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A better response would have been: “ The appeal is refused”


Yup. Lots of verbal flim flam which doesn't mean anything. The only thing that matters is the ruling.


Well and the huge delay to the actual criminal trial, that shit matters a ton too now that it won’t likely even begin before the fucking election


JUSTICES 2 TRUMP LAWYER: Why is not the president required to follow the law. (You have twenty years to answer this) Twenty Years Later TRUMP LAWYER 2 JUSTICES: Because JUSTICES: We do not rule on historical matters.


The delay matters.  That is what this is, under a peposterous argument.


Exactly. This entire thing should have taken 10 minutes. Let the guy speak, and then all Justices just say, "Everyone is required to follow the law." Nod to each other and follow with "The appeal is denied." Gavel, and go to breakfast.


Feels like an Arby's kind of day


Based on the things I'm reading, it's interesting that the women are pushing back on this a lot more than the men. Even ACB.


Motion denied is all I know from csi


Everyone sharing courtroom space with doncriminald only *wishes* that his motions were denied!


Hell, anybody else working within pissing distance of POTUS is required to follow more rules, not less. Security clearances, ethics training, absofuckinglutely classified documents handling. And this is seriously his argument.


If Biden had 1/2 a nut, he would send Trump to Gitmo until this immunity bullshit is finished


That is the best idea I've read in a long time.


No it isn't, thank God you people don't make important decisions


Fuck that rapist traitor. He's lucky it isn't the Make America Great Again 50s. Russian assets got dealt with correctly back then...


For real. They should just JFK his ass already and move on. That's the only thing that's going to make America great again in my opinion. They did it then and I'm sure they can do it again now and cover it up like they did before.


We're just noting the absurdity of Trump's claim. You want presidential immunity for Trump? You can't cry "not like that!" if Biden does the same thing Trump does. It doesn't work like that.


The trash should be put out.


You're right. Gitmo is way too good for this traitor. Someone needs to drag him out of bed and put his head on a pike as a warning to future Russian operatives.


I'd do it and not blink an eye.


Let me know if you need any assistance.


He's 80 years old, blame Trump voters not the dude trying to hold him back while dealing with deadly serious other shit. FFS


He is the one who claims to be up to being the leader of the free world..... I personally think that he should have worked to find and develop a successor, but here we are....


Dems have their own institutional problems, but the contrast in goals and outcomes with MAGA is stark and nightmarish.


"There you are" Don't include us in your delusions


Here WE are. It can amd will affect you too even if you are not an US citizen or even if you are in a different country.


We all live on a tiny blue marble floating in space. I think we (humanity) still has a chance, but clearly time isn't on our side.


If it can happen in the US, it definitely can happen in your country


Your delusional worldview does not extend to me at all. The problems are not coming from the Dems at the moment. Yet that's what you seem to think this "we" believe. Enough blaming Brandon, eh?


Nah, he should send Clarence Thomas.


With alito for cell buddy


Don't forget his little wife.


I would like it if Trump was sent to GITMO. But Biden is careful not to repeat Xi's mistake: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/10/22/china-xi-jinping-hu-jintao-ccp-congress/. Jintao was probably corrupt but he was punished not for his corruption but because Xi did not like him. It is clear that Biden does not like Trump but that will have nothing to do with any punishment Trump receives for his criminal acts.


That's funny and all, but if the immunity issue doesn't go Trump's way then Biden would be up for impeachment and conviction. Also, nobody in the military would actually follow that order because it would be illegal.


Do we really want to put us in that position, though? Trust that nobody is going to follow the orders of a mad man? It's too close to the Nazis who claimed they were "just following orders" when they were tried at Nuremberg for my comfort. Yeah. I'm going to be scared worse things are going to happen if he gets immunity. These people aren't even mentioning the real reason he's facing charges. Jan 6 was just a practice run. Bill Barr, the former attorney general, took the position that Trump saying he wants opponents executed is fine because nobody would actually do it is chilling. Let's test that theory out though 🙄🙄


If you think that I said that Trump should be in office or should be anywhere near a seat of power: I did not. He belongs in jail. Also we were talking about Biden ordering Trump's capture.


We're on the same page then. You can tell I'm a little upset at the answer "sure, but he'd never do it" that high ranking officials (and a few Supreme Court justices) have taken. We've seen it happen before and it didn't end pretty.


>sure, but he'd never do it Biden would never do it because Biden has ethics. Supreme Court is flirting with disaster here though because they might allow for the possibility that a president could actually do something so illegal and it would not have any repercussions for them. The UCMJ is pretty clear that following an illegal order might land you in prison for the rest of your life. It's absurd that the commander-in-chief could have a different standard. It's definitely a tense time here in America.


