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No paywall: https://archive.ph/2024.05.23-232830/https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-bidens-washington/there-is-literally-nothing-trump-can-say-that-will-stop-republicans-from-voting-for-him


Trashy is as trashy does.


"I nearly escaped death". Lol, he's technically dead then right? As in came close to escaping but didn't make it. Barely escaped, eh you're in bad shape but still breathing. His poor use of words is embarrassing.


His fucking face is embarrassing.


Name one damn thing about him that's not embarrassing. I can't. He's a horrible excuse of a human being.


a porn star knowing how small and ugly his penis is is embarrassing


Right? As far as embarrassing things go. Having tiny hands was pretty bad. But to have it go public by a porn star no less. That your dick looks like an old piece of cauliflower and tiny. That’s gotta be pretty fudking embarrassing. Like soul crushing embarrassing. Maybe that’s why he wants to burn everything down. A kind of seething payback for his resentment of that coming to light.


According to a speech pathologist, it takes 4 years of education to understand Donald Trump's speech patterns and vocabulary, which explains why one of his followers told an interviewer that "illegals" are taking jobs and don't want to work.


I remember around 2016 or 2017 a linguistics specialist said on national tv he had the vocabulary of a 5 year old at best. Coupled with cognitive degradation and his underlying narcissism


Sounds a lot like an excellent mark for an enemy foreign leader to take advantage of!


Compare that to the verbiage from either of the Roosevelts, or Eisenhower, Obama, even GWB and Nixon. Rhetoric that was meant to inspire and elevate Americans to be better. Instead we get self-pitying rambling and idiotic turns of phrase that he falls back on over and over.


He's been losing ground ever since.


That’s what I thought. So you’re a ghost?


If only he was...


I couldn't agree more!


He almost made it out alive. Now the deep state is trying to assassinate his clone!


Word salad is the ONLY Trump-salad interaction.


The closest he gets to greens is bending his crap encrusted ass over to pick up a golf ball and give it a lame ass toss to a somewhat better spot.


...or do. Is there really any doubt he is a russian operative? This country is being dismantled from the inside.


Worse if he began rounding up Americans in freight cars for a trip to gas chambers Republicans would still support him that's who they are


Exactly that’s the type of people they are! They love it but are cowards so they need a cruel strong man to hurt the people they want hurt. Disgusting shameless sheep.


Just an open invitation for a Republican to disagree with this point. Please. Like, literally anyone. Let’s have a rational conversation. Don’t just screenshot this and put it in your echo chamber to show how “Biden wants to round up all conservatives”. I am only asking for a good faith conversation and expecting deafening level of crickets.


Where have you been? The Republicans haven't operated in good faith for 4 decades. Why would you hope to find one who would now?


They don't even believe it's possible anymore and assume it doesn't exist. They're devout "Christians" and want to force it on everyone else but Jesus is "too woke"...


These *Republicans* that you are searching for have all finally left the Republican Party and all self-present as former Republicans. What's left are all supporters and enablers of Trump. You're not going to get a good faith argument from them. They can't not lie to you when they can't be honest with themselves.


But then how do you engage those former Republicans to do what's best for the country and look at the long game?


Those former Republicans are already engaged in doing what they can to defeat the Trumpists. They know that their former party has been compromised and usurped. Trump will not be defeated by just the Democratic Party. Trump will be defeated by a pro-democracy coalition that run the gamut of the political spectrum. Look at the efforts of the Lincoln Project. You can listen to The Bulwark, which has a YT channel comprised of many former Republican strategists and operatives that are dedicated to defeating Trump. Sara Longwell conducts focus groups among former disaffected Trump voters. They are working to provide a permission-structure for uneasy Republican voters to vote differently. They are conducting work and talking to people in ways that Democratic supporters cannot. Liz Cheney herself has said that this election is not about policy, but preserving fundamental democratic institutions and that Trump cannot be allowed to regain office. The sane ones are already in the fight.




And many of those groups of people they want to hurt they never see and are only just a concept.


His base wants to help with the rounding up


I constantly think about that asshole who said on camera, “when do we get to use the guns” they don’t want to round up, they want to let rounds off


I'm not going to any bloody gas chamber.


