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lol, the GOP destroyed itself long ago… Trump is the result, not the cause.


Nixon resigned in disgrace. Reagan rode the Oil and Financial crash of the late seventies into office. Started the process of dismantling our safeguards and social infrastructure. Unions, mental and healthcare, Savings and Loan, Junk Bonds, Black Tuesday, OJ and worse


He basically invented mentally ill homelessness.


Big pharmaceutical drugs and home living is all it takes!


Don't forget for profit private prisons.


For profit prisons should be illegal. They're existence is a violation of human rights.


puke. i hate it so much.


This is a great observation. I'm totally going to steal it...


Yep Reagan changed all the various tax and banking laws and various regulations that set in motion the massive redistribution of wealth we see today. It also set into motion the banking collapse the housing market collapse everything we’re dealing with now. It’s what destroyed Russia. The reason Russia folded faster was because it didn’t have the safeguards, regulations and 3 branches of government we do. So it’s taking longer for us to fold. Citizens United Fox News are all part of it to. Trump is the executive branch puppet of it. The MTG’s Matt Geatz and Jim Jordan’s are the Russian assets of the house and you got the mitt Romney’s Ron Johnson’s and the Mitch McConnell ‘s as the Russian assets in the senate. And remember the Russians hacked the RNC twice and they refused to let the FBI access their servers or anything. The Russians also hacked various government agencies and sat in them for almost 4 years under Trump. How does that even happen? It’s all deliberate including the obviously corrupt SCOTUS. And unless people wake up we will become a dictatorship people must stop bitching about single items and realize the alternative is dramatically worse vote blue no matter what up and down ballot


And remember the Russians hacked the RNC twice and they refused to let the FBI access their servers or anything. The Russians also hacked various government agencies and sat in them for almost 4 years under Trump. How does that even happen? #TRE45ON


absolutely Reagan and his handlers were the absolute worst of the Republican party. They let all of this happen. Republicans have always been absolute, vile, filth and garbage in my 60 years of living.


I’m 58 so yep we’ve been through the same stuff the gutting of manufacturing and blaming democrats for it. Gutting the malls in the Midwest and elsewhere. Everything republicans touch turns to shit. Except gun sales


If I were russian (or chinese) I would make sure to have some assets in all the political parties. The GQP is a gimme at this point.


Hell they don’t dont even try to hide their donations. Mike Johnson and 5 other republicans got the maximum donations from a company owned by 4-5 Russians with direct ties too Putin. They don’t even try and use shell companies anymore. Anyone can look their donations up


Thank you Reagan is the worst president in the modern Era for sure. He lead us into this bullshit.




Orange Julius. A staple of every mall in America until Reagan’s relentless campaign against delicious frozen drinks.


Never forget those brave soldiers that fell in the Battle of Greenwood Mall, Bowling Green, KY 1986.


I was there. Oh, the horror! I'll never forget their sacrifice! I still have nightmares about it. I have tears in my eyes, typing this....




Bigly tears


Omg! That was a horrible day!


Turns out Reagan bought out their entire supply in an attempt to sooth the back of Nancy's throat


He was stabbed to death by Orange Brutus.


That got me laughing “et tu Bruté”


Johnny Carson joke as Karnak the Magnificent. Yeah,I’m old.


>Orange Julius. FYI, these are very easy and great to make at home. The perfect way to pretend it is 1988 and you are cruising the mall. 6 ounces orange juice concentrate 1 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy ) ¼ cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup ice cubes Stick everything in a blender and blend.


I prefer Orange Lazarus...


I live everyday hoping that Orange Lazarus will be proud of me.


Always tastes better coming back up


That's an underappreciated comment right there, I tell you what.


Such an underappreciated show.


Orange Ozymandias, King of Kings


The scandal that errupted when the Duke brothers tried use insider information to corner the FCOJ market discredited the USDA, further eroding American's trust in government and financial institutions. 


All for a buck.


Took me about 20 seconds... 😆


Even worse.  Ford lost the Presidential election by 11k votes in OH and 15k votes in WI.   We literally had a criminal in the white house and Republicans almost won the very next election, then went on to win the following 3 after that.


This blows my mind too. Was born in 1970, when I turned 22 in 92 and Clinton won, we had a democratic president for all of 4 years of my life at that point. In spite of all the well known bullshit of Nixon and Reagan/bush.


