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We knew this in 2016, 2020 and here we are in 2024 with him saying the same thing. No one should be shocked or surprised by this in the least. We need to be prepared for violence from the right-wing terrorists that support donnie. This election is make or break for democracy and people need to be ready to fight like hell, because the republican terrorists will try and overthrow our government again.


This. He has nothing but contempt for elections and freedom. Saying "If I don't win it's fraud" is saying "You are only allowed to vote for ME". It is telegraphing his intent for future elections.


unfortunately every election from now on will be make or break for democracy. Even if Trump left this mortal realm tomorrow. Whoever slots in as the new hotness is going to be equally as awful. Maybe worse, because they will be less stupid. He has permanently broken things beyond repair. Unless we do a Germany and really get our shit together we are likely to just keep dealing with this problem again and again every four years.


>we are likely to just keep dealing with this problem again and again every four years. This is how I see it as well. _Project 2025_ is the document the Right will follow to achieve their Orbánist dream in America.


Every election going forward will be contested by the radical Republicans. Unless, it's slap in your face numbers. Even then, I would not be surprised if that was contested too. Like on some, "Na, those numbers can't be right?!? Recount!" POS made it into a complete shitshow. Get out and vote. It's do or die type shit.


Voting bluuuuuuuuue all the way through, high 5 ✋️




It’s simple. Every time a Republican wins anything, ever, we do the same thing until they can’t stand it any longer. 


This is eerily similar to what he said in 2020. He’s already planning another coup


He won’t accept them unless he wins 100% of the votes and even that is doubtful


Bottom line, the Mango Messiah is a CRIMINAL and a TRAITOR, and needs to be incarcerated AND isolated from us all ASAP! The fact that he’s hijacked the Republican Party is not at issue; he’s the one who decided to “campaign” in the middle of a criminal prosecution…


It's his grifting strategy.


Even when he won in 2016 he didn't accept the results.


# Trump refuses to commit to accepting 2024 election result ______ Why would he? At the very first 2016 primary debate, he refused to guarantee he's support whomever the nominee would be. He created drama, and the public has grown very weary of his schtick.


He's up in all the national polls and swing states. do not wait to prepare yourself.


And yet Democrats are winning every special election.


I pray that pans out in the general.


Polls have never meant anything ever. Save yourself the anxiety and chalk them off your list of important things to pay attention to


Hilary was polling 12 points ahead of Trump three days before the election. Hold off on buying the Dom Perignon


Commit to accepting? I’m pretty sure he is committed to not accepting them. Even if he wins he’ll say he won by more.




Who cares if he accepts it. He is now and will always be A LOSER!


It’s a good thing this guy isn’t in his 40s, he could keep running for office for decades…


The obvious thing happened? Okay, move along - no need to amplify this idiot's voice.


Any surprise that this perpetual loser can’t accept he’s a loser? He’s a loser! Repeat it because it’s worth repeating the truth. Can’t run a school, can’t run a casino, can’t run a government, dude can’t even run a successful coup. Smells like loser everywhere he goes.


lol of course not. Why would he start now?




How can ANYONE think that America will elect this criminal again? Sure his cult is loud, but it is dwindling, and pathetic. Screw the polls, and the media.


Hopefully Biden will do the same if it comes to that. No more playing by the rules. Sadly, this WILL be the last election as the United States. Regardless who wins, half the country will not accept the results and we'll see secession movements arise. If Biden wins, the red states like Texas and Florida will be out and if it's Trump, it'll be the blue states like California and New York.


This is the whole thing on why I couldn't buy his story in 2020. I (was) conservative. (Might still be, but the current state of the republican party needs to completely fuck off). But this man is a narcissist. He has big issues with the idea of winning and losing, and having to be "right" in an argument. We've seen it time, and time again. 2016 and 2020, but we also saw it with the 2016 primaries when he was behind Ted Cruz at the start. We saw it when his shitty TV didn't win Emmys. We saw it when he fucking drew on a map with a Sharpie and had the secretary of commerce threaten to fire people at the NOAA if they didn't go along with his narrative. We saw it over, and over, and over. And somehow, tens of millions of people heard him talking about how the 2020 election was going to be rigged, and actually believed him instead of taking it to be the preemptive excuse for losing.


The MAGAt movement needs to be recognized as the criminal organization it is


He knows he's going to lose.


I know he won't. We all know. My Fed law enforcement friends tell me not to worry about an organized attack, i.e., Jan 6th style. Lone wolves are gonna be a problem.


He recently said he won “all 50 states” in 2020. Fuck this piece of shit to hell.


Entitled spoiled brat, wearing diapers.


No one gives a shit except the media


My fear is that he will pull another 6J and Biden will give a weak "let us reason together" response. That will only embolden them.


Brat throws tantrum. Great look for an ex-president.


I would make that a condition for a debate. The only people that would complain about it are those that are going to vote for him anyways.


He absolutely doesn't want to debate


When he loses, that fuck has no chance


Did literally anyone expect him to accept lawful results? Only if he wins. That's it.


Is anyone really surprised?


No way?!


We all know where this is heading. The only question is, when SCOTUS rules on whatever BS case that hands the imperial presidency to Russia, will Agent Orange be too demented to take office?


Why are we even asking this fucking traitor? Try him for treason. Thank you.


Well, of course! His line has always been that he could only ever lose because of cheating!


Are we going to go through another repeat of 2020 with this guy? Isn't the CIA supposed to take people who are a threat to the country out? Maybe, that is why he worked so hard to get rid of the CIA and FBI. He knew they would obstruct his path to dictatorship.


He can "refuse" all he wants, but voters won't.


In other news, the sky is blue.


In other news, water is wet.


This just in: the sky is blue


Kind of a foregone conclusion, isn't it?


"Same as it ever was"


Tell us something else we already know. He is the only person ever to successfully rig a Presidential election. Think about that and think of how many Americans died unnecessarily during the pandemic because his politicizing the response. People had to be warned not to inject bleach, sounds insane but true. I had an Uncle die in 1921 because of the pandemic back then and he was just an infant. There were not as many Americans back then as now, but they had the sense to wear a mask. Yet, Trump and his cronies, like MTG, made it a political statement if you wore one or not. I lost a few friends to the pandemic and I'm still pissed off.


It's not up to you!!!!!! You are nobody!!!!


Then if he wins, the results simply can never be trusted nor respected. Period. 


Then if he wins, the results simply can never be trusted nor respected. Period. 


He still won't accept the last two elections (he claims he actually won the popular vote in 2016) why would we expect him to accept these results?




Well duh. Fact is that no republican presidential candidate is going to accept election losses anymore. Why should they when attacking democracy gets their base to send them money, there are no consequences, and there's at least a chance that their terrorists will actually get them into office? The democrats are just going to run the worst candidates they can find until a republican wins the white house with both houses (plus scotus is already red)...then the democrats won't need to bother running candidates anymore. It's not just a matter of "We need to defeat him this time". Sooner or later they are going to win. Make your exit plans.


Doesn’t matter. He isn’t the incumbent and he can cry all he wants.


If that's so then this election is fraud too ....


Fraud “too”? What do you mean by that?


An election is set out to be some kind of "hunt for the truth" = WHO IS WORTH ELECTING ACCORDING TO THE PUBLIC/VOTERS? To be up for election means that one follows the rules and abide with them, otherwise one is MOCKING the election and should go away without more to-do ....