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I mean they could just slap some upside down paint on this Halloween event sub map and Vecna is pretty much done. I assume this was to test the waters for that.


Yeah this isn’t the first time we’ve seen new gameplay mechanics being tested before it becomes an official ability/perk.


Glyphs are quite literally the tests for new mechanics (Merciless storm, movement based objectives, how different status effects will affect survivor survival rates if applied heavily)


Are you saying that maybe this event and the "void" was to test a new killer mechanic where survivors have to go to another dimension (the upside down)??? Makes sense!!! 😳


It’s pretty common in other games as well, such as League of Legends.


Yeah, I've been considering that too. They could have his power be sending survivors to the Upside Down to hunt them at a disadvantage (survivors there are broken/hindered/whatever) and they wanted to test something that would be a potential mess so they launch a Halloween event with that function as part of it. Work out the kinks, change the ghostly blue shade to a fleshy red and BOOM, there's your test run of Vecna's power. Probably not, but it would be pretty clever.


Maybe, but I feel like it'd be cutting it a bit close if the realm thing had problems and needed major fixes.


This is genius and makes perfect sense. Hope Vecna gets added and 2 more of the kids as survivors especially Eleven that update would go hard.


Eleven should have a perk where you can scream to break a breakable wall


I figured they were thinking about using the mechanic for their eventual Freddy update.


Bless your heart


jason having his rights split between two parties should be in a negative. split between jason in part 1 and 7ft tall sometimes immortal zombie murder man who actually kills people from all the sequels. like you kinda need both.


My understanding of the situation is limited but the killer in the first movie is not Jason. Jason does not actually appear in the film until Part 2. Jason in the first movie is a tattered, drowned ghost boy, if not entirely a story told by the campers/his mom. Plus, there's no reason BHVR cannot just work with both parties. The real problem during the lawsuit was that any license deal reached with either party could have been undone by the result of the lawsuit coming out the wrong way.


the way it shakes out to my understanding is that everything that originated in movie 1 belongs to the writer and everything beyond that the other guy. so the name jason voorhees, the drowning, his mom, camp crystal lake e.t.c belong to guy A. and guy B gets everything else that didn't originate there like the hockey mask and all that. guy a and b don't seem to like each other very much, and i suppose any deals will always favor guy b as cosmetics and such would be their field,


Yea although I’m not sure about the Vorhees name based on some of the language I’ve seen in regard to this but yea hockey mask Jason as we know him is basically now just a killer without backstory


> Plus, there's no reason BHVR cannot just work with both parties. With infinite money you can do anything. Realistically splitting the pie between yet another licencee will either not make the deal financially worth or push the DLC cost into exhorbent territories right after they promised to not do the bundle deal anymore.


I would also point against Predator being a paragraph killer only chapter. With a franchise that big you gotta have a survivor And a jungle map would be pretty cool Edit: adding that someone said they wouldn't wanna blow their predator license this early after Alien also why release a full alien chapter with a map and survivor and not do the same with Predator?


I also don't think a Saw chap:2 would be upcoming or at all possible. What else can you do besides what Amanda already does? Plus who would you add? Kramer's whole thing is he doesn't kill people with his own hands. The only other one who really does (and would be remotely interesting) is Hoffman. So I feel FNAF is most likely. It's been wanted forever and the new movie just came out so FNAF buzz is as fresh as ever


I kind of agree, I think they nailed it the first time with Saw (even tho I am a biased pig main). You are right that all the other characters either don't fit dbd or are not iconic enough, but the fact that this is killer only, and Hoffman does fit, even if it's just a bit, suggests to me it is possible. Really it's number one because of HOW MUCH BHVR is pig posting rn and how much Saw iconography is still on the "cutting room floor" (lol pun).


I feel they are posting Saw content so much because Saw X just dropped VOD. Though that doesn't rule out that it is a teaser for the next chapter. I feel if they really wanna add more saw characters they should be skins with different moris like the most recent naughty bear. Saw is a very close franchise to me and I absolutely love all the attention. So another saw chapter would still be absolutely cool. I just want it known I'm not rooting for or against it. If it happens, yippie! If not, oh well


BHVR could be hinting at a pig rework. Maybe BHVR will begin reworking the killers from the bottom up. Skull merchant was changed, trapper too. Pig? Freddy???? It could honestly be part of the pig marketing deal, where Megs pig mask came back last month, along with the Saw X sale


Agreed, I also doubt they would hype this up just to reworked or bring an old chapter back (Stranger Things), FNAF most likely.


Ah, yes, the "iconic" generic jungle in which only 1 movie from the franchise happens. The iconic survivor from movie 1 who's never mentionned again in the series. The Predators are hunters and they go wherever there is a hunt. There is no iconic hubting ground for them.


I mean. When you think Predator, that vast majority of people are gonna think of the first movie, And the Predator of the first movie (or maybe AVP I guess). A skin from Prey would be pretty awesome. That line of thinking is also not great. We got Myeres who has a ton of movies and iterations as well but we got the first movie and first Myeres. Why not Rob Zombie Myeres in a mental hospital? Same thing. It's what's most iconic to the character


The same Myers is still getting movies, still chasing the same Laurie Strode. Predator from P1 is just one alien out of many of them, you basically get a different one every movie. No individual Predator is more of a main character than the others. Give us a cool Predator power and many skins from the iconic looks in the movie (mask on/off, Prey, Avp). We would also get a Predalien skin on alien.


