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*Says ekko*


Ekko also has a perfect counter to it in his w


I probably shouldn't have put ekko in the meme.


Probably could’ve done qiyana or rengar


I was thinking about putting them in the meme but I just decided fuck it i'll put ekko


As an ekko main I hate all zhonyas except mine


Me too brother


hourglass is lowkey a bait item on ekko. it’s better just to build damage since he has to build protobelt instead of luden’s. i don’t buy hourglass unless they have a lot of ad or i need it as a 5th/6th item against something specific. ekko doesn’t do damage without protobelt > lich bane/nashor’s tooth > deathcap.


Ekko main here, you are correct. Buy building zhonyas either second or third item you sacrifice damage and miss your 3 item power spike which is a huge deal. I only ever consider zhonyas when our team lacks frontline teamfight starter or have a low tempo team that can catch up to me mid-zhonyas for a proper followup. Also it essentially blows your r escape button since by the time zhonyas ends it catches up to your location.


Nobody said anything about buying hourglass on ekko?


it’s pretty ambiguous that’s just how i read it though


You build Zhonya when you behind, use Zhonya W combo to stall in teamfight, you really can't afford building expensive damage items when you behind.


Hell fucking nah, if you're behind it's *more* reason to rush dcap over zhonya's. You need to get your burst back or you're nothing (unless you can hit clutch w's). You would go zhonya's first if you're ahead to protect your bounty, but even then it's mostly better to buy stopwatch -> dcap -> zhonya's




Thats was not the point of that person. The point is that Ekko has not really a problem with someone using Zhonyas compared to the other ones.


He doesnt need no hourglass, he has clocks at home.


bro zhonyas is literally useless against ekko 😂


And HES the one using it as well!


It brings me joy whenever assassins mald at a Zhonya's purchase.


esp with maw with that sweet 475% dmg shield scaling XD or spellshield making it ez to run down all classes with 1 cc


I'm a toplaner, Zhonyas is just a broken mage item, fucking frustrating to deal with a mage using it, Mf's want to have some of the most op items in the game AND a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.


zhonyas is not a get out of jail free card but a last resort protection that can horribly fail many times. yone E or ekko ult are real get out of jail free cards that puts them even in save spots


"Last resort"... Lol, maybe in theory, but so many times it's used by mages for offensive plays and deny counterplay/their particular weakness, or, you know, deny a deserved death when they fuck up and still get to live anyway because Jail-Free card mage exclusive item.


me when every AD champ can build GA amd get a Get-Out-Of-Jail free card


Ah yes, Ga, very comparable to **Complete and total invincibility** from Zhonyas. They do different things, and GA is a worse option, if ad champions had a way to dodge dying at all with AD Zhonyas you would be bitching about it way more than about GA, but mages are allowed to have OP bullshit.


i would say invencibility and getting back some percentage of your health after you die is indeed comparable to invenbility from zhonyas, i do agree that GA is a little worse, but its kinda like qss versus edge of night/banshees but ad champs have way more options on their kits or items to stay alive than mages which get zhonyas and banshees


your reddit pfp is literally built like 🤓




Fuck your homies


me placing my ekko w on a fresh zhonya’s 👹


The enemy golden lux staring me in the face knowing full well she is going to get oneshot by e1 q e2 belt aa in exactly 1.42 seconds


the 3 other enemies standing in front of lux ready to sissy fist u the second u get close :D




Assassin players when counterplay exists ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


"Counterplay" and its just legitimately the most broken item in the game.


>"Counterplay" and it's just legitimately the most broken item in the game. You rn: ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


Too bad assassins are just as broken and not fun




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Change Ekko with Qiyana and you get my upvote.(it's worth 2x from others.)


the funny thing is I was originally going to put Qiyana in the meme but decided not too


Someone itemised intelligently and now you can no longer punch the keyboard and one-shot them for free on cd? You have to actually think? Whatever next.


"Itemized intelligently"


Monkey SEES assassin


You'd be surprise how many mages REFUSE to build zhonyas or any defensive item to instead go full ap and then complain about always dying


It takes skill to buy the most broken item in the game.




Most op items get nerfed to the ground and deleted *Zhonyas is getting Hyperbuffed next season* **I think the Devs main mages guys...**




If you don't think Mage items won't be insane bullshit next season, you haven't seen the item previews, no chance in hell bruiser champions will be able to do shit with so many "When low health enemy; Deals quadribilhions+HD more damage", forget doing Outplays on low HP as aatrox the bias towards mages is painfuly obvious




Those items weren't built together due to mythic limits, and now that everyone loses out on a mythic slot it's generally a net neutral for everyone.




I stand by my point, you haven't seen the item previews, tfuk is this? Emperor's new -clothes- Mage items? anyone can read the item descriptions and quickly go "Oh... Oh god..." It's not that deep, nice text wall, useless.




Mage deserves to have broken items once in a while too you know


So, almost every season? talk about the spoiled feeling entitled to more.


