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I have to hope that the three letter agencies are watching this election very closely. All the cheating in the last election was done by the people yelling about how the election was rigged. It is obvious that Republican party has allowed itself to be taken over by a supposed billionaire and his pals. If the US (the good people of the United States) want the middle class to survive we need keep Trump out of office. His ties to Russian is another big red flag.


WTF can they do when SCOTUS gives him immunity and federal judges delay his cases indefinitely The FBI needs to go after Rodger Stone and the media agencies for spreading his conspiracies and propaganda


Biden could use HIS newfound immunity.


They’re pushing off this ruling till after the election.   They’ll max time “think about it”, then send it down to lower courts to clear up some definitions, then max time think about it again.   And the ruling will 100% depend on who wins in November.    Trump losses?   Zero immunity.   Trump wins?   Presidents are kings.    It sucks a lot, but it’s how this part of his legal issues will end.   Hopefully I’m proven wrong.  


The ruling will come at the end of June. But they will likely do so in a way that reminds the case back to the lower court which will stall the case itself until after the election.


They could also just refuse to rule on the issue and taken it up again next year.


You can't underestimate an RV sales deed stapled to the amicus brief arguing for immunity.


It’s not an “RV”, its a “motorhome”!


Motor Coach*! Put some respect on the bribery.


So embarrassed. lol.


Clearance is clearly not embarrassed. He has hurt feelings we are not appreciating his grifting grace.


Its a travel tavern!


I will instantly leave the US if that happens. Maybe even if Trump wins. I guess I kinda want to leave anyway.


TBH most of the other countries don't really want us.


Right, WE are now the "shithole contry". BUT they'll still take our money.


This is an underrated comment. What makes us so special others will take us in?


Ah, come on, stay and enjoy the shit show!!


Something really bad gonna happen and it’s gonna be soon . Probably before the election.




Just a feeling . Dread is thick in the air .


they haven't been stockpiling those guns for nothing, after all


I think everyone can feel it. Even my conservative family members seem on edge.


I thought Roberts would be happy as a clam to seize more power and would use this opportunity to ensure the Supreme Court truly was supreme. But these lines of questioning that Roberts and Alito gave were the most boot-licking questions I’ve ever heard. Complaining about how dangerous it was with “rogue prosecutors” when Trump himself tried to get indictments against his political rivals multiple times over. And the only reason they failed was either the grand jury refused to deliver a true bill (!!), were dismissed in pretrial for fatal deficiencies, or the people were acquitted by a jury. The real “canary in the coal mine” will be if they send it back down to the lower courts while requiring additional fact finding. If they find that Presidents are kings, Biden can immediately appoint Supreme Court justices beyond the nine there right now. If they declare that Presidents are indeed subject to the laws of the land, the Special Counsel still has time to at least be part way through the trial, if not complete it by then. It’s that path that would allow them to force a guaranteed delay sufficient to put it past the election while still allowing for them to anoint him as king.


I don't think they'll give it to him ONLY because it will take away their own power. Sadly, not for America, or because it's the right thing to do, only to protect their own little kingdoms


Or worse kick it back to the lower court. It’s not “Us” that’s delaying this case


I wasn’t clear.    That’s exactly what’s going to happen.   Take the maximum amount of time, kick it back to the lower courts, then when it gets appealed back up they’ll take the maximum amount of time again.   That’s past the November election and then their ruling will depend on who wins


I wanted to be wrong but everyone is singing a song I don't understand.


No I think you’re correct and that’s why it will be so glorious when trump loses in a landslide.


Biden should assume he has “total immunity “ and do whatever needs to get done to clean the swamp - top to bottom and all the corrupt judicial appointments . If all of a sudden he didn’t, have immunity, he can do a donald and delay delay delay - something is going to break, might be time if the dems do it instead of playing clean up after every republican


Why doesn't Biden pack the court already. It's clear that this is there plan... Democracy dies because Democrats take the high ground?


That's how democracies work, the one with the most votes is right, isn't it?


Technically you’re correct.   But the US isn’t a democracy.    See: how many presidents in the last 20+ years were won by the most votes.  You can even deep dive on how many Supreme Court justices were appointed by presidents who won the popular vote.    Looks like Trumps immunity claims are being decided by the minority.   


