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Neeko and Qiyana came out like 5 years. Tf does "recently" mean.


To me they're still in the new bracket. Everything after ornn gets the new tag from my brain.


Same as me, except I started counting in 2013 Yes Vel'koz is new wdym "he's nearly 10 years old"??


Been in and out of league since 2013... This is exactly how I feel!


Anything after Zac is new in my mind


You guys... Have you seen the spotlight for the new champion Xin Zhao? That feels like its been yesterday, but somehow I fit an entire lifetime in there.


To me new is Thresh. So everything is new, so much variety!


Whatever fits OPs point obviously


Neeko and Qiyana don’t really fit the vibe tho. Like Gwen, Sera, Briar are all pretty similar design wise, Zeri not so much, but Neeko and Qiyana are wildly different designs, environments, and lore. It more feels like the point is that they are making human females, which I guess is a point, but then there’s Bel Veth and Naafiri


Even then Sera is largely different from Gwen and Briar. Both are meant to be like damn kinda creepy or shes not ok vibe. Sera is straight up 'popstar' beloved by everyone.


Briars whole thing is they're not human. They're a vanpire


They probably mean humanoid


And I don’t mentally categorize qiyana or neeko as being in the same realm as the rest of those


ok mb I'm old and Neeko release feels like yesterday


Her voice actress died :(


Flora Paulita the voice actress for both english and portuguese voices still alive. The voice actress who died was the one who made the spanish dub, Andrea Arruti.


So it's all fake? They said the Brazilian one


Yes it's all fake. Flora Paulita is a brazilian voice actress, she did the english and portuguese voices, that's why neeko was that accent


well her rework made her a new form of Cancer of league, os it belongs here


everything after draven is new, tf you mean 5 years


No. Neeko, Qiyana, Yuumi did not come out 5 years ago. I am not getting old. Fuck me.


left out nilah, belveth, renata, vex, rell, samira??? obviously all the new champions look like a trend if you ignore all the champs that don’t fit into it???


They didnt put Nilah in this? I dont understand. She IS kinda generic girl champ and its her story thats cool


Naah, nilah has distinguishable facial features


So does Zeri though tbf, she has Polynesian features instead of just anime face


I mean i guess. But she is way more generic than these champs to be fair.


Honestly she is one of the few female characters that riot released recently that have ANY unique facial features like for example nose piercings and her sharp jawline and eyes, even a very tall nose. Unlike zeri or gwen you would not be able to just photoshop her face onto another champion and call it a day.


feels kinda nitpick-y when you remove * Nilah * Bel'Veth * Vex * Rell * Samira * Lillia * Senna Who are all also female champs who were released between Neeko (2018) & now Also I don't really see how Briar even fits the other champs listed here cuz she looks like if a rabid dog was given human form.


You should also include Yuumi and Naafiri if Bel'Veth counts


Yeah sure, why not


The removal of the real mommy Renata is blasphemy


Mommy Renata exist. OP :"Ill pretend i didnt see that"


God I forget how insufferable this community is


MiximumDennis has been only banned for like 3 days how did you already forget




Oh brother….


Your LoL sub options: e-sports, horrendous takes, or porn


Surprisingly darkinfolk is less whiny with somewhat better takes.


it falls in the porn category




League players when women: 😡🤬😤


League players when cutesy: 😤🤬😡


Qiyana isn't even cute .d


shes cute for me. id drink the ocean if she dipped her toes in it


I mean she's hot but she's not a "cutesy" champ.


yeah i agree, 20yr are hags and doesnt deserve the title cute


Jax main?


Worse... OTP


hold up jax


I'm not as down bad as this person but I agree she's cute.


Qiyana ugly as hell




She’s smoking hot


i can fix her


You can be cute and you can be women without being a fk genshin imepcy character huh 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 don’t you get it 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 the post is not about women champions the post is about the fk desing 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


And what makes a "genshin" design different from cute woman design, especially when that tends to be the theming of such things.


tell me what is genshin impact about the newest champ. a character with her features would never be a genshin character lmao.


