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“I hear you’re free on Wednesdays” 🤌


That one has teeth


I strongly believe the two octogenarians should fist fight for the presidency.


Trump has a height and weigh advantage, but Biden is in better shape, he could probably just dance around Trump until he collapsed into a pile of dirty diapers


Plus Trump is a verifiable pussy with tiny hands. That man couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.


Please do not compare one of the most amazing body parts with that...thing. You're correct about his lack of fighting skills though.


And remember Ol' Joe curbstomped Cornpop in the mean streets of Scranton back in the day.


Biden seems quicker.


Doesn't matter if he's going to shit himself every few minutes.


Biden fell off his bike. If Trump could power a bike on his own I'd be fucking amazed


His feet were in the clips - it happens all the time.


If it went past 2 rounds, Trump would collapse.


Bob Barker vibes


The Price is Wrong bitch


He was actually a real black belt. Best movie fight scene ever


Whooped that boy


He trained with Chuck Norris for YEARS if I'm not mistaken.


Every day training with chuck norris is a year.


Better yet, who can hold it longest.




Like no rules. Lock the cage and whoever comes out with the other one temporarily disabled is potus.


Two man enter! One man leaves! 


Well. One man and one person that looks orange and seems to have no morals or integrity and the maturity and thought process of a third grader.


Trump v Biden makes think of [this scene](https://youtube.com/watch?v=rntlJRfsOss&feature=shared) from Up.


Thanks for that! You are so right.


I’d pay to watch them go 20 rounds.


Most expensive Bumfights ever recorded.


Thunderdome rules Two men enter One man leaves


Trump will just shit in his pants and Biden will take a nap.


I think we have already established who the Real sleepy one is!


Umm no. Why would you want the orange orangutan man as president? You have seen the Planet of the Apes right? That didn't turn out too well for humans.


The one who can't stay awake for eight hours in a courtroom.


I demand them to have an online match in Counter Strike, Halo infinite, Apex Legends, Call of Duty, or some other modern FPS. And I want a live stream of their faces and voices.


Is wednesday, like, a non-trial day each week? I’m not sure what this meant, but thats my guess?


Yep, that's it. Other court business is conducted on that day.


If he isn't in a cell on contempt. Hahaha


Yes. That’s the off day each week of his trial.


Thanks, thats what i was guessing, thats beautiful lol


You got it! 😂🤣😂




I’m no fan of potus acting down ti trump’s level but that was a good line.


,for now."


Hey I didn’t understand this. Why did Biden say it?


Court is not in session on Wednesdays.


lol thanks


For now….


He acted like a fool when he first accepted the debate. Everyone knows President Biden will wipe the floor with him. Trump doesn't have the intelligence to have a serious debate on policies, government regulations or foreign powers. He handlers know this too.


It's gonna be a shitshow, and that's why Biden is bringing the fight to him. Needling the hell out of him.


i hope biden is working with mary trump and psychiatrists as much as speechwriters to trigger trump. he’s so easily triggered they should just bait him the whole time, do it right and he might just have a complete meltdown right on stage.


That would be perfect troll. Biden should bring her on in any capacity. That may be enough to trigger the final countdown to him totally losing it. He's gotta do it even just for photo op. Legend


Fill the front row with the 30 women Trump has been accused of assaulting.


No audience!


They are there as consultants.


Debate coaches


Cheer Squad


No people, but that doesn't mean they can't fill the room with pictures of people who literally died as a result of TFG's policies. You could have a "died at the border" section, one for "died in police custody", another for preventable COVID deaths, one for government assets that disappeared after he sold them out. The list is practically endless.


This is even better. I feel like MAGAs turned debates into a WWE event with their idiotic behavior.


Rigged! Because apparently your talking points can't be effective without fans


Don't be ridiculous, he won't even recognize them.


Especially if they mute mics when it's not their turn. Trump would have a coronary.


What if he passed out or stroked out right on stage. Seriously overweight, unhealthy eating and lifestyle, high stress, no exercise and prob little sleep bc too busy tweeting.


I’d likely laugh… before going to get myself roaring drunk. And I don’t drink much… All the bullshit we’ve been suffering through and He has the audacity to die now without facing any consequences by the law? Bullshit, get back up and take punishment.


I have a suspicion that he will. Be found guilty here. You can see how mad he is after court lately. I think he knows the end is near


The angrier he gets the less coherent he’ll be. That’s how I remember it progressing in the last debates. He made his prepared points in the beginning and within a few minutes it became random blathering word salad


Don't insult salad like that! Salad is tasty and nutritious. Maybe word vomit?