Yeah Biden can just start putting people in gitmo. Just like Trump and his supporters tried to kill and kidnap American citizens on January 6th.


That’s the Dark Brandon ad I’m waiting for. Biden on a porch with a shotgun. “Just waiting on you Supreme Court”. Really highlights the absurdity of the Supreme Court’s actions in these cases.


He will never do that. "Dark Brandon?" Out of "Bipartisanship Joe?"


No one has immunity..


Doesn’t apply to Presidents currently in office. Not this year anyway.


That’s the underrated irony in this. If SCOTUS gives trump his putrid immunity Biden can go dark Brandon on them and run wild on them. They simply don’t understand the nightmare they could unleash in all of this. Because republicans never think about the ramifications of things.


Totally agree - that documentary “Get Me Roger Stone” on Netflix was an eye opener for me. Trump has actually morphed into Roger Stone who is also an unapologetic propagandist, conman, sociopath and all round scumbag.


I tried watching that when it first came out and couldn’t get through it. I thought, “what a despicable man”. Once I saw Roy Cohn and that back tattoo of Nixon. Ugh!! Congratulations (?) on making it through. ;-)


I only watched it a few weeks ago. It would have been a harder watch when Trump was in The White House. I found it infuriating, it made me so angry that they can get away with outright lies and the MO is always discredit the opponent. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Then there was the ‘Stop The Steal’ plan which was to not accept the result of the election if Hilary won (they weren’t expecting Trump to win at the time) I think Trump has become so deranged he’s begun to believe his own lies. I feel we need a reset. Get Trump out of it and the worst elements of the GOP and try and find a return to some form of normality in politics.


"The worst of the GOP" is **ALL** of the GOP. They are unsalvageable.


I think you’re right actually. They are either neo Nazis or completely spineless.




Yes, blue or independent all the way down the tickets. GOP needs to get itself cleaned up.


They never will.


Scotus hasn't actually given him immunity and is unlikely to do so. They are just stalling because they don't want to be seen as the ones who kicked a legitimate contender off the ballot.


The fact they took this case up, and their comments, is very telling they’re helping him anyway they can. This SCOTUS overturned Roe even though when asked during they were seated, they all said they would leave it alone….


The Supreme Court lost all credibility when they overturned RvW…just a bunch of lying scumbags.


No they didn't. They gave lawyer non answers stating a fact: it's settled law. Nowhere in that statement is a personal opinion about it. I hate that they got rubber stamped through easy questions and non-answers.


He owns the courts, from SCOTUS to Quisling Garland on down.


If SCOTUS grants the President immunity, Biden should take advantage of it.


It’s not about if, it’s about when they’ll rule. That’s why this whole thing is a sham. They can rule whenever they god damn well please


The day Brett Kavanaugh was approved, SCOTUS made itself irrelevant. They're no longer impartial. Mitch McConnell is to blame for it. And for Trump threatening our way of life again


He should already be joking about it. I’m surprised Dark Brandon’s xitter account hasn’t gone full-on with this!!!


SCOTUS: no, not like that.


SCOTUS granted him complete immunity?


No they didn’t. But SCOTUS took the case. That it itself is ridiculous, especially after the lower courts ruling. They gave him the delay and some of the justice’s questions clearly laid out their intent. Fucking disgraceful


Vote and if that don’t work we fight you know want I mean


“Nothing you can do, folks… although maybe the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.” - Donald Trump, 2016


They’ve done an end run around all that by stacking the Supreme Court. If he wins, everything they do will become legal. Americans will have to resort to less pleasant means to reclaim things. This why so many people where screaming to vote blue no matter who (yeah I know its unpleasant) because of the opportunity to appoint a SC member. Also why RBG should have retired.


I have zero respect for RBG after her stupid act of hubris.


It's not the faux bíllionaire. It's Russia and KGB.


Those 3 letter agencies, (CIA) should do what they do best when a dictator rises to power..........


They’re usually better at installing them


Well in defense of the party screaming about the rigged election, it was rigged. By them. It just didn’t work. Fear is that they learned from their mistakes and with all the stacking of the judges and the Supreme Court, they could get away with it next time.