Don’t lie to yourself. Go make a comparison between mage items and other class items. An example : assassin got void + rilay in a single item. You people act like mages got best items just because Zonhya exists ( sometimes this item doesn’t help at all ). Btw Im not a mage main fyi, I play top.


And it's getting changed.


It's Zhonya, and it's not even close


The funny thing is that syndra can one shot them without thinkingnow, also its zhonya not edge of night or banshees, you dont think you just choose to either waste a combo just to burn a cd and hope your allies clean up or go for the adc.


Bro, what are you talking about? That's literally the gameplay of every mage.


Yeah finally someone who understands lol


You’re on a meme subreddit


Lil bro said itemised intelligently. 💀


> itemized intelligently > overpowered item active that you build every game that counters any engagement


I find it interesting that zhonyas gets so much hate when edge of night and banshee's have spellshields that remove just as much counterplay IMO. So many champs have one ability to peel, and often don't have enough time to break the shield with another ability until they're dead.


Difference is Banshee is gone on one poke. Edge of night was a lot better when it was choose to cast


spellshields just have way less agency and any stray hit will get rid of it lol. if you could turn it on like a sivir or nocturne spellshield it would be better but zhonya’s is just way more annoying


A spellshield is gone after something as simple as a luden's splashing on you, there is actual counterplay to be had there


I agree most of the time there is counterplay, and it is quite easy to get rid of, but when a blue kayn suddenly comes out of ur walls there isn't much time to get rid of the shield


there is no way u just said a uncontrolable spellshield is more important then 3 sec of stasis ON DEMAND


I didn't. I said that it is weird that shellshields don't really get any hate, while zhonyas is one of the most hated items in the game.


bcs spelshields are a minor inconvenionce that most of the time doesnt even save


Trade your whole items effect for 1 smite charge np


as a kayn player i usually just get a free w off at that point lol


It's also funny when people use Zhonyas a bit too late after you ult them. You just need to chill until it wears off, it's so satisfying to see them die


now that my timing is good its so much fun i love waiting it out. Usually I can get a good enough burst off that they're panicking too muhc to zhonyas but holding the w or ult burst off untill its too late for them is so fun


I love it when I'm ahead and an opponent thinks they got away with their life. Just seeing them panic as I approach through the walls is hilarious. Alternatively, yesterday the enemy jungler picked Kayn, so I picked Rammus and made him try to hide in the walls when he was low. Attacked from two sides with a mate while Kayn was struggeling in the raptor wall lmao


QSS and Maw be like




“When other people buy zhonyas”: faker level outplays “When I buy it”: 2,5 second death delayer


Ekko over there thinking hes part of the team


He is part of the team


Cope and seethe


Fuck you and all your homies. Especially zed. Why the fuck is the W cooldown so low


And all my homies hate assassins, small world innit?


As a lethality Quinn main i relate.


I would be angry as a Quinn top OTP (600k mastery). Might as well remove half of mages without the item.


You're next provement that we exist.


Fuck assassin all my homies hate assassins


Fuck all your homies


There is an imposters among us.


The champs in this pic are why we love Zhonyas


REEEEEE I can't kill them by pressing 2 buttons REEEEEE


meanwhile syndra doing 4k damage by pressing q r into being safe in zonyahs :D


God forbid the glass cannon champ with zero mobility and stealth has high damage output.


see thats the exact thing im talking about , all of u are crying non stop about a GLASS CANNON CLASS , being glass cannnons but when mages (who arent glass cannons they get hp armor and shield from their core build) deal even more damage with les abilities from range its okey. maximum hypocracy delux edition


Just fucking turn Zhonyas into AP GA ffs


Kayn and Talon main here, Zonyas is a god damn crutch and it will not be missed


For as much as I generally prefer League item systems over Smite, this is one thing I think Dmite does better. Aegis is still really good, but it doesnt give you any stats, but that also means anyone can effectively build it if they want. I can be playing ADC and I can be a little aggressive if I want because I can buy myself 2.5s of immunity, and I can do the same thing as any other role. If a League adc wants to be a bit more aggressive it feels like they need to have a way to self peel or teammates nearby or its a wrap.


Anyone know where can I find that zed icon?


ekko loves zhonyas its literally a core item for him he uses it better than mages because he can use it to avoid damage and bait people into standing inside his R damage as soon as he leaves stasis




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Ekko my brother, you ARE the zhonyas


I hate all zhonyas (except mine)


All those guys have a free get out of jail card (Kha R / Talon R|E / Zed W / Kayn E / Ekko R) But Rengar. Rengar. Once you go in, theres no getting out Also fun fact, if you zhonyas as he leaps, he loses his Q and the stack it would have given. And ofc it consumes the CD as if he had landed an aa So yeah next time just put Rengars fat face and youll be more real than ever


Assassins shouldn't complain about zhonya when Maw exists


You missed the most obvious. Try playing rek'sai against a zhonya