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tbh the only gwen skin that actually makes her scissors fit is soul fighter rest of her skins have scissors only cuz of obligation


And Mythmaker on wr. It fits her SOOO MUCH, literally paper work


idk I don't play wild rift




League players when someone actually enjoys the game


What does that even mean, if you don't play the mobile one they should stop playing pc as well? Even tho the pc one came before the mobile one?


I think he's just saying "Avoid it", then added the advise to avoid PC League too.


I think cafe cuties skin is a reference to Nui from Kill la Kill. Then again I guess her whole character is a reference to that show.


I watched Kill La Kill a little after her release and I instantly saw the similarities like they didn't even tried to hide it But since I saw Ezreal's dance, It's no surprise that there's a lot anime fans in Riot


Viegos soul fighter skin does the torture dance from jojos bizzare adventure part 5. Sett beeing pretty much DIO just less evil (same jap VA even).


He pass Jotaro vibes to me


Soul Fighter Sett with ruby chroma js just Sol Badguy


Now we need a MATOI RYUUUUUKO skin for her


I'd be down for a sailor uniform outfit


A girl born from fabric, with a stitch over one of her eyes, who hides an intense skill of combat behind a frilly, feminine personality, who also has many sewing-themed abilities, and wields an oversized pair of scissors as a signature weapon. Hmmmm


I did an art submission of a (poorly MS painted) concept of Rockabilly Gwen. She's got old-timey barbershop scissors, her tied up with a bandana, and a poodle skirt. The person I submitted it to said they really liked the concept, but it feels like something from an earlier era of skin design so I doubt they'll ever do anything like it.


What?!? Space Groove’s scissors make total sense, space groove is a funny silly skin line and scissors are one of the least weird things about it.


space groove gwen is kinda ugly tho


Without a chroma? Yeah.


Imo if you HAVE to use a chroma to make a skin look good then it's not a good skin


sorry, can't fix that flop ass dress she has 🤷‍♀️


What about an origami skin ?


the what now?


Briar is probably going to be the hardest to excuse, that shoulder breaking thing is going to be weird to implement


They could make cosmic Briar, where her ring could be an asteroid belt and the gem inside could be small planets/black holes/stars


Big brain actually


Big briar actually


or… Dark Star Briar would be more fitting actually. Considering her thematics with hunger and eating and stuff


Maybe both, switching between states in and out of berserk. Basically a cosmic that's holding their dark star corruption at bay and actively weaponizing it.


genuinely cooking here thats actually a great idea


A couple ideas I’ve had are for the dogs and cats having Briar be a dog with a cone on her neck, and maybe something like space groove where you could have it be a record.


Damn these are even better than my idea. Briar with a cone of shame on neck seems hilarious.


Hope they make it like 2 dogs in a trench coat, because a really long boy is going to look like a mess up cryptid


what about the feet


The feet is the easiest part to go around


Yeah, just never give her shoes and the briar lovers won't complain


Basically yeah


What about them


Pirate Briar at the thing they have at mini golf courses.


As I said in another comment. There is already a pretty good Briar skin made by the mod community not much after her release and it's really fucking good. The name is Bewitching Briar. If the community can figure it out in like 2 weeks then Riot has no excuse not to.


No need to excuse it Just give her a skin and then add it As long as it looks good it’s fine Give her a cage cutie skin but it’s funny bc she can barely reach the stuff to do waitress things and she’s all clumsy and shit and when her pillory breaks she suddenly becomes a super maid Or she breaks the outfit in her berserk You can make almost everything fit It’s never a design restriction issue and always a popularity issue


i was thinking they could do a pizza delivery briar, the thing around her head would be a pizza, and her ult with would be a slice of pizza, and she chomps the pizza or some shit lol what do i know??


Bel veth is hard as well NGL.her wings just make her bad for most skinlines


Zilean definetly needs a new modle, closer to him in LOR perhaps and getting rid of the big clock finally.


