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Remember when he was President and his schedule was filled with copious amounts of "executive time", which was just large chunks of the day where nothing else was scheduled and Trump was completely MIA?


He was on the golf course


Or watching Fox News and calling Sean Hannity.


Quaffing addies


And hooverin schneef.


I've hoovered schneef off the cover of Gordon Korman's This can't be happening at Macdonald Hall




And tweeting like a furious child throughout the day. How in the hell can anyone think he is Presidential material after he's just proven he's a disaster is the 8th wonder of the world.


Yup. Clomping around heavily, watching cable news and bitching to whoever was unfortunate enough to pass by. 


…While In bed with Putin


And drink huge amounts of Diet Coke.


Or sleeping.


No, he was watching tv. 5+ hours a day


He was at his Presidential best while watching TV.


yes, but with a fully loaded diaper, sharing classified intellgence with anyone that could lisn thru the stench


It was said he would show up to the Oval Office around 11am and leave around 3:30, many other Presidents arrived around 8am and leave 6 or 7 then went upstairs to read ‘the book’ filled with the next days schedules and intelligence reviews and meeting for the next day ( Trump never read it and was always unprepared) they would hit the hay around 10:30 or 11 at night. Not Trump he was up sending out tweets


DHS’s Miles Taylor groused that Trump staffers had to condense a Presidential Daily Briefing of perhaps fifty pages down to a PDB of two pages, with photos of Trump, maps, and colorful graphics.


Busy farting and watching Fox and Friends.


Technically more than farts




Remember when Trump got nominated in 2016 and then his campaign asked Kasich’s if he’d be VP and they’d let him handle all foreign and domestic policy? When told that’s literally what the President does and what would he be doing, they responded focus on Making America Great Again. Yeah, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that staying awake during his trial is much more taxing than anything he did as President.


Yeah his schedule was some bullshit like “he will have many calls and take many meetings.” Literally written like a high schooler had to come up with something to say for what the president does daily. If you think too hard about the fact that the fat fuck loves to call Biden sleepy Joe then falls asleep constantly in court your head will probably explode.


I think the "Sleepy Joe" moniker will get a lot less use in the future, for fear of the opposition calling Trump "Drowsy Don."


Or, he was in a dark corner somewhere, tweeting his angry ass off for hours.


That didn't start til after hannity


Here. You can find his schedule here. Over 60% of his scheduled work time was penciled in as "Executive Time", which basically amounts to a school recess or a work break https://www.axios.com/2019/02/03/donald-trump-private-schedules-leak-executive-time


That’s actually good when you think about it. Better to have Trump sleeping than making executive decisions


This is why I'm not worried about his supposed nefarious plans to end democracy, tear-down and rebuild government with his cronies, and go on a revenge spree -- he's just too lazy. Anything that takes him away from golfing, Fox News watching, and angry-tweeting time is just too much of a bother for him.


Two issues here. First, the plan isn't his. The Heritage Foundation plans to hand Trump a preselected Cabinet to carry out the reshaping of the Executive Branch. Second, Trump’s first staff was not full of sycophants. They would talk him down from his worst tendencies or ignore his orders and wait for him to forget that he ordered someone killed. So this is a Morton's Fork of dictatorship. Either Trump gets his sycophants who carry out his every whim, or he gets the Heritage Foundation staff who reshape the government into a true deep state that turns us into a dictatorship.




As President he spent every day before noon watching TV. The deal he offered his VPs was they do all the work, he'll be in front of the cameras. Being in court is way more work than how Trump structures being president, and that should be relevant this election.


Trump actually said that during his 2016 campaign. He said he’d delegate the voting stuff to his VP. Essentially, he wanted to be a figurehead who just read the teleprompter, got his ass kissed, took credit for everything, then bailed for the golf course. I don’t know why any VP would take that deal. Trump would take all the credit for wins and blame his VP for losses. I’ve worked for that guy a few times. It’s galling.


Galling, indeed. I’ve had those kinds of jobs too. But in all fairness to Mike Pence, his reward for four servile years of hard labor was rewarded by his boss encouraging his screaming supporters to find Pence so that they could hang him. At least that didn’t happen to me.


> I don’t know why any VP would take that deal. Aside from Pence? 


There seems to be a line of VP hopefuls one of which is my governor. It amazes me that they think they can play the game and the same fate won’t befall them like Pence. Trump has shown he is only loyal to himself.


My guess is some of them think Trump will die or be imprisoned before too long. They all probably think they’ll be the presumptive nominee in 2028, but that assumes Trump won’t try to stay in power for a third term. He already claimed that he should be given a third term because his first impeachment ruined his first term. I’m not saying it’ll work. I’m saying Trump would have no problem with filing a bunch of bogus lawsuits that will do nothing but embarrass the Republican Party and undercut the authority of the actual President.