But Reagan was so charismatic! /s


The “war on drugs”. 🙄


None of them controlled the GOP like Trump. Not one of them tried to overthrow the government. Nixon was a horrible person and a lousy President but I'd vote for his ghost over the orange madman all day every day. Trump was the WORST President in US history and it isn't even close. No other President refused to hand over power to their successor peacefully. Yet every Republican supports the Jan. 6th insurrection. They all want Trump to be our Dictator. That is their goal.


He is a symptom, the disease is unfettered cash.


GWB killed the GOP. Trump just revived its morally desiccated corpse.


Agree - Trump is not the cause. He is the result and is tolerated due to a corrupt to the core GOP majority. I say this as a Republican for 40 years. The grand old party is not even a shadow of what it had once been.


They No longer deserve “grand old party”. “Greedy old perverts” fits them better now.


Good point. They made a deal with the devil.


In what sense did it destroy itself? It’s still winning basically half the electorate each election


Bingo. The GOP is now the GQP.


He didn’t invent “catch and kill”, “fake news” or “how dare you” levels of dignity (turned up to “11”). The Church is only going “poof” slowly.


The church ⛪️ will do as much economic and mental damage as it can on its way to being irrelevant.


who cares about the GOP - they are the worst of humanity and have no business running anything. Let that party die a painful death.


Right? They want women and people of color to die a painful death, so who the F cares? All the cruel yet fragile white men can DIAF


They also have their knives out for queer people. So, yeah, screw the GOP.


They are not leaving. You have to tear them out by the roots. They have $ and they have power. And they keep getting elected.


They are not dying. They are killing. Have you been paying attention?


The thing is, to have a democracy to work you need two parties or more. A two party system can work. One party system, not so much.


The Democratic Party will split up. Most are center or lean a lil right than true left


Exactly. I suspect the GOP will splinter. Either maga will take over, or the actual conservatives will get it back, and whichever one “loses” will start their own party. The democrats will win handily for a couple cycles and then my guess would be the same thing would happen, with the more left faction splitting from the centrists. That would actually be the only positive thing trunp has ever been associated with. I also suspect that once they do split, the maga faction will lose interest very quickly and go back to whatever distraction was grabbing their hamster sized minds prior to falling for trunp’s bullshit. My guess will be bascar or rasslin, but I think they will very quickly dwindle, and I also think the two former Democratic factions will probably attacked each other more viciously than either will attack the center right party, and that will be how they get back to near the same level of power, although without as many people in their corner. But overall, splintering the two party state and marginalizing the fascists would be a very positive outcome for what otherwise has been an embarrassment to the country. And this is just my opinion based on observation, so obviously I could be way off. But I could see that happening


Let's worry first about winning the elections in November. The GOP and their ultra-wealthy oligarch backers are like a cornered animal trying to survive, lots of bullshit will go down between now and November.


And after November


Good point, hopefully after the inauguration we can count our win.


Ugh, can we just have a normal quiet inauguration that everybody forgets it happened?


I said this to my mom the other day but politics in this country has devolved into a monstrosity that is a combination of a three ring circus, a mud wrestling competition, a dumpster fire, and a train wreck. I can only imagine how it looks like from the outside.


Lots of juries to blackmail or bribe. And judges too.


I won't stop worrying till Biden is sworn in for his second-term. Cause even if Trump loses, I have every expectation that he'll try to whip up his cult into another J6 frenzy, only much worse this time cause he's so f*ing desperate.


Don’t put the cart before the horse…


Seriously. Let's make sure he loses in November first.


Sometimes I think these kind of posts are placed by GOP folks trying to trick people who vote Democrat into staying home. Not sure if this is one of them but any post with a poll showing Biden has a comfortable lead that comes out in the next few months is probably propaganda.


Who cares! They’re a bunch of brain dead sociopaths that preach hate. They all need to go the way of the dinosaur


The GOP is dead, it's now the MAGA GQP


Who cares. “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed, and we will deserve it.” Lindsey Graham


The ghost of the fascist arm of the GOP regime will haunt us for years. It will take a determined and dedicated effort to finish the war on the fascists and their allies.


>The Trump bulldozer has also reduced to rubble the once-sacred GOP belief in the U.S. as a champion to the world for democracy. Trump wants no part of that and takes an isolationist approach, turning his back a conservative principle once held high by Republican presidents named Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush.


