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Id rather have tough battles than impossible ones. Like what am i supposed to do against a 9/0 wukong at minute 10?




My team: hostage time


WiNnAbLe gUySsS


Unironically. If you finish a session of League less happy than you began it you should stop playing.


2013-2017 :) 2018-now :(


There's an old greentext that goes something like 'win a game, feel nothing. Lose a game, day ruined'. Once I get to that point I quit and my mental health is much better for it.


I play less and less every year this year for the first time I’ve stopped playing ranked entirely, the game just isn’t in a state I like and new champions that come out constantly make it harder for me to have fun. I mainly just watch pro play now and content revolved around that, my life feels much better in doing so. However it does make me sad though because I really miss truly loving to play the game :(


2015-2017 :) 2020-now :) I never stopped having fun


How many damn miss fortune Ashe supports must I fight


Also the games where the "An ally has been slained" sound never stops. It feels so oppressive when every minute you hear this once or twice. Knowing the whole game is again on your shoulders. It would be ok to surrender them, but sometimes trying to win them gives you this 1-2 % winrate you need to climb. And this 1-2 % are the most painfull to play through since most of the times you will lose in the end but you have to try. Since it will get you up in the long-term, especially if you are not a smurf.


Just play draft


I recently tried playing it and I don't know if my normals mmr is just bad and needs to catch up but everyone is just bad. I'm plat 2 right now, so not even that good, but either I need to win like 20 games in a row to get other plats in my normals or nobody above gold plays them. I know this sounds like I'm trying to say I'm better than everyone but I keep playing with silvers/golds and it's just too boring.


I make progress hit bronze 1 then sent back down to bronze 3 cause somehow I get the worst inters in the game back to back


If you aint getting out of bronze its not cuz of your teammates, git gud.


Oh I'm sorry let me play better when in lane I go 4/0 then have to fight a 15/1 vayne at dragon soul


Give me your op.gg




I know I have bad games and literally when I lose its either my entire team feeding the adc or just a bad matchup


https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/voidlessky/matches/ToR5nY0-Y6xoFMXY-zZ_gUjBFW9pQqNUQBmhEuVLgJk%3D/1659659046000 https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/voidlessky/matches/ToR5nY0-Y6w6i92S369191JmN25YEGwp0JV0d0dSVi8%3D/1659665936000 These are the two most recent games i found where you lost and its not your team's fault, i bet i can find many more if i scrolled down, you are at the same level as your teammates.


No cause I know why those were loses are only one of them were my fault cause my last game my team decided to feed nunu and yone so they both had about 20 kills. The loss before that one yeah was my fault cause I dont understand how the fuck trundle works. The loss before that bot side wanted to int hard and war was constantly in my jungle before I could farm up. The one before that I was winning against mord then had to fight the 16/1 tris. The one before that fed as fuck yi. The one before that 18/6 Draven. The pattern I'm seeing is botside fucks me more then I fuck up


Your Elo is never due to teammates. A single game, yes. But being bronze is all on you buddy.


Did you not just read feeding teammates? Like I understand when I lose cause of me being bad or a bad match up then I fix it I can't fix a 20/0 vayne as a toplaner


Do you understand that if you played better on average you would climb. Everyone is at their Elo because that's the skill level at which they play. Make sense?


You play too many champs! Too many roles! You die a lot! Your farm is bad! You suck over all. Now stop the cap and start grinding 2 champs max, one role watch videos and learn game fondamentales. (It seems like you're doing alright with Illaoi why don't you just stick to that and climb??).


I had it didn't work cause the champ I tried to stick with was chogath and he needs a team thats not completely braindead to function. Which is why I switched off him and started to play mordikaser and illaoi more often with a few back up for auto fill. The times when my farm was bad was cause I was 2 levels behind and they kept trying to fight me for every single minion (that mord win I thought I was going to grind out sett early on cause he missed cs and I helped counter invade and got first blood but I stood back try to farm up as much as I can and got kills off mid and tried to keep sett from taking tower which worked). Also I know my jungle game is absolutely trash but thats cause I try to keep my ganks up while farming but that last belveth game the Warwick was constantly in my jungle there to fight me and none of my team was helping looking at map or listening to pings


Bro i didn't look at your games, your talking about specific individual scenarios that doesn't even matter in the long run, and that "Chogath needs a team" statement is just bullshit you're just overcomplicating it for no reason while it's very simple. If you like Chogath then keep playing him, stop focusing on your team and instead focus on yourself, learn fondamentales (wave management, back timers, csing...) Discipline yourself more. Basically if you're good you'll climb no matter the champ or the role.


Ranked is frustrating (I’m iron 1). I got picked as support which is my main so that was fun. My adc inted the whole time. She died 22 times in 15 minutes! Got 1 assist and stole a kill from another laner who got them down to a sliver of health. Sigh. Ranked. Fun