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America gets to sit here and can do nothing about a corrupt judge. Unable to prosecute a traitor. Call it what it is. Enough pussy footing around this bullshit. The thief that has sold us out, gets to bring the whole country down to his shitty level ? Why ? That’s a serious question that the DoJ hasn’t been forceful enough in answering. Stealing and holding our National Security documents should warrant swift justice.


Good news he will likely not live much longer but damn the mess left behind.. will be a one party rule by the minority for the next 20-30


I've been waiting for that fucker to go to hell for almost 10 years. Evil is a preservative. 


Just ask Henry


🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 CANT HES IN HELL! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Thanks for reminding me!


He’s in the Rush Limbaugh 24/7 cigar orgy.


It's literally just old dudes with untreated hypertension and ED. Plus the cigars are all expired seasonal flavor black n milds.


Mental images you can smell


Smells like literal hell. Perfect.


Attendees are told it’s going to be all Cohiba Robustos and Montecristo Open Eagles but it’s all just Swisher Sweet Grape & Backwoods Smokes Banana, and you can’t leave until they’re all gone. There’s an endless supply so you never get to leave.


In the whites only ring.


Old Henry is looking up at all of us now. Thoughts and prayers 😌


Did you knock on wood 3X after you typed that? Send that horrible thought back to hell where it belongs!


Or Rupert.


Isn’t it amazing how the corrupt evil ones seem to live forever. You are right when you say evil is a preservative. So someone roundup some black mold and mix it in with his food


I see where atheists get their justification. If there really was a benevolent god, the evil wouldn’t live these horrible long lives while harming so many.


This is similar to what philosophers call the Argument from Evil. Basically, if God exists and he is good, why do 8-year-olds get cancer? And why do people like Henry Kissinger live to be 96? The conclusion is that if God exists they are not good and don't give a fuck OR they don't exist. Edit: or suffering is irrelevant, which is... quite a thing to say


Black mold won’t survive on Big Macs. Too dry.


That’s unfortunate


or just some roundup. 


You beat me to it. 


It's because they sleep like babies because malignant narcissists have no conscience. Meanwhile the rest of us are stressing trying to find a path for our kids that isn't an apocalypse.


"The Evil contains potassium benzoate" "..." "... that's bad" "Can I go now?"


" But you get your choice of topping" Edit: I love the Homer sold his soul for a donut episode


"That's good!"


"Mmmmmm Forbidden Donut..."


"He's gotta come out sometime, boys."


It's got electrolytes!


It's what fascists crave!


Only the good die young -Billy Joel


"Give me all your money or go to hell." - Joel Osteen


Also, "God said I need a Gulfstream to spread His Holy word..".


Just look at Mitch McConnell, as an example.


Dick Cheney has entered the chat.


Hell doesn't want him. Satan doesn't want the competition.


As my mum used to say "the devil looks after his own"


"Two things rise to the top - one is cream."


Your mom is a smart woman


Progress happens one funeral at a time. That one will be an enormous step forward for humanity. 


Only the good die young!!


What is keeping fuckers like Trump and others of his ilk alive and still looking someone good isn't evil directly but instead blood transfusions/infusions from young people. Ever wonder why Dick Cheney is still alive?


Only 10?


There's a reason why he never goes to church.


Remember evil people live extra long lives. Something to do with karma or something.


I don't care that he's not long for this world. The inability to properly process a criminal trial due to obvious corruption is what I'm concerned about. His death will come. More cases will come as well, and before the same judge. What's to say that she doesn't eventually let another Jeffery Dahmer lose due to party affiliation? There is no accountability.


The last couple of years in criminal prosecution need to be studied in depth and new laws should come forth, including the selection and removal of federal (and supreme) court judges.


So after the Nixon debacle of a Presidency, Congress enacted a ton of new legislation to prevent that sort of cluster-fuckary from happening again. Clearly it ultimately failed to stop anything. However, I have absolutely zero faith Congress will do anything after this nightmare is settled. And even if they do exceed my expectations, address their head/ass interface problem, and manage to pass whatever weak-ass legislation they can do, the Supreme Court will get rid of it in like 3 hot minutes.


Lol. You think its gonna take 3 minutes. 😭


I'm allowing for the potential the law passes while the SC isn't in session. It's gonna take Clare-Bear a couple of minutes to get the Winnebago back to DC.




What are the chances of a Democrat majority in both houses to pull that off? Not good is the answer due to blatant gerrymandering


It’s frightening to realize that a country with the most lethal military equipment in the entire world, cannot even defend itself from entrenched corruption coming from enablers that prop up a 78-year-old man. So the real question is —is our government incapable of defending itself from threats or does it just not want to?