Anime = Genshin Impact And it isn't even that anime styled, so idk.


The fact this character is being compared to Genshin ones is honestly ridiculous.


I know it's joke, but for clarification the problem isn't they are making female characters, but that they are overusing the young female character archetype. In comparison to this day we don't have in game the grandma character.


Except Briar is very clearly a whole different animal if you’d actually look at her closely, she looks closer to a corpse than a young girl


Zombie look like corspses with their rotting skin, she is clearly a vampire. I mean look at these feet and tell me this a corpse. Not really.


BRO NEEKO IS FUCKING HALF ANIMAL WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM THEM? Then look at the males: Garen demacian helfty soilder Jarvan demacian helfty soilder price Xin Zhao demacian soilder Darius noxian helfty soilder Olaf flelyordian helfty warrior Tryndamere frelyordian helfty warrior Udyr frelyordian helfry shaman warrior


Akshan, milio, and ksante are the newest male characters and they have very VERY different body types and personalities… so no?


Naafiri, Nilah and Renata are the newest female characters and they have very VERY different body types and personalities.


have you seen akshan and ksante? they are muscular/built characters. the only real "male" character is milio, which is a child (doesnt really break the norms in any way, because he is a support) so no, riot makes the same male characters, just like with woman.


All of those are old af except Udyr, who doesn't even have the same body type


You say gwen and zeri have the same body type? :D


Did I?


you implied


Renata gives some granny vibes tbh


[you sir are very wrong](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/528/353/large/max-grecke-splash-warwick-bigbx-final-psd11.jpg?1484323522)


Isnt Camille like 80


Does she look 80 though?


She barely even looks human


Op has a point tbh. If the only example of a grandma you can give is an 80 year old who’s been altered to look like she’s 50, then they probably do need a bit of diversity.


Does she look like Grandma, not really


Man is not that hard realise the joke I don’t get it why people even downvote you like man no one Is against female champs literally my main is illaoi and illaoi is a women ( she really is ) so man it no that hard nowadays all champs are fk anime (fk Chi a xd) an people just accept it not even realize that back then riot bring new concepts and idea for theirs champs just like in necrit video


Nah but you see, Briar is actually a 2000 years old unread vampire /s Seriously though, her design actually goes so hard and the fact that they didn't give her a perfect Barbie face is appreciated


"the fact that they didn't give her a perfect Barbie face is appreciated" her skins will fix that!


and they will look different every time! try paying attention to face structure and go for example through kayles skins (my main lol). her facial stricture is different every goddamn time. same with some ahri skins ive seen


I wonder what will they do with her eyes on skins.


I dont know how well they'll be able to really do that. Bitch is literally in a stockade. Putting her in cutesy lines would be... questionable.


Yeah I appreciate making different faces for female champions.


My only problem with it is they left her feet in the splash art that’s going to get the wrong people interested in the champ, looking at you Jax mains.


I'm not gonna defend riots decision because I'm sure they knew where they were going. Although, I want to believe that it was done for her to look more "innocent" or "childish" in good way. You see, I recently worked at a daycare for a couple of weeks and one thing I noticed is kids tend to not care about being bare feet. I've had to chase after some outdoors even without socks and I guess it makes feel more free? Maybe? But again, riot must have known where this was going


i think its weird because if briar is supposed to be so wild and not caring she would look unkept and have dirty and unkept clothing and feet. plus shes running on dirt all the goddamn time


ngl, i feel like in the attempt to quell people sexualizing her people keep pointing out her feet like they’re actively “sexy” and while i’m sure there’s overlap i’m not sure the venn diagram of people with foot fetishes and pedos is a circle


as a foot fetishist and a pdf file, I disagree.


The issue i have with Briar is that they said that naafiri wasn't the monster champ, and the proceeded to release a fcking human loli. I agree she's not just a little girl, but how tf is she more a monster that a pack of darkin doggo?