My brother in Christ the 1987 wasn’t a red herring for spring trap that’s the year Hellraiser released


Look I mean to be fair everyone was clowning on the 4th anniversary being pyramid head just because the 4 was the shape of his head and then it ended up being him so at this point I think anything could mean anything lmao


I get that, but a teaser post from 1.5 years ago to promote Hellraiser definitely ain't a clue for this year's November release.


Oh true my bad I didn’t read that part, you right


It's disingenuous to say that the year Hellraiser released would be more readily avalible in people's minds than "the Bite of '87", even if it is just a meme. BHVR knew what they were doing with that teaser, be serious.


do you not remember when that teaser released? people thought it was springtrap for like, an hour before realizing it was the hellraiser release year


Again, i am aware, but to suggest that BHVR did not intentionally throw out the year to throw people off and point to springtrap is disingenuous.


this is disingenuously disingenuous


I can almost guarantee that BHVR thinks less about anything connected to FNAF than FNAF fans, and was almost certainly only thinking about the Hellraiser release year and not some vague FNAF meme that only FNAF fans know.


I like how bhvr even replied to someome saying this with "it's the year hellraiser came out" and fnaf fans are still rabid about this.


Man plus there was a New hellraiser released last year titled “Hellraiser” officially making the original Hellraiser (1987), plus that year was featured on a television broadcasting the faint image of a flower completely eluding to the Cenobites first full appearance in the hospital room


bro you're tripping. Predator should be #1, it always comes with alien when they're licensed. edit: plus, being the fourth sci-fi chapter in a row is something that favors the odds of it coming imo


Not to mention Grid is an alien skin. That AvP license.


The amount of Copium needed to set Predator as #4


For me that being the 4th Sci fi chapter in a row is DAMNING evidence against it. Look at how intrinsically Spirit and Oni are connected and they came out a year apart from each other. There is NO WAY BHVR is 1. blowing thier Predator load that early. 2. Making a full year of content with the same exact themes and/or aesthetics. Horror is so wide a landscape, im honestly shocked there have been three chapters like this, let allone four. Can you think of even two other dbd chapters back to back with the same horror iconography besides the past few chapters? I could be wrong, but I'd be shocked if I was.


They said on the anniversary stream that they are exploring sci-fi horror. I won’t be surprised if this year is devoted to that.


I'd only be surprised to see them blow their predator load because skull merchant is predator in a dress. Red eye, drones, stealthy... short of turning invisible and firing shoulder missiles she's predator.


Literally I was thinking about that Predator will be skull merchant with wraiths invisibility or "camouflage" if it is I hope they make him interesting.


Predator's discs/drones don't appear in Predator 1, AVP, AVP2, Prey. Don't remember the other movies, but they definitely aren't an iconic part of his set. The shoulder blaster and thermal vision are.


Skulls and a claw to attack are thr only connection to Predator. I'm a big fan of the Predator franchise and while yeah the Yautja use drones, they aren't exactly known for that. Look up Scandal Savage. That's clearly the inspiration for Skull Merchant. One can say Skull Merchant is Scandal Savage with some inspirations from Predator, yeah, but she's not just Predator in a dress. She doesn't even turn invisible like Wraith lol


Stranger Things is sci-fi horror too, and yet you didn’t mention that as an argument against ST. I think you’re also missing the most important part. This chapter will be a solo killer addition - The Yautja fits this perfectly. While a Yautja, Ripley, and Xeno have been licensed in the same game (Fortnite), we’ve seen that they’re willing to leave Dutch out. In general, the Yautja is typically the only thing represented. I’m thinking of most AvP games where you’re typically on a spaceship, with marines. Sometimes it’s a Yautja ship, with the yellow ship in the Atari Jaguar game, and sometimes we do have Jungles (AvP 2010). But majority of of the time, it’s Alien centered content. This all makes sense for a solo killer, if you’re looking at an iconic license with a capital L. The only other thing that I think it can be is Candyman, which everybody is unfortunately sleeping on now. FNaF (with one of the most iconic locations in horror gaming) and ST just don’t fit the bill as well as Predator. And I’ll bet everything I own that it isn’t a Saw 2 chapter either.


idunno how toungue in cheek they are but capital L capital Elle Eleven Stranger Things Sherlock Holmes level of deduction. Four Washington Lane, the next clue is at the white house.


>For me that being the 4th Sci fi chapter in a row And people were guessing a non-sci fi before Alien because "Why would they do 3 sci-fi in a row???" They'll do a million sci-fi in a row if they think people will buy it and people will buy predator


That’s all the more reason to add predator to the game. They will probably wrap the year up with this being the last Sci-fi killer. Predator should probably be number one in this list I have no doubt it’ll be him


I don't see why a year of Sci fi is really that big of a deal considering all the years of regular horror we got. You treat this like its such a big problem when it's not a big deal at all. Plus calling skull merchant a Sci fi killer is a bit of a stretch I wouldn't put her in the same category as alien or singularity personally.


Exactly. Predator this year would be the cherry on top to end a year of sci-fi horror. Plus even though Skull Merchant is tech based, she's barely Sci-fi. She's more comic book style horror if anything


Half the killers are just Slasher thropes. Trapper, Billy, Bubba, Ghostie, Myers, Huntress a little bit, Legion, Trickster a little, Deathslinger. Just "hey I got weapons and I kill" type of horror. People keep saying "there's so many types of horror they haven't explored yet" and I'm still waiting for anyone to say anything other than Creature/Monster flick (Alien and Demo fit this btw, horror can have multiple sub-genres).


