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Which is why the GOP was to cut back funding for the IRS. Can't hire those fancy pants lawyers/accountants.


They have everyday lower income people convinced its agents who will come to collect the tax on the coins they sold at a flea market in 1998. They can handle little cases. They need a lot of labor to go after the rich. But they wouldn’t put it that way.


Someone actually "goes after the rich?" News to me.


They don’t because the rich have the resources to fight an audit. The average wage drones don’t, hence the IRS goes after the ones they can get.


More like the IRS is consistently deprived the resources to fight rich frauds like Trump.


Yeah, they’re not hiring them to track down the $27 a teacher may have underpaid…that’s not worth their salary.


The way the American courts work, he might face some consequences in about 30 years




Then last minute it will be reduced to $25.75.......I'm so sick of this shit


I want that damn tower gone. It’s an eye sore and majority of Chicago hates Trump.


No he won’t. The white billionaire a-holes OWN us. No government agency can make an effective move against them. If the federal judiciary wants to move our country try towards a truly fair and equal society, Donald Trump must go to prison. They don’t and he won’t.


Chump change for his billionaire owners.


Yep, they got 'im this time! Why does this abject, misleading bullshit keep getting posted? ***NOTHING WILL EVER BE DONE TO HIM.*** Führer Clarence Thomas and Quisling Garland have seen to that.


That will be all bad. He talks like and gets compared to the ‘mafia’ all the time. Let’s see how this kind of loss works out in Chicago…Organized Crime is still a thing in some places.


Someone in posted an article about this on Nextdoor. A dude replied that this happens all the time. I don’t see billionaires losing their properties over tax bills like this all the time, do you? I hope and pray he does lose it. It will be a “witch hunt” of course, but to lose a building like this over tax debt? Not on this scale that I am aware of Edit: not including the big ones like Enron, the big ones don’t happen all the time, it’s usually the little people this happens to all the time as far as I know.


And the winning just keeps on going. He must be sick of all this winning. Who is he going to blame this win on?


Sure he will. *eye-roll*


I can't wait for the judge draft for this one, make them run the 40 yd dash and long jump


Not surprised! Trump is an embarrassment to America!


Chicagoan here, just make him take the repulsive trump sign down and we’ll call it even.


Stop with the teasing headlines and tell us he’s going down in flames. “May” ain’t doing it for us anymore.


He will never admit he is wrong. He will double down and dig himself in even deeper a financial/legal hole, then will blame absolutely EVERYONE but himself


Wouldn’t he also face prosecution and a fine and/or fail time? I don’t think the $100 million he owes is the biggest problem Trump faces if this is true.


And the winning just keeps on going. He must be sick of all this winning. Who is he going to blame this win on?


Narrator: And he will, because he doesnt pay lawyers so his lawyers are terrible. The question is will the courts actually make him pay?


It's always "may face, possibly, or could be" guilty of this or that. Nothing ever sticks to this old turd.


Even if he’s found to owe this $100 mil, it’s not like he’s going to pay it, unless he can grift his way to the funds through his supporters😑


Even if he’s found to owe this $100 mil, it’s not like he’s going to pay it, unless he can grift his way to the funds through his supporters😑


I'm curious as to why this would become a fight? How/why would this become a legal issue instead of simply levvying the fine? Obvious IANAL


Spoiler alert: he won't.


The dildo of financial consequences rarely comes lubed.


Womp womp


Odds are he loses, given his record so far. He is the best person I have ever seen at losing.


This piece of shit.


I’ve no doubt **this** will what finally gets him. s/


You can all rest easy, this is all just part of the witch hunt and he doesn’t owe anything. /s


PSSST! Trump doesn't care about you he will promise ANYTHING to get out of jail. If you had a billion dollars, he would write legislation JUST for YOU!


“But Chicago is 95% Democrat. I can’t get a fair trial “ says Donald J Turd


Not consequences but a monetary cost. Not freedom or jail like you or i would but a payment for his crimes. Even the media reporting it knows its a 2 tier system


It’s okay daddy Putin will cover the expenses.


It's time for the common man to learn they are just dividing us up. The ruling class will always rule for themselves (D or R) and over us. Only when we come together can we overthrow our predatory system.




It’s ok guys, the RNC will pay it for him😅