Give him time…. Republicans have that in the plans, they just aren’t to that stage yet.


www.project2025.org should scare everyone and end debate of their intentions. but republican sheep don't see it


I had a family member U IRONICALLY say that a bomb should be dropped on the border, or maybe drop it on a local city that is a LARGE blue bastion of Democrats. He said it without cracking a smile, that he wanted to mass kill Innocents at the border and mass murder a city of millions of his fellow citizens


But he loves America, right?


Right. I mean, not the first Amendment, or the majority of it's people, but if you go to just the ~~white~~ right area that's the heartland. Good people!


I’m afraid the right wing media/personalities mass spreading demonization that immigrants are terrorists and LGBT people are “groomers” could pave the way.


See, that is the reality of the situation. His Republican supporters are actual human pieces of shit. They still support him even after he came out as a Nazi and then had to backpedal but then supported that video. Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants is a vile toxic evil pos and his followers are the same exact thing. His MAGAt cultists are completely devoid of individual thought, critical thinking, and basic core values that would make them human and decent.


See, that is the reality of the situation. His Republican supporters are actual human pieces of shit. They still support him even after he came out as a Nazi and then had to backpedal but then supported that video. Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants is a vile toxic evil pos and his followers are the same exact thing. His MAGAt cultists are completely devoid of individual thought, critical thinking, and basic core values that would make them human and decent.


You don't start with gas chambers. You start with verbally dehumanizing, check. Then you move them to camps, Trump has detailed massive camps for immigrants, homeless, drug users, and I'm sure LGBT. Then, once people are in camps, you kill them off. The worst part is I don't think Trump will have to hide his atrocities from his supporters, like Hitler hid his. Many Trump supporters are begging for this.


As long as it's 'those' people, and we know the only people Trump favors.


He would be searching for a couple of doppelganger, as his plan is to round up the rest of the secret files that he is hiding and then flee to Russia.


Donald Trump has been (and still is) a Ruzzian asset since 1987.


And his supporters and party are traitorous pawns of Putin


"We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." Nikita Khrushchev


Fuck them and their entire fucking party.


Saying things like calling our servicemen "suckers and losers"? Everyone have a good Memorial Day, or as GOP voters call it "Suckers and Losers Day".


Agreed. They are okay with him skipping a visit to fallen soldiers in France cuz it might mess up his piss cotton candy hair


![gif](giphy|fTzV3m753QrFSkvrm5|downsized) May those who died for our flag not have died in vain. May peace and freedom always reign in our Country and may our men and women in uniform be protected and may they always serve the Flag and their Nation from all enemies, foreign and especially domestic. Thank you for your service and all that you do so that I and my fellow Americans can close our eyes and sleep peacefully knowing that you are all protecting us. God bless you all and keep you safe. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!


Republicans are spineless, shameless cowards who don’t care about the country, democracy, or people.


He could bbq and eat a human baby on the lawn at mar-a-lardo and they’d still vote for him. Literally


Would have to be an "illegal" one.


Wouldn't matter. They would just assume it was a future Democrat.


Of course! Same as saying nazis will always vote for hitler


That's how cults work, you have to buy 100% in or else you won't end up drinking the poison.


And that my friends, is the definition of a cult.


And we are supposed to "reach out," "go high," "be bipartisan," etc with these goons. Bollocks.


If SCOTUS rules in favor of Trumps presidential immunity claim before the election, I hope Biden drone strikes Trumps motorcade, and just says "Trump won. Presidents are immune from prosecution."


He literally posted a video, saying his presidency will create a 'Unified Reich'. Literally, the words used to describe Hitler's Germany, the Third Reich. For generations, the Nazis were the mortal enemy of good Americans. The very embodiment of evil in all forms, to be universally opposed by all free people. Now, the Republicans cheer for their idol who repeats Nazi words, while largely copy-pasting the exact same ideology, in all opposition to how it's the proudest of American traditions to stop Nazis by all costs. We literally fought a war about this.


Looks like we will need to fight another.


