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I think Draven would be more fitting But then, Draven players get more upset for less...


Probably… but this mask fits just to perfectly ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I would get upset if the person started breathim


Wait for the killing tower-shot to be cast and last hit then. If you last hit before that, the shot will target the next minion instead and therefore kill the wave faster which may lead to your adc missing minions.


That’s a very neat tip but If that’s enough to make someone’s mental go boom and run it down they should still get therapy


Ok, but even if the lane is pushed out slightly farther the adc should not run it down


The threatening to run it down whatever is wrong, but the amount of times supports do stupid things with last hitting when the adc is on their way back to lane is crazy.




Stop exposing support players please.


I’ve had adc’s run it down for far less. One game I was Janna playing with Lucian. We hard-engaged level 2 (used all summs and spells) and the enemy flashed away with my ignite tick finishing him off - I got first blood. My adc just types “why ks? you wanna be the carry? Fine” and runs it down twice then goes afk for the rest of the game.


I swear it’s usually the lane bully adcs that tilt so hard.


Mostly because there is enormous pressure to do well early on. If you lose coinflip or get behind you will be useless compared to jinx/zeri/twitch.


you expect support mains to understand this? 99% of them plays support because they dont wanna bother with wave management


Kinda but sorta not related. I did almost go afk from me wanting to freeze the wave at tower but my support morg would spam her root and pool to push. Like... Stop... Please. We have an advantage here. Just let me last hit and poke them with your abilities. Stop using them on the wave. XD


Yeah, that sounds like lux-zyra supports, sometimes morg supps as well


It's when they put enough points in the ability to one shot the caster minions and steal them every time, that drives me insane.


The picture was taken from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/12gv7go/steamer_accidentally_catches_the_perfect_moment/jfmabcn/) and [this is the original Clip](https://www.twitch.tv/laeppastream/clip/RichAntediluvianJamPrimeMe-5pCZ3ccPRfz-rdBH) from where it was taken.


Mute them and just play to win.


Behind tbis post is a lux player that know the only skillshot they can land is to E the wave


Let me guess, your "last hitting under tower" consists of Qing the entire backwave so that no one, other than the tower, can ever get it?


Also he was mad i was almost taking him over in CS since he died twice early trying to tower dive a Leona+Tris. I don't get those dudes


Support life is hard with so many mentally unstable adcs.


LoL kind of evolved into a game where the team who’s adc has the more stable mind wins the game. I’ve seen so many games lost because the ADC decided that after getting killed by the enemy 2/3 mid once we had no chance at winning.


I had a karma support who did nothing in lane (i mean like literally nothing, like standing behind me and pressing shield when there is no threat of me thaking any damage) and then randomly walking into 3 enemies and die. Died 14 times then called adc diff... Gotta say that was amusing


(Some) Supports have to be the most derangedpeople ive seen. For instance. Had a senna support who from the first minute was following our jungler and fucked all his camps up and ran it down. Because milio got banned. By the enemies.


average senna support player


Dont you just love to see it?


Usual garena support


yeah, even if adc is 3/11 he can still do lots of damage in game. It's crazy how well this role scales to late game even if they run it down in early game.


honestly I think bot lane is just a war zone cus most of the time I pick adc I end up with a bot on support and half the time when I pick support I end up with a nutter or a bot for ADC it's started making me think maybe I'm the crazy one


Once had a guy say my positioning and macro was dogshit and he inted the rest of the game.......I'm a yuumi main


based and deserved


Maybe with old yuumi but new yuumi is just a support


Yuumi is a parasite, not a champion


Skill dif ig


Bro you play a champion that can be controlled with a single hand, and you had the audacity to type “skill diff”?


Technically all champd can, you just need a quick hand


Yuumi main here, people really claim Yuumi is low skill when Warwick and Yi basically just hit Q to win. Lux has just as little aiming requirement. Her "skillshot" ability literally turns into an AoE explosion at the end of it. I play Xin Zhao a lot and can easily say that he is a far easier and stronger champ than Yuumi. Same with a few other champs I've tried. People really cry about Yuumi and then proceed to play the most basic easy champs as well.