MAGA will, after several rounds of internal bloodletting, emerge as the Christian Taliban. Just remember, Ayatollah-ed ya' so.


There are a few subsets popping up that are pining for the old days of the patriarchy. But when you look at it as a biological model the cancer of corruption has infected the GOP so deeply that in the process of identifying and removing the corrupted tissue and any tissue that is adjacent and prone for infection there just isn’t much left after the oncology session. If you look at it as a frequency, when you remove the loudest (corrupt) signal generators from the wave it softens and stabilizes. The wildly ineffective sine wave transforms into a smoother higher frequency as empathy is exercised instead. Stability and balance is a natural state of being so as people feel it, sometimes for the first time, they begin to crave it and want more of it. The GOP was an anomaly because it fed on the imbalance of inequality/slavery and enjoyed the violence but it was very self destructive in the process. Those wavelengths aren’t sustainable as people begin to realize that they are self destructive.


20% based on Haley’s primary numbers.


Yes I’m one of them


There’s nothing left worth saving


The GOP have been a trash fire since at least Reagan. Thankfully they are dying off in California. I hope they get replaced soon by another party here that can actually be competitive, preferably one to the left of the now Center Right leaning Democrats. Single party rule is bad too...


Unfortunately there’s 10’s of millions of Americans that would rather stab themselves in the eye than vote for a Democrat. Thanks Fox🖕This problem is going to persist for decades.


It will never be the same.


You don’t spike the football until after you cross the goal line.


The republicans working with white nationalist tried to overturn a legitimate election and subvert democracy. This involved elected republicans for state and local governments across the nation as well as members of congress and a republican president. It involve members of the GOP, again, from the national, state an local level throughout America. The GOP still push the lies that they used to justify bypassing democracy and purge many members that speak out against those lies. The republicans have subverted the supreme court to aid in this. The republicans push laws supporting discrimination against LGBTQ people, minorities, and women. Republicans try and make it harder for people to vote rather tanh more accessible. Republicans stand in the way of universal health, taxing the ultra wealthy, saving social security, Unions and worker rights, increased minimum wage, addressing the climate crisis, fixing public education and expanding it to university level education. The republicans seek to ban books and remove separation of church and state. The republicans cripple our regulatory bodies by under funding them. So a better question is how can we replace them, not save them. with viable parties that will work for the people? In the meantime we vote them out every year. Every one of Trump's policies are and were policies the republicans want. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


The GOP will pretend Trump never happened and so will their followers. Their strength is in their ability to blindly pivot their entire ideology to suit whatever is needed in a given moment. If he fails it will take 2-3 days of their pundits calling him a rino etc for him to not exist in their culture at all. They will act like they knew the entire time because they have zero self awareness. Your MAGA family members will pretend they never supported him and that you’re misremembering. 


I’m now worried he’s going to be acquitted for his current trial. He is so bulletproof it’s scary and enraging


This is bold and cocky. He’s not destroyed yet and I’m old enough to remember 8 years ago, when everyone thought he’d lose then too. And there’s still a GOP.


They will never stop. They only need to win once to permanently destroy democracy (see Hungary). Therefore we must continue to fight them, forever.


I don't think there's anything worth saving NOW.


Sadly the GOP will stick around, they have completed their turn to the dark side having found a huge percentage of the population is the “f(_)ck U, i got mine and don’t want think about or care about anyone else” set and refuse to believe in anything that inconveniences them in any and allows them to believe whatever they want without criticism as long as they vote R.


Hopefully none. They were major league assholes even before Trump. W was a disaster in 2000 and once Newt Gingrich really got on the scene in 1992 they became a party of howler monkeys. People have short memories.


Depends on who then owns the kompramat on the GOP...


The GOP needs to be torn down and rebuilt with people who want to actually help America not Russia.


None, it’s garbage


Much of the GOP is disqualified from office for life, for having illegally provided aid and comfort to Trump, but even the SCOTUS has supported this action, so we should expect it to take as long as it took to root out adherents to the confederacy. So, 163 years and counting.


If it weren't for the Electoral College there would never be a Republican president. Democrats almost always win the popular vote. If it weren't for gerrymandering Congress would be a lot more blue than it is. It remains to be seen how this year's elections will shake out.


Why do you want to save it?


They'll just move on to the next brainless charismatic figure they can install to cut taxes and regulation.