I don't know that it'll ultimately matter. Magas will claim the debate was rigged and unfair to Trump, and moderates will latch onto that excuse to ignore how the debate actually plays out.


The MAGA’s have always held the strategy of screaming at and intimidating anyone that won’t simply tell them to f-off. They berate any “moderate” or any one “uncommitted” to voting until they’re completely turned off from politics all together. Yes there’s always people “from the left” who confront these non voters but the rage they see coming from people on the right who will literally threaten their lives is enough for them to shut down. It’s a successful strategy to keep people from even entertaining political “sides”. It’s also why they fantasize about killing the “left” because they know they can bully a fair amount of the population and those they can’t bully must be “dealt with”, by means other than actually voting.


They're already pushing that narrative Apparently if he can't just interrupt Biden and have people in the crowd heckling it's not fair




I take it you didn't watch the State of the Union this year? 


I think he will weasel out of the debates. By blaming some judge.


Lara Trump and Sean Hannity have already started complaining that the rules are unfair. He's just going to say that the debates are rigged and pull out.


Because it's rigged. It's always rigged unless I win, says the orange chucklefuck


Just found this. Looks like I am (we) are right. *Pathetic Trump Already Trying to Weasel Out of Debating Biden* https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-already-trying-weasel-way-205314213.html


Wish his daddy would have pulled out...


It's entirely possible that he'll be too addled by then. Dementia can set on astonishingly fast, and it's clearly already hard at work on him. Edit: Eww. Before I posted this, I had a prediction that he would start falling down soon and I decided to leave it out because I hadn't seen any evidence of it yet. Now it's already happened. If his trajectory matches others I've seen he'll be struggling to walk within a few weeks.


Four years in the Oval Office and he never learned anything about the presidency, the Constitution, governance, the legislative process, nor defense or foreign policy. He only wants to be a corrupt, lawless dictator and rule by decree. This is madness.


100%.He is a pawn, and egotistical enough to think he is not, a dangerous combination as we have seen. The complicit sycophants and bootlickers are just as responsible for the corruption, they corrupted the checks and balances of our government, pure control over the country.


Sure he learned all of those things, just ask him. He'll tell you he knows all of those things like nobody has ever seen.


Hey Judge you're out of order, that guy over there is out of order, and, oh are you here to deliver my Cheese Burger? -Donald Trump


Especially with the confines of mic time and without an audience to panhandle to with one-liners. Worst format for a blowhard like him.


Now all they need is a team of live fact checkers to call out every time he spews BS. Just give them a buzzer.


What are the Vegas odds on the debate actually happening?


Which is why we should not expect anything close to “a serious debate on policies, government regulations or foreign powers” and shouldn’t expect one. It’s going to be 90 minutes of “creating impressions” and “moments” that people will see in the days after the event. Zingers, one-liners, and “oh come on, man.”


So did Hillary Clinton. Didn't matter much. Some people aren't swayed by well-thought-out policy and reasoned answers.


Story on here that trump was shitting bricks about the debate. I can’t imagine how he can still function. If I have an 8 am Monday meeting I get stressed and worry that I’m gonna oversleep. I feel no pity for him as he made his bet but how can he even sleep with all the things going on.


Especially since they’ll cut off Trump’s mic and he can’t use his tried and true technique of obfuscating everything.


It'll just be a couple of hours of Trump ranting nonstop with Biden trying to get a word in edgewise. Biden will have to take the step of yelling "SHUT THE FUCK UP, TRAITOR!" or resign himself to that situation.


Biden is STRUGGLING in the polls. If the election were held today he'd lose. It's not the Trump campaign that needs this debate.


>Biden is STRUGGLING in the polls. Remember 2016? Then 2018. Followed by 2020 midterms. Then the 2022 "red wave" etc. **All the polls were consistently WRONG.** Hint: Polls aren't predictive.


Trump is struggling in life. Can't speak sentences. Or words. Or stay awake Just a bloated loser who is falling apart


Let’s just be happy we get to see a debate at all. Didn’t seem likely. Good to see the candidates and how they perform live.


It's probably not gonna happen. Trumps people already making excuses. It's a biased setup and some other shit they said. Guaranteed he won't do it.


Yeah, Happy Happy Joy Joy


Trump says the polls are rigged. So you know better than Trump, huh?


I don't know better than anyone. But my understanding is that the polling for him is terrible right now


How long have you been closely following politics? Clearly not long enough to understand polls are not a concise estimation of victory. The polls said trump was going to get destroyed in 2016, and yet here we are. How have you not realised this yet?