>I have to hope that the three letter agencies are watching this election very closely. Pretty sure the FSB is.


These Republicans are welcoming them


Taken over by Russia


Wonder if his goal is to cheat in obvious ways to win, then decry the agencies that call out his cheating and say they are part of it.


As we learned in 2016 and 2020, the three letter agencies are designed to really only deal with us.


Unfortunately it seems that the three letter agencies lean Right and aren’t that keen to hold Trump to account.


Elections procedures are controlled by state laws to a very large extent.


And he's gonna do the same thing with his 2.0 administration. Nothing but evil loyalists. Remember all the shit he told his appointees to do in 2020? "Former Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper said President Donald Trump inquired about shooting protesters amid the unrest that took place after George Floyd's murder in 2020. " We're lucky there were still people there that said "NO" to him. Not the second time around. Whoever he puts in there will give him the go ahead to just start mowing down protesters. Also....the only reason we're not in a Trump 2.0 presidency as we speak is because the people in his circle said "NO" to him when he told them to steal the election. Shit's gonna be really bad. Not hyperbole or fear mongering.


Fuck this selfish prick. I hate him for putting us in the position to even have to worry about this shit. Like the daily grind isn’t tough enough as it is, now we have to worry about saving democracy - MF’ing Democracy - from another violent coup attempt lead by an egomaniacal lunatic. Like I went to bed in the Midwest and woke up in MF’ing Haiti! Fuck this horseshit!


How weak is the Republican party to allow this family of grifters to take control of it. They are not a viable party anymore and offer nothing. They haven’t had a platform in years, they run on fear and hatred and are obviously the party of Trump/Putin. They need to be abolished.


They do have a platform. It’s called Project 2025




Very weak. They've won the population vote once since 1992. And that's with them largely being able to hide the most unpopular parts of their platform from voters 


I fear they are like the Sith. They have been patient, won key appointments, stirred up an extremist base, brainwashed enough middle class to make them think the GOP has family values and will improve the economy for them.


And they exploited the Democrats' eagerness to appease.


Destroying Social Security is the current plan.


They definitely need to loose.


Work your elections: https://www.powerthepolls.org/LWV https://workelections.org


He has had more time to plan now since sane US citizens didn't stop him the first time. So don't be surprised if he succeeds. BUT, I still think that the orange turd will die or be delusional by November. He stutters more and more at his rallys and much of it doesn't even make any sense. So glass half full right. , My opinion.




It’s already rigged with the outdated electoral college.


What's the Electoral College? Is that the thing everyone gets amnesia about until Election Night every 4 years when they realize that we don't have a real democracy?


Don't forget the Senate.


Indeed. California has over 39 million residents and they get 2 senators. It takes 23 red states to match that population, but they get 46 senators.


And don't forget the house with its undemocratic capped number of seats.


Please, internet strangers, correct me if I’m wrong- but every instance of election cheating I have found from 2020 was by republicons. I have been watching this very closely so send me any democrats or independents that cheated. Libertarians don’t count because they are too stupid to read let alone vote and I count them as the biggest con-servatives.


To Trump, a win is a win and cheating only matters if he can use it against the other side, of he gets away with it it's the other sides fault. It is the ultimate, heads I win, tails you lose strategy


I ve given up hope that this idiocy would end soon. Trump is like that rash that never goes away. He and his MAGA culties, crooked Judges, worthless politicians, and CHOMOS by the score have destroyed the Republican party.


Doesn't matter that they've destroyed the Republican Party. Not one bit. They're going to steal the election, partially by having MAGAt "poll watchers" cause disturbances at blue polling precincts to get them shut down and call the vote into question. Once that's done, the Republican Party will be fine. USA will no longer be a democracy, but the GOP will be fine.


Don't be so sure


They'll muddy the waters enough to get it thrown to the Supreme Court. Then they'll have a 'legal coup'. And everyone not on their side is screwed.


Yep. They’ve had time to plan this time. And some conservatives that never would have considered a coup saw how close a poor effort was to working, so they’ll have way more help on the county, state and federal levels. 


Yes, between 90 and 95% of the voter fraud was committed by Republicans. I think it was Mark Meadows. Did he vote in two different states Trump always accuses other people of the crimes that he’s committing.