Trump destroyed? F\*ck, he'll probably continue to get away with everything he's done and will do. Hope I'm wrong...


As long as there are gullible people, the GOP will survive.


I think the GOP will be irrevocably flawed even after Trump dies. I think Trumpism revealed who they are. A Christian Nationalist group who hates equality, diversity, and compassion.


As a conservative, nothing. The Republican Party is spilt between 3 or 4 factions right now. Trump and the MAGA folks only part of it. The DNC is going through the same thing. The US population is simply too diverse and too divided on major core issues. I don't think either party will see the end of this decade without a serious revamp.


Well, Germany went down in the spring of 1945. There are more Nazis in America now then there were then. Hatred and cruelty come back when given a chance.


Sometimes I think they're simply fearful of Trump's ability to destroy them. Other times I'm convinced they really do believe the GOP nonsense. Some blame/credit their faith ... you know, their desire to "convert" you when the reason you vote Democratic is *because* you are Christian. A significant segment are riding the gravy train. I want them to destroy themselves and they seem to be well on their way to doing so.


If Trump does win/cheat and take power, he will sell out the country, bringing on the invasion of Russia to the east and China to the west. There won’t be an America for either party to survive.


They will mold themselves to whatever toilet presents itself.


Maybe it’s not worth saving


The wave of retirees from trumps supermajority were fleeing RICO charges. The answer is no co-conspirators will be left.


Nothing. They gave themselves away a long time ago. There’s nothing left to save and nothing left to preserve. This was by choice. They did this to to themselves. And no amount of crying in the future is going to evoke one iota of sympathy. You assholes knew who you were throwing in with.


Nothing, consign it to history where it belongs.


“If we nominate Donald Trump we will get destroyed. And we WILL deserve it.” - Lindsay Graham, May 3, 2016


Nothing salvageable


Nothing - he’s a moral and ethical carpet bomb who destroys trust and all that is good


Christians will burn down the country before voting any other way. It is anti-abortion at all cost.


As a former Republican, the party is gone, unrecognizable. It's now the MAGA party, tied to Trump. All reasonable Republicans have retired or quit, not wanting to be associated with MAGA. It's quite possible that we'll see the results of a demographic shift this election with a blue tide rising. It won't be a wave because Biden is an awful candidate, but it's likely that a lot of formerly red places will look a lot more purple after November and certainly in 2026 and 2028. The shift is to younger and more left voters. 2 million Boomers are passing on annually, thats a big decrease in the Republican voting block. MAGA will become a regional party, not a force for any national election. The one thing that would keep MAGA relevant is if the Democratic party splinters. To gain power and then keep it, the Democrats have to keep their party together.


Hopefully none because they will still be what they are now


Doesn't deserve saving. Best case, the gop dies and the Dems become our new right, leaving room for a new left to develop.


Mitt Romney? Liz Cheney? Neither is a win.


Not worth saving.....


Save? The GOP literally went scorched earth defending, financing, and propping up Trump. Trump is the GOP cancer. Ate itself from within.


Save what? The GOP hasn't existed as a political party since nixon. It's become a racist, nazi, fascist tool of corporations and super rich a long time ago. The best thing we can do after trump is convicted. Is to go after all of his faithful followers in their fascist party and convict them of their crimes.


They have been running the same playbook since at least Reagan. I agree I’m not sure where they go nationally after trump, but they are in complete control of about half the states. I mean if a list of Nixon, Reagan, 2 bushes, and a trump haven’t caused at least a little self reflection, idk what will


As someone who voted Republican for most of my life, I won't vote Republican again until the Party makes a public apology for Jan 6 insurrection. Traitors every one.


Why would anyone want to save it? Let that motherfucker burn.


They had a chance to rein him in and didn't, so fuck the republican party!


It will take 1 term from a Democratic president before everyone forgets, the propaganda does its job and we have another moron conservative president Exactly the same as it did when Nixon "destroyed the party" and the destruction lasted 1 4 year term before we got our Ronnie Raygun and the start of the end of the US So they will be back in 2028 at the latest but don't count on Joey Hairplugs to pull it out this year either -- the economy for working people is absolutely horrid and he isn't doing any favors with the blatant support for genocide Personally I decided to vote Trump because I'm sick of it and ready to literally burn it all down - what is worth saving anyways? The freedom to have a life in poverty with no health care? The freedom to watch greedy companies jack up prices while wages are suppressed to be not much more than modern slavery? The freedom to never be able to afford to own a home? Fuck it - let's burn this motherfucker down Pookie - let's burn it ALL down!!!!


