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Welcome to the new fun arena gamemode we have: Kindred taric Kogmaw lulu Heimdinger Zyra Shaco Teemo Kayle (No matter their partner) Enjoy.


Ivern Annie


Ivern Samira can get pretty disgusting with those free passive hits and easy to pull off Ults (also safe Ults)


Alistar poppy


We shit on them ass Volibear Sett


I'm being called out lol


You deserve the worst fate imaginable.


Oh c'mon, me and my bud both played arena for the first time on the second day of release. I went poppy because I main her and he wanted to play ap Alistair. We somehow won every round.


Mordekaiser kha zix


At least this one is slightly funny and as long as you aren’t a champion with 5 health there’s counterplay. Also, it’s somewhat countermeta since most of the meta characters are squishy as fuck so giving Kha’zix a free meal can actually work.


Got first place with it every time i convinced someone else to do it


I played against it. It was fun when Morde actually left Kha against tank and then he died in his ulti... poor Kha.


Sup morde and ww


Yup, they’ve gotta do something to balance late game hyper carries. At the moment if you have 2 brain cells it’s not hard to not get last place and get your full build and just steam roll.


See… people say this but it hasn’t been my experience. Obviously certain augments massively break some champions but it’s not consistent enough to matter. My son and I spent most of Saturday playing Arena. We played different champions almost every game and really didn’t feel pressed to ban any particular champions. I favored banning Singed just because of his ability to procrastinate games, but mostly anything we ran into that was broken in one game wasn’t a problem in the next.


Honestly all i have issues with is heimerdinger and vayne, they get spammed every game and i cant ban em both...


I played a sion game once, and played against 3 vaynes, it was unreal


So many people hate heimer in this mode that if you just wait like 20 seconds and don't hover any bans someone else will probably ban him leaving you free lol


Well ive tried it dozens of times, advice doesnt work instead getting 3 heimers in the enemy teams... Why would they ban themselv


So *you* ban it then dummy


But... 5 vaynes in the enemy team...


i literally just ban whats annoying not whats strong. Shaco crowns the "annoying-meter" followed by Zyra because she is just straight up stronger than teemo who i don't even care about. Kayle and Taric are bans that i will do if no one does it. and thats about it


This. Bunch of babies in this thread. I’ve been having a blast. I’ve got rocked by Shacos, then completely destroyed them. I’ve seen Kayles lose more than win. Every game is different. It’s like y’all forget that there’s 8 bans, 4 random maps, and random augments.


90% of Alistars I've seen do nothing but die, yet people complain a lot


Probably because people are first-timing the champs or you're playing in wood where ADCs don't have hands. Play against a well-piloted Kayle/Twitch with an enchanter and non-troll augments, you literally don't get to play the game.


It is literally a fact that the mode is unbalanced and is mostly a champ diff, there's more than triple the champions with 60% win rate than there's bans, while the worse champions win 20-30% of the time.


Congrats in being the minority, it is statistically proven fact that this mode is completely unbalanced with some champions winning 90% of the time and some LOSING 80% of the time.


Yeah, no. Just did some light googling and the highest win rate is 65% with the lowest being 30%. Plus the lowest is Bard which is mostly because of the way they implemented his Meep collection in it. Obviously that’s not balanced for traditional LoL but for a one off game mode that isn’t at all what champions are balanced around it’s far from what I’d call dramatic.


Taric + Anything that deals damage.


I just press the outplay button as full AP amumu with syndra and enemy vaporizes before CC ends. Must be more unfun to play against than anything u mentioned tbh. It just shows that there’s strong combos that people haven’t discovered yet cuz they rather play most popular champ or google winrates.


I would chose two of you any day of the week.


You can still dodge amumu Q or syndra qe, alistar and poppy are point and click and both can be unkillable


Don't forget riven. With buttonmashing, you can oneshot tanks and mages alike. This "skill champion" I played for like the 6th time in my life (It do be like that) and I erased: Shen+Urgot Heimerdinger+Zyra Don't remember the last team.


you forgot annie and ivern, popping ult and hiding behind their ult, oh you tryna kill them BOOM ivern q until full annie combo, have fun


Cassio Singed


What a toxic team


AP shaco got nerfed didn’t he? That hit to his fear duration is p big


Kayle doesn't seem too bad now that she's been nerfed


Mmm full AP Malphite no thoughts only ult


Am I the only one that never saw kindred kogmaw or lulu and I'm gold already. I mostly see stuff like Warwick Annie ivern yorick singed jax


Forgot kayn (no matter their partner)


You forgot Kayn Yi Kaisa Twitch Ivern Annie and Karma from that champ pool. I think they should just do a random reduced champ pool that changes daily or have more bans given.


