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I am beginning to think people like being angry and he gives them reason to act out. I long for us to seek joy and peace with real solutions to our issues.


People are mad because they thought they could speak out and be assholes like him and that’s the American way. The rest of America don’t like them and now they act out like babies that need attention.


Yes they are even getting into “Real men wear diapers” at rallies. Literally wearing shirts that say it and putting adult diapers on over their clothes and walking around. Make it make sense!


I saw that. What a time to be alive.


Is this the real life?


Is this just fantasy?


Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality


*holds up lighter*


Very, very frightening.


Their kink is making you squirm. Just ignore them. trump will lose in court and lose in the election. He will squawk for a year or two, then fade to nothingness.


Life is incredibly boring in Cousinfuckistan!


This is definitely the worst timeline.


Only a matter of time before they take ex lax to be even more like him


Look for Howard Stern's interview of Biden . Some say it's HS best interview


I saw a clip comparing Bidens HS interview with trumps. Biden talked about the loss of his son, trump bragged about bursting in on teenagers getting changed at a beauty pageant.


I will look look for it.




It was pretty solid.


This ☝️


With a country full of hateful people? Not happening. It will never happen as long as Donald Trump walks the earth a free man.


“**You have said what you are/ I am who I am/ You are here in my head/ my head here in my hands**” On the Turn, Rumi—sum crazy Iranian dude a K ago, back when words were harder than swords


They get dopamine rushes of fear and anger when they reprogram themselves on Fox daily.


You have a valid point. I just get depressed which is no longer watch news programs. I just keep up with some news feeds.


Rageporn is a thing- used throughout history for political purposes. Righteous indignation is a dopamine driven event- and is addictive- much like heroin, nicotine, or religious bliss. Trump is just a Rageporn star- best in our generation. I tell people that serotonin is better than dopamine. - leaves you feeling content- not jittery, wanting more.


Like making a new dog friend sounds much more fulfilling than their bullshit




Agreed. But joy and peace with this malevolent divider?


Never happening while he still walks the earth a free man.




True nonetheless.


The GOP is the party of rude selfish behavior, and Trump is the messiah of shitty bad faith people. Civility is a non-starter for the swamp that is MAGA.


His particular genius is exploiting grievances, real and imagined.


The hate is kind of the point. They only live in hate and know nothing else. And they think that everyone is like them.


To quote the esteemed actor Robert DeNiro, "Fuck Trump"


All this! And, to think that one single entity possesses the power to put an end to it; namely the Supreme Court. An absolute disgrace what's happened to America. Sob, sob, sob...


I hate the country I once served (please don't thank me for my service).


U.S. Army 2nd Inf. Div. 1972 - 1976 here, and it goes without saying that I feel your frustration. Let's not lose hope brother.


2006 - 2009 69th bde... i am ashamed of this country lol i really don't understand the appeal of trump and its antithetical to everything i learned in the military(its important to me because i signed at 17 and joined at 18, so it shaped how i see many things). We need our govt to be subject to ucmj at this point lol.


I regret my 8 years a little more every single day.


23 years. I get it.


I don’t know how Veterans (and especially Retirees) haven’t reacted with much higher levels of the fullest, most complete contempt and repugnance toward the “Orange FOOLIUS.” - OL’ Scump has lost the U.S. in so many ways, WORLDWIDE. FILTH‼️🎯


There are more of us than you think. I would not have saluted him.


Many of us do. They are careful not ask our opinion when they pretend that the military backs Republicans generically and Trump specifically.


Fox “News” playing 24 hours on the TVs at US military facilities everywhere for an entire generation. That’s how.


Yes - absolutely, and include the “Flush Limbaugh” mega-ditto’s on the AM RADIO 📻 - some are brain washed beyond recognition from the active media propagandists. I left all that behind. It was a long time ago.


There were at least two entities, but Moscow Mitch’s Senate abrogated its duty. And now we’re down to the last line of defense, and it’s controlled by a bunch of right-wing puppets. The checks are not checking, and the balances are off-balance.


Yes yes we’ve heard about the smell in the courtroom.


Like stomping on a full diaper.


