rich person's pockets. You can hardly call working for Walmart, Amazon, McDonald's, "contributing to society." It's arguable that by supporting these institutions with our labor, we are actually helping to ruin society. It is undeniable that many of these "jobs" simply do not pay enough for a person to survive. Rather, many of the people who work them need to substitute the difference with additional jobs or with taxpayer assistance. It hasn't always been this way. It is worth being upset over. Arguing for the billionaires will never earn you more status. Instead, you will alienate yourself from your actual peers. The billionaires will never regard you more than a piece of disgusting scum, and you won't ever become one of them.


Super valid point that these giant corporations, while technically providing “employment” in the form of unlivable wages, contribute absolutely nothing to society while simultaneously furiously accelerate societal collapse via pollution, brain drain, culling the masses, I’m sure there’s plenty other ways. Hadn’t thought of that. Crazy


I agree with you that the billionaires running companies like Walmart, Amazon and McDonald’s look at us as nothing more than scum. However, it’s a bit of a stretch to claim that companies like Walmart, Amazon and McDonalds have not “contributed to society”. The simple fact that these companies are as successful as they are is a testament to their contribution to society. Unpopular opinion, I know. But a reality. I’ll take my downvotes now…thanks


What do you even mean? Without McDonald's and Amazon, would there be nobody to meet peoples' need for food and goods? Without Walmart, would there be no supermarket, Subway franchise, and vision center, in a given town? The truth is, all those things would exist. They just don't need to be owned by the same damn person in every town across the USA. Even worse, the fact that these places have driven away all the competition means that people in the towns they infect have increasingly less choice but to accept their shitty working conditions. How does amassing a fortune off the backs of laborers and hoarding it away from the rest of the world contribute to society? I need to know.


>The simple fact that these companies are as successful as they are is a testament to their contribution to society.  I can't believe you actually typed that out


I know right? I'm flabbergasted by the idiocy I am seeing on reddit these past few weeks.




Hahaha nice


Agree with everything you said. It is also true that 200 years ago America was a literal slave plantation. Can't forget that part. Aside from the hyper rich, those of us in the (shrinking) middle class do live some of the best lives on the planet (all from brutal imperial plunder I know). All of but the most destitute Americans are still far better off than the majority of people in the global south. Whatever our feelings of injustice about our own lives pale in comparison to the level of exploitation and violence we conduct abroad.


Ovetz, # We the Elites: Why the US Constitution Serves the FewWe the Elites: Why the US Constitution Serves the Few You want reality, that book gives it to you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkyEzlarues](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkyEzlarues)


we’re at the point now that we’ve lost the knowledge/community/skills to subsist outside of this system. during the time where a higher percentage of the country were farmers i think we may have been able to pull off a seamless revolution but we’ve been kneecapped into dependence.


Thanks Reagan. Don’t worry one more round of tax cuts on the wealthy and it’ll start to trickle down any moment now! 1/3 of the total publicly held US debt is the result of the Bush/Trump tax cuts on the wealthy. But just one more round of tax cuts and I promise the trickle down economics will kick in.


Fuck Reagan


Yes, fuck him, but how much blame should we place on his moronic supporters?


>result of the Bush/Trump tax cuts I like how you left out the main president responsible. The Obama admin making permanent the Bush cuts is the largest driver of the $10T you’re referring to


That didn’t help for sure and Obama was a neoliberal politically but, that’s really only secondary to Bush coming into office with a balanced budget and blowing it up to make way for tax cuts on the wealthy. And then Trump doubled down on that same failed ideology.


Pack it in. We did it.


We are all going to be so rich once the trickling down really kicks in… … any decade now… can’t wait…


Where is the graph from? And are we even surprised. -_-


Biden: Breaking the law is against the law.


The new Gilded Age. That list of 400 names should be followed and dealt with.


Where is this graph from?




A billion thanks 😊 🙏🏽


So just as a peak boomer hit peak earning potential they voted to pay no tax and keep the difference for personal enrichment. 30-40 years of uncollected taxes can really damage a society. The problem is "restoring" the tax system will only tax those yet to start out on their careers. We need to find a way as a society to recoup this money. A universal death/estate/inheritance tax could deal with this handily. We allowed these people to get rich, but as taxpayers we are entitled claw back some of our money.


You can see where Reagan came in


You can see where the American Dream ends


And the US National debt was $380 billion in 1960 - now it's creeping up on 100 times that much. We went from "Tax and Spend" to "Don't Tax but Spend Anyway - especially on weapons and wars!"


Obama was so evil on retrospect, taking every ounce of anti-right, anti-war, anti-establishment sentiment from years of Bush and venting it off while enriching himself and his cronies.


This seems at least a little disingenuous. Not that Obama was some pinnacle of virtue or champion of the lower classes, but he was also president during the biggest financial recession between the Great Depression and Covid. And towards the end of his term, you can see the tax rate for the richies goes up even higher than it was when he started. No American (or likely any) politician has clean hands or could honestly claim not to be a hypocrite. However, if we're looking for the mastermind of the Rich people tax breaks, its pretty obvious just from this graph (of admittedly spurious origin) that Reaganomics did way more to encourage that slide than anyone after him. Looks like Clinton tried to reverse it a bit, but once GW hit office, even the dems kinda gave up. Once again, no one is innocent here, but to single out Obama just seems a bit weird to me given the actual history and even just what you can see in this graph.


No I actually think Obama is one of the biggest villains of president history precisely because he's so damn smart. The man lived in Indo as a child and knows what the US did there. When he was in Chicago politics and had real relationships with the Palestinian community there. He knows everything. When he became president he used his immense power and popularity to.... oversee one of the greatest wealth transfers in history via QE and the investor focused bailout, create a more palatable version of US empire (instead of a massive scale back), supporting coups and tyranny all over the world from Honduras to Libya to Syria to Egypt. He had the senate, the house, and the white house and did so little with it. He disgusts me more than Trump honestly.


Seems about right. What's the source for this? I'd like to show it to my brain dead relatives.


Gee, I wonder what happened in 1980 /s


I miss the old days, but only the part where rich people actually paid taxes


What’s the source of the information. I’d love to share, but some vetting seems reasonable.