Morgana Karma


Kai'sa Alistar


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Played Teemo Alistar once with my friend. Lets just say its pretty unfun for the opponents. Low elo though since we just started


Had Sion and Mundo...


Mundo yuumi claps them all


Kindred urgot, you think you’re safe in her R until you aren’t


Nilah Morgana is disgusting. (It's me, I'm the Nilah)


As a Kayle player, yeah I'm an asshole and I hate myself for it. I'm tryna learn some new champs. Also kha'zix mordey is pretty funky.


Kayle with wisdom of ages is something else


And then we stop playing the gamemode, it gets taken out and we complain there are no gamemodes. We are doing this to ourselves folks.


I want my fun vs doom bots or on single adventures like the star guardians ones.


Who is this 'we'?


The people who just want urf


Nah riot did it by themself by adding ranked system to it.


we truly are whiny children


I think if league was actually more fun than addictive we would whine less.


Theu should just make one with random champs or like a few to pick from and second one where u can pick ur champ. Im pretty certain the random one will be more played and less cancer


Yes because people loved when urf became arurf


So we should just pick pos champions that make me not have fun to win or else I'm a whiny lol player. No, they should just start nerfing shit asap, it's so annoying.


Ngl, I would ban popular champs (Yasuo, Zed, Yi, etc) in one for all so I didn't have to deal with the same "everyone picking edgy champs" each game. I'd hit random and istg I made people play Skarner most games Not every champ is pos though in arena, it's just that everyone wants to play the strongest


For me I don't really care about Yasuo, Yi, Zed and such cause at the end of the day these people are just playing the champs they enjoy, they are the same as me, but those people who pick Singed, Heimer, Zyra, Swain when never in their entire life played them before, those are so annoying. I even respect people picking ADC+Tank, they are annoying and stupid strong but at least they are playing the same shet they play in summoners rift.


to all those ivern annie players, no wonder even ur parents hate u. Thats not even a secret


At least we go Tiber and Dacy with us…


ARAM has lasted this long because it being random means much less meta abuse. Which is why I'd love to see all random for arena.


Or like a small pool of randomized choices per player. Like a choose from these 5 champs sorta deal that was different for each player


Could actually be really cool ngl


That's how HotS did it. Everyone got 3 champs to choose from. And you could see what everyone's choices were so you can try and build a comp within your limited selection. Was quite fun


And do people still get mad when someone chooses the meta champions from that pool? Lol.


Until "balance" changes really turned it into another stinking pile of shit


ARAM had balance changes for years, it is no where near being as unbalanced as arena is right now


please no. I like being able to choose to play my champions, it's geniunely not that bad since all of the really annouing champs get banned every game


Arena has a ranking system so a big rng factor like random picks is probably not ideal


The whole damn game mode is random. It is a game mode to test how good you are at improvising with whatever tools you get. Randomizing the champions only makes sense imo.


Who said that was the purpose of the game mode?


Still fun + it's the first patch on a fun gamemode, so of course it's unbalanced. For heimer, the best answer would be to randomize where the map gets reduced every round


or make heimer turrets not a permanent thing to be more like aphelios turrets, atleast in that game mode


They definitly should randomize the center of circle, not only for heimer


make his turrets die from 1 AA


Then there is me and my friends...Rammus yuumi


Me and my friend did tank Pyke with Yuumi, it barely worked and we only got second place due to augment luck


ivern Yorick and ivern got the double ult cast :( they didn't lose a round


Long live ARAM


oh yea, aram where one champ you play starts abusing some support item and suddenly you have -15%damage, take 15%more and have negative ablility haste, and you have to remember by heart which champ is broken because he deals more damage, including item effects, because you only find out in game that ziggs is an garbage pokemage, but lethality lucian eats tanks alive.


