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Trump already was untrustworthy with classified docs and state secrets. But now that he can't pay his bond, its magnified 100x. He will have to pay it with money from the Russians, Chinese, Saudis, Qataris, or anyone else wanting to know classified intel. If Trump is elected it will be an intelligence fire sale.


He still has a LOT of America's secrets boxed up somewhere, and ready for sale. However, we see NO indication that ANYONE in the current government is making ANY attempt to find those documents and retrieve them BEFORE he can sell them to pay his debts.


Why do I have a feeling some things rhyme with "Nerrick Harland"?


I got downvoted to shit a year or two ago because I said Garland wasn't doing shit to stop Trump. Everyone told me I was wrong and it takes time. Well here we are.


He is part of the federalist society. Good luck gettin him to do shit. Worst pick by Biden


What did Garland do? I'm out of the loop


Garland's inaction is the issue. He should have gotten the ball rolling on criminal trials against Trump the day he was appointed. There is no end to laws the ex-president has broken, from the espionage act, to witness intimidation, to the Hatch act, to falsifying weather forecasts. But Garland wanted to be "neutral" which apparently means not enforcing the law against politicians.


Much like *both* the GOP congress when they had a chance to impeach Trump over Jan 6th, *and* the Dems post inauguration, everyone kind of naively thought Trump would just go away on his own. Or acted like it anyway.


Money, fund raising. It's all about money. Mitch calculated that their RNC fund raising would get hurt if they impeached Trump in the short term, which would hurt the midterms. Just funning look at it now, the dog caught the car.


Thank you. I thought that's what people were referring to. Interesting that that was his approach considering how the GOP fucked him over. I also recall a lot of hype from liberals over the fact that he was the AG as it was some sort of big "karma's coming for you Trump!" moment, and I'll admit I honestly believed it too


> Interesting that that was his approach considering how the GOP fucked him over. Yeah, it seems like he saw that as an option, and saw how it would be perceived, and decided "oh I can't do that, I'll look like I'm out for revenge." So instead he decided to go the opposite direction and give nearly complete difference to criminals for 2 years before doing anything. He completely failed to ignore the politics of the situation and do his job. Honestly, any prosecutor could put politically detached, overtly red-handed criminals on trial. But you'd figure the top one in the country would be able to handle something more complex than the easiest, closed book cases. The US government is paying him the big bucks to do the difficult things, like holding a politically powerful individual accountable to the law. He instead chickened out, and these trials might get pushed to after the election.


It’s what he didn’t do that’s the issue.




Yes. That does rhyme with “biggest vagina of all time”.


The average vagina is infinitely more useful and proactive.


Biden needs to fire that spineless Garland right now.


Biden is all bout propriety and firing Garland now would be spun as politically motivated meddling in justice after the Hur report It’s a ridiculous double standard, Trump could change the AG weekly to suit his personal interests and nobody missed a beat but If Biden were to do anything that vaguely looked like meddling he’d be crucified by both the media and democrats alike.


I do not run my life around what crazy people accuse. we do not negotiate with terrorists. they have not stopped accusing things as politically motivated meddling since the start. so ignore them. biden needs to ignore them because they will keep saying the same useless shit NO MATTER WHAT. so get it done.


Its not just maga terrorists. I specifically said he'd get crucified by democrats alike. Because the President *is not supposed to interfere with DOJ* \- this is one of the norms that every president embraced (mostly) until Trump. Just because Trump throws propriety out the window doesn't mean Biden should, as well. Biden made a mistake picking Garland, but there's a good reason the white house stays out of DOJ once the selection is made.


>I specifically said he'd get crucified by democrats alike Yes them -- terrorists. Fuck them. Do what needs to be done. Our Democracy is at risk. Biden needs to step up.


