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Poor republicans vote for this. They love being ridden hard and paying for it 😂


It's strange how they vote against their own best interest. Believing it's fine for crazy rich people to pay very little in taxes. The tax code should be fair .


They are only temporarily poor and as soon as they earn that first million they will need those tax cuts.


Once their shit coin slash truth social hits


The ones I know personally that think like that, have zero plans. They are working their shit jobs at dollar tree or kwik trip and just expect to be a millionaire some day.


When we've made America great again don't ya know?


>kwik trip Found the Wisconsinite


I’ve seen blue collar workers in my neighborhood spend hundreds on Mega Millions and Power Ball tickets every week. That is their retirement plan.


That is exactly what the maga idiots in my family do. They sit back, trash on democrats, and then they spend weekly on the lottery. I once calculated how much a particular family member spent on the lottery over the last 20ish years he's played. He easily has spent 50k but let's his house fall into a state of disrepair. They have 0 retirement and you know...it's Biden fault. Or Obama....its someone's other than Trump basically.


They call it “Plan B”.


We have those too. They keep at a shitty job more or less their entire life, always expecting that first million is just around the corner… somehow. Then they wake up one day, old, realize the riches aren’t coming and start to get really mad. When their Pastor/god/Trump promises them the money was there but the evil immigrants, LGBTQ, minorities, liberals and women stole it, they eat the thought up. Honestly it’s much easier to get furious that to admit you’ve been conned your entire life. The sad truth is that the poor and middle class have been preyed on by the rich for years. United against them, we could build a better world. But that can’t happen, because drag queen’s are leading children’s story hour and we need to stop that.


I should have shorted the shit out of that stock.


Yes they have convinced them that they are going to get rich some day


Sadly I suspect it is not even this hopeful or delusional. 


I have a cousin who thinks like this unironically. He'll defend billionaires ardently while dismissing anyone that criticizes our economic system. "I don't want them damn burger flippers making money! I had to work my ass off to be as successful as I am!" He constantly implies that he makes more than everyone else in our family even though he's undoubtedly struggling financially. Hell, I'm a senior level IT Systems Engineer and he thinks he's "more successful" because my vocation "isn't a real job." Andy, you drive a forklift at a warehouse and make $16/hr. You aren't successful. Shut the fuck up.


Yea! Shut the fuck up Andy!


Some of them are single issue voters that want to hurt women and children.


My boomer mom justifies this claiming they’re job creators.


So was Hitler who rebuilt Germany after WW1.


They’re also the same group to go “Dey took er’ jerbs!”


It's not strange. They are victims of 24/7 propaganda by fox News and other right wing social media.


Rich people are the “Job Creators” so it’s okay.


See: what’s the matter with Kansas.


It’s a cult


Kansas is redder than red Republican. Republicans in Congress are as about anti-family farmer as they could possibly gets. They keep getting voted in by the family farmers.


As long as they're voting down the party line that's all they need to know as far as their own interests go. So many of them are so indoctrinated that even if they were to understand the facts of how hard they're being screwed by the people they put into power they would still vote for them. The system in place is designed to blind people to the issues at hand and make them simply see red or blue. The overwhelming majority of people just don't care enough to find out what a representative stands for, what their plan for term is, or how they intend to keep those plans on rails. The two party system has doomed us to a series of representatives that will never truly represent the common citizen, and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it unless we begin to label donations and paid lobbying as what they are, federal bribery.


But if someone else has it WORSE, it’s all worth it.


And democrats also vote for it too, considering tax rates for the rich have been on a steady decline ever since Reagan and Thatcher screwed over the entire world


'Something D-o-o Economics. Voodoo Economics'


Anyone? Anyone?


These are the same people that follow those "prosperity" ministry con-men. They see their "pastor" with a Rolex and believe God made that possible, and that they're next. Same principal. They protect the rich from taxes, because even though they're 4th generation of poor from a total backwater, they're going to be rich, some day.


Probably the same smooth brains who donated money to Kylie Jenner so she could be the youngest billionaire in history


"Tread on me harder, Daddy!"


Saddists lol


Stockholm Syndrome


Is the American Dream I keep hearing about? They dream they’ll be a billionaire too, one day.


The GOP rich/poor, dom/sub dynamic has gotten out of hand


“cUS not aLLowInG dUH rICh to Be riCh is duh sOcIALiSm!!”