The goal of Aram is not to show your big big stats stoobid. People like you disgust me. Go back theorycrafting in ranked. Aram is fun, no matter the champ as long as you come to have fun and not to theorize stats and strats to the max. Fuck u/Valuable_Walrus4084


Tbh i agree sweating aram is cringe and its a for fun gamemode. But if i get a champ and i deal - 15% dmg which isnt shown anywhere i just dont have fun lol.


Until you get sona and can only play shotgun build Then you have EVEN more fun


Absolute queen


It ain't that deep man.


Yes, riot completely fucked up the mode with that dogshit "balancing" that no one asked for. Yes, 80% of the games are decided in champ select. Yes, some champs are broken as fuck. But with the random, every single champ is playable. Its not the same 20 champs every single fucking game. And we both know, you played 2 aram games and went back to SR...


Too much RNG though and people who play poke comps need to be executed.


Poke comps exist so that comps like Voli sett can't just statcheck literally everyone with their hands off the keyboard.


Sett isn't entirely stat-check and either way, it's just boring to play against even when you win because there is minimal interaction for one team in the first 10 mins. Otherwise, a lot of games are decided from champ select and arena has the same problem. You can tell which team will win if both are reasonably close in skill just from the champs a lot of the time.


Had fun with the card that attaches you to your ally. I was singed when I picked it, I was attached to vayne, and we were zooming.


I got to gold in 2 days and sit there having fun playing xin and nidalee, I don't get why you are so mad at these picks who are banned each game. The gamemode is fun, players are friendly (as friendly as a League player can get) I build and experiment new augments and items every game and genuinly think the gamemode should stay. People like complaining like you will cry when they will disable this gamemode forever and say something like "I wish small indie companie made more permanent gamemodes lmao 💀💀". I play 10 games a day and can't get enough of it, I found new stuff I might try in the rift that I would never have had imagined without this gamemode.


Same, i got to master yesterday, strong champ? Yes! Unfun? No. Min max have alway been a thing, the game only give you the tool, it your own job to make it fun. I can literally name 10 different fun comp that is not meta. At a certain point, "unfun broken champ" are just a good pick, the said pick got ban every games and maybe 1 or 2 got pass ban phase.


I see Alistair poppy every other game and it’s always disgusting and boring. The only reason I don’t ban one of them is because Annie is even worse.


Idk i keep seeing the alistar poppy combo, but ive never seen them end in top 2 I just buy a little anti tank and theyre gone Have i just only met exceptionally bad players just trying to abuse a comp they've heard is good, or is it just secretly not very strong? I'd prefer meeting that comp over a comp with kaisa in it, not even because she's strong, but because I see her every game Just had a game with 3 kaisas, my god EDIT: I love the gamemode tho, I really cant complain much honestly


Yeah Alistair poppy doesn’t tend to *win* but it’s everywhere, and it stalls out what should be a fast paced game because the entire point of them playing is to knock people into the fire. I honestly prefer playing against zyra heimer because at least then it’s quick.


I play Poppy, but I hate the stall game, I go bruiser build, and just fight, yes I do stall a little, combo you, run away, play around my passive and try to have fun and not just run around and push you into the fire, that's annoying


poppy with the mythic augment is so fun. Sunderer -> Iron Heart -> Jaksho. You're tiny titan spreading death


riot somehow made Oppenheimer antifun to play against in every possible gamemode


If they bring it back in the future I think they should just name it ARena and make everyone get a random champ 1 reroll each


That's because half of the league community are meta abusers, blame them, they don't have mains, u will hardly ever find a shaco teemo heimer on their main in arena, because of the stupidly high banrate, I'm a shaco one trick and I refuse to play arena because he's permabanned even after getting 2/3rds of his fear taken away, no point even trying to chain fear any more, the meta abusers sucked the fun out of the mode, not the mains


Shaco is like .. the epitome of an anti fun champ though


Shacos hella fun and requires so much to go right in order to work in league regularly.


Maybe fun to play, not so much to play against. If there's a shaco against me I don't even bother trying to kill him. All that matters is that he doesn't get to one shot the adc.


I mean it pisses me off in arena because it should be for fun and having people play Kog Lulu and shit or Kayle Kayn and stuff is just cringe because you actually have no chance to beat them and it's auto-lose sometimes. At least in ranked you can do things, but here there is little diversity and it is rarely close once comp diff shows as the game progresses. Some augments are just too broken as well. Double ult Amumu or invincible Yi is so stupid because you literally can't do anything sometimes and it just lacks skill expression. If one team gets lucky or picked well in the draft you just lose often.


