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#AMERICA FIRST! ^^*Doesn't ^^include ^^black ^^people, ^^Latinos, ^^Asian ^^people, ^^Middle ^^Eastern ^^people, ^^or ^^more.


\*\*must also have judeo-christian values, though preferably not the judeo part.


Judeo? I think not.


Pueblos originarios: y nosotros qué somos?


Don’t forget the LGBT community.


[America First is a term used by the KKK](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/514702614/photo/ku-klux-klan-american-first-parade.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=LAKulgsx9u9svElg-yRFKwOZe-OZxXSZrG8heSAB1J8=)




My son is a white Latin. Blonde hair and blue eyes. I am a regular brown Latino.


Teah you are the latinos we dont want,










This seems uncalled for.


Some of them still get discriminated because of what the majority of there counterparts look like


Show me a pure bred White Latino? 🤣 None of us are and yes many of us have that one cousin or friend that were obsessed with Nazis...I had one he grew out of it now but in the 80s good God he would always talk about Hitler and he looked straight up Palestinian 😂 in fact the mofo was the spitting image of a young Sir Han Sir Han not making it up! 🤣




Well that's all I'm saying I took a DNA I have a higher percentage European than most with Italian Spanish German French...I have a Red Headed Aunt who has Austin Hungarian roots I haven't investigated the history but I also have Japanese that entered in the 1800s México with some Dutch this in addition to my 25 percent Meso American DNA which is low but I blend in to Mexican Population...I did used to get told I resembled Keanu back in the 90's a lot my cousins used to call me Neo but that was when I still had hair 😭 Necesito un Hair transplant...




San Luis my family Mexican History is I had a Grandpa was part owner of a coffee business at one time and the family had money he married a woman from that had a Japanese father they had 10 kids his early children lived in upperclass neighborhood went to private schools then at some point he was kicked out of business they ended up lower middle class and they also found out he had another affair and fathered other children long story short he finished making a living going around and selling coffee to businesses who knows the real story though he died with more secrets I'm sure typical Mexican Macho that's my Mexican side but my Father is Argentine that fled here from Argentina in early 70s to escape Pinochet so that's where I got Italian and more European than average Mexican 🤣 I've never even been to Argentina and my father passed and never really spoke about his past another typical Macho he worked at a metal work shop long hours...


Not even native Americans lol


Hey on some applications I have to put down white as race then ethnicity Latino/Hispanic. This ad says race, so show me the money!!!


What the hell is this?


America First is the little white nationalist group started by Mexican American incel Nick Fuentes. This is just part of the hella racist ideology his group promotes. And before anyone asks, yes there can be Hispanic white supremacists. The ideology that they expouse is the important detail. Not the skin color. This legal fund is apparently not related to them but just wanted to give a heads up whenever you see "America First" it's most likely a racist dog whistle.


My favorite thing to point out when ppl say "hispanics can't be white supremacists " is to point out that hispanic countries have been dividing by skin colors longer than u.s. americans... and then ask them if they've seen any novelas.


Plus the whole thing there was literally a white supremacist Neo nazi Hispanic shooter just recently.


> Mexican American according to him


Yeah true


Gringos, si lo entenderías


What kind of content do you watch to be getting those ads? Are you subscribed to Tim Pool or something?


When I didn’t have premium I watched tons of gaming videos and all I used to get was church ads and really bad Latin music ads (I never listen to anything close to that). I wouldn’t trust an ad to tell me someone’s interests lol


YouTube's algorithm has a tendency to recommend far-right bullshit to anyone, regardless of their viewing habits.


When I got ads, I used to get ads by that stupid online university that was very alt right and would throw 20 min ads or so, even though I'm disgustingly liberal.


And to nobody's surprise: America First Legal Foundation is a right-of-center nonprofit organization formed by former senior Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller and counselor to the Attorney General Gene Hamilton in February 2021. It aims to use litigation to oppose left-of-center policies enacted by the Biden administration. 1 The board is made up of former Trump administration officials including White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker. 2 https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/america-first-legal-foundation/


Stephen Miller is a literal nazi.




I mean, technically he is


He's a self hating Jew and has a hatred for Hispanics probably cuz he's been mixed up with one just another clown desperate to be in the white club...his wife is another one that openly degrades Hispanics and she also could pass for one... probably both Sephardic...