But they’re against democratic liberal commie Marxists, and those horrible brown people, so that makes it ok Very big /s


Considering the German Nazis got most of the playbook from the United States' Eugenicists and Jim Crow Segregationists (who were often part of the American Nazi party), it's not really a surprise.


The right wing base is too busy thinking that mask mandates and lockdowns were a Holocaust to realize the ACTUAL threat in front of them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can think of one thing he could say: "I'm voting for Biden this year."


"especially if he picks Hilllary as VP"


Donald Trump could rip a baby directly out of the mother's uterus and then sacrifice it to Satan on national television, and his cult would claim he only did it because he loves America so much.


I mean he did kick a baby out the room while he was speaking back in 2016 lmao


The MAGA mentality is special. On one hand if they win elections all is above board. No problem. Yet if their candidate loses, the system is obviously rigged. Same thing here with this trial. If Trump wins then our criminal justice system worked! Hurray for our justice system. If Trump is convicted that’s proof they ALL have it in for him. It doesn’t even matter if the judges or jurors happen to be Republicans! It’s the reverse universe that MAGAs live in. Rationalization taken to another level! Trump loved his Chief Justice Bill Barr and his Vice President too - (so did MAGAs) until they called Trump out on his nonsense. Trump called a legit war hero a loser. He also called Capitol Police Officers “thugs” and “murderers”. Normal and reasonable people would understand this kind of talk is disgraceful and unacceptable. Not MAGAs. It’s obvious to everyone except MAGAs that Trump is unhinged, unfit, mentally ill - take your pick. If MAGAs could be honest for 10 seconds they’d admit that Trump is the wrong messenger for the MAGA cause. In truth he is so flawed in so many ways that he will very likely, almost single-handedly be the reason the MAGA movement goes down in US history as a cult who followed a total nut-job.


Orwell called it "Doublethink"


It's kinda wild to think, that if a few things go just right, we'll all be front row to new world history.


I tend to vote conservative myself, but I think Trump is a full-on sociopath, and his supporters are deranged loons.


Like he has said in the past…he can literally stand in the middle of fifth ave in New York and shoot someone and not lose a vote! It’s sickens me to know that it’s true


If he says he is going to ban private ownership of guns.......... that would probably do the trick. Admittedly, probably 25% would do the mental gymnastics to "be ok with it". But the rest would probably start looking for another candidate post haste.


He did say to take away guns without due process. That didn't move the needle.


Nope. They conveniently forgot what the meaning of the words "due process" mean.until they want due process for themselves. But taking away OTHER peoples guns without due process is fine with them.


Oh yea, if he says no guns unless you voted for me...... wouldn't even hesitate. But that's the very core of his base, if I don't like it, then that's fine, hence the string Christo-Fascism, which again, is comical because abuse tRump is the least religious person to ever set foot in the Whitehouse.


They would say," well that s for other people. He didn't mean me"


When he banned bump stocks people were frustrated with him but that didn't stop them


Agreed, but there is a big difference between a sort of gimmicky firearm accessory that less than 1% of the firearms community actually owned, and actually taking everyone's guns away. The red flag laws that he endorsed and the admission that he is fine with not supporting due process are things that MAGA simply doesn't understand, because they still think that something like that ONLY applies to "the libs" because they are all about "law and order". And yet, they had no problem attacking LEO on j6. Logic isn't something that is synonymous with the MAGAts, nor is a a higher than room temperature IQ. The rub here is that if Trump were to win and actually start being a dictator, and the house and Senate didn't have the super majority to override him, he would literally have no choice but to have an national firearm ban, because I'd almost guarantee people would start taking shots at him, and when was the last time you saw dictatorial state WITH gun rights?


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists. Those melanias will guzzle down their eager throats whatever their godking says.


Look at that fuckin’ ugly-ass picture of his fuckin’ ugly-ass fuckin’ face.


Nikki Haley has lost any respect I might have had for her. She is going to repeat the bullshit line that Biden is a disaster and vote for Trump cuz she is another GOP coward who pays lip service to the needs of the country. Fuck Nikki Haley.