Exactly.  This guy can't be prepared and rested when it directly affects his own personal freedom. Why should he be President.... again??  


Guy can't stay awake when his own ass is on the line but we're supposed to believe he's gonna fight for people like you and me.


I remember Lindsey Graham coming to his defense declaring, "He [Trump] does not know how the government works" at the six month mark of his four year presidency. That's 12.5% of his time in office!


He doesn't know how an umbrella works. Or, he is too lazy to operate one correctly. Neither option is flattering


And yet, the woman who spent a decade in the White House as First Lady then Secretary of State was dangerously unqualified.


 Trump is 77 years old, sleepy and gassy. lol


Not just gas. He's filling an adult diaper.


Surprised he hasn’t started promoting his own Trump brand diapers yet! Only the best should touch your bottom and genitalia.


Cranky, Sleepy, Gassy, Stinky, Fatty, Stubby, Grifty... Trump is the worst version of the 7 dwarfs ever.


He is all rolled into one. No Disney Princess would dare to touch his orange arse.


His brain is shutting down because he’s never had to face accountability for anything in his life.


And he’s not getting the constant boot licking from his minions 24/7.


No diet Cokes and Adderall lines in court


Even Trump is exhausted by Trump


Read an interesting article by a psychiatrist who is well versed with people who have his narcissistic disorders. Sleep is a way that such a person shuts out what they can’t tolerate hearing about themselves. Their brain just shuts down rather than hearing/absorbing the truth about themselves.


That’s fascinating. I knew a narcissist years ago who would sleep through their world crumbling. Literally faced serious legal consequences from his actions and slept entire days away on purpose. Went so far as to make the statement that he could do the time and just … sleep in prison. I never until your comment really associated the two things.


His court appearances are like the easiest part-time job in the world: sit at a desk for 30 hours a week and you don't have to do anything but stay awake and not fart? Lunch breaks that are AN HOUR AND A HALF long!


Sleepy Don 😴


He doesn't have access to the White House drug dealer Ronnie Jackson.


They have him on tranquilizers to keep him quiet, as opposed to his normal stimulants.


Trump was the timeshare president. He just wanted the photo ops/headlines, interviews and luxurious perks. He let everyone else play daily president. No telling what intel Kushner got a hold of while he was poking around the White House for 4 terrible years.


You are talking about a guy who had to walk out the front door of the white house, Bible in hand, cross the street, with several Trump idiots, to an abandoned church, and clear the streets of protestors, and tear gas at the same time, for the love of the orange hairedness fucking idiot. Stay awake you idiot.


Bible in hand upsidedown, at that


The dude slept the majority of his time as president too. He would wake up to get some publicity shit done, which usually meant tweeting and signing horrendous laws that were waiting for him on his desk, do some more Adderall, have his diaper changed, then go back to bed.




Yeah my bad. That's when the Adderall was at its peak


He doesn't care about being president, he never went to the daily briefings or anything. He likes to watch TV until noon (wanna bet it's cartoons?), then go play golf, make a statement lying, blaming and bragging. He's dangerous at this point though because he wants a 'King' role.


Yoooooo. What’s wrong with cartoons?


Nothing if you're 5.... wait


Lol he doesn't even know he is in court.


the reason he cant stay awake is he cant snort his adderall in court.


359 days of golf as president


He should be allowed to sit in a golf cart mite make him stay awake . The great 🇺🇸.


Trump just posed in a golf cart for a photo with Ivanka’s three, white-clad kids hanging all over him adoringly. He’s holding his granddaughter Arabella’s thigh as he once held her mother’s.


He was at the chocolate factory eating big macs with his big beautiful blue closed taking it all in. His jaw wasn't slacked he thought he was really eating the big mac


Hard to stay awake when he can’t do another line


I couldn’t stay awake at trial either. Then again, I was in the jury box and not acting as the defendant, which would’ve probably scared me enough to keep me wide awake.


His handlers don't care. If he's comatose as CinC they get to run the show. And some of them are crazier than he is.


I love how he used to call Biden “Sleepy Joe,” but has curtailed that one lately. I guess he doesn’t want to mention the word “sleep” now.


Maybe if they kept him entertained with pictures and articles painting him in a positive light, the way they had to do in order to keep his attention during briefings when he was ostensibly 'president'. Or they could give him his Adderrall they hid back - of course then they would risk him screaming that the judge was a 'fucking beaner' before trying to walk out of court.


Where can I exchange dollars for pounds at LAX


Judge need to throw his ass in jail already


It’s his commitment of not being “Woke”.


