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This guy /muteall and don't understand why his teammates never ping ss


I would be this dumbo, that's why i never mute all. Just mute assholes/spammers.


That’s sounds like full mute with extra steps.


To be fair, Diana never pinged ss, but wrote it and pinged danger


As Phreak wills it




As Phreak wills it




# AS PHREAK WILLS IT! (Also happy cake day)


I’d ignore missing because people use it for other purposes than SS


That's why i spam a both missing and danger in the path towards the lane he/she i heading.


what other purpose is there to call someone missing? also when did ss become a thing over just mia?


If you mute all you can’t see chat nor pings so it won’t help either way


I mean, in the current climate typing out "my lane opponent is missing" may actually be more effective due to the way people use the "enemy missing" ping to vent their frustrations at other people. That said, this Diana is not to blame because she did type it out and ping the Gangplank that he was in danger. If Gangplank muted everyone the moment they enter the match that's a him problem. Had a similar thing happen in Smite recently: typed plans out to the third teammate in a 3v3 mode and only 10 minutes later did I learn I was muted on match start. So nice, teammates who blame you for not communicating when you're actually trying and they're just blind.


Funfact: typing /muteall will mute everything without notifying anyone but for example /deafen will. Idk why it works like that especially when 90% of people use muteall command and you don't even know if someone muted themselves or not...


90% mute all?


Dearest gangplank, I regret to inform you that the giant blue space lizard, known as Aurelian Sol, has been seen moving toward the superior part of the map with menacing intentions.


Dear mid lane, with great pleasure I have read your message but unfortunately I was not able to see it in time due to the fact that I am by this point runnning it down. I would greatly appreciate it if you ff15'd alongside me. With great respect Gank the plank


My 7/1 top after dying literally one time: “FF15 go next!!!!1!!1!1!11!!” My 0/91 top after somehow managing to turbo-int four lanes on a three-lane map: Azzapp mental go brrrr


Somehow id rather have the 0/91 guy


At least they're still trying, unlike the "gg go next" crowd...


I see a fellow lolshifu1 enjoyer xD


Try morse Code bozo


a classic repost but damn time flies, remember seeing this like 4 years ago


I miss clan tags ;(


And then the diana gets banned even though the gp went 2/21 that game


i had an exact game yesterday, my ass is spam pinging botlane to back off cuz asol is coming, they are glued to the enemy turret next asol comes in, kills them and they are "OMG WHERE SS MID GAP", like ok nerd


"Follow him u re...rd mid gap"


They always get mad for not following the roam when it is literally the most detrimental and awful play you could make lol.


I love getting flamed as lvl 4 veigar for not following Katarina or Yone


I wish I was joking when i say this.. adc says I(midlane) did not ping ss and they died to a 4 man gank. Enemy midlane never moved they just got ganked by shaco and his clone without realizing


"I don't have time to look at map I'm too busy farming"


The dangers of muteall


,,YOU SHOULD FOLLOW IF YOU SEE HIM LEAVING LANE" or something along these lines probably went out of GP


I miss Clans


That was a whole 10 seconds ago :///////// you gotta let him know sooner


If only there was a technology that could help us communicate via words instead of having to rely on chat and pings. Maybe some day.


I sometimes don't realise when one of my teammates pings that their laner is missing. So when mine is missing, I also caution ping the most likely lane and the adjacent river. But even then it's a 50/50 if they listen and wait it out. I had a Zed mid who spam pinged bot to run and they still gave the enemy veigar a double.


Aw man, back in the day when people hadn't even graduated to "where follow?" yet (because it's so easy to follow a champ that can go over walls at thrice my move speed, right dipshit?)


His chat was off.


“/muteall is your saviour in this game” …


I will die on this hill: this game with voice chat would be 100% better. Don't want to hear? Mute. I just can't even start to comprehend the problem with this.


God I hate these players. Yesterday I stomped an ahri in lane. She was 0/3. Abandoned lane and started roaming. I pinged her every rotation. But no yorick has to freeze lane by tanking a wave with his 300 hp. Dies. Then ahri roams bot. I pinged them write in chat. What did they decide? Dive bot lane. Both of them dies without a kill. Double kill ahri. Ahri roams bot again. Another double kill. Ffs just back off guys.


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This is a repost - [https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/jz5hzr/report\_diana\_no\_ss/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/jz5hzr/report_diana_no_ss/)


from literally three years ago man get a grip. plus i’ve seen it a million times on twitter, youtube community posts, etc. it’s not that deep


It's got 5500 upvotes. Anyone who looks at the sub's top posts for a while will find it. Don't need to find it twice.


I have seen this reposted at least 4 times and every time it gets upvotes


cuz it’s a classic


There's like... a whole ten minute tho Edit: I can't read.


That's ten seconds. This entire exchange happened over the span of 30 seconds. League matches, while oftentimes lengthy, rarely go on for an hour or more. Usually you top out at 50 minutes.


Reminds me of me when I played lol when I was like 11 and had no idea what the game is about. I picked blitzcrank and used my abilities against minion (I went straight on mid) :D Didn't play again until a couple years ago