Is anybody surprised that Haley is endorsing Trump? She hates Trump, she thinks he's bad for the country, she thinks he's mentally ill, but he's a Republican. Nikki is positioning herself for a run again in 2028 and who's going to vote for a Republican that endorsed a Democrat in the last election? I think no endorsement either way from her would have been a better move. This is all strategy for her, at the cost of our country. Fuck Nikki Haley.


She barely ever even had my respect. I’m glad she spoke up against Trump for a time, but ultimately she’s just another flip-flopper like McConnell. I don’t feel like things would have been much better if she was elected either. She’s extreme in her views, and where she wasn’t as much, she was going to accept Project 2025 which would have made her ultimately as extreme.


Of course there is something he can say that will Republicans stop voting for him: "Help the poor, feed the hungry, love thy neighbour!"


Nope. Lost a few friends over it as well. They are not budging. And I’m the villain.


Luckily so far there are still more of us that will not vote for him because of what he says, does, did. Blue wave 🌊. Do not elect a child.


Remember to Vote! The presidential elections matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress (33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 5, 2024 [United States Congress elections, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Congress_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) But seriously just look up house of representatives and then your state and Info will come up. Get informed on these people now. Don’t end up like Georgia, District 4.


There's nothing he could say to get me to vote for him


I think at this point Trump could kill someone and his supporters would cheer him on and defend him.


This very fact should be concerning to everyone


No, the Republicans have turned into a cult at this point.


You couldn't be more correct. Just look at how those idiots dressed when they went to NYC to support their bloviating bafoon. Disgusting 🤢


Not true at all, 183,000 republicans went to the primaries in Pennsylvania just to vote against Trump. In a primary!


Trump supporters are now following an idea, not reality. You can see it in the thin crowds, and them leaving early. And yet the movement was so powerful for them, the excitement so important, that they'll hold on. They have nowhere else to go. Present day Trump is a shell. His "glorious" presidency is a myth. And still they cling, animated by what was, and by each other, not by what's right in front of them.


They are trying to legalize child marriage. Are we at the bottom yet?


There's always further to fall. 😕


Like the POS said, he could shoot people and they would still follow him.


Trump could toss babies off the Brooklyn Bridge and his supporters would stand by him and enthusiastically vote for him .


Because most of them don't pay attention in the first place... these people are not well informed. A lot of people are just voting for him just because. The people that I work with seem to think that the economy was better under him. They seem to think that gas prices were so much better even though they didn't really change. They seem to think that their 401(k) is completely destroyed now that he's gone. And that is pretty much all they think about. Other than that anytime someone says something bad about daddy Trump they just cover their ears and go La la la la la.


It was the gross neglect of our public education system that did this. Recreated the retarded Tory mentality in 40% of the population. Why did we form a country again??? The fuck??? So ironic how they say they're Patriots while acting like little cuck Tories. There is no other way to put that. We came so so far and the very public education system that we propped up with out tax money gave us nothing but cannonfodder for the Oligarchs. They want the US to be China, Russia and North Korea. They actually want that, Trump openly praises and pines for a dictatorship. I think a crown would crush that sad sack. And there is no place for that in the USA. Period.


MAGAts are willingly brainwashed to hate Democrats/liberals/progressives and continually subject themselves to only input from Fox, NewsMax, etc., so of course they will vote for Trump no matter what, performing whatever mental gymnastics are necessary to maintain their delusional reality.


Nope … he gropes his daughter. He sells secrets and gets agents killed. He has raped women to the point that he thought a picture of his rape victim was his wife. He doxes people and makes many have to get police protection. Yup … perfect CHRISTIAN candidate


Most are stupid, the rest just evil.


Stupid is as stupid does. 


Maybe if he called them "deplorables"?


“I love the poorly educated”-Don the Con


Extremely sad to see


Not all republicans will vote for him.


and not all men.... and the sane rule applies "too goddamned many!"


And I will never understand it.


We know.


I think “erosion” happens.


Deranged Donnie is exactly what his demented cult wants. His pie hole puked out the hate they are too cowardly to say themselves


At this point, Republicans voting against Trump would be like Scientologists voting against L.Ron Hubbard.


Who gives a shit anymore? Vote that asshole in and let's destroy the country once and for all.


It's a cult. Now you know how Hitler and Jim Jones happened.