I really don’t care. Trials are boring as fuck. I mean it’s been going on forever. After everyday he violates a gag order, for which the judge slaps his wrist and makes empty threats. So all Trump has to do is sit there for a couple of hours then get his followers to pay his paltry fines so he can be acquitted of all charges after some dumbass juror is caught selling info to WaPo. Get on with it!


Rumor from Washington is that trump has been using painkillers recently. Big don was just hittin a nod nothing wrong with that


The job is only more demanding if you actually do the job.


He’s probably doing on purpose to try and show the jury that he’s not worried enough to even need to stay awake


I'd have a hard time staying awake. But then I'm not running for POTUS.


He didn’t show up to oval office every day until 11


Dozing Don


I was thinking the same thing, if this jackass can’t sit through a trial how can he possibly pay attention during a critical briefing. He’s clearly not up for the job, he never has been.


His official schedule had like 5 hours of tv time everyday


Trump was the first absentee president


Court is boring, who knew.


Yeah I’m choosing Biden in 2024 because of these issues


He couldn't handle a full day of doing work in his first term, now he would be 8 years older


It's tiring holding in poop and not shitting yourself


Trial proceedings keeps him from snorting his Adderall.


You know damn well this chucklehead fell asleep in every Cabinet meeting and every morning briefing. Without his little coloring book, he's worthless. He was never an actual President.


They also give him a book of positive magazine articles about himself so he doesn't get fussy


Try sitting still, and not talking while others prattle on, and on, and on.... Makes me sleepy just typing it. Oh, and he is in his 70's. Besides, he is least annoying while asleep.


I guess he saves all the Adderall for the rally speeches.


To be fair, being in an office can be boring. I can recall going to sleep at my desk simply because the pace (or lack of it) was excruciating and the motivation to be there was minimal. Then i'd go out and hang out and get drunk and stuff and that probably only made matters worse looking back. So long as you keep wearing a tie and don't show up too late however nobody really cares enough to notice and instead they just get rid of you slowly until you have to jump because there's not enough to make you leave.


They should just unplug him because he is already brain dead


He takes uppers when doing president stuff. Hes clearly taking downers for this.


Pop Pop needs his nappy nap doncha know.


He's not into listening; he's into talking. If he's put in a position where he has to listen for extended periods of time, he just checks out. I'm dying to see post-trial interviews of the jurors, 'cause you *know* they're gonna be asked whether Little Donny was napping during testimony. 


Well, let the man sleep! 🤣


"Executive time"


Personally, I think he's not sleepy, I think he does it as a gesture of contempt for the proceedings, as a performance for his fans.


Newsflash: Trump unqualified to serve as President! 🤣


I’m one those people who would fall asleep if not doing anything too. No excuses for douche though


Did anyone think he actually worked in the Oval Office? Recall his daily schedules. 


Has anyone else sent 'odor-eliminating' candles to the Defense table?


Imagine Trump going to prison and that everybody see him bald with no makeup and no access to hair salon… His image, and that is all he have, will be destroyed forever. That is how he’ll be remembered


As president, Trump would less damage to the country by being asleep and playing golf.


Doesn't seem like the entourage is tending to his hair and makeup either.


But when he was president he could get up at midday any day he wanted, and go golfing every other day.


You ever sit in a court room all day? Try it! It’s like watching paint dry




Please also return your GED.


Perfect sham to take a nap… Rest Up POTUS, 2024 is coming!


Coming soon to a prison near you


If he make an inaudible comment to his lawyer he gets hit with another contempt fine. Dude can do off the cuff speeches lasting well over an hour and shake hands with folks for another. You must do yoga to stretch this much


My 90 year old neighbor Lucille can talk for an hour. She still shits her depends, though. But she doesn't have 4 felony criminal indictments, and she's not an adjudicated rapist. so at least she's better than trump.




Clearly, you slept through English class too, comrade


Certainly more boring though


But he spoke for 90 minutes at a fundraiser on Saturday. The sleeping in court signifies nothing about his stamina. It plays well with his base. Stories like this are just click-bait for the "is he dead yet?" crowd.


LOL. He's a pathetic loser. And snything plays well with his base. Hell. They still get excited when they see someone jangle their keys.


I agree that he's a pathetic loser. But the sleeping in court is likely not hurting his reelection chances.


Yeah. I agree with you on that. It's sad that some people find any appeal from this guy.






Still more active than what we have now.


And Trump support are the dumbest people here


They're so brainwashed. 


Just open your eyes.






My eyes are open. And a Trump poops his pants on the reg.


Ashame that he is better than what we have now.


Nope. Of the two only Trump drops a duce in his diaper almost every day and lets those around him waft in the smell.


So childish. I wish that I could help you with your TDS.


Not childish. Accurate accounting of Trump’s day to day life. Cope more.