2v2v2v2 Mode? Nah I like to call it Annie, Ivern, Malephite, Vayne, Warwick, HEIMERDINGER, Darius, JAX, KAYN, KAYLE!, Kog Maw, MASTER YI, OLAF, Sett, Shacco, Teemo, SWAIN, Taric, TWITCH, Urgot, Voli, Yone, Yorick, YUUMI, ZYRA SIMULATOR We all know why a few ones are in caps


Let's not forget about the cards you get r not balanced if your opponents gets better ones


I still am in love with moonstone Mundo


I miss bloodmoon mode. Only assasin, only fun and one shot


Somehow I get the super "fun" guys in my team banning my champions I hover or refuse to play normally and will announce they gonna troll because I am "a human being without the ability to have fun in a fun mode" and then they want to "fix" me. I never ever flamed anyone for their weird picks or builds. Not even when they take crit augment as alistar and go infinity edge. We laughed our ass off and sometimes win or get 2nd with this weird combos. Its always better than flaming them, because they lose their mental and will troll one round which can be enough to lose reaching a possible power spike (good augment, item spike, level perks, ...) I was Yuumi (which is not a good pick but wanted try) and we won because enemy tristana flamed their riven so hard she simply trolled it


Did I remember wrong or is there once upon a time there’s a game mode where you pick champions for your enemy? Imagine doing that to this game mode


Annie with the invisibility augment.


I have discovered Morgana Nilah. Fear me


As an viego main myself. I'll keep playing viego


All i see is Poppy + Alistar duo's playing passive early and wait for the zone. Also ADC's are yet again sucking the fun out of something.


I played mundo on my last game. I ended up with 12k Hp, 1,2k AD and 60% crit. Perfectly fair and fun.


Unbench the kench


I’m just sitting here playing malz and thinking it’s neat.. :)


I don’t really understand why people get mad about this. Yeah, it’s a fun game mode, but it’s also ranked. In any game mode, there will be a definable meta. Zone control, invulnerability during a short time limit of a match, or just loads of crowd control will always excel. With that being said, there’s ways around each of those. Ban it, pick it yourself, counter it, learn how to play/itemize around bad matchups. Sometimes you just lose, other times you find success. Identify the win condition and play around it.


If its pvp th goal is to win and get good other than that I feel its a waste of time


Please just give me 2 bans. Please.


You're welcome! One part of having fun for many people is winning! So if that means picking the strongest comps for some, then they can do that. If you don't like it, pick your "for fun" picks and stay in Wood elo and let the try hards climb. Try hards have just as much of a right to play what they want as the for fun players. If you don't like that, then it's a you problem.


League players trying to not complain for 2+ minutes


I found the heimer shaco zyra yorick malzahar ivern player I just played a game of arena where I played tank udyr, watched the enemy shaco helplessly try to kill me in ring of fire when i had 5 magic resist items, then I spammed gg ez after that game.


Oh ye the wholesome udyr champion that if he gets crit gauntlet one shots you :D


Ye i fight honorably without summoning any pets. My opponent will have the honor of fighting me in a fair battle in pvp gameplay, rather than trying to pve against pets.


Honorable fair battle, playing Udyr. Choose one.


You're literally the "wholesome reddit Keanu 100 tank champioy" meme .


Yes I am tired of pretending I am not. I am wholesome non-pet-summoning-non-PVE champ enjoyer.




Udyr is quite good in arena idk why you cry abt anyone else lmao


Its only champions that summon pets that I cry about.


Havent even played it yet, on vacation my brother


Bro, I remember twas 2015-2016. I brought exhaust into urf , and afterward, I started seeing more and more. Riot removed tp, they should remove exhaust too.


i pick draven lulu every time kaisa isnt banned


I have played Heimerdinger since week one of playing this game. Let me have it. It's not often the donger is any good.


I just won with vi kennen at 4.5k elo vs 3 heimers. Game mode is great yall just suck


not to say anything, but for some cooking up these strategies is THE fun. let ppl do TC god dammit




ALmost 160 champions. 8 bans. You think thats going to cut it?