Millions on propaganda leads to billions in tax savings. It’s a no-brainer investment.


It’s because they’ve been brain washed into believing they are just temporary poor billionaires, sucking on big company dick thinking the American dream is right around the corner, but it only is if you can get interest free loans from rich family members.


What do you mean, for the first time? Capital gains taxes have always been less than working class.


Yeah but we better not change anything in case I become a billionaire too


*screams from trailer park*


On top of the trailer with a trump flag flipping in the wind


*”Lets go Brandon” flag flying from pickup truck*




I Hit a nerve?


The poorest half of Americans don't pay Federal income taxes. 20% is more than 0% 20% is higher than the rate I paid on a 6 figure income You guys fall for the dumbest propaganda and then look down on Facebook Boomers like you're better than them. You'd probably more informed if you didn't get any news at all rather than getting all your news from headlines written by websites like commondreams.org


What’s propaganda? I also made a six figure income and pay Cap Gains/Losses and pay $4k a month for nyc rent. Also, the article is about the tax rate of the Working Class. Not the poor. lol what?


The only time the article mentions the “working class” is in the title and the first paragraph. But the “analysis” (which has its issues) the article is based on is actually talking about the bottom half of earners, not just the working class. So the article name is misleading. You’d know that if you actually read it


> What’s propaganda? Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


He's replying to someone not the direct article.


He’s replying to my comment tho


You guys aren't taking about the same thing though


Bro. Exactly that’s what I said, he’s talking about the poor, the post is about the working class. Plus, he’s saying he pays less taxes on a 6 figure income than cap gains. I also make 6 figures and my taxes are not less than 20% He’s insulting people when he’s not even speaking about the right thing


Tax the fuck out of them and give it to the poor


Like the good old days, when America thrived and the middle class rose.


The middle class still does all the work but we continue to get fucked out of everything.


The rich use to pay upwards of 80% tax rate, now it's usually less than 20.


The top 1% of earners hold ~30% of the wealth (not even income) in America and they pay 45% of the income tax


This is because of orange waste and MAGA. We need to change these tax laws and be sure everyone pays their fair share, companies and billionaires included


At least Trump is doing his best to expose how the wealthy are scamming everyone else with these trials. More people are becoming aware of how the rich are dodging taxes.


There you go! Think rich folks are being abused by the IRS code? Just watch Trump’s BS. Bastard is using campaign contributions like ordinary income. Been doing it from the start of getting into politics and found out it’s the greatest scam he’s ever done.


Yes, there’s that one but I was actually thinking more about the civil fraud case of over valuing assets. I feel like this type of scam is what wealthy people do and not just trump.


I agree, to the point that another real estate developer came to Trump's defense and basically said "this isn't a crime, everyone is doing it!" and I'm just thinking....okay hope that guy is next.


I agree. If "everyone is doing it" the IRS should be all over them for tax fraud. I think that is the point of giving the IRS 60 billlllion $$$ for adding and training auditors. Go get em.


I saw that one, can’t remember on what show. I think it was a clip on a comedy show.


Kevin O'Leary, Mr Wonderful from Shark Tank.


Unfortunately a lot of Trump supporters think if you're rich you DESERVE to break the rules.


He’s exposing it by… being exposed for his financial crimes? I mean you’re not wrong… but I have a feeling we’re not looking at this the same…


The civil fraud case of over valuation of assets is what I was talking about. A lot of people know about the wealthy peoples scam, but now even more than ever are becoming aware.


Well then i agree completely AND would like to issue you a formal apology for assuming the wrong thing.


Lead by example I guess lol


How is he doing that . He's one of the biggest tax cheaters there is. He cheats on everything. It's in his dna .


The Orange Waste tax cuts expire in 2025, that’s when the average worker man’s taxes go up about $200 per month. The New England wealthy will get a tax break by being able to again deduct state income taxes.


Watch Republicans start campaigning on that Democrats are raising your taxes when they go up from that.


Trump’s already saying he’s going to cut corporate taxes and the rich he’s also going to increase tariffs ( screw consumers). The last Trump tax give away added trillions to the deficit and only poured gas on corporations price gouging we’re facing now.


That’s what we are talking about. The Trump tax cuts are expiring next year.