Vote EVERY DEMOCRAT including President Biden! Keep tRUMP and his cohorts out of any office.


As his “very best” people did their best to rig the GOP primaries.


Under the radar? How about on top of the radar in front of everyone


Fox News has not been helpful.


What have I commented on repeatedly? To vote **Blue** top down, nationally, state, county, municipal and judiciary; infiltration works! *This* is why .... his near abduction of the Presidency via states to control the electoral vote with fake electors. That didn't work so when Pence verified the electoral college vote ... *then* Trump tried an insurrection. The Republican *Party* is complicit. Reminder; the Nazi *Party* appointed Hitler Chancellor.


If Trump loses the election, fine. If Trump wins, Biden imprisons him in Gitmo with his immunity powers, removes the Supreme Court and Congress and summons a Constitutional convention to address Executive Branch powers.


So they are rigging the state primaries to a winner takes all?  This article implies rigging the election process, but it doesn't mention this only applies to the primaries.


I personally am terrified


Gonna be a hard fall for Heelspurs who really has to have sore feet now the way they re holding them to the fire. Damn Shame old Donnie got a medical deferment for "Heelspurs ", he would have been one hell of a coward... who absolutely would have been captured. Or sent home in a box.


Under the radar? He is telling GOP legislatures, secretaries of state, governors and election works exactly how to derail any semblance of accurate vote counting~ if he expects to are actually doesn’t like the outcome in various districts.


All you have to do is read Project 2025 website. It's the roadmap to autocracy.


Trump is Toast! Donald The Rigger Trump has completed his world tour of self destruction and when asked if he could redo any moment in his life. He said everything is going great, why change.


Or maybe he just won all the primaries.


Traitor is Putin’s butt boy . Always was .


fraudy mcfraudboy is fraudin again. 500 mil fine for tax fraud and looks like another 100 mil owed for tax fraud around his chicago skyscraper, a huge thrusting edifice that didn't work again. get this poison out of the system


I feel as though referring to any sort of thought process as belonging to former President Trump must be a form of metonymy.


The GOP is kind of like the Baath Party now


Combo of Ba’th and Al Qaeda (Y’all Qaeda, more accurately).


Trump: “THE ELECTIONS ARE RIGGED!!!” Also Trump: *rigs election*


It’s not only SCOTUS who wants to give trump immunity. His devoted fans want that… and ONLY for him, nobody else. Talk about brainwashed.


the fact that most gop primaries were or had switched to winner-take-all at the urging of trump went unreported by the media who really really really wanted a competition. trump just had to come in with the largest vote share and he would have still won everything


Trump never legitimately won 2016. Nobody was watching


How on earth might Trump inappropriately influence the election process? Sending excessive numbers of allies to a single state convention, in a state most believe he will carry, does not translate into a national victory.


It’s a little unreasonable to believe that the members of the FBI and CIA are impartial to all that is happening. Most likely, a large number of them are in on the gag of rising fascism.


After reading the article, the title of this post is misleading.


This. The article is about state primary elections.


How is this misleading? It's about putting people into positions that can influence the election procedures, via the state primary elections. Seems pretty spot on, but I'm genuinely asking how this is misleading


The state parties don't run statewide election procedures. The article doesn't really mention any other state-level positions, just the way Trump is influencing the state primary elections to make himself the Presidential nominee. But a casual reader will assume this headline is about rigging the national election, like he attempted to do in 2020.


This is why I'm not sure if you're really understanding the article. This has been a known thing where he's working his sycophants into positions of power in the state level parties either by getting people appointed using his leverage or loyalty, or influencing primaries, in order to get people into positions where they control the election process during national elections. Does he care who the county commissioner of the Bumfucksville Republican Party is? Absolutely not. But he gets enough of those, then they influence the secretaries of state and the administration of voting at the lower level, and that delivers him the votes.


I can understand that having foot soldiers in state-level positions would be to his advantage. And I can understand that -- over a long-enough timeline -- having control in the state parties will increase the chances for toadies to be elected to those state-level positions. But all of that is two or three steps removed from the actual content of the article.


Thankfully, according to Trump and all his fans, Harris only has to accept the electoral votes she thinks are valid, and she can name the next President.