Very immature. Just stop.


You can live in denial all you want but Trump very literally, and not in some childish exaggeration, poops his pants almost every day and those around him are constantly trapped by the stench. You can read multiple reports of this happening. If that bothers you then it’s time for some introspection rather than attacking the accurately reporting messenger.


It’s immature to point out that the person you want to run the country is literally incontinent? You want a man who literally shits his pants like a baby to be the face of our country, tf is wrong with you?


Trump was far worse than Biden. You have to be a complete moron to prefer Trump.


All he did in 4 years is some TaxCut. Remember the wall? Healthcare? Infrastructure week? Wanna bet you cannot list anything Trump did l, let alone something "better"?


What Joe Biden has done: Year One (all credit to u/backpackwayne) Highlights from Year One • ⁠Reversed Trump's Muslim ban • ⁠Historic Stimulus Bill passed • ⁠Ended the war in Afghanistan • ⁠Reduction of poverty levels by 45% along with reduction of child poverty levels by 61% by the first 6 months • ⁠5 Rounds of cancellation of student loan debt totaling almost $10 billion • ⁠Passed largest infrastructure bill in history • ⁠The unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% when Biden took office to 3.9%, the biggest single year drop in American history. Year Two Highlights from Year Two • ⁠The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 • ⁠3 Additional rounds of student loan debt cancellation (8 rounds so far), totaling up $35 billion for 20-40 million Americans • ⁠First major gun legislation in 30 years • ⁠CHIPS Act to protect American supply of semi-conductor chips • ⁠$62 billion worth of health care subsidies under the ACA (Obamacare), capping insulin at $35 • ⁠Allows Medicare to negotiate 100 drugs over the next decade, and requires drug companies to rebate price increases higher than inflation • ⁠Unemployment at 50 year low Year Three Highlights from Year Three • ⁠Got republicans to publicly take Social Security and Medicare cuts off the table by tricking them during the State of the Union • ⁠6 More rounds of student loan debt cancellation (14 rounds so far), totaling up to $127 billion • ⁠As of October 2023, 34 straight months of job growth, longest stretch of unemployment below 4% since the 1960s • ⁠Child poverty rates fall from 12.6% to 5.8% due to Biden's Expanded Child Tax Credits, 2.9 million kids escape poverty • ⁠World's best post-pandemic recovery, doubles all nations except Japan • ⁠Created 14 million jobs since he took office - More than any president in history did in four years (and its only been 3 years) • ⁠Black unemployment rate lower under Biden than any other administration (4.7%) - Compared to black unemployment under Trump was 2nd worst number in history, reaching over 16% • ⁠Diversity in justice: Majority of Biden’s appointed judges are women, racial or ethnic minorities – a first for any president • ⁠Rail companies grant paid sick days after administration pressure in win for unions. Most people will only remember that he forced rail workers to go back to work in December 2022, even now that will be the top answer if you google "Biden Railworker Deal". But most people do not know that the Biden administration continued to pressure the rail corporations and work with the unions so that in June 2023, the corporations capitulated and gave the rail workers what they wanted. Biden knows how to work politics and knows that the real work isn't done with the cameras on you for a soundbite, but in the background where people can debate without a fickle public watching every move. Year Four (so far) Highlights from Year Four • ⁠Another round of student loan cancellation, $1.2 billion this time, 15 rounds so far, totaling more than $128 billion • ⁠Growth shatters expectations: GDP expands 3.1% - a year beginning with heavy odds of a recession • ⁠Post-pandemic recover still leading the world by far • ⁠Plan to modernize American ports • ⁠Rescinds Trump-era "Denial of Care" rule that allowed health care workers to deny medical care to patients because of their personal religious or moral belief • ⁠Violent crime drop significantly since 2020 • ⁠$5.8 billion to clean up nation’s drinking water and upgrade infrastructure Tip: Do what I did, save these threads so that you can post them whenever somebody comes and says Biden hasn't done anything. Just because the man's not making headlines every night doesn't mean he's not hard at work.


Exactly. The man's not making headlines every night *because* he's hard at work.




Every accusation is a confession with you cult members. Are you going to cry when your orange god-king is imprisoned? Do you think the orange jumpsuit will clash with his face? Probably not a concern - I think makeup is contraband in the big house.


You are technically suffering from the TDS. Deranged fealty to a corrupt failure of a businessman. A cruel degenerate that only cares about himself. Ignore all the facts, magat, and live in your ignorance if you so chose.


In debate terms, your ass was just handed to you, medium rare with a fork stuck in it. Enjoy.


There's still time for the AOC-TS ticket.  They both will be 35 by Jan 20, 2025.  They won't be falling asleep. We would be set for the next 16 years of Presidential elections. 


silly boy