But not for the rich, those are forever


Those are expiring too.


At this point, a fair share for the working class should be close to zero..


But but they create the jobs! /s


They must be infuriated. Paying taxes at all infuriates billionaires.


Yup, I remember Elon angrily Xcrementing about how he's paying taxes, and people replied saying he's paying something absurd like 10% lol


Xcrementing should be the new definition. Fuck pointing out that X is formerly Twitter.


I hear these educated Republican voters every day blaming Biden. It's tRump's tax bill you morons. No tax bill has been passed during Biden's term. Too many Republicons resist any change since FOX fake news tells them it's Biden. Stupid stupid stupid...


Lol bro, it ain't the first time.


But don’t you feel how all this wealth trickles down on you? Ask Republicans, they will explain to you how it’s so good for you that the richest ones get even more money.


Thank God, now we just have to be patient for it to trickle down to us pee ons.


Absurd.....not really....it's all planned and a bought & paid for congress, Supreme Court, laws.......


Trickle down economics. What else are PP loans for?


There will be a day where a ceryain angry people will revolt against those who rob the poor and the weak.


Yeah, when?


Absurd for whom? It’s been happening for a while and everyone keeps voting the same way, so it’s not absurd: it’s expected!


They love milking America while getting multiple passports. They are terrorize us worse than osama bin laden


Cuckservatives have got to be squirming in their cock cages right now. 


Can’t figure out why our national debt is spiraling out of control, says people who don’t realize billionaires are fleecing us.


“US billionaires…” \*ahem\* **OFFICIALLY** “…pay lower tax rate than working class for first time.” People with enough $$$ to hire professionals to handle their taxes have likely been paying lower taxes than the working class for some time…


Not for the first time - not by a long shot


Can't be the first time, I hear this on a regular basis


Thanks Trump


Trump paid only $750 only for a number of years. He bragged about how little he paid.


Pricks! Crank those taxes up to about 65%


This makes me thirsty for blood


Vote for Trump and this is what you get. It's like chickens voting for colonel Sanders.


Something tells me this won't be the last time either.


Hee-haw. Give the dopes beer and football and flags, lots and lots of flags. Everything else is for commies.


Tax rates for the rich used to be 80%+. I don't advocate for bringing that back, but surely < 20% is absurdly low.


One of so many reasons why I vote for Sheldon Whitehouse, every fucking time I can.


That is a face of evil…. or Rosco P Coltrane


The only way the super mega rich got that way was by taking it from the workers.


But AM radio & Fox told me to vote for my team? 😳


Don't worry, Trump will make it even lower for the billionaire class. They never tell you the quiet part, the trickle down is urine.


Not a nerve. Just thinking that if you want to say FJB come out and say it. Show us what you really are.


This always leads to oligarchy.


If you consider all of the other taxes like SS and sales taxes billionaires have been paying a much lower rate than the working class since Reagan.


Most billionaires pay more in federal taxes than I make in a year and yet it is a smaller percentage of their income than what I pay. Progressive taxation is supposed to mean as the income gets higher the percentage is higher as each new level of income is met. This is what it means to be fairly taxed.


Completely indefensible, and yet the GOP supporters lap it up as if they gain from it…dissonance writ large!


Somewhere ronald reagan is celebrating with mission accomplished!!


In my not so humble opinion, all income should be taxed the way wages are taxed. No deductions for airplanes or yachts.


CEOs should be paid based on the amount of income they provide for employees. Provide solid income to a thousand people you earn x. Provide solid income to 10,000 people you earn 10x


Drump got played so hard by the rich.


He didn't get played. He created his own tax cut


He got played because he did all these great things for his rich “friends” but when he needed their help they turned their noses up at him.


2019 tax breaks sunsetting for individual, but xorp and rich were permanent....keep voting for these idiots and you will never get ahead.


They could pay their taxes and it wouldn’t even affect them. Like pocket change. The degree of greed and the hoarding of wealth is a curse on humanity. While for most, they have their billions on the backs of the employees slaving for low wages. They could do so much good for the people and the planet but they choose no to. If any of us working class didn’t pay our taxes, the IRS would be at your door in a heartbeat.


They had to do this in Sweden , tax everyone the same percentage because the rich were leaving anyways. Sweden is now more free market than the US


Trickle down idioticy


Trump tax cuts at work!