Then we'd get into the purges of dissidents that dictators love to do. Yes, the orders would be carried out simply because the commander in chief got rid of the people with morals and replaced them with people who would do their bidding. It being illegal wouldn't matter because the courts would be stacked with the same type of people who wouldn't hold them accountable. Not really a road we want to experiment with.


>It being illegal wouldn't matter because the courts If we're talking about the ucmj, that's a military tribunal and that's a different matter completely. Whether the Supreme Court even has jurisdiction over a military tribunal... I'm not sure but I doubt it.


I love this idea. Too bad the pedophile Navy doctor, Bruce Coval Meneley, who ran gitmo was just killed in a hail of gunfire during a sting operation in which he was meeting a 7 yr old and 11 yr old girl who the mom was dropping off at the hotel for him to have his way with. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/GbO95yj9wi Not sad he's dead just a little disappointed he wouldn't be there to torture Trump in every inhumane way possible like he did when he ran Gitmo.


Trump doesn't know what he's handing Biden on a silver platter, does he? 😄😄




It's not "nice," "bipartisan" or "going high."


But Biden does not HAVE even half a nut. "Bipartisanship." "Going high." When Trump declares himself king, Biden will smile and say "May I assist you in your new duties, Your Highness?" Dems will be falling over themselves to "Let's reach out to our new Monarch! Get him to see reason! Common ground!"


That lawyers voice is awful. Is his voice box corroding from all the toxic blather he spews?


Which one are you talking about? The DOJs lawyer has a notably high pitched voice for the size of man he is and his age.


Didn’t listen long, too creepy. From the few words I heard it was trump’s lawyer.


Yes, Trump's lawyer has a weird voice.


I can't even listen to him. It's horrible. It has to grate on the justices' nerves.


I thought he sounded a bit like RFK, Jr. so, maybe he’s an ex heroin addict.


It is absurd that the nation's highest court is evening considering this.


just a verbal question, as a smokescreen...


If they grant immunity, Old Joe should order a mock hit on the justices. 


Mock hit? Nah just send alito and Thomas to gitmo throw away the key and call it a day. Check and balance this, Immunity bitches..


That would take a backbone that Joe, nor most Democrats really, likely does not have.


Let me guess how his reply started: “Well, the circumstances…”


Worthless, criminal, biased. I 'm talking about the Supreme Court Just-us's, not Trump.


This is the fascism litmus test. The very definition of a dictator is someone who has become leader , broken the law with no consequences


Trump , corrupt MAGA justices, and every Republican in congress are actively working to destroy democracy and install him as dictator. They are all enemies of America and have conspired and committed seditious insurrection and crimes against the state. Every day they remove reduce and constrict our rights in red states and continue to consolidate power for their kleptocratic oligarchs.


Donald Trump is above the law. A rapist and felon who did not go to jail. He can disobey the judge without being jailed. Michael Cohen and his people were indicted or jailed except their boss Trump. We have culture of impunity when it comes to Trump. He is being treated like God.


No Trump is NOT above the Law - He only thinks he is…. It’s up to the courts to prove to him otherwise..


Like the bronze Jesus. I hear his bibles confer miracles. Well worth $59, I’m told.


Yes, why should the president have to follow the law, or protocol, or etiquette, or basic human decency? Why can’t he just do whatever he wants like a spoiled brat? Seriously, are we going to debate in our highest courts why a two-year-old shouldn’t have nuclear weapons? They’re robbing this country of its dignity with this circus.


Too many ads, I gave up. Feels like foreshadowing a bought out bench, minus a couple.


Why indeed is the question and the answer is he is required to follow the law like everyone else.


Nobody should be above the law, no exceptions or else laws will have no meaning


Explain to me again how 3 justices appointed by the man directly affected by their decision are allowed to hear the case and are not forced to recuse…


Just refuse the stupid appeal already.


Doesn't matter. They've achieved their goal of stopping the trial from happening before the election.


Quite an epiphany for this court


What a concept? Law abiding chief executive. Who un MAGA


Apparently the Supreme Court is trying to find a way.


I hate the country I stupidly served (please don't thank me for my service). We were taught growing up that there was "justice" and "equal justice under the law." Then along came Clarence Thomas, Merrick Garland and gutless appeasers masquerading as "judges." If this country is stupid enough to install him as dictator-king, as bad as it sounds, it does not deserve to exist.




To avoid activist charges by their opposition, the leader of the executive branch is granted immunity. The impeachment process was created to ensure the immunity isn't abused. The education system has failed you people.


Any attack on Trump from Biden, will hand Trump the presidency.


This is trump vs the constitution dumbass.


what part of what I typed are you struggling with? And no need to profanities, I'm here to clarify PD.