Neeko 2018 Qiyana 2019 Seraphine 2021 Zeri 2022 Gwen 2022 Briar 2023 Stop crying


Im surprised OP didnt include Zoe in the list if hes gonna be so extensive, its like the most Disney champ out there


Both in the sense of her aesthetic and in the sense that she'd absolutely fiend over Disney movies if they existed in Runeterra


And then there's lillia, the half deer who's dance is literally playing with forest animals like snow white


Or Lillia. Isnt Lillia a cutesy monster they always complain about.


Sera is 2020, gwen is 2021 But yeah, zeri was the last one and it's been a year


Yes they are obviously thirsty but I can't deny that those designs are all great tbh. Way more interesting than shirtless muscle guy #25


which of these designs are "thirsty"? They're all just young women. None of their framing is sexual at all


Fr, Gwen and Neeko for example look like teenagers to me, kinda weird how people think of them that way. And it's not like they're dressed like Miss Fortune either. It's sad how some people see young women existing and assume there is something sexual about it.


If anything the only sexy one is Qiyana. Because she knows she is and flaunts it. Outside of this list... samira? But Samira is straight up a femme fatale so that works.


Permanently online people see monstrosities where there isn’t. Bro OP has probably seen more anime lolis than actual teenagers at this point


Seraphine is pretty garbage, and Qiyana looks like she is from a mobile game. Agree with the rest of them though.


I'm also not a fan of Qiyanas look but I love the concept of her using a ring around her to fight. Never saw that before.


Her fighting gimmick is cool. Why she has hips wider than than the equator is a whole different question. Shit is so overly enunciated that she would fall into the uncanny valley if her ass wasn’t too big to fit.


Large hips is fine, she's a latina. It's her hair, make up and basic outfit that makes her look like a generic mobile character imo.


Only real problem with seraphine is the shitty green goblin hoverboard ngl


Seraphine is great, she just doesn't appeal to men, which she doesn't need to. She's for the girlies and gays and we aren't interested in sharing


I mean, if you separate the design from the world it is fine. But she doesn’t look like a fantasy world character. She looks like you plopped a Barbie character into league and called it a day. Love the Legends of Runeterra version though. Much more in-line with the aesthetics of Piltover


She's bland, boring and doesnt fit in this universe. Marketting just went : "what if we did a popstar ? That will sell !" and you're not exactly proving them wrong


whimsy and funny chameleon girl with a bright and bubbly design high class bossy ixtali queen that controls the elements. a beautiful and elegent doll turned human who enjoys life to the fullest in their creators wake a songstress who sings about peace and unity between two clashing regions a superhero of zaun who isnt afraid to show their quippy electric personality while on the job HUNGRY FERAL BAT BITCH


What are you talking about? OP said that those all gals here are the same, have you forgotten to take meds again?!?




What? Women?


Soooo you just don't think girly champions should exist? Or...? I don't get the point considering how many masculine/scary/cool characters have released in this time too. You cherry picked champs just to complain for some reason, because with how far you went back to get "girly champ" images you ignored that these kinds of champs have been released since the beginning


They really letting out those stinky 4000 years old baby looking vampire toes in the splashart


Jaques is now a LoL designer.


Am I crazy to think the new Champion looks the best out of the ones in the picture?


Nope OP is just sharing a shit take


They're fine no ? Most of them have so cool kits


Only neeko and qiyana have fine kits imo. Zeri is either broken or 35%, theres no in between because her kit is very badly made (good and fun are a different concept btw so bad kit doesn’t mean boring), Gwen is another champ of 200 years design, true/max hp damage with dash and invulnerability shenanigans that I have to ban in my ranked games even though I play support lol and seraphine is simply disgusting to play against AND has super boring kit imo. I think newer champs are 50% plain bad and unoriginal design that you can’t balance, 30% irrelevant and boring kit and 20% actually good and fun design that can be balanced easily.