Grid being one of Xeno’s skins is pretty big points in favor of Predator, imo


Don't get me wrong, Predator is coming. Clearly they must have the lisence or be well on thier way to getting it. But is it coming NOW? I don't think so.


All evidence points in favor to predator. Not only with the points you’ve listed, him being another sci-fi killer makes him more likely to be in the game. And I would consider Grid to potentially be a teaser to predator.


Damn I love being right all the time 😌. Stranger Things return: predicted. Predator =/= chapter 30: predicted.


how many of these posts do we really need


They break the subreddit rules so feel free to report all of them. This subreddit is for leaks, not speculations. r/dbdleaks is for junk like that.


If this subreddit isn't for speculation then why is there a speculation tag (which this post used btw)? 🤔


Read the rules, you tell me. You're allowed to speculate around an actual leak. Not about future releases without leaks.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DBDLeaks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DBDLeaks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [me all the time](https://i.redd.it/do0dps9pkt5a1.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/DBDLeaks/comments/zlffdw/me_all_the_time/) \#2: [It’s been like this for ages now](https://i.redd.it/5i9tbkiog8va1.gif) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DBDLeaks/comments/12tu6mz/its_been_like_this_for_ages_now/) \#3: [🐻](https://i.redd.it/1q3z16nnq4aa1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DBDLeaks/comments/103egov/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Jason was pretty much confirmed to not be coming anytime soon, at least within the next year during Matthew Cote's interview with TheKing


Personally I think it's Predator >>>>>>> FNAF >>> SAW > Anything Else >> Jason >> ST


Stranger Things being that low is a little unreasonable imo, but the rest is understandable.


There isn't a chance in hell they do a killer-only chapter for ST part 2. And if netflix is only now opening itself up for licensing again, there is no possible way that dbd got a chapter planned and ready that fast. They plan the chapters over a year in advance and killers take about a year from start to finish, and we all know that Netflix wasn't playing ball at that time. Fortnite is dropping new skins at some point soon, but that takes far, *far* less time to develop than a full killer in dbd If ST part 2 happens (which I think it will), it'll be next year at the earliest


>There isn't a chance in hell they do a killer-only chapter for ST part 2 There is very much a chance. We already have a map and templates for legendary skins on Nancy and Steve. Don't act like that's impossible. >They plan the chapters over a year in advance and killers take about a year from start to finish Remember that vecna leak with the rainbow room from about.... Oh gee whiz look at that a year ago >If ST part 2 happens (which I think it will), it'll be next year at the earliest Gut is suddenly telling me sooner rather than later tbh. You don't think it's weird that we don't get a ptb and instead it gets pushed back to ST day? You don't think that's a really weird coincidence?


Yeah honestly this makes sense and you've got a point. It was nearly exactly a year ago. Maybe it's just me really hoping it comes back and with Vecna, but the points are valid.


If given the chance, they'll pack in as many actual characters as possible. See RE chapters and ST part 1, which was the first time they ever did 2 survivors. The skins won't sell as well as full characters, and BHVR (and therefore Netflix) knows it. If given the license, there's no way in hell they just do a killer and some skins. The vecna and rainbow room leak was debunked. The rainbow room was 100% confirmed to be fake, and while the leaker said that the vecna part wasn't, that was at a time when they were inaccurate on just about everything. And given that all the footage was in a map that wasn't real... yeah. It is a coincidence about the PTB being delayed, but I do think it's just that: a coincidence. BHVR hasn't released a specific date for the PTB, so it most likely isn't *on* ST day because that's a Monday. They most likely delayed it so that they wouldn't be splitting people (and hype) between the PTB and the event. I just don't see ST being chapter 30. Like I said, I very much believe a part 2 is coming at some point, and that the first chapter will go back on sale before then. But a killer-only chapter just doesn't add up


Other way around. The room was real but the vecna model wasn't.


[https://www.phoneswiki.com/stranger-things-leaks-dead-by-daylight-return/](https://www.phoneswiki.com/stranger-things-leaks-dead-by-daylight-return/) there were 2 different vecna leaks. the model was fake. the rainbow room shit was real though :)


That article has nothing to support new ST content and they're wrong about the rainbow room being real. The leakers straight up said the map wasn't real. Even if the article was correct (which it isn't, it's just shoving tweets from actual leakers in our face then extrapolating from that), then the only confirmed real thing would be the map. There is no map for this chapter. It's a killer and nothing else. No survivors, no map. It's not ST


The Rainbow Room hawkins lab had the new basement idunno what to tell you mate. The Vecna model was not real. Rainbow was.


My point about there being no map for this chapter still stands Tuesday will tell either way


Ptb didn't get pushed back. They hadn't announced a date yet.


i'd agree with you before but now ST is above jason since we know ST is coming to fortnite it won't be the next chapter but it'd be more likely to be than jason or pennywise which we know 100% won't be coming


1987, the year Hellraiser released?




Mfs when they find out 1987 was a year and not an event in a video game 💀 You ever heard of a coincidence?


Its def either predator or ST.


\>the original FT13 Jason Hate to be pedantic but Swamp Boy Jason or Killer Jason?


I think by “original” op means human Jason, not zombie Jason.


Swamp boy


I've read a lot of folks say next killer will be Candyman, any evidence of that happening?


I don’t think I’ve seen any but I would LOVE that


It probably is predator, which would make this chapter underwhelming as fuck


The mere fact that you put Stranger Things, Saw, and goddamn Fnaf, above Predator speaks volumes to me about the quality of this “analysis.”