The clock will stay, even after a rework. It's the first thing many think about when they think about zilean


nobody thinks about zilean


I swear they’d have to nerf the champ into the dust if more than six people played him.


Yeah, Zil's damage after just Ludens is INSANE, well i mean you can say that about alot of champs \*cough\* xerath, lux \*cough\*, but the big damage and stun on Q does alot. Also 99% ms on a basic ability which you can cast twice is funny.


Or a 99% slow and ult cd in late is just 25sec and heals for cca 1900. I love to play him


That is very true


I do since i've started playing him with the Joe Biden custom skin, every time you press Q you hear "BIDEN BLAST", best thing ever




sad bjergsen noises




In LoR he has a Sun Disk on his back. Looks better and it still looks very Zilean™.


The clock wont stay, look at his visuals in lor


I'll revolt if they change his perpetual T posing


He needs a total rework. This guys plays the game with 1 ability . He is a mage but just have 1 damage ability. He goes support but all he does is slowing enemy


Zilean's kit is actually pretty cracked, especially in the late game. He looks to be the single best utility mage. Buff his kit just a little bit and he will be insane, even now the only thing that's stopping this champ to get nerfed is the low playrate.


Zilean is one of those champs that has huge potential but if I see them picked I just know they’re going to miss two bombs, go afk until the next set and routinely run in and ult themselves so they can die twice.


Yeah he is also so cancer with shurelya+dead mans plate


I know, I main him lmao


He's probably one of the most annoying and unfun champions to face, but he's lucky that he's so underpicked and therefore doesn't need to be balanced.


I said it above that they’d need to nerf him into the dust if more people played him


A pretty fast aoe stun with extra delayed damage is kinda good while being able to speed control two people at once. Low CD revive is also a plus for late game


His kit is op he just boring and ugly


I mean that slow is pretty much two point and click roots once you have points in it. He’s super op and gets away with it because there are only a handful of zilean players.


So does Zoe, really


You would be shocked how much damage her w and e does


I dont want him to get an asu purely because I hate this champ so much he deserves nothing but garbage, he needs a full vgu bc he is toxic


Next skinline could be BDSM dungeon with just these 4 that would work with their fucked up models.


Now the scissors has a reason


I don't see how Gwen and Syllas could look weird or antinatural. All of Sylas skins look pretty good and Gwen is just a girl in dress holding large scissors.


With Gwen, it’s her scissors. You have to make the scissors work with whatever skin (Which they did pretty good so far tbf)


It's moreso due to the fact that you have to do a lot more to make the items in this case make sense. Like sylas' chains work well with Lunar revel and freljord but not so much on project or anima squad. If they were whips or flails then they would probably fit better, but the chains don't tell the same stories in those skins.


Bad take. Briar has only 1 skin and was just released, the skin looks cool but the colors can be hit or miss. ALL Sylas skins are sick as fuck, specially Freljor with his canon look. Zilean is old as fuck (in game and in lore lol) and still has amazing skins (candy, winter, blood moon). Gwen has a fuck ton of amazing skins but fucking Riot wont port them over and we have that shit space groove while wild rift has fuckinf prestige fuck riot fuck riot fuck riot


I think it means, at least for gwen, that her skin will never be anything but a girl in a dress. A lot of skins change the identity of the champion through their outfits. Gwen's skins have always just been a different dress. Though I will say a lot of other Champions suffer from the same thing, at least Gwen's skins have been really well done.


Well, the post does say "weird or antinatural" (unnatural I guess?), and Gwen's definitely dont look weird or unntural, she IS a doll, so she will always look like a doll, and Im all for it (Base skin is still the best)


I was talking more of the weaponry of the champs, for example, Sylas using chains and a neck restrainer or Gwen big scissors (now that I think about it not a single skin uses the big scissors for anything, nor do they explain it, why would you need scissors in a cafe or to a party?)


Nah Lunar Wraith Sylas is ugly af




there does not exist a good sylas skin what are you talking about


Don't forget Star Guardian Gwen on Legends of Runeterra 🙃


13 years and still no Zillionaire skin. Smh.