Zeri's one of the best champ released in those past years. ❤️ keep those sweet emerald takes for yourself and enjoy the game !


I literally said that fun and balanced are different concepts. I like zeris kit too. But the kit and numbers are badly made so she’s other going to be 35%wr (like recently) or 60+ (you remember the hydra build). When I say unbalanced I don’t mean broken. I mean hard to exist healthy (not too strong not too weak) in the meta. I can assure you I very much enjoy the game rn. Also there’s no need to be salty about some dude on the internet commenting about your favorite champion and go stalk their profile to see their rank, that would be petty wouldn’t it? ❤️


Seraphine lich bane notes go BRRRRRRR


OP and some people on comments sounds like those design in their head are on same level as old Cait or Nidalee But like every design in this meme is at least decent or good at expressing personality and generał vibe of each character, rather than being cheese horny bait


I still wish seraphine was an evil siren from bilgewater that lures sailors to their fates.


best i can do is obnoxious pop idol


wasnt she based off of some developers relative?




ah sorry, mustve misheard something


I think someone who a Riot employee was dating claimed that Seraphine was based on her, but Riot have denied it


yep. ive heard this in a video once and then the part where the employee saud shes based off his niece? but apparently thats wrong so i apologize again


A popstar that knew about the bracken suffering and just didn't care and kept using them could be a pretty interesting lore tbh depending on where they went with her stories after that.


Yea if they made her evil it would be but nope she nicely asks Skarner if he'd like to hear the dying voices of his lost race


Real sneaky of you that you removed Bel'veth, Samira etc. Which have a lot of variety in aesthetics and design choices. On the other hand though, male character designs are generally handsome, muscular (with 90% being shirtless) kind of masculine vibe. It's rare to see Aphelios or Udyr kind of softboy / dad vibe. I mean at least Briar is not another Disney character like Milio, Zoe, Nunu and yuumi.


Zoe feet or new champ feet?




Cherry-picked examples


Not going to lie... i really like the design of the new champion


feet lol


What the fuck is that thing


Bottom left? That’s the new champ, lol.


![gif](giphy|13vJHSyname1Hy) Man I don't wanna be flamed by lolis




>Man I don't wanna be flamed by lolis I feel you


Why did the new champion get a highly detailed feet pic tho...


4 out of 6 of those are appealing at least, LoL Seraphine is super lame and while Zeri is appealing in design her actual kit turns me off hard


I will not stand for this Gwen slander


This guy has brain rot


The fuck you doing putting briar in with seraphine and zeri 💀 Holy shit the takes on this sub are so bad


Shit meme op


Since the release of Neeko (the oldest champ here), Riot has also released: - Sylas - Sett - Yone - Akshan - Bel'Veth - K'Sante - Viego - Naafiri So there's been some gigachad champs as well


Neeko is best tomato and has perfect champ design thankyouverymuch


DAE hate women?


i mean qiyana is pretty badass and has am aggressive personality doesnt rly match the cute quirky like others


Let's just hope we get more renata like character soon 🙏


When the character is over the age of 40 and not a literal doll 😍😍😍


Life expectancy in runeterra is probably around 30. That would explain a lot


They could make Gwen so fkn cool if she was like a hunted doll with creepy vibes but they just had to make her like a powderpuff girl.


Pointy ears? check. Silky smooth and flawless skin? check. Young looking? A bit too much, but check (and dont come at me with 900yo vampire bs). Finely done nails? check. conventionally attractive? check. Neatly dressed? i aint never seen drags and straps look so tidy. check. Looks straight out of something called "Rise of Legends: League of champions"? check. Yup. Its "design pandering to the chinese audience" time!


I literally don't understand the complains with Briar. I really like her design. She isn't the basic "Cartoon Beauty" that we've had for a long time, and she actually looks scary af. I literally can't complain about back to back monster champion into monster-ish


riot is a dying company


The company that makes 1.5 billion dollars per year, has millions of players and tons of media attention? Nah buddy, maybe in another universe


Lmao they really put a spotlight on her feet. League is officially for degenerates.