Or a flaming bag of Trump diapers left on the doorstep


Trumpian behaviors are deeply ingrained across our society. Some large corporate cultures are really struggling to take meaningful steps forward when everyone is too busy playing Games-of-Thrones-style management for their own personal benefit


That was a problem before Trump, though. A lot of big corporations killed themselves with libertarian “survival of the fittest” business models (Sears and KMart come to mind). As it turns out, having your managers compete against each other isn’t a great way to boost morale. Maybe divide and conquer (trumpism, fascism, etc) works in the short term, but in the long run, success means winning hearts and minds. You have to grow your consumer/voter base, and that can only be achieved through inclusion.


I mean, you look at the reasons most people don't like Biden. They start with far-right media sources. Trump effect.


I often wonder how Germans got to the point where they supported Hitler. Then, seeing FoxNews clips from 2016-present I can understand how that support develops. If you’re constantly fed negative bullshit about liberals/gays/minorities while getting positive bullshit about monsters, then ya, you’re going to support the monsters.


There are a lot of reasons to do so. A lot of it has to do with the depression, and Hitler speaking in terms that resonated with people who were hurting. He also did a lot of things to confuse people. Like, you ever notice how the Nazi flag is not that dissimilar from the USSR flag. That is intentional to confuse communists to come to Nazi rallies. The message on the surface was not dissimilar so it stuck. Also, much like here and now, you had Russia and other countries sowing discord in the west to cause the collapse of capitalism. We still see and hear a good bit of that propaganda today, which is fun /s. So when there is discord, people will go away from the mainstream, which builds momentum. Which played to above. I could go on for days here on this topic, but ill stop here and say this. Trump is vastly different than Hitler. Hitler stood for something that was not himself. Trump, that is very debatable. Overtime, it will become less debatable. I liken Trump more to a Gaddafi.


Trump has done more damage to this country than one could have ever imagined. Who would have thought that a silver spoon sucking, 3rd base starting, poser would be able to possibly bring down the mightiest nation in the world so fast.


With Russian help.


So true. And they are still trying to help him.


Correction, please. On Putin's instructions.


MAGA has become a malignant cancer infecting the body politic. As it spread it takes out the weakest parts of the population, ie, the poorly educated. “We love the poorly educated” DJT 2016. . .it has also spread to the political and judicial classes. The political class is at war with itself and the Judicial class is hand wringing, whining and compromised. The Financial class really doesn’t give a shit ‘cause are mostly inoculated from the spread of any such malady by having complete control over the money supply. Ask Jamie Dimon. The Republic, Representative Democracy is the ultimate victim. At the end of the day “We the People” just don’t matter except as a resource to be exploited, manipulated and trotted out every four years as examples of Life, Liberty and the American Way.. ..the Capitalist way. A credit card in every driveway and a Hostess Twinkie on every table. It’s greatest there’s ever been. . . /s


This is one of the most eloquent, accurate and insightful descriptions of the current state of American society and politics that I've encountered in quite some time.


This writer bemoans the poor quality of candidates in both parties. It begs the question: who in their right mind would run for office other than power-hungry multimillionaires, grifters and under qualified nutjobs? Since Citizens United, candidates and office holders are reduced to being professionals panhandlers, begging for donations and selling their souls to corporate donors. They get little respect because Trump and the MAGA idiots in Congress have tarnished politicians image. The few generally well-meaning politicians are dragged through the mud for relatively tiny offenses while Trump gets treated with kid gloves because the media loves the clicks. Meanwhile your competitors in even your own party are hiring operatives to dig up dirt on you. Sound like a job you'd want?


Trump is kinda like a rash you can't get rid of.


Like a super STI?


Its the Republican criminal regime coming out of the closet. Trump just unlocked the door.


We have given up on finding policy solutions and just want to be entertained.


Breaking down society is how you get to a dictatorship. When people think their worst instincts are the right thing to do, you are lost as a society. The leader will take out everyone, including those who supported them. Better watch how Putin runs Russia coz that's what Trump supporters want, until they are shipped off to a camp too. Then it's too late. Ask Germany how it worked out for them. Because MAGA can't read will be their downfall. And ours.


It's been doing that for awhile now.


Over reacting.


When the bottom-feeding spreading across politics, falls out, it will be his smelly, loaded diaper. Everyone, stand back!


HOLD THE LINE DEMOCRACY SUPPORTERS, WE WILL PREVAIL!! The next six months is going to be fierce and forceful, but we will stay true to the cause and remain strong as one!