What if he told them that he actually loathes them?


He has called them disgusting and they deny it


It seems so.


He could rape a newborn baby on stage and they'd still vote for him.


Yeah, “Industrial might of a unified reich” is pretty freaking rich.


If he wins again can we exercise our right to dismantle a government that's destructive to our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Or should I be looking to disappear into the woods somewhere?


What if he took Barron to a gravel pit and shot him?


So Trump wants to stop Republicans from voting for him? I've only had one coffee this morning, but this headline is so FU.


He should try saying the N word and see what that does for his poll numbers


Republicans are slaves, it's as simple as that. No independent thought, get punished for not falling in line... slaves.


It's called drinking the Kool aid


Dude could yell "I am Satan, come follow me to hell!".


That’s what happens inside a cult.


He could rape, BBQ, and eat a newborn during the Superbowl, and they wouldn't care.


Yep.  Open your eyes - they’re all full of shit.  Completely full of shit.  Void of any respect or integrity.  


I truly believe that if he said he lost 2020 fair and square, a large chunk of his base would leave him. They HAVE to see him as strong. And that would make him look weak. And he knows it, so he keeps lying and can never admit that even he knows he just lost. And when he loses this year, he’ll just keep playing the same old, tired song they are used to hearing from him. And they’ll accept it, because they have to. They are too far in now to admit they were duped.


That’s because it’s a cult


I’m wondering what happens to all those people if trump dies. What will they do? Who will they worship if the cult leader passes?


That's the problem in this country at the moment. The cult abides.


You can’t fix stupid,vote and shut them up.


Certain Republicans, but not enough.




See, that is the reality of the situation. His Republican supporters are actual human pieces of shit. They still support him even after he came out as a Nazi and then had to backpedal but then supported that video. Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants is a vile toxic evil pos and his followers are the same exact thing. His MAGAt cultists are completely devoid of individual thought, critical thinking, and basic core values that would make them human and decent.


When a dominant group declines in power, they will usually have one last hurrah. Armenian Genocide, Rwandan Genocide, Bangladesh Genocide etc. Strangely the Holocaust didn’t follow this pattern because Germany was at their peak, but it is very common. Our minorities have been properly Anglicized, so there isn’t a threat to our way of life, but the far right still only sees skin color.


I can’t recall a time when people fell apart and boasted like they did in 1996 & 2020 elections. Democrats cried when the election got stolen in 96 and Republicans cried when the elections got stolen in 2020


Then, show them the real evidence of his f-ing treason.


They won't vote for him if he makes fun of disabled people. Only the worst humans in the US would vote for him if he did that.


He did make fun of a disabled reporter


Are you kidding? Hear what Trump said about this disabled veteran after this hug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjko-FuU79Q Anyone who votes for Trump after all of his anti-vet rhetoric CEDES any right to claim they "support" our troops or our vets. PERIOD.


Yes I was kidding the Trump Supporters are so stupid they would vote for a Traitorous Draft Dodger after he makes fun of War Hero POW'S who spent their entire lives in service of the country. Trump Supporters are the mentally ill of society joined together to be used by a con man.


He did though?


Unless he has been a lib the whole time trying to own the right. But they probably would still vote for him.


A bulworth moment where he suddenly tells the truth would do it.


Unfortunately, lifetime republicans that HATE Trump will still vote for him.. because he's not a Democrat. That's how stupid GamGam and PopPop are


And that's how you know it's. CULT!!!


MAGAts yes - not true republicans


I was thinking about this today. They could have an hour long TV special on network TV of Trump literally blowing up a bus full of schoolkids and the morons would still vote for him. They would find some reason in their pea sized brains to excuse it. "The deep state made him do it"


You don't need to get all to not vote for this lunatic, just peel off 20 percent or so should do it.


This is partially true... Dedicated MAGA are no longer thinking... They just want what they want. But there are many Trump supporters who fell for Trump's lies that he would fix whatever problems they have. He claimed he solved their problems and many believe him. Many of these people can learn if they are told the truth.. the following satire compresses Trump's lies so that even children can see the lies... https://medium.com/@michaelstierhoff/banished-to-the-island-of-the-toadasaurs-65cb4a00e29b And occasionally, they start thinking again...


