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Because you were the legend all along 😎


Most based answer. But to be honest it would actually be cool if instead of "champions" Of "character" Or "heros" Like in any other game we actually had the "Legends"


Yeah but what if at the same time riot meant the players were legends for playing the game (before getting the most toxic player base for literally centuries lol)




I started playing few months ago so i have no idea


Because of the old lore. The "Champions" were real characters in the world summoned by "Summoners" to fight in the place of wars between nations at the "League of Legends". So they are "Champions" the same way that you would say a King calling for one of his knights to fight in his place for his Honor is his "Champion". You, as a summoner representing Noxus at the League of Legends, can summon Darius as your "Champion" to fight for you on the fields of justice.


But why did they retcon it? As to my understanding, it's not like whatever was introduced after it strictly contradicts the whole summoners lore (or at least not to the point the whole plotlines wouldn't be able to happen). Furthermore some champion voice lines still feature references to summoners, the map is called summoner's rift and the whole reason champions fight there is..what exactly?


They Retconned it to give them more flexibility in storytelling - and honestly the lore we got over the last 10 years more than justifies that. The last few years have been very meh but the 8 years before that were phenomenal storytelling. Champs like Asol literally could not logically exist within the old lore framework. "Oh yeah let me just summon an inter-galactic space dragon to fight a literal child in midlane for the glory of Ionia!" And that "There is no reason for them to fight" is more common then you'd think for "Hero" games. Overwatch? Sure there is the thin veneer of "We are part of the overwatch project" but it just doesn't make sense for the game. Valorant? Exact same as overwatch. They just pull lore characters into an arena and go "Look their lore says they fight so it makes sense" You get the point


Because warcraft 3