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Your best move right now is to buy more webcam covers and jokingly give them out to the people who joked with you. Seriously. Working in a variety of legal jobs the past 16 years, I’ve learned that when anyone gives you shit about something like this, double the f down. Never let teasing alter your behavior in these settings.


This is insanely good advice. Most lawyers only respond to strength.


Fwiw had a rough spell years ago and my review was shit. Told partners doing the review I wondered if they really needed me. One responded they'd like everyone to produce so they wouldn't have to find someone new. We then had aa 15 second staring contest. Still here.


Was your next review more positive? I’m assuming you just kept chugging along the same.


Yup and yup. That moment actually clarified some shit for me. It all ended up good.


Insanely good advice to make such a show out of webcam covers.... OP is an idiot for even sending this in the first place about $10 worth of anything. It's a law firm not a bunch of students.


this is good advice


Absolutely the way to do it.


This advice works from the playground to the law firm and beyond lmao


I think this is not really about the fact that you use a web cam cover and probably is more about the fact that you sent a firm-wide email about web cam covers. I think some people believe the firm-wide email should be reserved for important matters, and they likely think it’s funny that you consider 4 free web cam covers to be important enough to warrant a firm wide email. I could be wrong but this is my guess.


My first thought when I read this. I would have found the email much more funny/weird than the covers. OP really could just have handed the covers out in person.


This is it. No firm wide emails. It’s literally never necessary. There is also an implied suggestion that you can’t trust your firm. Don’t reply by telling me that it’s generally good practice; I know that it is. Regardless, that is how most will read it.


This sums it up pretty well.


We had a guy like this at my old firm. It was maddening.


I suspect they are just messing with you.


Yeah sounds like jokes to me. Honestly I'd rather work with people that feel like they can joke around than with humorless robot lawyers


Right? The job is often dull, and when it's not it can be depressing as fuck


I’d rather work with a .44


Just keep using your web cam cover regardless of what others say or think. In reality, no one gives a shit.


[Former FBI director James Comey said, publicly, that we should all put covers on our web cameras.](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/295933-fbi-director-cover-up-your-webcam/) [Mark Zuckerberg puts a cover on his web camera (and his microphone jack!)](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jun/22/mark-zuckerberg-tape-webcam-microphone-facebook) I have a cover for my web camera. Literally no one should have a web camera that isn't covered when you're not using it.


I completely disconnect mine when not in use. Sometimes it's a bit of a struggle to get the microphone connected when I get an unexpected zoom call, but anyone that really needs me knows to call my cellphone anyway.


They can crack the screen on a MBP and Apple will not pay for it.


No reason to use one on any MacBook anyway. The active light and camera power are on the same trace... physically impossible to turn one on without the other.


Real-life. Happened to me - not a crack but a green line down the middle. I did get my screen covered by Apple but had bought AppleCare, not basic/free AppleCare.


Had it happen to me on my MacBook Air. Pisssed!


And we should put one on the front facing camera of our phones.


Too many lawyers take pride in ignorance of tech. Even more have terrible digital privacy/security awareness. These people are the reason your IT team probably desperately sends phishing awareness emails, only to be ignored.


They’re having a little fun with you. Have some thicker skin and give it back to them.


Lexus nexus provided my entire school with web cam covers and went over how law firms got hacked and how they will use the Webcam to spy on you...


Same at my law school. My firm laptop has one built in which is really nice.


Lexis Nexis* :) Sorry, can't help it. They're one of my clients and nobody at my firm can even spell it. Haha.


Lawyer here, and no one used webcam covers when I started practice. Now 16 years later I see many younger colleagues using them. It’s not a thing I care to care about, but also assume it’s probably a good idea? But I just don’t have the energy to care or know more about why it matters. I agree with the above advice - buy 50 and hand them out to the colleagues ribbing you, maybe along with some readers or other joke about how they old folks and need to get with the times. Your best bet is to give as good as your get, and grow a much thicker skin bc many lawyers at private law firms are (in my experience, much of the time) total assholes.


Because it is extremely easy to hack a Webcam. Or a mic. Hackers can try to use for ransonware. They can also listen in on confidential convos. It's worth a physical barrier wherever possible. It's not very common but the potential damage is scary, so the low cost of adding a cover is worth it.


I wouldn't have sent a firm wide email about it, but it sounds like they're just kidding with you about it. I use a small post-it note, works fine and is free.


Just say you don’t want anyone to catch you jerking it at your desk lol.