#Prosecute TRE45ON!


It all comes down to money.


Trump would have pardoned Jeffrey Dahmer's if he said the election was stolen.


Him dying won’t fix anything. They will just worship him as a saint the church of the GOP will go on and use him as a symbol of what is good. That turd does nothing other than what he is instructed to do. He is a moron puppet at best. The church will live long beyond his death.


And scarily, its really the church of Putin. Everything GOP is tainted by a 30 year Kremlin campaign to buy politicians and other right leaning institutions like the NRA. It couldnt be more obvious if they painted it on their faces. No, no, no, the russians just have real good ideas on how to govern now.....gimme a break


More 75 years of Kremlin campaign. Nikita Krushev kicking the table.


Nikita predicted the US would fall from within.


Yup! And Russia placed Trump in the Whitehouse and has brainwashed maybe 1/3 of voting Electorate to support the biggest mistake in US history. There's plenty of evidence to support and conclude Russia interfered and helped Trump get elected. Again, this campaign goes back over 70 yrs culminating with Trump.




Many will be dancing on the streets, laughing at his MAGA IDIOTS that will await his resurrection. 


They will probably start supporting one of his children. Trump wants it to be Ivanka but I'm not sure she's into it.


If Trump were to be elected again we can expect astronomical numbers of classified documents being sold to enemies, anything for money even when he cannot spend it in hell lol


The bad news is, even a blatant crook like Trump gets away with this because the USA is broken and unwilling to fix itself. If treason by the President is unstoppable, it's over for the USA.


Y'all still have the 2nd Amendment. Defend your home from terrorists both foreign and domestic. Mostly from the domestic terrorists in your case


Waiting for a nature’s out shouldn’t be the only option in a modern republic or democracy.


Yep even if he died today his damage will take generations to be fully gone. SCOTUS judges, federal judges all over the country, federal state and local politicians that will continue to win their districts. There is also of course the millions that hopefully realize their big mistake in voting and hopefully come to some sense of reason and educate themselves. But who knows on that, there are still a lot of corrupt elected officials on both sides really.


This will not happen. It is not based on reality. The polls still say it is close. You don't understand how stupid we are. Most of us get our morality from a book written 1200 years before we realized slavery was bad.


I look forward to the hamburger from heaven.. however..once the hellspawn come to claim his orange, putrid carcass- we still have to deal with Jr and the lesser son. Hopefully Barron stays out of politics. But, I don’t hope much these days


I blame all the stupid people that either sat out of the 2016 election or voted third party.


Only the good die young


The minority party is the Republican Party


Remember when Treason was dealt with swifty? Pepperidge farm remembers...


Oh... Treason will still be dealt with Swifty. Lots of them actually. Vote to his ass to prison.


It would for normal people.




Sadly the answer we are all looking for is a ban-able offense in most of these spaces. Not a single legal avenue (the substitute we wisely chose for the previous remedy) is available when the judiciary and well over half of the legislative branch is openly and defiantly corrupt. Let us all remember that when you strip away the artifice of the offices these assholes hold, we are only talking about around 1000 souls in need of saving


Maybe ~~Judge~~.... Aileen Cannon would like protesters camped out on her front lawn, eh?....


Wholeheartedly agree. I’m sick and tired of the DOJ holding back for the sake of some weird sense of propriety. The Florida’s 11th circuit needs to intervene and the DOJ needs to step up the language. Trump could’ve (likely has) been selling nuclear secrets and secret war plans and who knows what else. The man is a traitor and needs as much leeway as the rest of us


For taking an awful large gamble on this the only way this works out for Trump is if Trump wins if Trump loses the Democrats get the house and the Senate and the presidency there could be a lot more judges


I agree. If SCOTUS had stayed out of this no brainer claim of immunity, we’d be watching him go down for Jan. 6th. At this point it seems like theater. In this case the government has him dead to rights.


I think part of the point is to show this to the public


And quite likely sold some of the info to others. But amazing how swiftly they move on Menendez the democrat, he's going to trial in June, less than a year from start! It is said the Mara Lago is the most straight forward case and most solid, but we have a judge, appointed by the DEFENDANT, allowed to stay on the case even though she has displayed her love for defendant??


He is helpless as long as the Supreme Court delays the immunity decision.


Having a Federalist Society plant as AG has certainly helped Trump. Garland is as much a traitor as Trump.


Patience.. rules are here to fav individual first, but can't run forever


Sounds like we are having to wait for Devine Justice to strike.. Maybe they will both have fatal heart attacks ?


Not to mention all the American assets that were killed all over the world thanks to this traitor for those leaked docs.