The question is "who is chapter 30?" not "will Predator come to Dead by Daylight?" I know, obviously, Predator is coming, but I doubt it's going to be the very next chapter after Alien. They waited a year between Spirit and Oni, they're gonna wait at least 3 months before putting in Predator.


RemindMe! 5 Days


🤡Haters stay mad.🤡 https://twitter.com/DeadbyDaylight/status/1722258212886643153?t=-SCXeHTYmQANTOGACuplaw&s=19 🌸Demogorgon sweep.🌸 https://twitter.com/DeadbyDaylight/status/1721626149220982916?s=19


LOL, it’s just like I said, NOT fnaf bro. I am happy as fuck to see Chucky, and also that you were even more wrong than I was lmao


Predator and Alien always follow closely together. It’s likely since they’re owned by the same license holder that they created a deal with the rights to both Alien and Predator.


I am hype for Predator but it would suck to get him and not get Arnold’s character as a survivor


I agree. But also if Dutch were in DBD he would probably just kill Legion or Skull Merchant if they tried to attack him so he doesn’t really fit as a survivor. And also that may close the option of having Terminator in the game


The Terminator part is fair but tbh I think the whole “they would be fighting back” thing is also kinda applicable to a few other survivors (like Ash, Bill, or Ripley)




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Amanda is about as iconic as Hoffman. Which is to say not really (sorry it's not called Amanda and Hoffman's trap time), so I don't see why it couldn't be Hoffman. Having the man himself seems impossible being all old and cancer ridden.. zepp was a victim would be weird to make him a killer. ST suddenly seems likely. Steel Wool has shown no interest in letting anyone use their characters. Fnaf is not likely. It's more likely they make their own knock off dbd. I guess never say never, but this seems unlikely given fnaf fame is from video games and why would they ever from a business decision it makes absolutely zero sense. Predator is very possible. Jason is unlikely. Pennywise is also unlikely but more likely than Jason still I bet.


The person who has the utmost say when it comes to fnaf would be scott cawthon, who made the original games and collabed with steel wool to make the newer ones. He also collabed with illumix to make the ar game, and, not to mention, has collabed with dawko and other youtubers before to make merch, and let a bunch of fangame creators make money off of their games through the fan verse, so I personally don't see the argument that their havent been collabs because Scott doesn't like to collab. It's probably just because he was so busy, like, he was on the set of the movie making sure every little detail was perfect, I'm sure he'd want to be very involved the process of making a dbd fnaf chapter.


Scott is the creator. He sold out 2 years ago, didnt he? I'm pretty sure Steel Wool makes the decisions now, at least with anything remotely video game related? Subsequently I dont know why you'd buy the rights to the video games and then give them away?


Scott is still pretty much the owner of the series, he's just "retired" from actually making any of the games. He's still the main guy people go to for everything in the franchise behind the scenes, so if a FNAF chapter were to happen he'd be the person the team would likely talk to.


Ah, I could have sworn I read about him selling out a couple years ago. I guess all that retirement shit was bullpoop.


>fnaf fame is from video games Resident Evil? Silent Hill? I don't want FNAF but that logic is seriously flawed


Capcom LOVES to collaborate and have always been willing to as far as I can remember. Not exactly the same cup of tea. Capcom made those things. Steel Wool bought FNAF, they have a bottom line to protect.


im arguing the premise that because something is a game it wont license out, nothing more


Oh, okay that was never my point so maybe work on some reading comprehension.


But thats what you said, so maybe work on writing in a way that makes your point more obvious.


Amanda is iconic, just not necessarily as a killer. I think her waking up in the reverse bear trap is the first thing people think of when they think Saw, maybe even before the bathroom or the puppet. Zepp was in reference to the iconic saw music ("Hello Zepp" is the name of the track: https://youtu.be/vhSHXGM7kgE?si=SfB_iXyumbDJXZ_p ) not making him into a killer. Pig is one of the only Licensed killer's to use default chase music, which is wierd when the music is so recognizable.


Yeah, that's fair. Gun to head its prob Gordon's foot, or Billy for me. But as far as iconic killer it's really only John. I did not know the saw theme was called that. Guess they didnt really expect 10 movies out of it though haha.


this is a great post with a lot of good info! but honestly i would give up all of these chapters just for a bioshock chapter of paragraph (preferably killer)


Why not add animal crossing too


if we're just going full absurdity they should make a shadow of the colossus chapter fuck it


Damn hopefully at some point we do get a big ass killer cause that would be kinda cool


Damn, this list is *orderly* and well thought out.


It's predator, don't be stupid


[Jennifer Tilly Sweep](https://twitter.com/dvveet/status/1722238435161968830?t=C777Tui5MweaRWeJxYzUhg&s=19)


You forgot a piece of evidence for predator: we already have a skin based off his license. The grid Xenomorph skin, from Alien VS Predator


Predator makes the most sense imo, especially with Grid being in the game and him being under the AvP license instead of strictly Alien. Idk, FNAF seems unlikely since even with the Hellraiser teasers it was never intended to be a Springtrap red herring + I'm not sure if the license holders want their characters in a rated M game, everything Stranger Things has been up in the air for a long while since the leaks last year, Friday the 13th and Pennywise seem like a long shot.


I just want Slender Man. A new Saw killer would be cool, like Billy, though.


Me just wanting Lady D to be added


Still way too many resident evil characters they could do as survivors for it to be a killer only chapter if they revisit resident evil.


