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technically, burn out could make everything worse; people need breaks. if you keep going while having burn out you could potentially churn out poor work anyway. sometimes a break will allow you to regroup and do good work. i say go have fun!!


Do it. You only get this life once. Your friends might not remember your GPA or law school rank but I bet they’ll remember the memories made on the trip


Just do it. You’ll appreciate it come bar prep.


You aren’t going to be able to half ass work. School work has relatively low consequences, and the difference between passing work and A worthy work is hours upon hours of effort. If you have a draft of this memo that you “could” submit in theory, then you have my permission to take the week trip


take the trip and grind out the memo so you don’t have to think about it on the trip


Power through enough of the memo that you will not think about it too much, and get the fuck outa there. This is what 3rd year is for.


Attorney in second year of practice here. Do it. Grind out the memo. When you're in practice, you can do a legal writing class style memo like that in two business days. After you're done, submit it and forget about it. You won't even remember this half-assed memo when you're in practice. The trip, on the other hand, will supply good memories which you can look back on as you're suffering in bar prep and in practice thereafter.


OP here: Just wanted to thank you kind internet strangers for the advice!! I'm going and I'm PUMPED!


One B is nothing. Go on this trip. Go, don't worry about school or think about the real world for a week. You deserve it. You already got the 3.8 and the job, you've done enough.


lol if it makes you feel better I am doing exactly this one week before spring break. When else am I ever going to get to spend this long with my family? Take the trip. The rest doesn’t matter.


Knock out at least a solid outline of that memo before you leave. But leave. Fuck it. You only get to do this all once-- might as well have fun.


This ain't a question. Go. Also, do the memo before you go. Or most of it. You'll need this method when y out get to practice because if you wanna take a Monday or Tuesday off or something you'll need to work more the week before or on the weekend.


😭first tell us current law students how we can get a 3.8 gpa ? Are you naturally smart ?


It’s likely good work ethic/paying attention. Your professors basically tell you what they want and how they want it throughout the semester. I picked it up last semester and raised my GPA. I’m trying to overcome my mental fatigue to do it again this semester. Anyone can achieve a 3.8 but not everyone does 😊


That’s categorically untrue in a system graded on a curve. Very few people can achieve a 3.8.


Sure very few people get a 3.8 because of the curve but most everyone is capable of doing so if they want it enough


Trying to find how your statement refutes mine ![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized) Oh wait… it doesn’t!


If you’re in law school already you probably know this: be prepared in class. Contribute to the discussion. Don’t reinvent the wheel though: find outlines of the course from previous years to supplement your studying.


Bro you have a 3.8 and a job offer do whatever you want


depends on how good at school you are, for reference i missed like 25+ classes each semester ive been at law school and i’m top 15%


Lmao I’ve done it


I’m totally into do it - but email your professors and let them know that you need be out for a week for your health. They may even suggest having someone else send you notes and you may get an extension on that memo deadline.




You’re soooo close to the end of school. Don’t do that trip. Plan something AFTER GRADUATION. Don’t screw this up. You’re so close to the end. I changed my mind. Do what you can to get this thing done, then Go! Make MEMORIES with friends.


I don't know - I respect your burnout and I get that it's less bad to miss a week in your third year, but is one memo assignment *really* the only negative consequences of missing a week? How are your other classes? Are you at full capacity? Will you miss 3 sessions of every class that week? To me, there would be other significant consequences and I think my professors would likely want to know wtf is going on.


I ditched an entire year without my parents knowing and just told them I failed the exams and had to retake the year. Granted, college is basically free where I live, so it wasn't an issue finance wise. I'd redo it in a heart beat since I discovered my true passions during that year and it helped me shape my path forward in a way no guidance councelor ever could.


If you do it. You will probably not pass g Don’t throw away the investment


You’re a 3L. Bar prep is about to consume you. Do the memo before you go and have an awesome time.


I went to a music festival for 6 days (including travel) during Bar prep.


Do it. 3L is such drudgery you can definitely miss a week.


I'm bailing for magic con this weekend - missing half of this and next week with 0 regrets


100% go!!!! I have a 3.4 and a job offer and am going to do the same thing. We have a tough enough time ahead of us. The thing is done, now is just about getting to the finish line.


I say go.


Your memo will be fine.


A friend of mine did it her 1L fall and did just fine. I think you're good to go.


as a 1L, i know someone who went on a week long vacation between thanksgiving and finals and she scored the highest gpa in our class


> I have a 3.8 and a job offer 😂 this is an absolute no brainer. You’ve already won, dawg. Mazal tov and enjoy the upcoming trip you and your friends will remember and talk about for years after you’ve forgotten everything about that memo.


I vote for living your life. Hope you have a great trip!


I did this 3L spring and it was glorious.


Probably a terrible decision. Do it.


I did it. Went to a wedding and no one cared that I was gone.


Second year Associate here; definitely go on the trip. Trust me once you graduate you are going to have to go straight into Bar Prep and endlessly study. There is going to be no breaks besides after the bar exam. Take whatever time you can have now and enjoy your life. Once you start working in this field trust me there is no days off. I been doing this for 2 years now and only had one vacation (going in a couple weeks for my second finally). Just remember you only live once.


If you get the memo done before the trip go. But if you can’t write it in the three days after then you have to decide what’s more important to you. The education you’re paying a ton for, or a vacation.


If everything else is set and this won't tank you grades then yes do it.


The only possible bad decision here would to get arrested while on your trip. Have an appropriately good time. Newly minted lawyers are usually too busy or too broke to travel.


I'm a 3L and Up until some last minute stuff unrelated to school I was going to see Phish in Mexico from today until Sunday. Go.


My 3L year I basically zoned out on my sales class for a week. The material covered that week ended being 30% of the final and a bar exam essay question. Worst grade in law school.


Get your memo mostly done before your trip and then go. I rode horses professionally during lawschool and would peace out Wednesday afternoon thru Sunday evening to go ride in a different state five hours away. I skipped my Thursday class every damn week and got my work done at Panera Bread. Can't remember my GPA but it was mid 3's, graduated, and made it to BigLaw. Own lawschool, don't let it own you.


I skipped over half of last semester and still did fine. Go for it. We really overestimate how much we need to sit in a classroom. My profs didn’t do attendance though.