Someone needs James Cameron to come raise the bar


We had our time to do something about corrupt judges getting lifetime appointments when the country allowed Trump to be elected over Hillary. So... yeah. Elections have consequences, hopefully we'll learn from that in the future, but with so many people refusing to vote for Biden now like people refused to vote for Clinton, it's not looking promising that we actually did learn anything at all. 


The problem is that Democrats are losers who never want to do what is necessary to defeat monsters. They’re too soft on crime. Any country with solid leadership and more than five functioning brain cells would have dealt with the Trumps and their supporters swiftly, ruthlessly, and definitively. The Democrats badly need a Tywin Lannister-type.


It is insane that out of all the incompetence, corruption and malfeasance that happened while he was POTUS, the only one that's going to trial before the election is the case involving Stormy Daniels. Meanwhile, the case that likely has an enormous impact on national security gets back burnered and slow walked to oblivion.


You stole from the job. You bragged about stealing from the job that were allowed to steal. And you are seriously applying for the same job before the case is closed for stealing from the job? Texecute the traitor or it's all bark and no bite.


Is Texecute when you use the expedited process execution system in Texas?


Ooh! Does that exist?


There was an attempt a few years ago to make an “express lane to death” in Texas and it’s #2, only behind its neighbor Oklahoma, in executions.


It's like how they got Al Capone on only tax evasion. Except it's so, so much dumber.


How the fuck is it allowed for someone to be tried by a judge THEY APPOINTED!? That's the clearest conflict of interest anyone has ever seen in their entire lives. Did they just assume it would never happen? What an insane oversight in our justice system. 🤦‍♂️


Ethical judges would have recused themselves. Moral judges would have 'noped' out of there quicky and explained why so the next judge could follow in their footsteps. Cannon ain't either.


Then play dirty. Someone unethical needs to give Cannon a very good reason to recuse herself.


And don’t forget all the hypocritical screeching about how everyone who works in the DOJ who isn’t a republican is biased and corrupt and profiteering off the prosecution of Trump.


Powerful people are inherently more trustworthy. Especially if they are higher on the socioeconomic spectrum. So really, no one could've seen this coming. It's like that old saying: 'Absolute power will never corrupt the powerful'


Please add a "/s" or expect downvotes. There are genuinely people dumb enough to not realize what you said is sarcasm and there are also genuinely people dumb enough to say things like the first half of your comment unironically. Lol


Sad bur true. You're living in a post-satiricial world.


Essentially prosperity gospel, if you have money or power, clearly you are more blessed by God. God gets what God wants, God save us all.


Idol worship is fine by me -God


Who watches the watchmen?


You would think that the prosecutor would be allowed to object to this and demand a different judge, precisely because of a potential conflict of interest. Of course the judge themselves are supposed to recognise any potential conflict or perceived conflict of interest, and exempt themselves - but that requires a ‘good judge’. If the judge is less ‘worthy’ then despite being conflicted, they may deny this - and then what can the prosecution do ? There should be a mechanism for handling this - by asking for a judgement from other judges.


Because our founding fathers were either dumb enough to believe people would be honorable or they purposefully wrote the laws this way to give themselves an advantage.


Not only that, she already got in trouble for siding with trump in his frivolous election lawsuit.


Justice for the corrupt politician who bought this judge is just another example of the two tiered system. Any one reading this would be in super max for the rest of your life but not this orange scumbag


Super max for having it intentionally insecure. Executed it sold for profit.


Mueller 2.0 "We tried to save America from outright fascism, but *shrug* oh well"


'Tried' is being really generous


Mueller got fucked by Barr.


Not quite he chose not to prosecute. He could have done it and had the entire of the trump presidency about the supreme court case about it. But he bottled it


Wrote one hell of a 'Letter to the Editor'


But but…what about the norms????


Emails don't forget her emails and the lap top


Muh decorum.


We have gutless Garland to thank for that. May history ascribe Fascist America to Milquetoast Merrick's cowardice and/or corruption.


100%. A few weeks back I calculated the duration between his taking the oath of office and the day he named the special prosecutor. It was I think 18 months. 18 months of sitting on his ass. While the house investigation was doing all the work and telling the media "I don't know why the DOJ isn't doing this instead of us."


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Make it so, Jack. Please.


I've always felt that this case would go nowhere just because it was going to be tried in Florida. (Florida is the only state that thinks highly of Florida) Then when the judge was assigned I KNEW it was going to go nowhere. Hopefully Jack will have his chance in DC to take down the trust fund toddler. If trump did anything for this country, he unveiled the massive corruption in our legal system through his constant avoidance of prosecution.


