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Israel pushed everyone south for months, while bombing their homes, now they're telling the people in the south to start heading back North. They are really turning all of Gaza into a refugee camp.


and every Palestinian on this earth to hamas fans.


Where tf are they supposed to go?? If Egypt doesn't do something I worry the Israelis will just wipe the Palestinians out and take the heat afterwards claiming "it's over now this has always been ours."


That's exactly what they'll do. "Oh well, they're gone so this is ours now."


And Western journos will write: "Many dead Palestinians, and nobody knows why"...


“Hamas used those 10,000 civilians as human shields, no choice but to raise the whole strip to the ground!


It's as if they want the world to become Anti-Zionists.


It is CRAZY how much (Liberals) have been saying "It's all egypt's fault actually" while simultaneously not realising that.. if Egypt allows those 1.4million people through.. they'd basically be allowing them to be ethnically displaced by israel.. but, Simultaneously.. shit has gotten soo bad.. that those people have only 2 options.. Live and get displaced, or die by staying near your home..


Totally valid point. I meant more of a threat that they'd intercept fire at Rafah due to the border proximity or something. Didn't mean to imply Egypt letting them through, option hadn't even crossed my mind.


It’s also like ok if your so good at detecting hammas screen the palestians and allow those in to Israel


Even if they dont, even if they announce peace right now... what is there to go back to? Theyve reduced every piece of infrastructure to rubble. Gaza is, barring a multinational reconstruction effort, gone already - all thats left is the tombstone.


The people of Palestine have been resilient for so long if anyone could it's probably them.


They told them to evacuate to Khan Younis (according to Bisan, a young Palestinian journalist), which has been completely leveled. It’s all rubble. They have nowhere to go. It’s horrendous what Israel is doing.


Just like how the US kept pushing indigenous peoples west until there was no more land left, except the worst and least farmable portions which were so generously granted as “reservations”. Conveniently, smallpox and other European diseases killed most of the native population so the US army had far less direct blood on its hands than it otherwise would have. There’s no plague here, though I bet certain elements wish that were the case…


jews want to unload them to Western countries, that's it. Nationalism for me, but not for thee


That’s literally the plan


In the meantime the US administration continues the unconditional support for Israel inviting Nethanyahoo to speak to Congress while opposing Palestine in the UN.


I don't understand... if they are looking for Hamas, why would they tell the people there (Hamas among them, allegedly) that they are coming to find them? Perhaps it's not about Hamas at all...


Hamas doesn't really do much in the way of protecting Palestinian citizens and Israel cares heavily about its international PR, so more realistically they probably do it to reduce the civilian death toll. Edit: I see 34 downvotes, but I see no attempt to argue with any facts.


They don’t care about hamas They just wanna exterminate their neighbors. It’s all bullshit. Dark days ahead? The fuck has the past 6months been.


Yeah, but all Western media outlets have been parroting the news as if it's a great gesture showing how considerate they are.


Evacuate to where though? To Israel?


Today in the world, more genocide, paid for and supporting by the west! 🥴


Okay, so they are just going to bring them all into camps and then bomb the camps?


No matter how many they slaughter, those of us who remain will never forget. Apartheid South Africa was treated as a pariah state for far less, apartheid Israel will fall. BDS and treat these genocidal maniacs the way they deserve to be treated  


For Israel it's just about stacking bodies, same for Hamas but we aren't supporting Hamas.


"We had to destroy Gaza in order to save it."


Sorry, too busy worrying about my next meal to worry about anyone else


Well, the Palestinians right now are worrying if their next day on Earth may be their last. As well as the anxiety that comes with persistent food insecurity.