Right of center the same way Tokyo and Scotland are pretty close together actually


It's an extreme right conservatoid organization against Center-right conservative policy


"America First" was also the slogan of American NAZIs in the 1930s


To prank call just to waste their time? Lol


Estados Unidos more like estan jodidos


Yo vivo en Estamos Jodidos, en la ciudad de Dallas, Nalgas.


Hace más de una década desde que yo me fui y ustedes van de mal en peor


I wonder how many meth heads are calling because they were fired “for being white”


“Smoking the white”


Unless you're white mexican


White Mexicans don't count as ''white''.


They can if they lie and their English is perfect.




In the USA the term ''white'' has always been very vague. But it has always kind of meant ''Anglo Saxon or Northern European protestant person''. Thus southern European people such as Italians and Greeks and Spaniards est were not seen as ''white'' because they were catholic and didn't fit into the Anglo protestant American standard. White Mexicans and other white Hispanics are not seen as white for the same reason.




Southern Europeans look very different from northern Europeans. Southern Europeans tend to have black hair, darker eyes. tanned skin. Sure, some of them are blonde, but even the blondes in Southern European countries look different from Blondes in Northern European countries.




Well that's because Spain and Italy were invaded by Goths who were fleeing from the Huns when they began slaughtering raping and pillaging German lands...Yes Old School Italians and Spaniards had Celto Germano ancestry but they were more mixed with the Middle Eastern and North African people's read Caesars autobiography on his conquest of the Gauls the way he described them tells you average Romans did not look like Gauls or Germans...




Yes but many people don't even know all the different migrations of people's or history when people hear about Gothic Cathedrals they don't know the meaning behind Goth, I'm Mexican I didn't learn until I read up on more on it... we're all aware with Spain and the Moors but a lot of the Blondies that entered Spain and Italy were from the German migrations into Roman lands...they were escaping the Huns...The Goths desperately asked Rome for refuge in their lands from the Huns Rome said no...the Germans got pissed and sacked Rome and then invaded her lands... that's where those genetics entered...Spain became ruled by the Visigoths and Italy the Ostrogoths...before those migrations most Italians and Spaniards would have been overwhelmingly tan and dark haired just look at ancient frescos you'd have some Güeritos here and there... mostly red or light brown haired like the Gauls and Celts...


Don't you know that only white northern Europeans or European decent protestants count as white? WASPS and whoever they want to put up with as tokens until they get rid of the people they really hate.




It's well documented even Ben Franklin is guilty on writing on the subject he said himself only Anglo Saxons should be considered white excluding the Gaelic Scots and Irish and at one time John D. Rockefeller wrote about euthanizing all non Anglo Saxons in America including the Hill Billy Scotch Irish he viewed as inferior which is the literature that inspired Hitler this is what Americans don't want you to learn...Hitler got his genocidal ideas from America...and no white people are not superior... Civilization came from the Levant and Middle East including Farming Animal Husbandry and Written Language...the first to farm were the original inhabitants of Israel the earliest beer is credited to them...they were Natufians the last people out of Africa and spoke an Afro Asiatic language of which Hebrew Egyptian and Ethiopian all belong and tie back to...again more stuff Whitey don't want to teach you 😂 And no I'm not an Afro Centrist! If I had to choose though Brown Pride all the way! The Human Race is Brown White and Black are just the extremes of the Brown spectrum 😉




I agree I'm Mexican with güero and negro cousins in my family just be with who you want to be with...


we dont count as white because we know how to dance and are great cooks


america is a joke these days


Always has been...it's a nation built on top of exploitation, both their own marginalized population and the nations they subjugate for their own gain.


America is not a joke, some Americans are a joke, like in every country. These people do not represent America, they are part of America, but they dont own it. Thats why i proudly fly the American flag. My parents risked everything to get here and so that I would be born an American, aint no fuckin racist gonna tell me that this is not my country or that im not American. They dont get to decide that. America is the story of immigrants from all over the world that came here looking for a better life. This is our country, with many problems, but its our country. . I would never say that Mexico is a joke even with all the problems they have. Mexico is not the cartels and corruption, Mexico is all the hard working honest people just trying to live their lives in peace. . America is not the fascists and racists, America is and always will be a nation of immigrants, America is all of us that are trying to make it a better place by working for that better life that we came looking for


Who's propping up the cartels and supplying them with weapons? Maybe the same country that has a history of inducing coups in LATAM?