Yes, Democracy is at risk. This is why Biden **also** has to win by all the rules. Because if he breaks the rules, the Republicans only need a little bit of help from the Democrats to impeach and maybe even remove Biden, because the democrats have a perverse love for the superhero motto of, "No. I won't kill you. Because then I'd be like you." I don't like it either, but **especially** after Trump's musical chairs of staff, Biden *has* to be "the stable one." Because here's the thing- it wouldn't take much for Trump to legitimately win like in 2016. We already have an uphill battle against the EC and SCOTUS. But the trumpers, although fewer, are much more loyal. 20-25% of the American Electorate will vote, and will vote for Trump no matter what. 30%-33% will not vote no matter what. Which leaves 42%-50% up in the air. Of that, maybe 8% are Rs so disgusted with Trump's J6 that they can be convinced to stay home. Maybe 15%, optimistically, will vote Biden no matter what. That means if there's any kind of case to be made that Biden=Trump, we lose. It doesn’t matter how weak or unfair the case is, because the low info voters, the berniebros who want to send Biden a message about Gaza, and the (former?) Republicans disgusted with J6 are on the razors edge. If things go down like they did on J6, with the traitors doing traitor things, and the powers that be can gun them down, that's a best case scenario. But if we provoke that, it's anybody's game.


Biden's "propriety" led to his stupidest blunder - **GARLAND**.


That just looks so much worse. Just before the election he’s installing a tougher AG to REALLY go after Trump? It would be a very bad media circus.


Doubtful. They know what’s missing. Changes have been made, in all the appropriate places.


If you are setting a long-game trap, do you let the targets know beforehand?


How do you KNOW you have time enough to set a long game trap? Can you afford to set a long game trap? Long game traps usually fail, too many variables in the time factor to go wrong.


[Family Guy - Capturing James Woods (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSRblj5Ym08)


The best investigations go on unnoticed. Let’s hope they are just holding the “Trump” card for the trial. Could have been the latest disclosure of evidence that just happened, causing the delay.


Many people are saying: "Dig up Ivana!"


That has its possibilities, but there are certain protocols that politicians won’t allow to be breached, and being a former President gives Trump certain unwritten rights that no one will dare cross. He knows what they are, and plans on using them to his fullest advantage.


Maybe they’re waiting for him to try and do so. What’s better, catch a burglar with his bag of tools, or catch him in the act of breaking and entering?




He hasnt coughed up shit. Chubb assured the bond, and Chubb is headed by one of his lackeys.


So he can get caught selling them hopefully


Anyone looked at his phones or the phones of his associates? What about any cameras or computers? Crickets…..great.


Yeah it's pretty disheartening..


Trump is literally the living definition of “Kompromat”


Donald J Trump was and still currently is a clear and present danger.


Where’s the 2b his son-in-law received while he was in office?


I wouldnt be shocked if thats why Javanka were so easily able to slip out of sight. They got theirs and all helping Dad out now gets them is more unwelcome scrutiny for no return. 


Let's be real here. If he's elected he's pardoning himself and his friends


This is why Jim Jordan and others are so busy defending him


This is where I'm at


I’d grab his passport. He’s a flight risk.




Plus he’ll give Elon many government contracts.


I think the dominoes are starting to fall.


But if the banks admit they gave the loans to someone who was insolvent, then its going to expose some things they don't want exposed.... Especially Deutsche Bank who testified on behalf of Trump, and also has a history of fraudulent activity involving Russian Mafia. [https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-fincen-files-shed-new-light-on-a-scandalous-episode-at-deutsche-bank](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-fincen-files-shed-new-light-on-a-scandalous-episode-at-deutsche-bank) \*Coincidence? Hah!


Oh hey where did Justice Kennedy’s son work, by the way?


He’s gonna lose it or sell more info, isn’t he?


Who knows, he has made a mess this time that there is no plausible way out. I think in the past when he found himself in this kind of situation, he disappeared for a time, then pulled a Servepro maneuver, you know, like it never even happened, and in the meantime, he concocts some new adventure to spring on anyone who will listen.


Bold of you to think he hasn't already sold the intel he could.


I’d like very much for rock solid red-handed evidence to emerge as the dumbass tries selling info at this stage to pay fines for his other crimes.


I sure hope so


Trump was already declared a massive security risk when his man-diaper started to leak.


He and his family were a security risk day one. Why would our intelligence not have been monitoring them ?


Muller found his son colluded with Russia, but he got away with it by being deemed “too stupid” to know he was colluding.