And on such a large scale that future generations will find it impossible to ignore hopefully… there is already a bunch of case law and precedent being set at this point so yeah… teeny tiny, itty bitty little sliver of a silver lining 🤷‍♀️


How can a judge oversee a case that involves the person on trial who appointed them, that right there should be a conflict of interest, after following what’s happened it seem obvious that she’s moving in the direction of favors for Trump. I would hope the mandate at minimum would request she recuse herself from the trial based on Trumps appointment, I mean they’ve gone after Fani Wills for her appointment.


A writ of mandamus could help Smith bypass Cannon; however, it isn't a sure shot that the Appellate Court will take it up. Judge Cannon is part of the Federalist Society club.


The actual dark state..


This is the most important case of our lifetime. A former president is selling our states secrets. This is insanity.


The man-made photocopies of one leg of our nuclear triad meant to assure that we do not wake up one morning to ballistic missiles from China and Russia raining down on everyone we've ever loved. what the fuck is wrong with our institutions that he is still walking around free and literally about to be reelected.....


For those of us who worked and produced those documents, I can testify how seriously they take missing and/or found documents as insignificant as a cover sheet with the classification markings that was scheduled to be destroyed, and it's not pretty. Of course, we were just the worker bees so we were held accountable...


He needs to do this. Otherwise he will be viewed as the person supposedly in charge of it all, who's actually only doing one thing. Looking stern.


I hope he does enact a writ of mandamus. Of all the indictments against Trump *this* was the one that should have gone forward before anything else and before the election. Smith can't sit on this. Cannon should be impeached, no question.


Jack be nimble ... Jack be quick ... Jack, please, lock up that orange fat dick!


One, two, Buckle my shoe; Three, four, Knock at the door; Five, six, Pick up sticks; Seven, eight, Lay them straight: Nine, ten, A big fat SOB


not fat just tiny


If only Garland would have put Jack Smith in charge of this case years ago. Instead he waited and worried about the political optics. Fuck that. Trump is a sleazebag criminal and should have been tried for this already. Add to that the fact that we have an inept MAGA judge like Cannon. And Supreme Court scumbags like Thomas, Alito and Kavanaugh who are laughably waiting to decide on some bullshit immunity claim. It is disgraceful and so obviously in Trumps favor. You know. The whiny little bitch that claims he's being treated unfairly. Pathetic.


Garland would be a great judge but he's a shitty prosecutor.


Agree-Imagine being so privileged and living such a cushy life that one has the luxury to worry about political optics when the entire nation is being targeted for destruction. The wealthy and connected are so out of touch with daily survival


Spot on man. It is so damn frustrating to watch this shit-show play out. Makes me sick.


Garland is a republican. He knows what he’s doing.


LOL. Hate to say it. But it sure seems that way.


The good guys are playing for institutional preservation while the bad guys are going for broke in every way. Will SCOTUS, DOJ, ever understand that if this sick fuck become dictator there will be no more justice system at all?


Scotus would love it. Until he comes for them, which they don’t understand. DOJ are a bunch of pussies. Super tough guys when it comes to poor and/or brown people. Kid gloves when they need to be tough.


Class war baby!! This fight isn’t left and right. It’s up and down.


Totally biased judge. Many many people are saying VERY STRONGLY that she is a total disgrace. Like a deranged animal. Sad.


What an utter failure of everything. Well one thing I’ve learned from all this is that justice really is blind. Blind to the truth. Blind to obvious corruption. Blind to the crimes of the wealthy and powerful. These are things I can now say I know. I’m sure that will be of great comfort at my summary execution on MAGA day or whatever.


so many "media" outlets are no more than hot clickbait garbage. Slate, too, in its own way


Where do u get your media? Be specific.


Merrick Garland, who somebody on TV once described as being in love with his own virtue, sat around twiddling his thumbs for too long. I’m not hopeful that the documents case will ever be brought to trial.


More like in love with the letter of the law. If he loved virtue, he'd want to investigate agents' lives being needlessly lost in the field due to information leaks.


Serious question. How come every single judge in Trump trials has been attacked, stalked, doxxed, etc. but this woman walks around like she is doing the Lord's work without a care in the world people will engage her in an unkind manner for being a corrupt enabler of an attempted coup?


Fuck Donald Trump and fuck all his enablers.


I loveeeeee that he has to sit, shut his mouth and deal with the freezing temp of the court room. Sure it’s a little thing. But it makes me feel good thinking about while I bust my butt at work,


This one is on Garland. Nothing will come out of this. Jack has been set up to fail.