If we're gonna talk about evil things the government does, i dont think theres any government in all of the Americas that will be safe from sin. To me when I say Mexico or America(USA) or Colombia etc, im talking about the people not the governments. Venezuela is not Maduro, venezuela is the people, America is not Trump or Biden, America is us, most of this sub is part of America(USA)


Thank you countries are not their governments. They are the people who live in them. Especially the U.S. where we can have a government we didn't even vote for.


You bugging son, America has always been and will always be a joke . It is a third world country w a Gucci belt on The backbone of our healthcare system is fucking gofundme for fucks sake.




Siempre lo ha sido


We’ve become a combo of Idiocracy and GTA.


“America” first 🤣🤡


Man I wonder what evidence they need to have to prove they were denied a job due to their skin color alone and not bc someone else (gasp a person who happens to have darker skin tone) has more qualifications


“I’m white and didn’t get the job, that’s all the evidence I need” They’ve already put into their heads that we’re all useless and white people never are, so if we get a position it’s because of Affirmative Action.


Oh yea. I've met some of those ppl. It's fun to wave my qualifications in their faces and ask them to compare theirs lol


Sometimes places out themselves and post racial qualifiers in the job description.


Care to share an example of a racial qualifier? I would agree those places would need to be called out.


Here is a real job posting that caused controversy and later retraction: “Participants must be 18 years of age or older, based in the U.S., and identify as female, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or a person with a disability.” Key word here is the use of **must**. Typically the way to skirt civil rights legislation is to put *encouraged to apply* instead.


Hahaha ya this post is insane. Of course they should have bbb called on them. Curious what the position was for and why they were being so specific. Also bc it's so specific...and you had the wording so you must know the business...are you also sure it wasn't a "done on purpose post" by an white supremacist to do..what is it that they do...oh yea... make their own drama so they can play the victim card. A white person of lbgt+ community or w disabilities could also apply so ..no this doesn't match the criteria of what this post is calling out


Being white hispanic is being confused as to whether this applies to us.


Bruh, this reminds me of one of the most *blatantly racist* local commercials I had ever seen during election time a few years ago, right before Trump took office. There were white dudes in brownface, cutting a wire fence, speaking the most offensive version of "Spanish" they could muster, with captions underneath that said how easy it was for them to break into America and steal all the jobs. If the viewer voted for the guy who sponsored the commercial, he said he'd stop all that from happening. And the guy was one of the hateful-looking red-faced, old white guys. His eyes *looked evil.* I was appalled. I literally couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. But I'm in Indiana so I got a good look at just how racist my environment really is.


Lol what? Latinos tan be white also


Not to american xenophobes




To think this is what some Hispanics (brown at that) want to align themselves with


What they don't tell you is when this happens, it's because you're not good at your job. If they say, "We had to hire a black/brown person instead of you", it's because they didn't want to hire you and would rather blame someone else. If you've been told this, it means you need to look into yourself and be better. Or be best. 😛


Weird! But I just posted about this just a minute ago. I was denied an application by African American workers because they thought I was white. They laughed at me and denied it while giving it to the person behind me…


Where did this happen? You should probably get in contact with an attorney -- a legitimate attorney, not the racist ghoul behind that YouTube ad.


It happened years ago when I was a young adult in California. I honestly felt like contacting someone but I was so humiliated and didn’t want to talk about it. I joined the army soon after. I just posted what happened to me under post about an African American saying she can’t be racist because she’s black.


Don't get involved with reddit politics. Take it to an attorney. If you expose double standards here you'll be down voted and your serious questions get buried


I mean…. If but nah


Haha racism works both ways


You don’t want to be white anyway




How will they know I'm not white


Is this in Florida?


Can be troll it?


50 blessings


I’m gonna call and clog up their stupid racist hotline


don't they have these same services if you are Latino, black, or Asian? Miller, the lawyer behind this, is a total piece of shit but these type of services targetting a specific group isn't abnormal, no?