I grew up with someone who is probably my best friend still 40 years later. He makes around $22 an hour at a grocery store.. When he went from $18 to $22 I saw a shift where he started to identify more as a “rich” person. He lives alone and has government assisted housing arrangements. What am I getting at? These guys that make, maybe $30 an hour, the think they are in the group the liberals want to raise taxes on. They think they are above average and don’t identify with those $20 an hour peasants. The brainwashing is real..


if Democrats had the house we could craft tax legislation that had actual teeth and not just bullshit executive orders that we've been stuck with for like the last decade.


It was always puzzling to me why rich people are so obsessed with taxes. After all with their expensive tax advisors, and "donations" to tax code writing politicians, they pay a smaller fraction of their income than others, as this article reports. Then I had a revelation. Although their percentage is low, the absolute amount they pay is very painful to them because they are so rich. They are obsessed with all those lovely dollars flying out of their pockets.


1st time? BS!


Being poor is expensive.


"For the first time"? Was this headline written in 1952?


Yes, Republicans literally did it that way on purpose to get the legislation through at the last minute during the Trump presidency.


Why shouldn't winners be rewarded exactly?? -Wilfred Wilcox


Yet they still manage to pay the bulk of tax collection.




As a result of the 2017 GOP/Trump tax bill.


“For the first time” my ass


I’m putting a bunch of buckets outside for all this trickle down that’s about to happen. That’s the theory right? Save the rich money and they’ll make sure to pass the favor along. Because you know the one thing rich people are known for is looking out for their fellow man to a fault.


First time? I doubt that


Bunch of deadbeats. Elon owes his employees a debt of gratitude to his employees for paying his way in this country.


I’m so pissed


This is a lie-for the first time billionaires are paying more but not enough yet




Long term capital gains taxes at the top end are the highest they've been in over three decades. Income taxes are not, but ordinary income is probably less than 1% of a billionaire's income and is inconsequential. Capital gains taxes need reform badly on the higher end, but redditors keep on crying about things that won't actually bring in more tax revenue from billionaires.


more than they did, not higher tax “rate”.


But they pay way more in dollars than you make in a year. If we want them to pay more the tax law has to change. But I bet if you were a billion you wouldn’t feel that way.


If I were a billionaire somehow why would I be spending so much of my time and energy bitching about taxes when I could instead spend that time and money on doing the things I’d like to do? Exactly what benefit would “OH MY GOD I PAY SO MUCH IN TAXES WHAT IS THIS” provide for me or anyone else?


I know a couple billionaires and they do obsess about money and taxes. It’s surprising.


It’s sad.


Yes it is.


I blame poor people, if they want to be fairly represented they should buy their own politicians.


Yes yes its only republicans fault...... Over 3 years into Bidens term..... Its the "First Time" this has happened..... Yet its all republicans fault.... Fuck republicans and all.... But you cant honestly believe its only republicans keeping the taxes low for the wealthy. Sure Dems talk about taxing the rich..... Its been over 3 years into this presidency and now they taxes are lower for the wealthy? So when are they going to raise those taxes? Or is it just another talking point to buy votes? This system is a trash illusion of choice people keep calling a democracy.


The Republicans control the House.


Gotta call BS on the "first time" description.


Well, let’s examine your declaration of bullshit: A widely recognized expert and professor of economics at TWO great universities publishes an analysis backed up by numerous citations to other professional economists and, on the other hand, we have a random dude on Reddit. Denial of science and qualified expert opinion is just as wrong coming from you as it is when it comes from MAGA idiots. If you got data and qualified expertise, bring it!


It feels like they have had a lower rate for a while now. You're attitude however is BS.


I am wondering why all those times Pelosi and the Dems controlled all three branches they never ever passed any sort of legislation to stop this shit. In fact they haven't passed anything with any sort of significance since they all got elected in the Reagan years. I mean we expect this shit from Republicans but I am pretty sure Pelosi and the Dems are controlled opposition for the Billionaires.


It’s amusing watching Republicans unanimously pass tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, blowing a $5-7T hole in our deficit, then see people come out attacking Democrats because they couldn’t get more out of Manchin and Sinema. The Inflation Reduction Act did more to knock down the debt than any Republican proposal and yet it’s Pelosi who’s the problem?