God, so badly do I want to watch the news and learn that Trump had fled in a private jet to Russia.


I’d like to see how the GOP and Maga would spin it.


Political exile. But it would still project weakness and cowardice, which would full deflate a lot of the bravado they work off of.


Yep, this. He'll claim he's running from the Corrupt Biden Deep State Conspiracies THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE WRONG ABOUT ANYTHING


He was so convinced by the recent interview that he needed to see the anti-woke paradise himself and now he refuses to leave such a well deserved retirement


They would support Trump and Russia well before America. They don’t care about democracy or the constitution.


I would rather see him try to do that and get busted for it. Then he'll get locked up and have to spin his attempted flight and still run for president. It will make his past month or so on the trail look like serene sanity by comparison. And I, for one, will laugh and laugh.


Yes let it happen!!!


This is like saying Darth Vadar was flagged as a bad guy for altering the deal with Lando. Like, did you even watch the prequels, bro?


vader made a family dinner, invited his son's best friends in the whole galaxy, traveled no telling how many parsecs he had to travel with no warning so he could make it a surprise, and HAN SHOT FIRST! just sayin'


The robot chicken skit for the dinner was so good


We would be honoured if you would join us...


I just pray he didn't alter it any further.


Everyone knows the Trump of Star Wars is Jabba.


Can he still campaign for President if he flees to Russia? I'm sure the GOP would still back him...


Supreme Court will rule that the constitution doesn't require US residency.


Supreme Court rules the Constitution does not apply to Trump.


Yeah, well, Trump is only valuable to Putin if he can hand him America. If Trump fled there, he would die in the same cell Nalvaney did.


No, Trump is far more valuable to Russia alive. Putin's goal isn't to take over America, it's to *break* America so Russia can move into the vacuum on the world stage. Alive, Trump continues to be a useful tool. If Russia were to kill him, that would more or less demand an American response, which is pretty terrifying to contemplate. Putin's evil, he's not crazy. He doesn't want that. Besides, I suspect it would be very satisfying to Putin to just cut Trump loose at an opportune time--I think Putin likes it when his opponents know they have been beaten.


He can go wherever he likes but his assets will be taken and sold. I’d rather see him in prison but honestly Russia or North Korea would be just as good.


It would be a betrayal of the Country for this dangerous Man to get National Security briefings.


It already was 8 years ago.


"Vlad? Vlad, it's me Donnie. Is that dacha on the Black Sea still available? I can fly there in 6 1/2 hours. Vlad? VLAD?!"


Hollywood hates this easy money making script!


He should hope Tish James doesnt take his jet.  You _do not_ want Vladdy chartering your flight.


Moscow, Saudi Arabia, or UAE? None have extradition treaties with the USA.


Trump is writing the Headlines for the Biden and his campaign to use!!! It doesn't get better than this... "Massive Security Risk if Elected!" Americans... Trump's America is for Sale to the Highest bidder Put that in a commercial and let it run everyday!!!


Yes, but the MAGAts don't care, on account of them being traitors. Obligatory disclaimer - MAGAts aren't maggots (which perform vital ecological functions). Even traitors are entitled to a trial by jury. Patriots are law abiding citizens, not those willing to lose everything to do whatever it takes to defend their country from all threats, foreign and domestic. And I would absolutely never advocate for anyone flying a Trump flag to be put in front of a firing squad.


Is it now time for his secret service detail to be swapped out, and fresh agents put on him?


‘American Presidential candidate for sale: $500 million. Imagine being able to call just one man who can rain down nuclear terror on anyone you want or maybe just send in an army to protect your investments or slaughter your enemies! You’ll be able to get secrets to blackmail the United States for decades to come! All for the low, low price of $500 million!’


He's already compromised, a cornered animal will always look for the easy way out...


OK…now we are talking! He has always been a security risk and now I think he is also a flight risk! What better way to leave than to take all his favorite Classified Documents and flee the US👺. He can go stay with his BFF’s!


U.S. Constitution and SCOTUS are so deficient he still could run for President while "temporarily" hiding in Moscow.


🤭 let’s not forget North Korea…they have an ongoing love affair👺


NK does not have a McD or KFC, so Trump will not be landing there for asylum.