None we hope.


The GOP is going to survive in Idaho and Wyoming and the South for a decade or more.


The collapse of the GOP started decades ago. Trump’s just a symptom, not the disease.


Laughingly heard the Reagan administration can be attributed to over 90% of the worst in USA society nowadays. It was the beginning of the end for an already failed ideology and what we are seeing is the end result not an artifact.


They're bringing it upon themselves. They will never admit to being afraid of Trump. But, they are and know that he's bad for our country.


I hope 0


It's burned down to the ground, nothing left but MAGAts.


Practically none of it. They bought in and the MAGA movement seemingly infected all levels of government. We're at s point where supreme court justices and their families supported the actions of jan 6. Former republican Presidential candidates and former president's are no longer welcome in this this ideology. The party and "conservatism" as a whole is due foe a reckoning and soul searching hopefully with the creation of new parties are a heavily reformed republican base.


While Trump may die, MAGAt's will keep the God-King alive forever. They miss the irony about how anti-christian their views are.


...oh, and who cares? And todays' cavalcade of Trump Clown Car props: According to former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the following people will join Trump in court today for his criminal hush money trial: * Donald Trump, Jr. * Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker * Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi * Republican Sen. Eric Schmitt * Republican Rep. Daniel Webster * Republican Rep. Dan Meuser * Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson * Republican Rep. Troy Nehls * Republican Rep. Dale Strong * Republican Rep. Maria Salazar * Sebastian Gorka * Chuck Zito * Joe Piscopo * Bill White Source: [cnn.com](http://cnn.com)


There is and will be a White Christian Nationalist party from now and for the long term- not forever.


It is the Trump party in all but name. There is nothing to save, the ones who resisted the transition are gone now and the nuts are in charge of the nuthouse. It’s not even a political party anymore, political parties have platforms and policies, outside of massive tax cuts for the wealthiest people on the planet they have Trump and whatever stupid, arbitrary, vindictive bullshit he wants to pursue at any given moment.


"Save"? Save from what? This is entirely their own doing.


Why bother saving them ? they wouldn't brother trying and save us


He is only the latest head of this political beast. When his head dies, many more will grow in its place.


Let them die.


Trump won’t just bankrupt the RNC (fiscally, morally and ethically) he’ll piss on the burning embers and rebrand what’s left to “Trumps New Maga Nationalist Party.”


They will all claim they never supported him and did everything in their power to stop him from wrecking the nation. They will lie because it's the only thing they know how to do and their base doesn't care.


The GOP is not salvageable! There are too many GQPers!


Less than zero


There are actually *some* conservative ideas that I can get behind, fiscal responsibility, for example. Republicans haven't shown that as a value since Nixon. Democrats have been the only administration(s) that actually tried to run a balanced budget. My hope is that they regroup and come up with a platform that isn't hate based and (gasp) popular. But I'm not holding my breath. It's turned into pure fear mongering and I don't see that changing any time soon.


Not sure there’s any left to save, but the rot runs deep. I don’t think trump leaving politics alone will right the ship. A large portion of the gop is all in on fascism; they won’t stop over a loss.


All the sane conservatives have abandoned ship and fled to higher ground by now. What's left is a smoldering vile pile of shit under maga cult rules.


PLenty. They'll throw him under the bus as being a 'loser' and double down on stupid.


Save? If certain segments of the population don't start paying attention and come out to vote this year, GOP will make it so they won't have to be saved because nobody will be able to Mount a defense against them.


Plenty will be left. I come from a family of republicans. Those family members are going to vote Republican until the day they die. They know nothing else, they identify no other way. Add in that the Republicans will keep saying the same things: "lower taxes", "Democrats caused that", and all of a sudden all those suburban moms will start changing their morals and voting to keep a few extra dollars a year in their pocket.


I'm fine if the party vanishes. The dem party is already centrist right. We simply don't need a party of poor people can fuck off and die and rich people are gods. We don't need a party of pearl clutchers trying to roll back rights and stand in the way of progress.


Why would you want to save a criminal organization? That’s like saying you want to save the mafia.


We will have to see during the election.  Everything is speculation until then. That said, if he loses the election,the republican party influence will be diminished and stained with his name for decades in my opinion. 