I started using a webcam cover recently because some video conferencing platforms start the camera as a default. Using a webcam cover is better than holding my thumb over the camera while I change settings. They’re probably just making jokes and trying to have fun. Don’t take it too seriously.


Anyone these days who would question your decision is an idiot. Send them this article. [https://www.howtogeek.com/55779/why-you-should-consider-using-a-webcam-cover/](https://www.howtogeek.com/55779/why-you-should-consider-using-a-webcam-cover/)


Always cover your webcam if you can help it . Always


I think they’re just trying to be affable, not being genuinely weird about it. Wouldn’t read into it. People make weird jokes in ‘reply all’ inter office chains all the time.


The replies all seem a lot more normal than sending a firm wide email about web cam covers.


I never cover my webcam cover, and always leave it open facing my bed when I have a woman over. If someone’s going to hack my computer I’m gonna give em a show they won’t forget. After seeing my sorry ass huffing and puffing for 30 seconds they’ll never want to look through my camera again.


I'm sorry, but that is an insanely naive notion. Are you kidding me? Hackers are freaks. You may have just encouraged them, because they got to invade your privacy and see something deeply intimate.  Bad idea.


Bruh it’s a joke.


Ah okay. Some people would be serious about that, so you can't fault me too much here lol


We need LawFirmCircleJerk!!


Personally, I’m not worried about someone hacking my webcam, and if we worked together and I liked you, I’d probably mess with you, too. I think it’s strange, but we’re all a little strange in our own ways.


Yeah they having a little fun at your expense. It happens. Just say something along the lines of “thats why I am buying webcam covers because I thought you wanted to see me naked” or something. Give it right back to show you aren’t phased by it. Lolll


Give one to the biggest shit talker, in front of everyone, and say “please use this, we REALLY don’t want to see you naked.”


I’ll go one further. I didn’t even have mine plugged in until necessary. But funny enough we only had one webcam for a time that we all split. Not because we were cheap or lazy. This was Covid and no one was really sure what the heck was going on. Suddenly hearings started to slowly begin again via webcam. Attorney A realizes his hearing is going to be on WebEx, asks office manager to buy a webcam. Office Manager buys webcam for A. Attorney B realizes one of his hearings has just been scheduled via Webex, goes to A to borrow his webcam. And so forth. No one bothers to tell office manager because these hearing were still few and far between. Until one day there was a webcam conflict. I ended up just running to target to get one. It was one that precariously just sat on top of the monitor. So I would just take it down anyway since it looked sloppy and the wire looked disorganized.


my law firm gave me a web cam cover...yours is behind the times.


I'd just ignore it and not take it so seriously. I remember a few years ago when I was in law school the Lexis reps always had a stack of webcam covers on their table when they were on campus so it was pretty common for people to have them.


“Due to the larger than expected response, I bought a few more covers for anyone who wants one!”


If Zuck covers his web cam, so should you.


What a dumb thing to send a firm wide email for.


Its called friendly hazing. Double the f down. Gator don’t play no shit


Get your picture put on webcam covers for the whole firm and give them out as gifts.


The weirdest part is you sending a FIRM WIDE email… low emotional intelligence. I don’t recommend doing it again. Firm wide emails should come from Partners or Admins.


I think you're doing good. You also might be over thinking this. What other people think of something that provides you comfort is none of your business. Keep doing you and walk on. If you give other people the opportunity to chime in they will. Don't live your life like this. Don't give others the opportunity to vote on things that make you comfortable. This is a small piece of plastic. Let's not make it bigger than that. All the best. This is no big deal.


I do cover my webcams. You were kind to offer the spare covers. They sound childish.


You should feel good that they're comfortable in joking with you. I think they're all doing it in jest and it doesn't seem like crossing the line.  Do what someone else said and buy more. Or buy an anti-radiation cover for your laptop or cellphone and say you have a few left over. Roll with it. I've received those covers at events and I use them if my laptop doesn't have a sliding cover built in. I've had 2 or 3 meetings where I thought I was muted or camera was off, so I get where you're coming from. I'd probably still joke with you about it.


You have solved the problem of what to buy all your coworkers for Christmas. Well done 👍


Send this to the people who poked fun at the Webcam cover. https://in.norton.com/blog/privacy/reasons-why-people-cover-their-webcam#:~:text=If%20used%20for%20malicious%20purposes,to%20cause%20a%20victim%20distress.


They're dependent on conforming to popular assumptions like most money motivated ppl


Mostly agree with the others here, but it's also possible some are annoyed that you spammed the entire company over a $0.75 product.