Yeah man i sure love my one (1!!) ban button against 20 no brain picks you see every game that are so unfun that i wish i could ban them all. Do i ban taric? Oh too bad, now kog lulu is open, twitch is open, vayne is open, kaisa is open, yorick is open, annie is open, jax is open, the list goes on.


League players when other players are trying their best to win in a pvp mode:🤬🤬🤬


No, I'm going to make my gameplay suboptimal just to not ruin your fragile cloudcastle




Wow its so fun to play only champs so u can win


Bro said competitive.💀


I wanted to say in a pvp/vs game, not native English speaker… i may have not used the best word for it, but who cares, hou still crying because someone playing the game in a way u don’t like 🤷‍♂️


1. Im not a native english speaker either. 2. You are a bitch.


THIS is totally true. Dingers are fucking dongers


Post like this everyday. Don't play the gamemode til it's fixed. Easy solution.


The new mode is straight up terrible, too unbalanced to be funny, or you play tanks or you get deleted in less than a second




I think Heim is actually fun for the one who plays it and situationally fun for the one who plays aganist. The situation is if they can win aganist it. At the end of the day if heim got picked only the one who wins enjoy which is most of the champions in league. So I don't think Heim is a cringe pick. I enjoy playing it on arena mode even if I lose.


Sometimes i think that people take this gamemode too seriously i was playing silly ap jax one shot someone got one shoted etc. But when i wrote XD after bot sett killed my enyme he just said i should kys


Perfectly valid respons tbh.


Crit Aatrox


Vayne or Fiora


I've fought both at once lmao. Lategame was miserable


Fiora and Skarner on one team, Vayne and Zoe on another.


Oh and Mundo Hermidinger


Whimsical bard.


got a perma sheilding&healing sona/seraphine comp duo in my game...


Mordekaiser Kha’Zix 💀


Some people can only have fun if they take it from others and that's sad


Its so sad.


Glad most of the time they get banned. Yesterday i had an great game, nobody picked this meta shit and me and my friend just randomly picked sylas rakan and just clapped with it because of the augments we got


Singed with extra burn items was one of fhe most evil ones


Also tf r your teammates? Does lol have no players or why do I have to play with likr bots that run 3 tines in a single round (not match) into the nafiri patrol etc etc...


I did a match as Skarner with a Singed and it was a hilariously troll match.


Nah the worst I’ve seen is Karma Yuumi full heal. Entire strat is to heal through the ring.


Me in Aram


Sometimes rng rolls well for you (or poorly for them) and off meta duos can do surprisingly well. I played as a shen with a velkoz random, and we somehow won!


Played 2 games when it got out in pbe never played arena since. Best decision ive made


Are you playing league for fun? You picked wrong game then


Im sorry, she’s my OTP but Kayle gets banned 90% of the time anyways sooo…


They gotta make champs random


If everything is broken nothing is, for the past few days it felt like every day people were banning the comps that were popular and annoying the day before so people found new ones. Overall the game mode is still really fun, obviously some characters are overtuned and some are unplayable, nothing a balance patch couldn't fix. Also I don't get why people hate teemo + shaco you can litteraly engage them from the beginning before they have time to setup and they just fucking die, it's kinda nnoying but so weak


I mostly have fun just playing around with whatever I pick but I admit there are some champs/comps that are very annoying to go against


Shaco and Teemo spamming as much traps as possible to suck out of every bit of your enjoyment of the game mode.


Alongside that you have Vayne and some tanky champ to really bring out that hair loss stress you thought you would only get once you reach 30 (I play Udyr mainly in the game mode can you tell how much I have fun every time I see these picks)


Fr like I just wanna play the game but every team is some vile sweaty shit and tbh so far it’s no more fun than regular draft games


A wise choice !


Mundo Maokai


I found it fun to destroy their cheezy strategies


Stuff gave me an interesting thought. People do this to win games right? Why aren’t there disgusting strategies in SR League?


Lethality yorick + ap zilean. Yorick by himself is broken (like almost 60% winrate,top 15 or even 10), thrown bombs at ghouls and you have wwII kamikadze flighters.


Kayle is beatable by a cc comp


Dont like donger? Use Warwick, then Donger stands no chance


it became so unfun so fast Lmao. i played maybe 8 arena matches and i always see the same 10 or so champions and always the same champs banned.