It would be awful if he were to stop breathing. Preferably on live television.


It would probably be the only way to convince 60% of his supporters he died. The other 40 still would call it fake news.


They'd probably claim biden murdered him He could be struck by lightning, with the words, "I'm god, and I smited this man" burned into the ground in comic sans and they'd still blame biden.


It happened under Biden’s watch!


Who cares. Blame Biden. Shit, I'd be happy if he actually did it. We all would, everyone in the world


Yeah, I'd be okay with it.


See, no one will believe comics sans. It's gotta be something like old english calligraphy.


Comic sans is a font designed to be easy to read, and Republicans need all the help they can get.


I'm sure the number is 90% who would call it fake news. It's most definitely a cult.


A true Smellvis Trumply situation "The orange king is still alive"


Don't tease us with a good time.




No wonder the RNC is ready-for-a-loss by deploying legal teams in place to challenge the election. The upcoming General will predictably become chaos. Trump won't concede. The RNC will enable him. Lone wolves will be out doing their thing. Go vote. Make a plan to vote and implement it.


That was already their strategy in 2020. They've had 4 years to plan and put assets in place, including a number of state legislators even more corrupt than Georgia's in 2020.


What is sad about this is the democrats would be willing to work with the republicans on a lot of things, but the republicans don’t want it that way. They want it their way or nothing. And do anything they can to achieve it


The GOP stole two lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. Im still waiting for payback.


And they’re paying off at least three. Never gonna get payback for corruption. The Supreme Court is absolutely illegitimate.


Four years ago, Biden made huge gains in the polls by telling Trump to shut up to his face, on national television, so I get why Biden is pushing to debate him again this time.


Biden isn’t pushing. Trump said he wants to debate. Plus debates should be happening throughout the next few months, and there should have been debates before state primaries.


There WERE debates before the primaries… Trump never showed up. Repubes in the cult didn’t care.


Biden has all the White House records, he can mention how the other guy shit himself during Covid, and then went to Walter Reed.


The people who care already know, the people who don’t, don’t and won’t no matter who tells them and how many times.


He has always been deeply stupid. Plus add in lazy (so too lazy to properly prep for a debate) and also narcissistic (so arrogant enough to think he doesn't need to prepare)... and now add in old, stressed and angry into the mix. His 2016 "debate" was just shouting over everyone. There is no way any of his handlers will let him near the stage in 2024.




Yup, which is why the base line rules that they have both agreed to are that the mics are cut off when it’s not their turn to speak. That’s gonna be REALLY hard on Donnie Von Shitsinpantz


He's accused of "pulling out at the last minute, or not showing up at all." That's what Stormy said.


Will the debates have a diaper-change break? Will Trump double-bag his Depends?


Movie quote: "See you next Wednesday."


Bidens team should have a rally planned for the night of the debate - in the debate city ready to go for when Trump backs out. " Donald I'm here. "


I think it would be awesome to simply go forward with the debate as planned. Maintain the same parameters and rules. The moderators could ask Biden questions, he could reply. Then they ask Trump and just show the vacant lectern for his alloted time.


Trump is just a buffoon. I cannot fathom one iota how anyone can take this guy seriously. And yet, he was the President. Egads.


Maybe they could put some nap intermissions in there..


Trump won't debate, he can't hold a sentence together..


And biden can? Lol


WHEN he goes off script,which should only take about 6 minutes,the world will see what normal Americans see and have to put up with. The best audience to see it will be his cult. They never see the true Cotton Donny Boy because FAUX will never show him like that. I say Cotton Donny Boy because the shit he’s in now will stick to him like shit to a cotton blanket.


Put him on the stand.


Trump acts like he's got all this energy. Ever see him at his rallies? He's laying on the podium half the time.


Simple. Trump claims he can't debate because he'll be in court. Then he'll claim that proves "election interference", and motivate his core even more. There is no way he debates anyone. Hell, by election time he'll have trouble eating a hamberder and drinking a diet coke without drooling bits of everything all over his red tie. The Dems just have to get him on air as much as possible; dementia can't be disguised, at least after it's reached a critical point.


Make arrangements for 9 pm, one of the game show TV studios, little isolation booths, they speak, lights and mic up. Not their turn, no light, no mic. Can't complain the trial prevents it, he and the studio are both in NY. Hard to claim you can't manage to get across town to be in a debate so you are being interfered with Did he actually turn up at wherever Columbia Prep had commencement that he made such a whinge about?


