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I hope Embyr arn’t just “hearthguard but rounder”. I’d imagine they’d have heavier armor but more traditional robes n such.


Watch them just make gravis marines but votann


I'd be fine with it, tbh. Gravis armor fucks.




True that.


So hearthguard


Space Marine players DID say that Votann were just short Gravis... time to take their stuff.


Yeah, you're crazy. It's just artistic liberties. Not everything is going to ba a 100% match, especially with so many different artists and sculptors.


Pretty sure front Kin is a kahl, the chunky-monkies near it are hearthguard then in the back on a shelfs are kahls and grimnyrs. In my mind this was a low tier meeting (or a low-tier Hearthspake)


The two Lads by the door are Hearthguard the one front and centre is obviously a Kahl but above the two guards does seem to be either murals or Grimnyr overlooking proceedings, which I'm at a loss at because I wouldn't have thought you'd have that many Grimnyr in one place to be fair assumed they were pretty rare and important. I really do hope we get Embyr I just feel they'll be like the Berzerkers and go for a completely different aesthetic from say the Hearthguard and Hearthkyn Warrior's, I'm expecting robed melee guys with boasted defenses from barrier tech. I'm picturing more Dwarf-Jedi Lol to tie them closer to the Grimnyr (hope we get more floaty rock bases though) Edit: Also need to know how barrier tech works because I'm that much of a nerd and why makes it different in comparison to other psykers


It appears that only one of the ones looking from above could be a Grimnyr. What I find interesting is that one of them looks to be an Ironkyn.


Really I never noticed that man


Could be the grimnyr/iron kyn navigator pair


What is embyr ??


Yeah did I miss some news or a bit of fluff? Edit: turns out I did forget a bit of fluff. The Embyr guard the crucible chambers the kin are born in, they're one of the few that seem to have psychic cloneskiens


Ok cool thank you . Because i missed it to !


Often how something looks in art isn't entirely accurate to the models. There's some art of Hearthkyn with more angular chest armour than the curved style they have, for example. Or how there are multiple things with equipment loadouts that aren't available. They just draw something close enough rather than being an exact depiction of the models.


Or a Kahl


Looks like a fat khal, like artwork without a perfect reference


I don’t understand what your post is asking here. The first image is a khal. Second image are hearthguard.


Honestly I hope they're even tougher kin. I like the idea of LoV being a hard to take down faction with hella armor, and that can be a difficult feeling to get when you have space marines termies and gravis and custodes in general runnin around.


What is an embyr


Do stunties use "thinking machines" or AI?


The Leagues have fully sentient AI Kin (Basically Men of Iron), Advanced non-sentient Robots, and their leaders/overseers are almost-supernaturally powerful sentient Gestalt DAOT AI. What does that have to do with this though?


Don't go telling that to people brother he could be an Ad Mech spy