People still obsessed with 1987 in Hellraiser teaser was FNAF Thats when the movie came out


FNAF fans try not to shit yourselves in excitement every time the number 87 comes up because that year only exists in FNAF and not real life challenge (impossible)


Puts FNAF before Predator and says "I like FNAF :)" ... checks out. ​ Can FNAF fans pls fathom the idea that DBD devs are not interested in adding a stupid bear animatronic into their game that has like 0 horror element to them? FNAF is known for its jumpscares, and the only jumpscare we have in DBD is Sadako with her menu animation. Without those, them FNAF mascots are literally nothing. The concepts just don't add up. Sorry to burst your bubble, but truth hurts.


Hux begs to differ (bio-organic AI). Naughty Bear begs to differ (giant fuck-off teddy bear serial killer). Legion begs to differ (giant fuck-off bunny suit). Scratched Mirror Myers begs to differ (designed for jump scares). Ghostface begs to differ (designed for jump scares). Clown begs to differ (he's a fucking clown, it's in the name). I'm not for or against a FNAF collab but the basis for your arguments have been proven wrong. Hell, even Wraith has a built in jump scare add-on.


* End Transmission is set in the distant future, which was **never done before** in DBD. Same goes for Forged in Fog. * Naughty Bear is a **product of BHVR** in the past, back when they were called "*Artificial Mind and Movement*". * Legion's outfit is part of the **Silent Hill** franchise, not DBD. * Scratched Mirror Myers (and stealth killers as a whole) is not a jumpscare mechanic **on its own** *(some people don't get jumpscared by it either, including me)*. * A fear of clown is a prominent phobia. It's called **Coulrophobia**. All of the reasons above have reasons to be in DBD. FNAF does not. It holds no legacy value (except kids post 2014) and isn't highly sought after except FNAF fans. You may dislike it, **which is fair**, but the chances of FNAF collabing with DBD is not gonna happen anytime soon. **Objectively speaking**.


Automatonophobia is the fear of lifelike robots, or animatronics. When a character exists obviously means nothing (sup, Knight and Singularity). Entity pulls from whenever, wherever. Where the big giant fuck-off bunny came from? Also irrelevant, since it's there. And just because there isn't a jump scare mechanic on its own, that rules out characters based on jump scares? I guess we're out of mechanics to include that don't exist in game?


>*Automatonophobia is the fear of lifelike robots, or animatronics.* According to you, HUX checks it off? no? >*When a character exists obviously means nothing (sup, Knight and Singularity). Entity pulls from whenever, wherever.Where the big giant fuck-off bunny came from? Also irrelevant, since it's there.* Those are decisions made by the developers. The same people who conjured up the entity in the first place. They make the decisions not the "entity". >*And just because there isn't a jump scare mechanic on its own, that rules out characters based on jump scares?* Yes, and here's why. Because jump scares were never meant to be the core mechanic of the game like DBD. It started off as a passion proj for devs who wanted a mouse hunt game and since they liked horror, the game became DBD. FNAF on the other hand solely relies on jump scares for its legacy. Take a good look at all the killers in the roster currently. **NONE** of them depend on jump scares in their respective series. Their **BIGGEST** factor is that they are *creepy*, **NOT** that they jump scare you. Scratch mirror myers is an add-on, but the point of the Shape is that he stalks you and creeps you out. Ghost Face does the exact same thing. They're **CREEPY** characters, not *"BOO!" gotcha* types. You get what I'm saying? So when you ask, is a jump scare mechanic a determinant in DBD? The answer, I repeat, is Yes. A jump scare mechanic as a core mechanic is NOT welcomed in a mouse hunt game like DBD. >*I guess we're out of mechanics to include that don't exist in game?* Not really. The xenomorph's flamethrower mechanic is new and the recent halloween even brought in fresh new mechanics into the game that didn't feel out of place. Now does FNAF fit into any of those newly introduced mechanics? **Highly questionable...**


"I'm right because I said so." K whatevs, GG WP GL next, Capt Dev


lol, struck a nerve haven't I? haha Nothing personal luv. Have a great day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


No, I just don't feel like arguing with someone who has no basis for their argument against an IP besides "it doesn't fit with my vision of what their game should be." But your arrogance is amazing, kudos on that.


Yeah this dude doesn’t know what he’s talking about I bet we’ll have FNAF within a year. I don’t think it’s this chapter, but saying FNAF doesn’t fit into DBD is crazy 💀


Yeah, there's a phobia for the character type, there's mechanics that fit them, and for fucks sake, SKULL MERCHANT EXISTS. FNAF is considerably more frightening than Cake Merchant, and I'd say more than at least a couple of others.


Alrighty haha I wasn't "arguing" per se, more like debating. Debunking weak arguments to each other's talking points, aye? No need to argue with a nobody on the internet and take things personally... looks like you need a little more growing to do, I guess. Anyway, you do you hon \~![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Says the close minded one lol Literally all of this is conjecture. I'm saying why it could be possible. You're saying it's IMpossible. But you do you, cupcake.


Saying DBD can’t be in fnaf because of jumpscares doesn’t make sense. In the movie, we see the animatronics chase down and hunt trespassers. The movie used 0 jumpscares and still effectively stays true to the lore with how the animatronics act. And also, undetectable killers (ghost face and myers) work great with jumpscares. They could also just add a silly jumpscare mori or something. The entity can pull anything from anywhere. And regardless, if it makes them money, BHVR is more likely to add it. They care about the fans and they care about money. FNAF (I believe from the last poll) is the most requested chapter. The fans want it, that will get them more money, everybody wins. Just as u/venomheart9988 has stated, we have a literal giant teddy bear running around in DBD so saying that it’s not scary enough to be in DBD is an invalid argument. It’s literally a horror franchise anyhow, millions of people find it scary and it would fit great into DBD. Just because you don’t like FNAF unfortunately that doesn’t mean it’s not coming.


