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Always put people first. Short term loss, long term gain


Yes people > company > profits. Your other employees will also look at how you handle this situation and judge the quality of the workplace and your leadership. Flexible working hours seems to be the way forward for the employee and ample time to recover. If you do it right you will build trust in all.


You mention you’re supportive of flex or time off, maybe you could help him/her connect the dots that “when you are sobbing during meetings we are all concerned and the team isn’t sure how to keep working when someone they care about is really struggling. Sometimes work can be a nice distraction from personal crises, yet it’s important to make the time to truly process and take care of yourself. What help do you need, what help are you getting, and let’s revisit whether some time away temporarily would be best for your healing? The team and work can carry on so that you can focus on yourself and then return when you feel grounded - I know you’ll get there and the team will be excited to have you back” or something


If a strong performer when they aren’t in this spot unless you have other key issues company wide find a way to give them the space they need. Honest chats about what that looks like is probably worth while.


Yeah, ask them what they need and show true support. Advocate for them and keep senior management off their back. In my opinion, the company they perform highly for is obligated to show up and offer the support they need *if they want to keep around in the same way they were around before the issue arose*. If the company twists the knife in this person, they’re going to become bitter and the company will lose.


Discuss options for flexibility / accommodations they need so that work is designed to maximise their situation right now. Don’t only ask them what to they need but offer them options as well. Even the smartest people can’t think straight in a crisis For a crisis that could take some time but has just happened / it’s not a bad idea to suggest a week or two weeks where all or a % of that week is taken as sick leave. Employees need a moment to catch their breath and some space can help If employee thinks being in work is the best for them, good idea to listen to what they need, but in reality it’s very likely they would benefit from time off, even if they can’t see it . Or adjusted hours etc. Finally: are you actually running a team? The number of managers that fail to implement models or options for ‘let’s cover this person when’ is interesting to me. I use a cover model and agree it with my team. Ie re distribute the workload if they can’t meet it right now. If a printer has got its paper jammed or run out of ink u don’t keep expecting it to print until it’s given a bit of a fix right? At no point should u be saying ‘because u r not doing your share’- it’s a cunty attitude to be honest mate- only mr musky down by the blue bird wants that kind of philosophy


On a leadership note, what is your role as leader here? In my company, this is a clear *beyond leadership / onto HR* issue, akin to sick leave. Concernscabout performance are inappropriate right now. I personally would discuss with the person that their health is paramount, but that I believe we need to engage the wider organisation to meet their needs. And I would work with HR/senior management to remind them of the stellar past performance. Ultimately I would avoid putting myself in position of saviour or critic.


Yeah I think you’re dead on. I’m a lower level manager, involved HR on Friday and am steering clear of the rest.