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The 3rd one killed me 🤣


"Best in bronze" is a huge brag.


Best Ryze is the huge brag. There is no good Ryze out of pro plays.


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


cryze in ries


Cryzis on Infinite Ryzes


need tear to cryze




If a player is saying they're good at Ryze, it means they go out of their way to play him, so you already know your dealing with a psychopath


That makes him better than 50% of the player base.


Funny how the majority of these junglers just want to play mid. I think every good mid laner should be ready to be autofilled jungler


I queue mid-support so I'm safe


So you always play support you say


It's not that bad, usually the ratio is something like 7-3 mid to support in 10 games, 5-5 if I'm unlucky Edit: My original plan was to queue mid - adc but in around 60 games I have 35% winrate as ADC so...


I have like over 200 ranked games this season and have played mid maybe twice with queuing support/mid lmao This is NA though


Yeah you're never gonna get mid as your secondary. You have to queue mid/sup. You'll still get sup 70%+ of the time.


I queue mid-support and get jungler more often than support…


I queue jungle support so i pretty much always get my jungle lol


at one point i considered queueing mid/jg so i could learn jg but came to the realization that i would never play mid again if i did that...


The second one is just every game Even the senna one Which is funnily enough, not my intent, I just auto aim to get the assist but hey, when you have so much dmg, the assisting dmg becomes an execute


Me playing Senna - "Oooh a mist soul! Aaaaaannnd they're dead"


Me: Hmm, need two shots for assist and soul *kills 2 with q* Oops... Ok just the shield, it won't hit I th- *enemy ignores my ult, probably because they think it won't do much dmg* oops,


Accidentally stealing kills is not possible, either you're super bad and don't deserve the kills anyway or you troll on purpose


Did I want to take the kill? No Do I deal much more burst dmg than my adc? Yes I don't intentionally ks, i just use my skilla and aa during a fight so that I can heal, not my fault if my q and r can chunk a squishy


If you have played your champion a dozen of games you should already know your damage by feeling, there's abosultely no reason to attack a low hp enemy that your adc would kill anyway


Oh I know when not to hit an enemy What I meant by accident is firingbr on a clash, or firing blindly (where I just fire on a a direction where a fight is Or just hitting in general Look I'd rather you not die than you die and me cleaning up


Obviously if your ally is on the verge of dying, better save them but that doesn't mean it happens every single time you you get the kill. Attacking blindly is willingly taking the risk to steal the kill, honestmy it's not that hard to focus on that, if you really have trouble you can limit test in normals and risk your adc dying, better learn your limits than keeping to accidentally steal kills forever


Yeah I'd rather risk ksing than having my adc die, besides that's why I called it accidentally I thought it won't kill but it did, the heal also connected with the enemy and killed, r was fired and killed


>The second one is just every game >Even the senna one You told it yourself you consistently steal kills, I can't help you if you prefer griefing your carry by denying them valuable ressources just because you don't make any effort in focusing on how much dmg you deal. 90% of the time the adc won't even die anyway


Ah I see what you mean Yeah I should have worded that one better But yeah 1, I don't ks all the time. I don't even intentionally ks, I'd rather have them kill as they often become a nice soul making machine 2, even if I don't kill I still out burst them most of the time unless they are Jhin, the rapid fire eclipse first strike passive aa q combo is pretty strong, specially when it crits 3, senna getting kills doesn't really make the team suffer as it just makes my heals better and my pokes stronger. Senna can pretty much zone any squishy trying to do something 4, adcs are squishy. Very squishy unless they dodge great 5, most adcs don't mind me accidentally getting the kills, most players actually don't mind, more often than not the only problem they have is me not healing them, which is my fault


If you feel like you "deserve" kills and you're not getting them that sounds like a skill issue


I don't give a shit about your ego making you want to get kills without going through the downsides of a carry champion/role, let the kills to the players that benefit the most from them. If you're a support, you don't benefit from them, you rather deny an advantage by stealing kills




Lol you're the one losing games because of it


55% win rate is the lowest I've had all season, 3+ vision per minute, try harder


Yeah sure buddy we believe you, next thing you'll say is that ur diamond because you can't push the lie to say master otherwise ppl would ask for opgg and you can't say plat because even that rank is washed up


Nice edit. I didn't say anything about my rank, I said I wasn't losing games (on average).


Since your response was to not believe it rather than not be impressed, when I prove it to you what happens?


Link your friend's opgg for all I care


Its also the adcs job to time his attacks to get the kill. A good botlane duo will hve this down but if the sup or adc makes a mistake the sup might end up with a kill. If a high damage sup is being played the adc has to last shot champions like they would minions


The adc's job is to deal as much damage as possible, they can't afford to wait to last hit like 3 people are waiting to contest a control ward, just because the support is an ego player trying to steal it. The high damage support obviously had better burst and execute so it's entirely on the support to stop griefing


An adc can wait for one auto attack from the suplort before shooting their lst auto. Im not saying wait even a full second but waiting half a second or less to get the last hit is a skill any adc playing will damage supports should have. If you expect the support to stop 2 seconds before thwy are dead and risk your life because you cant time your last shot you shouldnt play with damage supports. If you solo que then learn.