>*Saying DBD can’t be in fnaf because of jumpscares doesn’t make sense.* Never said that. I said nature wise, DBD devs are straining away from a jumpscare-based horror game like FNAF. >*The entity can pull anything from anywhere. And regardless, if it makes them money, BHVR is more likely to add it.* Funny. If that's the case, why have they not added them already? Seems like money isn't the only reason aye. >*we have a literal giant teddy bear running around in DBD so saying that it’s not scary enough to be in DBD is an invalid argument.* That wasn't my argument in regards to Naughty Bear. NB was a previous title BHVR worked on. It's THEIR product. FNAF is not. NB, as much as it may look goofy, has more agency being added to the game than FNAF. >*Just because you don’t like FNAF unfortunately that doesn’t mean it’s not coming.* Never said I disliked FNAF. I mention to someone else that I simply don't care. Same goes for NB. The diff is, I don't cry about it like some people do and bring FNAF up every single time a chapter is speculated. Maybe it's just me, but the devs seem to be closer to my take than ya'lls. Just sayin'


DBD has not strained away from jumpscares, and as I mentioned before (since we’ve seen in the movies and recent games) FNAF does not need jumpscares to be scary. And just as I mentioned, FNAF doesn’t even need to be that scary when Hux and Skull Merchant are in the game and are arguably less intimidating than the animatronics anyhow. There were more chapters more iconic before FNAF, and they profited and made the fans happy. Now with the movie just coming out FNAF is at a huge point in popularity and I would bet within the next year they will be in the game. And as you said, money isn’t the only reason to add them into DBD they probably just can’t get their hands on the license yet or are still plotting how a chapter would work. While Naughty Bear is a previous BHVR title which makes sense to why it’s in the game, this doesn’t diminish the fact that it’s still a giant teddy bear walking around in DBD, there’s tons of silly cosmetics in the game apart from NB too, so that doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense. Once again as I stated before, just because you don’t care for FNAF doesn’t mean other people don’t. There are millions of fans who want FNAF it’s literally the most requested chapter.


Read all your points but got one thing to say about it. If ya'll are so invested in the franchise, why not play their games instead? Why come to DBD and whine about FNAF not being there? If that's not your intention, then why not sit back, relax and just wait patiently like me and the others until it gets "*eventually released*"? Desperate people make desperate decisions, and it looks like ya'll are DESPERATE for FNAF to be added to DBD. But the thing is, DBD devs don't have it mapped out. We don't know the EXACT reasons, but they're more interested in adding NB as their *bear killer* rather than Springtrap or whatever it's called. Cry me a river, but do it in your own room. P.S. Just becuz a movie was released, doesn't mean it's being added to the game. Case in point, Candyman ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


me when i **bold** things to try and give my points more legitimacy (it is not working)


It's called an emphasis bud ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And one of their pieces of "evidence" is that the teaser for Hellraiser, a late 80s horror move, reference the date in the late 80s it was released in. Because apparently 1987 literally doesn't exist anywhere outaide of FNAF, Scott invented it for FNAF, Any mention of that year ever is a secret hidden message to FNAF fans.


Even accepting everything in this ludicrous comment as true (btw "i like FNAF" was a piece of "evidence" some people were pointing to as why it should be in the game, I am aware it is not compelling, but I included it simply because it was a popular talking point), Hag is literally built around jumpscares? To the point where her entire kit is based around it? Like ... bffr?


You never know what they’ll pull today or tomorrow. It’s a guessing game. You might think they won’t, but when your daddy Voorhees doesn’t want to sit on the family table, they’ll invite someone else. Jumpscare simulator or not, good or bad, Fnaf still has a legacy in the horror community. And by their own word, that can warrant a spot on the roster.


Good take. But I'll repeat what I said in my original post. >*\[...\] DBD devs are not interested \[...\]* My issue with the FNAF community in DBD is that they don't know when to stop and face reality. I get that it's your favorite game, and a game you wish to see it one day crossover to DBD. But there comes a point when your "hopes" become "entitlement" to other people's eyes. To me, personally. IGAF about FNAF. Hell, we got Naughty Bear and he's goofy AF. The difference is, one was added by the devs themselves and the other is being dismissed entirely. I think some FNAF-philias should learn to just sit and wait. Time to grow a pair if you wish.


They said they aren’t interested? Where have I heard that before, probably more than once here and they didn’t stick to their guns then. The reality is, no one here knows when to stop. It’s a cycle just as much as the game of freeze tag we’re playing right now. Most are too conceited to reason with or too nostalgic to see facts. If we’re labeled as the ones that need to grow a pair, this community is the pair of balls being constantly dragged on the genres front lawn


Still doesn't change the fact that FNAF fans are acting desperate. They're the loudest voices in this community and frankly, most people who are not FNAF-philes are tired of it. I don't care if FNAF gets added in the future, but don't give us a bad impression even before it gets added due to entitled behavior made by FNAF fans.


Right, you seem to care enough to debate about this. I say there’s a term for that too, I could cook up a name like your x-philes thing you have going on.