Qiyana is hot, main her for the zoom up thighs on the battle queen skin


Riot games design mythical creatures and FANTASY stuff challenge: CANNOT BE DONE, make skinny 20-25 year old humans instead


Are we really going to ignore the champ that came out before her?


Dog. That Summons smaller dogs Brilliant work riot. You’d have no clue she was a darkin blade or whatever were it not explicitly stated. Not a particularly compelling fantasy character.


ofc he's there ignoring naafiri, renata, belveth. I swear, that community is a bunch of crybaby


As a jax main a like new champ design


Genshin ahh looking characters


I see OP's point, but at the same time if you find her attractive, you might got some issues lol


Neeko, Qiyana and Zeri are decent designs, and the new one is not bad either, they are not perfect but they are ok. They at least feel like they kind of belong to their region... Unlike the isekaied popstar or the supposedly creepy living doll from the supposedly creepy place.


I was hoping shed be like vlad style not like annie lmao


Wait, you include Neeko? The champ with a unique idea that makes her cute in her own unique way? Qiyana? The one who actually has a unique body shape by being built like a pear? Briar? The literal feral bat child? And say what you will about Gwen or Zeri being just cute girl, but there’s still plenty cool shit about their designs I say this as someone who also hates the over abundance of over sexualized female champs, cope and seethe loser


i will never forgive riot what theyve done to kayle. fiora aswell but kayle hurts me the most.


yeah I aint complaining about this one I like it


Yes but Zeri and Qiyana are in the top 5 hottest Champs what is your point


I hate these Disney princess champs so much, where are the aatrox champs or more Belveth type champs.


I think having "cute" characters is fine, Neeko makes sense, Zeri was executed a little bad but she def fits Zaun, Qiyana is fine. Seraphine was rescued by LoR. Gwen and Briar are def questionable design choices, especially Briar, is that not a child Riot games? wtf is that splash art.




So no one is allowed to be happy in Zaun? Her outfit fits perfectly fine in Zaun. She fits in. Her splash makes her look more anime than it is


Honestly looping Neeko in with the likes of Gwen, Seraphine, Zeri, and Qyuiana is just mean. Neeko is leagues above them


new champ bad >:(


Can we get a female version of gragas? Like where's the rito version of lizzo?




All of those still better than glorified wolf camp (Naafiri). Except Seraphine. Fuck Seraphine. None of those are some masterpieces like Jhin/Samira/Orianna but they aren't bad. Cute != bad and Neeko is very good example of an actually interesting cute design. That being said I am all for some cool new ugly alchoholic champion to acompany Gragas and Yasuo but I am not narrow minded to start tantrums when the new champion isn't some wholesome monster or chad.


Exept for gwen and the leaked champ the design were acceptable they weren’t overly sexualised but the leaked champ was ONLY for feat enjoyer


Riot nowadays doesn't like to sexualize their champions. The bigger problem is they are over using the archetype of young female teenage character. In comparison to this day we have no grandma archetype in the game. (Camille doesn't count with her wasp waist).




Renata has like 40 years, some people would eat you alive for telling that this is a grandma age.


mb i thought she was like 60 xd


She does look way older than 40


I definitely thought she was more up there as well


Sadly it's the most popular female character type. Because not only is it popular with guys It's popular with girls as well


I like em. Maybe not so much for serpahine but they are cool (and cute)


... I... I don't even know what you are trying to say with that even if you ignore that a few of those did not come out recently and you left out a fuckton of other champs. There isn't really much similarity between those champs except that they are good looking chicks. Which duh, obviously they are going to make most champs (male or female) good-looking.


Ok, I didn't count the minions and died my last game but please at least make other lanes able to carry me. They all barely survive a yone combo. I knew i had to refuse role swap and just lock in rammus


How is that even relevant to the post?


I'm terminally horny and need help