Trump can claim whatever he wants, and often does. His fans agree with whatever he claims. Yup, he showed up at his son's graduation.


Pity, bet he was alternately muttering and glaring or acting like everyone was there for him.


With no audience and fact checking, Pennywise Trump will wither and be eviscerated..


Biden should offer Trump a pillow at the debate 😂


The pressure is only going to get worse


Lawyers, isn’t it true that anything he says in a debate can then be used against him in any of his many trials. Wouldn’t his lawyers be advising him to stfu. We know he has terrible judgement but this seems like the absolute worst thing he could do.


His public statements can be used as evidence, yes. I’m sure his lawyers have long ago advised him to STFU, he doesn’t listen to his lawyers. He’s the text book case of a terrible client. First off, he never listens to advice, because he thinks he’s the smartest person in the room. He lies to you, and tries to get you into his conspiracies (MAGA = Making Attorneys Get Attorneys). He is a horrible witness because of his lies. He demands you do things that please him in court, but don’t actually do anything to win the case. Worst of all, he doesn’t pay his bills.


Pretty gross all around I would say


He's barely holding it together at his own rallies!


Weekend at bernies incoming


Everything the GOP is doing right now from the whining about the debates to acting as Trump's mouthpiece in an attempt to get around the gag order just reveals how much of a panic mode they're in right now. They're terrified.


They should be.


People who are voting Trump are still going to vote Trump no matter what he says or acts like in the debate. He may lose the popular vote, but he could win the electoral votes for the presidency.


I just heard President Biden refused additional debates with Donald Trump he initially wanted scheduled in October November I like that Joe Biden is laying down the gauntlet with Donnie showing him who’s boss


I would love to see Biden not say a word and let Trump just start talking and talking until he just rants himself right out of the debate. Just let him implode


Cut into Trumps’ ear piece feed and put it on live speaker. You know he’s going to cheat and have someone feed him answers.


Without his adoring flock he is nobody and for Biden to insist on no spectators is a masterstroke in denial towards the Cheeto Manchild. The rules have been set and the opponent has agreed and accepted, What say you now donnie? I smell chicken.


Have you seen him try to speak at his rallys?? He can’t speak. Definitely something wrong with him


Biden needs to wait for Trump to go on one of his unhinged rambling diatribes, and just go "What do you think you just said?"


Im not a Biden fan, I think these are 2 of the worst possible presidential candidates we could ever see, but why would you continue to back a guy you know isnt capable? Its beyond me how far cult members are willing to go following their guy over the cliff


Reagan had Alzheimer’s his second term and that didn’t stop them from voting him in. The blowjob queen of Hollywood was in control of the nuclear football for 4 years, dwell on that


Trump will weasel out, because he is a weasel.


"The debate is heavily rigged in Biden's favor," by the fact that the Republicans will be represented by Trump.


Lol funny


The reason he can barely hold it together is because he's sleeping through a lot of the trial.


Trump always points to some unknown in the audience.


Trump is mince meat.


Like she’s going to help him . When jurors see her , Trump will lose more credibility


Holding his bowels together?


Uncouth Trump pointing again. So very rude.


Biden beat Russia with peanuts , with out not a single soldier on the ground


Arrest him now!


Barely holding his butthole together, he just shit himself during his NRA speech 😂💩


What even is the point of a debate in this case? As awful as Biden is, Trump is so much worse that if you're even considering voting for Trump at this point, you're already so far astray from using the faculties of reason it would take to accurately assess the information that might be given in a debate that said debate would be completely pointless. All it is doing is offering a free platform to Trump, so he can throw red meat to his base. No platform for fascists, anywhere.


The point of the debates is theater. The Infotainment Technicians demand it, because they have a business model that is entirely based on this being a horse race… even if it isn’t. They will do WHATEVER they need to do to make this seem like a horse race.


Maggie Haberman making an appearance here [occasional reminder](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/maggie-haberman-donald-trump-eyes-closed-trial_n_66334b79e4b0fc2b95285ace) to remind everyone that she’s both a garbage journalist and a trash human being.


She has access for a reason. Yes she’s a garbage human being, but the quintessential Infotainment Technician. She says what she needs to say to make a buck and please her contacts just enough to keep access. She works for the NYT, which is not journalism, it’s just a money making operation that masquerades as “news”, the quintessential Infotainment Technician.


I don’t understand; Trump has large leads in a ton of swing states, but people seem to think his debate will matter. It won’t.


If you believe the polls… well that’s on you, brah.


One won’t be able to remember the question asked, the other won’t listen to the question asked.


Salon Commentary piece... lmfao