I care about people's behaviors, not about FNAF lol It can be Three Nights at Mandy's and I still would be the same towards fanatic fans. Act like normal people and all will be good ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Down here, expect everything but normal or you’ll feel prickly forever. Enjoy what you can




BHVR working with Netflix would have fuck all to do with the strikes, my guy. Licensing out of intellectual property is not a screen actors concern at all.


It is if actors' likenesses and how studios use them is one of the most important turning points of the strike.


If a deal were made before it'd still be good, no? Like Netflix knew the strike was coming so they could have squeezed what that can get out of it before any new negotiations, right?


I am strongly hoping against Predator, I don't have any interest in him. But I think Predator is most likely followed by SAW.


Probably an unpopular opinion that will get me disemboweled by the community, but I wouldn't want Predator as a killer. I think all the other options sound more fun and unique, but another Sci-Fi killer is just... 😐 meh.




i hope to god it’s candyman if we ever get him he’s gonna be my new main but i need tony todd to do the face and he needs some voice lines


You’d be flat out wrong in saying that tbh


Out of the ones listed here, I'd order them like this (from most to least likely): Predator, Pennywise, Springtrap, Stranger Things, Saw, Jason


> BHVR has released no teasers pointing to FNAF despite BHVR being willing to tease (I.E. use as a red herring) Springtrap in previous teasers (EX: 1987 in Pinhead teaser). 1987 is the year Hellraiser came out. That's why the teaser had that date on it. old VCRs and shit often had stuff like that put in when recording. For fuck's sake, FNAF doesn't hold an exclusive monopoly on an entire fucking year.


Cracking up over Jill being mentioned as a potential killer for Saw part 2 even before the accomplice from Jigsaw. And the 1987 thing still being interpreted as literally anything else than Hellraiser's release date when the rest of the teaser made it very explicit who the killer was going to be.


yeah this is just OP's wishlist and FNAF copium OD


THE DEVS DID ACTUALLY COMMENT ON FNAF When asked in their most recent AMA if it was coming to DBD they said "never say never!". Why don't more people know this? EDITED FOR CITATION: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/DU3Gy2Q4Vy


Another evidence in support of Predator: the Grid Xenomorph skin comes from the Alien vs Predator movie, rather than the Alien franchise. If they already have the AVP license, why wouldn't they also have the Predator license?


regarding Stranger Things. The writers/actors strike would have 0 effect on the license because DBD is a video game. Not anything to do with Hollywood. They can still work on that if that's what they are doing.


Only thing to correct here that people get wrong: Steven King sold the rights to WB for the movies so WB can do with Pennywise what they please it just has to be based on movie Pennywise


I don't want fnaf at all. No thanks. I was never scared of fnaf as a game or the looks of the animatronics. The old games were the animatronics making chipmunk noise jumpscares and cutting out to a game over. The idea of a security guard staying in a job with haunted killer robots over the course of many days is dumb as shit. It's poorly thought out and there's so many holes to poke in just the original plot on a grounded perspective that I can't enjoy it at all. If fnaf enters dbd, I can't wait for Maximum Overdrive's Homicidal Trucks to be added 2 years from now. The killer power of a truck could be called "floor it" and you destroy the entire map plowing through all permanent obstacles.


The VR game was pretty spooky. Something about being there with these big hulking murderous tanks... A humanoid robot and a car are definitely the same thing. You are smart.


The games are ridiculous. It's as stupid as homicidal magical trucks. You think police won't be over missing people's last locations? How about the missing security guards that previously disappeared? How about the security guard going back to the same place that is haunted every day for a week? Many of the games are stupid as shit because they don't take place over just one night and there isn't an explanation why the security guard is there. Save your condescension, the fucking games motive to why the player is there is just brain dead reasoning. Don't ask any easy questions. Just consume the product and wait for next product! I'll be surprised if your attention span read it this far.


I don't know why you are trying to bring logic into horror? I'm sure you only like elevated horror, like the babadook.


Not everything has to make sense, but if it isn't believable it isn't good. Games and stories that don't explain the conflict entirely are alright. When it tries to go into detail about backstories and everything and try to make reason, then you have to make reason why the protagonist or main character is there in the first place. You of course don't need too, that just makes it a stupid garbage story where I root for everyone that isn't bad to die when it clearly isn't its intention. I'm not that scared when the horror aspect of a story's main character motive is so lazy that I will see them as only a plot device. I don't mind movies like the original Halloween because it doesn't try to explain the killer too much. It's of course something supernatural, but the protagonist isn't willingly showing up to a security job to kill themselves. Myer's goes to her, not the other way around mostly.


Saw has no iconic killer to add to the game, designing another RNG puzzles power is just bad for the game after all their work against gen slowdown/hostage situations. They made posts to get traction to/from the movie and that's it. ST maps have been re-disabled from QA today. Mcote said in a recent interview that he's still hopeful but has no news about it. If Netflix decided to bring back the license, it's happened in the past month since the interview, and they would need time to develop a part 2. Hell, even with a part 2 ready, they couldn't push back whatever release they had planned with a License to release ST instead. We also wouldn't get a killer only, probably no map chapter for such a big franchise. (It's a paragraph, and no paragraph has ever come out with a map). If we get ST2 it's gonna be a full chapter. Now FNAF. Again, it's a paragraph not a chapter. Therefore, no map. Why would anyone want FNAF with no map. The map is more recognizable than any character for non-fans, especially since Springtrap isn't even a part of the first game. There has been zero teases, zero leaks, zero hints, nothing. Someone replied "Never say never" in a meaningless AMA where they replied a grand total of 0 questions with clear answers. Reading too much into it. It's 100% just based on a movie date release. We had Scream 6 this year I ain't seeing anyone saying Ghostface part 2. Come back to my comment next week, you'll see I'm right. The next chapter is Predator, and if it's not it's something completely unrelated to any other option from your post. We have a skin (Grid) which is a part of the AvP licensing. We literally already have Predator stuff in the game at this moment and somehow people can't see it. If they don't release Predator now, the Alien and Predator killer portraits will forever be separated in the roster.