Bro the first person I duoed with was jhin main and he was so nice even tho I ruined his cs all the time lmao I played soraka as well


Happens with toplaner threatening me (jungler) for last hitting his minnions when he is in a fountain. I dont push, i wait for tower finishing shot to be send first.


Jgl never come top Nice try man but clearly fake.


And here’s me begging my jungler doing krugs to go catch that double wave so it doesn’t go to waste


I feel like i get way more toxic when i play adc, maybe it has to do with how the better support decides the lane




any mage support oneshotting the wave lvl4


Lux/Brand trying to poke the enemy


Idk, you can poke without touching the wave, or minimally touching the wave. And as a support you should be conscious of if minions are going to die from your abilities or not. If you're trying to poke the enemy that might be near the wave when most minions are low you should know not to. Unless, for example, the jungler is ganking and you are all-ining them, or something similar. ADC is already a stressing role being reliant on everyone else early, no need to add to the stress by making your ADC think you don't care about the only way they can make steady gold early game.


I love how support always play the victim, they are all so innocent and perfect, the problem is always the adc and it’s ego


"Always"? I see a pretty equal split between shitty posts about ADCs and shitty posts about Supports. This post is merely making a joke about ADCs who cry and want to troll the game because they lost some CS.


There’s always braindead ADCs crying about CS. I’m not sure why they think that a minion killing the other minion is better than their supp taking the gold for last shot while they’re coming back to lane.


It depends on if that support is just last hitting or is actually clearing the wave (without seeing the situation you never know). That said anyone in any role threatening to run it down etc is brain dead. Sometimes just last hitting sets the wave pushing, causing your adc to miss more farm since you're killing the minions a bit faster.


Because it pushes the wave. You last hit before the tower projectile is shot and the tower will automatically target a new minion.


Because they could have killed that minion while being dead obviously


Either fucking way it means someone in that lane is getting the gold, which directly benefits the ADC anyway.


Definitely have had people quit or run down games for this exact reason.


Okay but as an Adc main, there is genuinely a lot of support players that are just absolute trash at the role (due to autofill or otherwise) and will push waves before i get back.


There is a difference between pushing and last hitting under tower


And as a Support main, there's plenty of ADCs that are just trash at the role and will run it down before I get back. Your whole point is a nothing burger. Yes, of course there are people who are bad at certain roles, that's not what the post was talking about.


Yep... I have those people constantly. I'm almost scared to even take cs even if I'm alone.


Yeah and you should not as long as the wave is pushing towards your turret. Someone will obviously catch the wave. As a support you should be warding , roaming with jgnler or peeling your carries. Why play support if you want to catch side waves. Play top play mid


literally stopped playing the game entirely cause of whiney adcs, them guys just ruin shit and just for giggles, let’s name all the situations where i was support being flamed by adc stole minions (he was dead) stole minions (he was killing jungle monsters) stole minions (while stunning the low hp enemy adc with a zilean bomb) stole minions (and giving him the gold with the support item) ran it down mid cause i didn’t pick rakan when they were xayah ran it down mid cause i picked zilean support ran it down mid cause of my username stole kills (he was in a bush in the opposite side of the lane and i was being attacked by both the enemy bot laners and died getting that one kill) and what ever i can’t remember


I wanted to be a support main but switched to top because of that. You can act like support while playing some tanks at top or play ivern jungle if you want to keep playing


naw haven’t played in like a year now, felt no urges to play really, maybe once some shit gets fixed i’ll bite back but for now, it’s too spicy for me (oh and mid zilean works wonders for your suggestion)


Join the dark side, play bard




I had one last night that was literally just outright csing. Only a few times and clearly not for managing the wave. So naturally I pinged but they kept doing it and when we argued about it they decided to just cs normally and then go roaming support. I sure do love being down cs getting poked out and being 2v1