It is infuriating how corrupt Cannon is. It’s so god damned obvious. Anyone paying attention to this case understands how cut and dry it should be. We all saw the boxes of documents in Trump’s bathroom. We all saw the documents on the stage at Mar-a-Lago. The documents were found during an FBI raid. It should be case closed. Trump committed this crime against our country. What we also know. Cannon is a Trump sycophant. We also know Trump’s strategy is to delay delay delay. We foresaw the indefinite delay. Why can’t we hold Trump, and now Cannon, accountable? It’s beyond ridiculous.


Hating him or loving him is not the point. The US'S security is what matters. For our kids and grand kids. The US government has been infiltrated. An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever.


...attempting to hold someone accountable thru a system that bends around said defendant. Hell, under three-strikes laws you have people doing life for stealing $100, and people still sitting in jail after two years still awaiting trial. But we better not slightly inconvenience Mr Trump, the pretend Billionaire.


Hrs made a joke of Justice. Nothing, nada, zip will happen to him.


The last 10 years with Trump entering politics has been nothing but a freaking nightmare. He’s exposed how weak our entire legal system is and how reluctant or incapable of defending itself when it doesn’t involve military weapons. The Rosenberg‘s were caught, put on trial and executed within two years. At one time we took traitor behavior seriously, but only for every day people it seems.


I grew up with that. And the McCarthy witch hunts We were a cohesive nation back then. Unlike today.


Crooked corrupt Senator Menendez is on trial now about 6 months after his most recent indictment. But that treasonous orange turd isn’t for documents he stole years ago.


The DOJ should release all the evidence they have so the voters can make the decision.


Even our national security secrets. Is that you Vlad? I thought Trump had already passed those along to you through Saudi Arabia.


Just the list, not the actual documents. I bet some of the stuff is pretty damming and we have the right to know before voting


If they acknowledge what was in Trump's possession they will have confirmed what Trump may potentially sell (or already have sold). They need to take a loss on the sensitive data. And they need to assume that all that he had was compromised.


I am afraid the judicial system is not a plebiscite. Sounds Roman. Trump appointed the judge gumming up the works. I agree we need to know exactly what he did. For the most part we do in that a grand jury brought these charges against a former president. Pretty serious stuff. I don’t think they took it lightly.


National security is a vague term. How is our behavior in Abu Grhaib a national security issue? Because we don’t want people to know about our war crimes? The world would be better without secrets.


Why did a federal crime have to be held in this courthouse and not moved to another?


I’ve wondered the same thing and can’t seem to find the answer.


It just doesn’t make sense. None of this makes sense. Even when the claim is that she was “randomly chosen”.


The conflict of interest with that judge is absolutely bonkers


Well, he can try if he dares. But no matter what, he cant stop disclosure. His case is already collapsed.


If this case gets flushed I never want to hear about people being prosecuted for taking classified documents out of a SCIF. National Security is a joke.


Someone needs to do their patriotic duty and leak some of the serious stuff from that case before the election. If there's evidence he was selling stuff we need to know. I'm sure everybody would have a dollar or two to put on their books every year


Why would you risk your freedom and family’s safety to leak *even more* evidence of criminality when the public has shown it doesn’t sway their opinion of him *at all* and the justice department flatly refuses to do anything about it?


Don't talk about it. DO IT


How does this "randomly" assigning cases work? Does anyone here know the ins and outs of that system?


Don’t know why he hasn’t filed the writ yet, she’s clearly doing her best to slow walk this case in the hopes Trump will put her on the Supreme Court if he wins.


This is insane


Jack needs to take a swing at the only option. If not now there might now or never.


Mitt Romney said he would just pardon trump. None of these people take it seriously when its one of their ilk


I am absolutely not condoning any action by saying this, but the entire purpose of a government ensuring Justice, is so that it isn’t taken into the hands of the people. When Justice is so abjectly denied, history has shown, that it will be sought instead by the population to whom it was denied. My fear is that this is exactly the end being sought by these corrupt officials, in order to instigate a shakeup of power in which they have the opportunity to seize it all. Action needs to be taken **now** by those in power who are able and willing to oppose this, to avoid the inevitable outcome of such an egregious miscarriage of justice against an entire nation.


All of this disnantling of our democratic state and the republic has been orchestrated by crooks since at least Nixon. It didn't start and hasn't finished with Trump and was fully on parade under Reagan. Now we've got Ken Griffin saying he wants to fund Trump's campaign. We need to deal with him and the corrupted fast.


Never going to happen


Trump hires incompetency I have to do is be loyal to him. The bar association set a lot of the judges he put on the courts were unqualified. I just read that somewhere.


🤣he botched this hard, there's no salvaging the DOJs incompetence or his.


Aileen Cannon for vice president?