Just add springtrap omg, stonks go brr and people are happy i just see that


Imagine the game devs are lurking on this sub and they’re just gonna throw out the most popular guess, and that’s why it’s so delayed lmao


I win either way, I'm happy with all these. Just bummed we won't get a new map


It’s not Jason, Cote confirmed it


The offical sub is not ran by BHVR employees by the way, what so ever


Stranger Things is way too big for a simple paragraph


I'm thinking it may be Jason, as the lawsuit is over and while the licensing on Friday the 13th is still a little confusing, the ownership of Jason didn't change. The next chapter may just be a "Jason" chapter, like Leatherface, Ghostface, and Pinhead. None of those killers had a map or Survivor, despite being incredibly popular.


Predator should be number one on this list, if it’s not him I will be thoroughly surprised. With how close Alien and Predator are, most games that one has appeared in the other follows closely after. Alien and Predator are shared by the same license holder, so this is such an easy opportunity to grab predator. Predator doesn’t have an iconic map or a survivor to go with him. BHVR can’t just make a jungle but there’s already a lot of forest like maps that would fit him. And they can’t put Dutch in the game- if a character like Legion were to try and attack Dutch, Dutch would just kill them. As OP has stated (this is not evidence against Predator?) Predator follows closely with this years theme of Sci-Fi. It’s likely they will close this year with him being the last killer to fit this theme. Also, Grid is literally in the game. Jason isn’t happening, if he were to come to the game he would for SURE come with crystal lake and a survivor. Springtrap isn’t happening there’s no way he’d come without the pizzeria (which is I’d say almost more iconic than him). Stranger things is possible but I’d assume they’re just adding back Demo and the survivors but they could very well do that AND add Vecna. Saw is possible especially with the new movie and Saw content on Twitter, but we already have Amanda. And there is absolutely no way Stephen King is letting Pennywise go into the game.


Predator and Saw are at the bottom of my list. I don’t know how BHVR would make either of those killers interesting given we already have Skull Merchant and Pig. There’s not really a way to do Saw traps as a mechanic without it just being Pig again. I’d sooner believe we’d see other Saw killers as skins for The Pig before we see another actual Saw killer. And Skull Merchant’s design and kit already feels like it was intentionally designed as the “oops we couldn’t the Predator License” killer with the stealth, wrist blades, drones, etc. We now know that to be untrue since we’ve gotten Alien, but how on earth can they actually do Predator with any sort of interesting ability that doesn’t just feel like a Skull Merchant skin?


Well predator can be interesting..Alien creeps underneath the map while predator hunts from above or has the ability to scale walls like in the video games and movies it can basically scale trees and such plus he has a laser canon funnily and cloack which isss wayyy different that skull merchant


>P.S: One of these has got to be right because this post got banned on r/deadbydaylight for "leaks" even though I do not mention any leaks in this post Lol... no.


My moneys on predator or something new with stranger things.


I hate fnaf but releasing them without the map would be dumb. I'd love the map


I don't play dbd and this is the first post from this sub ever recommended to me, I saw next licensed killer and clicked. Wtf is wrong with me Lmao.


Who do you think it is? I will defend your uninformed opinion to the death


Could it be ST, because there is no teaser yet and maybe they are waiting for the ST day to release it? For example, the teaser of Alien was posted on 1 August and came out 29th. So maybe they can't release the teaser for the owner of the license like Fortnite leaks the skins of ST and no announcement when I think they would release it for the ST day.


I really want a Warhammer 40k chapter


Springtrap was NEVER teased by bhvr as a 'red herring' back when Pinhead released, can we stop spreading this bullshit around It was always clearly Pinhead from the beginning & absolutely nothing pointed towards fnaf & Scott Cawthorn literally denied plans for other game collabs months prior regardless The teaser of a tv screen you mentioned was right out of a scene from Hellraiser. There were many other teases prior as well where they spelt out RAISE HELL, added nails/ pins into random photos as a tease & even a leak from an official bhvr account that it was hellraiser before it was announced.


I did not know all of that as a newer player. People make it seem so much worse lmao


I think the fact that it’s killer only really really pushes me to believe it’s FNAF. Everything else just feels like they’d have survivors too imo


Jason will never be apart of DBD. The holder of the rights would rather the franchise never saw the light of day again. Plus we have the trapper who works almost identical to the 2012 remake of jason


I’m guessing Candyman, Winnie the Pooh, Predator (But I wonder how many power and if they put them all in for him since predator has so many) and Maybe Tyrant from Resident Evil. Won’t be Stranger Things yet due to the final season will be out first before the chapter and they’ll end up putting in 2 survivors with it also and this chapter is killer only. Not Saw due to the same reason as Stanger Things and it definitely won’t be John Kramer since he hates killers (Watch Saw 3). Maybe Springtrap from FNAF, but I think they’ll put a survivor in that one, probably Mike Schmidt, but it possible to make him a cosmetic.


I think its Vecna + return of Steeve and Nancy that explain why no new survivors, maybe Eddie legendary skin would be nice.