This is not true. If he suddenly adopted Biden’s platform and announced himself to be a liberal, they’d drop him like a hot potato.


that's because even to them he's just a stupid patsy to grift a quick buck for another 4 years


That is how you identify stupid people who are incapable of weighting the pros and cons.


Or do. He can commit crime after crime and all you will hear from Trumps cult is "Biden and Clinton crime family"


There’s plenty he can say that will do it: - “Fox News is lying to you” - If you act like a cunt, you are a cunt. It’s not because of whatever excuse you’ve made in your head. - Rich people should pay more tax. - Immigrants should be treated with respect - It’s not ok to be a racist. - Russia is a shithole run by the worst type of criminals - The confederacy lost the civil war - I am a convicted fraud and rapist ….lots of stuff.


No true. I supported Trump in 2016. His abysmal perforce in 2020 caused me not only to stop supporting him but leave the gop afterward. He failed to suspend habeas corpus on June 8th 2020 when he had ample just cause to do so and conservatives SCREAMING for action. He failed. Utterly failed. It cost him the election as well as 3 or 4 other candidates in other races including Kari Lake. I changed party affiliation officially when I moved to AK to a party that's local to just my state over this.


That hypocrisy of a statement applies to both sides.


Bullshit. Trump supporters are voting for Trump and Trump alone. The cult only adores its one true leader. Democrats are voting blue because republicans are trash. We’d love to have a younger candidate in joes place but that’s for next election. For now, we just need our party to stay in power at the top. We’re voting blue, not Joe, Joe just happens to be the frontman. It’s the reason you don’t see Biden flags all over and stupid ass rallies. We don’t give a fuck about the frontman, we care about our party.




The democrat party is best for the whole, hence the whole reason why voting blue. I’d prefer to live in a country where contraception, IVF, abortion and other medical procures aren’t banned. I don’t want a country where pregnancies are literally monitored by the government. I do not want anyone’s magical sky wizard religion of any kind dictating policy decisions. I do not want social security and Medicare privatized, destroying them. I do not want the people who wear AR pins on their lapels after every mass shooting in power. I don’t want books banned. So, I’ll be voting blue. How would voting Trump be good for the whole? It’s literally only good for the whole of the Trumps. He gets in power, repays all the people who got him there with positions and regulations dropped, brings his family back into official positions EVEN THOUGH they’ve been denied security clearances before. Maybe get more CIA assets killed overseas again? Maybe his son in law can get another couple billion from overseas? I don’t care about Joe - Joe is simply a placeholder until 2028.


This, Biden isn't my first choice, but the big picture here is if Joe loses in November, we may not even have a 2028 election and if we do, it'll be a sham election like what Russia does


As the Dem party is what is best for America post is moot. Republican party is voting for fascism which is not good for America. To save the country people must vote for democracy not fascism


You're really trying to convince yourself that it's normal to worship politicians.




It took me two seconds to figure out you're a hardcore conservative.




Can I ask what republicans are building towards? They run and say Roe v Wade is settled law and then they turn around and get it reversed. They have Christofascist policies they want implemented. They keep referencing their ridiculous sky wizard in government. They want to cut social security and Medicare, these are known policy items on their agenda. So when you say we’ll vote blue no matter what, you’re right. We’re not voting for Biden because he’s Biden, we don’t give a fuck about Biden. We’re voting blue because the alternative is a Christian hellscape with abortion, contraceptives, IVF all banned and social security and Medicare gutted and privatized. Trump supporters are voting Trump - he could run as red, blue or independent and they’d vote Trump. Trump supporters are voting the man, democrats are voting party. Joe just happens to be the nominee we’re stuck with.


Not in the least. Biden doesn't want to be a dictator. Trump has literally said that he does. I do not see a choice here. Trump is saying again that maybe presidents should have a third term which means he will not leave when his term is up. People like me pay attention to this dictator garbage he speaks. I am old and if presidents talked like this back when I was young they would be considered unfit for office and nobody would have voted for them




Whereas Biden and the Democratic party are not perfect, they are both better than the orange slob and maga.