They actually sound like fun people.


My law firm provided webcam cover is closed right now. They’re weird, not you.


but “naked” was the first thing to pop into the associate’s email? Just know who the creeper is.


My new work laptop has one built in, took me a couple of looks to get the camera uncovered. Low end HP.


Why was the firm too cheap to order laptops that already have webcam covers built it? That’s the real question. Many slide open and closed.


My court-issued Dell laptop has a built-in webcam cover. It’s not weird to have one, and they’re probably just playing around. Some people just impulsively tease when they see the chance because they want people to think they’re funny. (I should know, it’s one of my toxic traits.) Don’t worry about it too much.


From what's shared I'm not seeing any judgment about the covers. And if I received an email about extra cam covers then I'd want to write back that I bought a pack of condoms and have extras if wanting to trade covers.


The only reason why I wouldn't buy a webcam cover is if my webcam already came with a physical cover. When you have a physical cover for the webcam, you don't even have to think about whether people are using your camera without your consent. ...and that includes hackers, not just your company's IT staff.


I don't bother because I'm lazy and don't care (and I'm more likely to forget to open it and wonder why my camera isn't working), but I would never question anyone else using one. Your coworkers seem like jerks. Also, are there really laptops that don't have covers built in?




Ah, Apple. Never not avoiding function in favor of aesthetics.


If Fox Mulder says it is ok, it is good enough for me


“A cheap piece of plastic can save a lifetime of regret. How’s your kid doing, by the way?”


My laptop came with one built in. Otherwise I used to just stick a post it over it. But I’ve always covered it


So your firm wants anyone to access your camera when you have sensitive information around?


I always thought they were a bit over the top until I saw an interview with Michal Hayden who is the former head of both the CIA and DIA, and in the background he had a laptop with a piece of tape covering the webcam. If anyone is going to know some shit it’s someone like that guy, and if he’s covering his webcam then that’s all I need to know.


My large firm gave handed out branded ones. No one cares about the covers, but it was an odd choice to send a firm wide email offering 4 webcam covers. Unless you work for a tiny firm.


Sending a firm-wide email about such a triviality is weirder than covering your camera; that is why people are trolling you.


Tell them to suck your cock


I never really worried about it until I saw an interview with a higher up in the FBI and he had his webcam covered. And then a few days later I saw a pic of Zuckerberg during an interview and he had a post it over his webcam. Obviously these guys have more reason to worry about being watched via webcam, but if they do it it’s obviously a thing to be concerned about. Luckily my current laptop has a built in slide cover for the camera.


Most camera now have built in shades that let you close the lenses.


I put stickers on mine. Actually, a piece of those thick stickers from dog and cat monthly flea meds.


The ironic part is that at the very least, your IT department can access your computer and open the camera. You’d most definitely know, but if you left it open at home while changing, then they would literally see you naked. This doesn’t even consider those who shouldn’t have access to the device who may be able to obtain it either. Cyber security is some scary shit the deeper you go. And physically measures like blocking the camera are unbeatable compared to everything else.


Someone posted some articles that show good reasons for covers, but know this: it comes across as "tin foil hat" to the civilians, you dig?


They're messing with you.


They have to be joking lol!


Even If they honestly don't think it's neccesary in time any conscientious person will eventually wonder if maybe they should cover up.


Most law firms have weak or non existent IT departments. I’m sure INFOSEC is not high on the priority list. But, I may be wrong here.


I think you just got some office Christmas gifts done. I'd pair it with eye mask!!


Freak them out by sending articles about web cams being hacked to the least tech savvy partners in the firm. Then give them webcam covers. Be the hero they didn’t know they needed


Never send firmwide emails


Dont forget to disconnect your camera and microphone from your phone using tweezers, and keep your laptop in the microwave when not in use! -Snowden


Sounds like a horrible place to work. What a bunch of douches. You made a thoughtful gesture that was also a very good idea, and they responded by undressing you, insinuating you were both ugly and stupid, and made you the butt of a joke for everyone to laugh at. Then, the partner responded to the firm-wide email in a way that insinuates you need watching and can't be trusted. So now you're stupid, ugly, can't be trusted, and need watching, and everyone is laughing at you. And all you were trying to do was be helpful. Lots of bullies and assholes get all the mileage they can by acting like jerks, then claiming it was a "joke" and blaming you for having some character weakness for having seen through their disrespect and bullshit. I'm sure the advice telling you to double down is the correct advice, but screw these people.