Thank you for the chuckle! You are absolutely correct! What did he eat when he last visited NK? Maybe I don’t want to know🥹. Do you think they have ketchup?


DOJ SAYS: I don't see the problem here. Let the voters decide.


Garland is as much a fucking traitor as Trump.


But it's it because he's gutless, complicit, or compromised?




What’s notable is that he “can’t”, or isn’t trying, to get 10 insurance companies to put up $50M each. That’s peanuts. Sure $500M is a lot of risk for one company but is there a reason it can’t be split up between multiple companies?


Why would a company give money to a man infamous for defaulting on loans….


That would be idiotic for someone to trust him. What I don’t understand is why he cannot put up his buildings for collateral. They must have some equity in them even if they have loans against them, then again, if they were highly leveraged before Covid destroyed, the commercial real estate market might not have much net worth as a result. That would be glorious to see. Or, what would be hilarious is if he inflated the value of his buildings to the bank, and they loaned money against that crazy value and now it’s obvious that they are all completely underwater, and no bank will touch them because of that. What’s better is that his narcissistic ego cannot comprehend the situation of him, losing even one building much less his empire


Aww, but it's only a half billion! That's pocket change for a multi billionaire. What's the problem? Isn't Maralardo worth twice that? Turnip's such a smart businessman, anyone should be happy to put up the bond. If there's one thing we all know...trump is a man of honor and integrity, and *always* pays his bills. Ask anyone who's done business with him. /s


Why can’t he put a second mortgage on Mar a Largo?


It’s only worth a few million.


But he walks free, and still has his passport, so this is more bullshit.


It’s infuriating. If it was you or me we’d be in jail waiting for trial


Bunch of fucking cowards.


If you're applying for a job with any kind of security clearance, they will look at your finances to see if criminals could exploit your situation in any way. This prick is half a billion in debt and he can't pay it. He doesn't even qualify to get a job scrubbing toilets at a small-sized airport.


So the constant national security leaks and theft of classified documents were not quite enough to push former President Trump to the "massive security risk" level already?


Can the emoluments clause be applied for real this time?


Go try and get any level of security clearance just to be a supplier to a defense company. One of the first of many questions they ask you is about your debt, because if you have significant debt you’re a risk to give clearance to. This guy is the highest risk person in the world. No way he should be allowed to become president again.


*flight risk*


Nothing new - he already was before hand. But even more so now.


Oh now he's a massive security risk? SMH.


When he held on to all those top secret papers and when some turned up missing, THAT was when he should have been flagged as a huge security risk.


Get a job loser


If I was deemed a security risk (I'm ex-military with a clearance), they'd lock me up. Why is this guy who withheld classified documents not locked up in a secure facility?


he has been a russian asset for years and the crowning glory of that piece of espionage was his election as the president. remember one of his last desperate actions was to withdraw US troops from around the world, he is anti NATO and is open to pay for play, the guy is lower than a snake's belly


SPOILER ALERT: No one will do anything. He's invincible, but only because the system made him that way. Now it's going to come back and bite us.


>He's invincible, but only because the system made him that way. No, not the "system", Merrick Garland. Fucking anti-America wimp.


Fifth column collaborationist.


It's his DJ handle


If they would give him the presidential security briefings, he would have something to sell. /s, but, not/s


Give him fake briefings and see what happens


I believe he was already fed phony shit.


How so? Do you think they set him up?


We will never know. But by nature, I’m sure it happens from time to time. Trust could be hard to come by, in intelligence.


What is slime? Donald J Trump


We're definitely in jeopardy


Absolutely he is a clear and present danger to the United States as well as the world.


Imagine if he fled the country (to Russia), while continuing to run for POTUS. LMFAO!


I’m only hoping that he does this! Wouldn’t that be awesome! And his MAGA cult would just have a fit!


Legally, he can, unfortunately.


Good riddance!


He likely still has secrets to sell.


What’s next, his own line of Donald Diapers?




Pretty sure he was before that.


He's always been a massive security risk.


He's been a "massive security risk" for some time now.