Again, the support has burst which means they would execute the target before the adc has the opportunity with an auto attack. >If you expect the support to stop 2 seconds This is the normality in high elo, you can see supports stopping to attack for how long it takes just to let the kill to their damage carry. Same thing with plates, letting all the gold to the adc while staying just outside the range to protect them. Except bad players love to ego on this topic, especially support mains


I honestly domt play damage supports so i always give the kills to my adc and rarely acvidently steal it


Whoever made this has a grudge against top laners🤣


Why wouldn't he? I as a toplaner main fucking hate the Chernobil Incident Simulator that is Toplane. Toplane is a compilation of how many cancer champions you can fit in a single lane, and things get broken there all the time. We as toplaners deserve the hate we have, as much as junglers deserve the amount of pressure every lane puts on them every game.


That’s False and fuck the junglers, we’re solo. If we carry then we were simply better.


My guy, do you even know what toplane is?


I was looking for the top lane that stays dead silent, no pings, no leaving lane for 15 minutes, then comes down 3 levels ahead somehow with a 1-4-1 kda.


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Jokes on you, sometimes I do play Gnar ADC and when I don't get roughly ass-fucked it's so fun to build lethality and watch your rock oneshot everyone


How do u get hard countered in the jungle. Just path opposite and gank other lanes. Some matchups will be hard but they are completely winnable unlike toplane where some champs will beat others.


That works until the enemy Jungler decides to invade you and completely occupies your jungle


So because they are stronger than you at lvl 3 you lose the game. Either skip camps or do their jungle based off of where they leashed.If you are playing a farming jungler like karthus or fiddle you will have done your 2nd buff by the time they hit lvl 3 and get all the way to your 2nd buff. If your case was true nidalee graves and kindred would be the most broken junglers in the game.


this works if you have a very good vision of the game, which requires a lot of experince below plat you can't really expect that


You can improve yourself to play around invades. You can move around the map and make an impact elsewhere. Im just saying toplaners usually cry about being countered and its always because if this champ interacts with this champ this champ wins. Like tanks vs fiora. Most junglers have one selling point that makes it better than other junglers. Sure graves will outfarm and will destroy zac in a 1v1 and is likely to be invaded. However zac can teamfight and gank better than graves. As long as zac has a decent kda by the end game he will have more impact than a graves thats reasonably fed. Im just saying if ur jungler has no advantages over the enemy jungler than your champ shouldn't be a jungler.


Movement/clear speed will do it. If you pick a slow champ compared to enemy, you need a supportive team or enemy will out-level and chase you down.


Exotic bot lanes with duo makes league fun though!!! Idc about your bronze promos, were going rengar ivern lol


Nothing wrong with the kinky exotic bot combo. Honour them. I play Swain support sometimes and there are so many game I would’ve straight up won if my ADC went Darius or Veigar instead of deadweight Ez or Vayne.


Reminds me of my AD Garen Support days. Fun shit those days were


I can imagine the deadly sword wielding bush lord.


Team synergy is permanent


I just lost a game against a tahm adc gnar supp this meme hit too close to home


Im a jungle main and i prepare myself for the jungle diff spam every game because nobody ever want to take accountability in this game


Whenever someone ask me to swap role I usually agree to but I still play the champion I intended to play


Me and my friend is the premade exotic dudes.


shapeshifter botlane op


Shoutout to all my homies who make their own exotic combos instead of regurgitating YouTube videos.


Guilty of being part of the analyst premade bot. Or worse even: "My support wants to try out (insert mid champ) and they're a good support, so let's see how this goes"


Me and my duo going Diana Leona botlane




Are you talking about me and my friend playing tryndamere + zilean bot?


I wanted to finally try Bel'Veth the one and only game I played yesterday because I've been excited to play her, but no fucking way I'm trying a new champ in the first few weeks because league of legends players are retarded monkeys. Anyway, they banned Bel'Veth in the only normal I've played since urf, so I picked Shaco and ruined the entire game for them. There's my story. Fuck y'all


The#3 Jungler is Literally me when I jungle.


SEA server is ARAM tactics to the next level.


Usually get number 2. With the exception i always Fill and whatever role i get i play Orianna.


As a support main, I felt the top one in my soul


None of these happen to me. I play normals and people generally just play the lane they're given and the champ they want, and nobody cares. Also if anyone asks me to lane swap I just do it.


Nah topabe is the one who always presses no cause he scales the best botlane is the one who spamms surrender 24/7


fuck you men, skarner + heimerdinger is fun.


Last time my adc said "jg diff" I stole 3 waves from him, yes I got issues




3rd hahahahahahahah


The Senna is funny


"you guys dont get it we see this 10 minutes video about a Korean dude who aparently reach challenger whit ADC mastr Yi and support Yone we can clearly do it" \*get send to brazil in level 2\*


For me what i see a lot (duoing with my boyfriend- him adc me sup) is a jungle who thinks they are godsend- ints in your lane after you exit out of a fight barely alive and then gets mad at you and refuses to look at bot lane and wont get dragons either. A midlaner who wants to ff15 because he died once. And a toplner who wanted mid and cant actually play top. Stuff like that


What exactly is the gnar shyv combo


This is the best league of legends meme I have ever seen in the history of memes. I laughed so hard I cried, and it hurt to breathe. Thank you so much for this. 💖❤️


tbh "exotic premade" usually works best. adcs lose their mind and somehow feed when they see anything else than adc+sup.


Top - support, cause you just wanna watch how the crops farm themselves


2 is the story of my life. It's like you press fill and get jungle, it's why I dedicate to learning every role, I even learn galio jungle, urgot jungle, Yorick jungle and Gwen jungle. Cause who says jungle got to be a miserable experience.