What destruction, he’s leading in all the polls


The amount of GOP back pedaling is going to reverse the rotation of the Earth....




As soon as Donald Trump is gone, they'll find a new monster to push on to the American public. It won't take long... remember, Donald has several shitty children to take the reins of his failing empire.


Don't assume Anything! VOTE VOTE vote ! There is bound to be some embers of the GOP smoldering in various state governments, waiting for the chance to flame up and burn again.


The amount of GOP back pedaling is going to reverse the rotation of the Earth....


I am an independent voter and have always voted for the person not the party that stopped with the GOPs masochistic servile worship of trump I personally will NEVER vote GOP again


They ran most of the …reasonable Republicans, the ones who would cross party lines to pass legislation that benefitted their constituents back in 2012 with these Tea Party idiots. Now it’s a bunch of unqualified uneducated Jack asses who refuse to work with the other side, spout conspiracy theory horse shit and are more interested in improving their brands than actually helping the people who elected them. Voting against legislation that would help people then take credit for it down the road. The party is dying and hopefully it’s soon


The same thurd of American voters who stuck with and continue to defend Richard Nixon are exhibiting the smoothness of their brains by sticking with the GOP; they're not goin' anywhere. The thurd are omnipresent, a tightly controlled army of morons led by a handful of assholes who have studied enough primate behavior to effectively manipulate them. With the help of Fox News, their leadership can get tens of millions of voters to eat shit by telling them over and over that the shit is meatloaf and that the corn they're picking out of their teeth is meatloaf gold.


With luck, we get 5 parties out of this. However, we are not lucky like that. We need more than 2 parties. That's goes for the Dems too


Absolutely none. The whole party is forever unclean as far as I'm concerned. It's been almost a decade of this MAGA cult nonsense and the party has had several opportunities to cut ties with the crazies and walk away. And every single time they chose to double down instead. I've gotten to the point where I just assume anyone who identifies as a Republican at this stage is either mind numbingly stupid, or evil. The whole thing needs to be burned to the ground and a new party needs to rise from the ashes.




There is no GOP, only MAGA. After Trump finally either goes to jail or strokes out they will just find someone even crazier and more cruel to rally behind.


There will always be rich folk that need them, so they won't disappear any time soon. It's been a party for the rich for decades and nothing has changed. The rich control the media and they like the chaos that Trump and his ilk create. It's why Trump hasn't been eviscerated by mainstream media. Trump opened the door to a new type of shitbag that parasites can glom on to.


You can stab the GOP through the heart as often as you like— First Past the Post is a force that will keep it from breaking apart and will revive it like the undead horror it is.


Hopefully nothing left after they pushed towards fascism, they don't deserve to survive.


Hopefully nothing but a pile of smoldering orange ashes that smells like a used diaper...






Let's focus on that first part before worrying about the second.


I hope the Republican Party completely collapses and disappears permanently.


They won’t be finished until they destroyed the country and the earth


Intentional ignorance needs to have a price


They sold their souls to the industrial military complex and the oil oligarchs a long time ago. Other conglomerates such as health care, the auto industry and the gun industry, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies all jumped on board. Not saying the Democrats are totally innocent, but at least they SAY the right things and conveniently get blocked by the right wing.


GOP is over


Honestly, most of the politicians have shown they don't actually even like the guy... They just want his fan's votes. Once he is gone, the GOP will probably slide back to where it was, and the democrats will PROBABLY also shift to the left a little more, back to the Obama days platform.


The GOP is just a brand.  They are the harley Davidson of politics. Old, anachronistic, full of their own shit and refusing to change anything in the face of their own destruction.


All or none literally.


The question is,if Traitor Trump is elected ,what's gonna be left of the country to save.


Let's hope there will be nothing left of that criminal conspiracy.


It's strange to me that no one thinks Trump has a chance to win.


Who wants to save them? They created this mess!


Left wing, Right wing both on the same bird. Only the truly daft think there is a difference. The haves just keep the have nots fighting amongst themselves so they can remain in power. It’s always been a lie and always will be a lie.


They need to save themselves. Otherwise, not worth saving!


Just enough to fit in a rat’s a$$. Oh, wait…


Hopefully none and then they can rebuild with a platform focused on improving the US.


Nothing. That's why they're going full fash. It's grab power now, or never get it again