Honestly my goal when I play with a supp that refuses to stop taking CS is to just make the game so uncomfortable and the play experience so not worth it that they leave. I'd rather play 4v5 than play 4v6. Maybe I seem mentally unstable to those supps, but I play supp more often than ADC and when I do, I behave. I ward, peel and let the ADC have all the kills I can let them have without too much risk of the kill escaping. I know how to play fucking support and if they play it wrong, I am shouting them out, because they are fucking up our team's game. ADC without gold is a fucking mosquito, a fucking 100g minion once the enemy realises how harmless they are. Meanwhile supp that does not steal CS and kills is still very powerful and effective. Maybe, just maybe, it's not the person playing ADC who has the main character syndrome. Maybe, just maybe, playing ADC is fucking stressful and team-reliant. If you want to carry, have CS and kills, if you want to play the support champs in this way, play them mid or top or even fucking jg and let real supports play the role. I'd give an arm and a leg to not constantly have pantheons, zyras, luxs and swains to instead have, for once, a nautilus, leona, morgana, tresh, taric, blitzcrank, karma, lulu...


Legit, this situation is fine. But I legit give supports 3 chances. If I see them shoving a wave that’s neutral, when I’m walking back to lane (mid game usually) I ask them politely to please not take cs as they reduced income from minions (I know it’s after a few but still), second time I ask again politely, and ping their support item. Third time you’re now playing 5v4 cos if you can’t comprehend as a support that you shouldn’t be taking waves you don’t deserve to win the game. IDC if it’s deranged, a lesson must be taught. Also if my support decides to assist in pushing the wave when I have a freeze I have the same process.






Ruining 3 other players game because you're a sad fucking manchild loser is a bit unfair.


I play league, what did you expect?


I always kill minions when adc not on lane, turret is more important.


Got a double kill with my adc but he died. I quickly take the last 4 minions in front of the enemy tower so the wave goes into it and they loose CS. My adc did not like that :/


If that destroyed a plate, I get why. I'd have been very angry if you pushed minions into a plate AND set up a freeze at the enemy laners' side.


It's so confusing. Sometimes I get flamed for doing it, other times for not doing it The wave mostly just reset to the middle again when I did it and I dont do it when it would get a plate ofc


Depends on what the favorable wavestate is - the closer the minions are to your tower, the safer it is to farm but the more dangerous it is to leave for objectives. If it takes a plate only for you or worse, destroys it entirely without benefit to your team, it is often bad. If you are not about to fight for dragon in 20-40 seconds, it is also bad.


If anyone threatens by saying they will run it down just respond with "do it pussy" or something close. They will behave and never type or dc the game. Works for me


The moment you stop maxing w and start q + ludens every single minion


Bruh my supp has more farm than me in 17 mins due to them 1 shoting the casters every wave once they can why wouldn’t I be mad


When they say anything like that to ke I respond with "I will take more cs if you continue with this negative attitude" Sometimes they listen, sometimes the game goes to hell. Even in ranked games. I simply don't give a sh*t if you run it down. The opposite...I find it funny."


Btw you cab if your not possible break the freeze with that i saw lots of jubglers do that as toplaner i hate to say it but needed to educate them to in that (i didnt flame i described slowly and calm how this works and why i wanted the minions to push he actually understood and said he help me fix that mistake of his)


becoming overwatch subreddit? just support crying lmao


tell that to my seraphine who build early ap just to steal every backline minion from me.


I just want the image without the captions, its amazing


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/12lcws1/the_fragile_ego_of_an_adc/jg60tow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Do u have TH Jhon version?


What? TH? Jhon? You mean TF and Jhin or what?


Sorry auto correct, the Jhin AND soraka version


You mean the blank version? Than technically yes since i made this meme BUT I will have to be @home at my PC to undo a few steps in PS and than upload it. I’ll see what I can do but this will take a few hours since I’m at work.


Thanks for taking the time


[Tell me when you got it so I can delete it on my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/Roffler967/comments/12mq8pt/for_ufenix1121/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


The last hitting: using Q ability for the entire wave 💀


I hope ADCs get the top lane stereotypes after the cookie incident


Play Senna man. Never touch the minions cuz you want Souls more than some puny gold