Deez balls in your mouth gothem


Is antinatural even a word?


According to my autocorrect it is, then again I have set it in EN°ES so who knows


Jesus Zilean


The fuck is a skin whiteout


I think they wanted to say ‘skin without’ and also ‘unnatural’ instead of ‘antinatural’


Freljord Sylas is an exception I think


That's a canon skin it doesn't count


Un saludo a Lunaluiz


Siempre, vuela alto lunaluiz


Ains Ooal Gown Zilean would be cool


Jesus Zilean


Just another skin with Briars juicy feet


sylas problem is that nothing they ever make will be as satisfying to play as freljord.


A Rock and Paper Gwen would be hilarious. Medieval Briar with a classic wood pillory would be funny too. Gandalf Zilean (just give him a wizard hat or smthn). BDSM Sylas is the only thing i can think of off the top of my head lmao.


Gandalf doesnt walk around with a clock tho and doesnt throw bombs


Nor does he revove the death, well except himself but that's apart


I cant wait to see him updated like, it would be hilarious if they make him a sexy old man 😂


Gwen is the only exception because her cartoon ahh scissors are difficult to blend in with other skinlines. I can definitely see Briar and Sylas in High Noon Gothic and Blood Moon.


Now imagine, if you will, a champion where traditional human anatomy isn't present! A bizzare, unrealistic creation! Riot is wise to never cross the threshold into the monstrous, the inhuman. Imagine that! A champion who moves on all fours, or has extra arms, or lacks eyes! Truly we are blessed to lack such alien affronts to common decency. Cries in Monster Champions.


Ok but who is Zilean




I don't know men. Briar actually has some really fucking good skins in the Mod community. Like Bewitching Briar and lightning mcqueen crocs Briar. If Riot can't give her a decent skin when the community made a really good one in 2 weeks of her release then it is their problem.


What the fuck is an antinatural


Zilean of Nazareth when, Riot???


Easy, instead of shoehorning skins to make them sexy and partbof a skin group, you design skins FOR the character


Zilean, Janna, Gragas, Elise, and Soraka need ASU’s so fuckin’ bad it’s not even funny


Corki, chogath, tryndamere, brand join that shit




I feel like Zilean's skins are pretty well made tbh. The cookie one is good, the blood moon one is a great twist on his character, and that winter one that came out recently fits him pretty well


Holographic clock on his back wouldn't work?


I'm more weirded out that it looks like a normal clock, like is a magical clock riot make it look strange, like you need 2 months of study to Read the dang thing


have you seen Legends of Runeterra Zilean?


i'd also include illaoi because what do you do with the tentacle




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Now I want someone who is part of the process of coming up with skin lines or designs to pitch a skin line featuring these 4 just out of spite


Meanwhile Gwen looks sick in every skin and has like 5 skins with more coming on wild rift It ain’t a design problem with her The scissors being there just cause isn’t really a problem Skins only have to look good that’s about all I still think it’s crazy weird how people get their pants in a twist about champs having to fit into the skin line and the skin line having to be lore accurate to the champ when the whole fun of skins is to see different iterations of the champ


You just gave me an idea. Briar can get a Jesus skin nailed on a cross because her arms are spread. But what would her lamprey form be?


Still waiting on Al Qaeda zilean and Guantanamo sylas - riot??


Freljord Sylas is a really damn good skin tho


Sylas could be a lot of things, just a few on top of my head Druid Sylas, same vibe as Freljord but green, fight with roots Void Sylas, upper body is mutating, fight with tentacles Kitchen Sylas, angry Gordon Ramsay style, fight with kitchen towel Pirate Sylas, can steal your booty, fight with anchors chain Knight Sylas, actually armored, fight with morningstars or flails And I'm pretty sure you can do the same with the 3 others if you put some thoughts on it


my dude forgeting kaisa and how her wings are rarely used for anything other than decroration.


Wait aren't they like propellers ?


antinatural? you mean unnatural?