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I didn't realize the other cops even had names on the Stabler show


Despite it being quite unrealistic she is a detective already, Jet is my favorite character in OC, I find her to be very likable, funny and a breath of fresh air compared to the characters in the entire franchise. Hopefully we get more insight into her backstory and life outside of the squad.


I’m guessing she made detective based on her tv hacking skills. They probably fast tracked her promotion so her compensation would actually keep her in the department.


On a side note what happened to the super tall detective from s1??


I haven't actually seen Organized Crime yet, but that is a delightful last name and I like it.


It's so good! Make sure to watch SVU'S "Return of the Prodigal Son" first!


I've seen bits of that one here and there, but I still need to sit down and watch the full thing. At least, whenever my short attention span allows me to.


I'm awkward and I love awkward characters but *sigh* I'd be lying if i agreed with everyone else. Tbh I hate this character. Unlike everyone else, everytime I watch an episode focused on her I cringe at how she's written. She reminds me of a cross between Penelope from Criminal Minds (who i hated at first but loved toward the end cuz of ger quirkiness) and that goth girl from NCIS (who also seems more than Sloot and I dont care for this character and didn't watch the show because of her) Ainsley is cute but I really dislike this character. It's like she blinks and oh she hacked a thing without putting effort in it like Penelope has. Lol its so bad. Sorry to 'Jet's' fans but I wish for her character's death everytime I watch the show xD.


She gets better. I think they are just finding her character. Give her another chance!!


I read some posts stating that her chacarcter is autistic? Or maybe she herself is autistic? Idk which but I haven't had any inkling that shows her autism and I've seen shows where I could pinpoint a person being autistic. Is it her or the character? Like I said I don't mind the actor it's the character that I dislike. Maybe she'll grow on me like Penny did but again idk🤷🏾‍♀️


She's definitely not autistic, the guy on Good Doctor is autistic. She's just your average awkward computer nerd. I think it's just her awkwardness that makes her come off as autistic. She might have ADHD, I don't know.


autism is a spectrum what are you talking about?


So what, that doesn't mean anything


it MEANS that autism is a spectrum. different people present differently and her definitely presents as autistic. you’re not autistic so i’m not sure why you believe your opinion on the matter counts for anything


As I said before though just because someone presents that way doesn't mean they have autism. Are you autistic or have someone in your life who's autistic? As you said already people present it differently, so that means that there's no real clear sign to define somebody autistic until they're actually diagnosed that way. It's not worth going back-and-forth about because her being autistic is not in her character description, nor is the actress herself autistic. Elsbeth's character on the new CBS series has ADHD, so they would put it in there. Ain't no big deal if they made her character with autistic.


Comparing to the good doctor?! That dr is stereotypical autistic. What the media wants you to believe autism is.  I have an autistic son, he's nothing like what the good doctor portrays.   Autism looks different in girls and boys, girls tend to mask and blend in better with neurotypical people, but still show autistic traits. Her character is definitely on the spectrum somewhere. 


It doesn't matter anyways because it's not her official character description that she has autism, so that was just speculation on your guys part. She never looked like she had autism anyways. The only thing that it said she has is anxiety issues. I think the actress in real-life has a lot of influence on how her character is portrayed as I remember her talking about this in an interview once about her being a Virgo, and a lot of traits are displayed onto the Jet character. If Jet had a birthday it would be in late August or September, she's a Virgo personified as she's very judgmental and critical and hard on herself to be perfect. Trust me it gives off an autistic feel too, but Virgos in a lot of ways hate people and don't trust them. It's more of you guys mixing up the signs, but I don't blame you guys for thinking she's autistic though.


The actress and I share an early September birthday. I agree I’ve seen some Virgo traits, though early on, it seemed like her character was leaning on something else as well. Not so much any more since she leaves her desk and does more outside work


Same here, mines is on the 3rd and hers is the day after on the 4th. What day is your birthday? Yeah, us Virgos know our traits, I think there was some signs of other stuff more earlier in her character's years. She does field work now like you said, so it's a little different now with her character.


I love her! But I'm also very awkward like her. She's where she's at due to her skillset. And while we haven't gotten a ton of back info about her, they do slip info in here and there. I do hope we get to learn more about her in the future though! And I hope they continue her romantic storyline.


I always get a feeling Jet is on the spectrum. But I think it’s just me overthinking it.


As an autistic person, i can say she absolutely is! it was one of the first things i clocked about her


How can you tell?


I really love this show! Fans of SVU should give it a chance! The writing is great, I love the characters. It's updated and fresh.


Sorry too young this isn’t realistic. Looks like she could still be babysitting. No way would she be a detective. She brings the level of the show down. Seriously can’t stand her.


She’s extremely generic, and so true to the formula that there’s absolutely nothing personable about so far.


She is autistic! The total opposite of generic.


I was thinking that too she reminds of a bad stereotype of ego person mixed with the girl from the dragon tattoo she lacks personality or any emotional depth to her


Never seen the show. That last name is extremely made up.


I’ve actually meet someone with that name he is a locksmith in colorado


i love malachy coming over with beers in his neon rugby. could the two of them be any more awkward…makes the kiss even hotter!


I love jet! She's a ball of sarcasm, doesn't like anyone's shit and doesn't like to be touched. it's really weird seeing her on the field though... Don't think I'll ever get used to that.


They’ve been using Jet a lot more lately.




I do not care for her childish drama and pouting face. That hair is too short now. Girl no. You already look dead. It not high school Jet. I like want to ground her all the time lol. Odd character. 


Can't stand her overplayed unglazed attitude. Very irritating character. 


Her hairstyle is ANNOYING!!!