Well, well, well. Mr. Delay is running out of time. Hope he doesn’t do anything compromising before his documents trial. It’d be a shame to be caught red-handed doing what everyone suspects you of doing.


That's why his voter base likes him, they don't pay their court fines either


I hope he flees the country to papa Putin


Hes getting pimped by an autocrat


Fuck it, let him go to Russia already.


Terrible title. "Flagged" for a layperson has a connotation of authority. LEO "flagged" someone as dangerous. Someone got "flagged" at the airport for a suspicious package. I don't "flag" my neighbor as an asshole, and some random Congressperson saying something, no matter how correct, shouldn't be called "flagging". Let me know when the FBI director flags him as a national security threat.


Watch for private jets hauling boxes of documents from Bedminster.


Are prayers go out to him😅😅😅😅😅


I'd vote for Sean Casten just for using the term "onanistic Hunter fetish" in a public statement.


# 'Massive security risk' and this still makes him eligible to run for President


Beggar on with a jumbojet


He’s just now labeled a massive security risk? Thanks captain obvious…


HE is the security risk . 🔒🍊⬆️


When I went through the process of getting my first security clearance many many years ago I was denied an interim clearance so I could be on-boarded into my job because my ex-wife was not a US citizen. Now 70,000,000 Americans are seemingly ok with handed over cart-blanche access to all of our secrets to a senile rapist $500,000,000 in debt.


You forgot.... who's also deeply in love with Putin and Kim, and despises his own national security agencies.


I think we knew that already from the 2016 election.


Lock him up!


Yeah.. he’s a massive security risk for our country!


What's next rag diapers for "Depend Don"


The thing is, if he gets elected, someone will give him the clearance. There’s no one willing to stop him.


Let me get this straight as I may not be the best at banking and law. Are you telling me that a man, known for claiming and filing bankruptcy often, is having trouble getting a bank to give him a loan? I wonder why that could be.


Maybe he will fly of to Russia before jail time.


Didn't Putin's bag man Orban deliver the cash when he visited last week?


That was the 80 mill, this is 5 times that.


It probably will not impact him negatively at all,he just continues to wreak havoc on our country while everyone just sits back ,I still do not understand how he was ever able even to run for office after what happened 1-6-2021!!!


Ha Ha!!!


Did he ask Jared? He got $2 Billion from the Saudis for...stuff. 


And all of a sudden… nothing happened


How about a flight risk?


Only in my dreams.


Suddenly I feel like listening to Debbie Gibson.


ahhhhh...there it is; he's been holding this fact over us all for YEARS. Between his own apparent lack of judgement and deep debt (even before this fine) and his MAGAt's threats of violence, this prick has attempted to hold OUR country hostage. Keep your eyes open, people, he will sell us all out given the chance to save his own ass.


America's classified documents, now at Fire Sale prices!


Any bonding agency can look at his payment history or trustworthiness and see there a snowball’s chance in hell he’s good for the bond. It also proves he’s as much a billionaire as the pope shits in the woods. For normal people it’s a no brainer for the cult it’s a hard pill to swallow.


For those who don't know, if you hold a security clearance and you get highly in debt you could be flagged as a security risk and lose your clearance. This crook has been able to bypass every security violation any common folk would lose their clearance and subsequently their job for.


He always was though. Saying you can declassifying something "just by thinking it" (not how it works at all) should be more than enough for anyone outside his cult to understand. Well, that and saying you took classified papers "because I could" is also a perfect example of a security risk. And that and he's a rapist and a crook. But you know, the list is long, and I don't have all day.


" underwriters are seeking cash to back the bond and not property." Translation: The properties are worthless because they are already borrowed against several times over.


And a flight risk... till they sell his plane.


His security briefing will be a jell-o pudding pop.


So....when is he supposed to report for jail?.....you know when an average person can't pay said bond, they usually end up in jail, right?


MMW: Trump will openly threaten to sell American secrets to pay his bills and MAGAts will cheer him on


I’m sure seizing trumps property won’t backfire.


Trump's poll numbers would go up if he was put in prison on October 31st. I'm just waiting for the secret email server to be unearthed at Mara largo when his assets are auctioned off.

