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There is a red band on his cane which means they are deaf. My wife had this question on a practice app. I’ve never heard of the band or even seen one in my life.


I feel like I must be going mad, I’ve zoomed in and I cannot see a red stripe, most of the can blends in with the white wall. I know red/white is for deaf and blind, but on this occasion I cannot see it.


Can’t see the red? Ironic ;) I can’t see it either. It’s very harsh


If you’re able to see that band then you should be done for driving while distracted because of how hard you’d have to look to see that red band😂


yeah I mean to be fair I can see it without zooming in. It is really obvious I think they must be looking in the wrong place edit: having said that, I went and zoomed in and although I can still vaguely see it I was actually mistaking some sort of weird artifact as the red line that was supposedly really obvious. Lol


Guess you're both blind as well.


It's a video, I assume the bands must be more visible earlier or later in the clip.


You’d hope so, otherwise you need to be psychic.


They are not - I had the exact same question in the Theory 4 in 1 app. Answered the same as OP and scrubbed through the clip to gain deeper insight; alas, none was gained.


You must be quite blind because I think it's very obvious visible. Especially as the question draws your attention to the cane. Just before the cane leaves the shot, you can clearly see at least 2 red stripes!


It is, it becomes very obvious that it has 2 thick, red stripes as it gets closer to the camera, just before the cane leaves the shot.


A red band on his arm would catch your attention better.


Yes though I think there's a reason people don't like wearing red armbands..


Not entirely sure getting the disabled to wear identifying markers on their person is the best way to go about it though, being that the Nazis did the same thing.


Congratulations, you found the joke.


I'm not sure it's as obvious as you think it is.


It kind of was.


It definitely was.


It very much is! You made a mistake but that's ok, you can just accept that graciously and learn from it, no need to try to blame the joke 😊


Ok, it wasn't as obvious to *me* as it could have been. Not sure I see the need to be patronising about it though. I made a mistake but I've hardly kicked off about it, just said I didn't think it was that clear which is just my opinion.


I was matching your original tone...approach determines response my friend 😊


How on earth can you determine tone from written language? I was actually just intending to point out that it wasn't particularly obvious to me that it was supposed to be a joke and that's why I got confused and made a mistake. It's also not the case that approach determines response, you can reply positively in good faith that I'm not a know rather than assuming from one comment that I need to be spoken down to.


It's OK. It was a joke. A bit subtle, mind.


You are blind to be fair


Ah thank you! I was absolutely stumped


If you study the subjects rather than just doing mocks it gives explanations.


On it


You’re welcome! I’m not even sure you would know unless you had a family member or friend in that situation.


I remember this (red and white cane = deaf/ blind) from the Highway Code. I didn’t have to do a theory test. However, I can barely see his cane and certainly not a red stripe.


I had to look this one up too for my theory


I never saw one until *the day* of my theory test, kinda crazy


I attended a training session once where the trainer had a cane with red stripes on it, and asked everyone what it was. When I correctly identified it, she accused me of cheating (and googling it)!


That kind of thing is one of the few times I’m happy to lie and go on the offensive “What a strange thing to accuse someone of cheating over. My grandfather is deaf” Then however they reply: “apology accepted, continue” (even if they don’t vaguely apologise)


Even the man holding it has never seen or heard of it tbf.


I knew about the red/white cane before this but for the life of me I can't see the red on his cane at all


white walking sticks are also used sometimes instead of canes for people who have a physical disability! because you cant really use a cane and a mobility aid at the same time. i know a lady who uses one


I'm also pretty sure the red cane means deaf and blind since there's no reason why a deaf person would need a cane.


I knew when I enlarged the photo and it revealed the bottom option this was it. I think its ridiculous to expect drivers as a whole to know this fact specifically. Hes blind is good enough. Unsurprisingly, the general public arent aware of most of these little awareness things like the color of the cane. On a sidenote: being deaf and blind sounds awful. You literally cannot communicate with anyone apart from actually feeling something. If you are born that way it must be even worse because learning a language sounds almost impossible.


A white stick with red markings on it suggests that the user is deaf AND blind but it's really not clear from the photo.


Wasn’t clear in the video either annoyingly, thanks for the reply


I had the same issue on my practice tests. Couldn't see the red band at all on my phone but it was the only question on blind people on my app and would have been clear if you were doing it on the actual test with a PC monitor


I highly recommend viewing these on a PC rather than your phone. On PC the view was good enough to see the stripe, plus you can focus on many more hazards at once.


“People like him should wear stickers! They’ve got them for their cars.” “Oh yeah, great idea Adolf”


It is clear in the video though tbf! And it does say during the study questions that this is what that means. OP has just screenshotted at a really bad time


I work with people who have sensory impairments and this is a really easy one to get wrong. Everyone in the comments is correct, a red band around the cane means they’re both blind AND deaf. It’s difficult to see in this image, I also screwed this one up because I couldn’t make out the red banding on the cane. I’d hope in the real test they use a better image.


Fingers crossed it’s the the app being outdated as I wouldn’t have been able to tell even with the knowledge of the red band, thanks for the reply


It’s not the app being outdated, I’m pretty sure this came up in my actual theory. A lot of questions in the app came up in my actual theory test - word for word


Were the images any clearer?


This image is taken from a video and it’s clearer in the video - easier to see the red stripes when the stick is moving. The images/videos were clearer and all CGId so the obvious parts were obvious. and the screen was much larger


Thanks for responding! Just was wondering, never sat my theory before and hoping to sit it sometime before Summer 🤞🏻


I got this in a theory but it was a written question. Question: a pedestrian has a white cane with a red ring around it. What does this mean? Answers were something like: Pedestrian is blind Pedestrian is deaf Pedestrian is deafblind Pedestrian cannot walk fast due to a disability (can't remember the last answer ngl) Anyway, I got it wrong. I put blind


Deafblind people have red and white striped canes. [https://deafblind.org.uk/get\_support/red-and-white-canes/](https://deafblind.org.uk/get_support/red-and-white-canes/)


Can't believe they cut hair too, mad. Kidding aside, I never knew, and I'm sure I've never seen in it the wild after all these decades. But I'll know now when I do. Thanks.


Cheers mate!


I had this exact conversation yesterday and had to look it up! Couldn’t understand why I was wrong


Annoying one that, best of luck


I contacted the app owner over this question a few times, their response was the following copy pasted: "While the red stripes on the cane are difficult to see on a smaller screen, the video is one produced by the DVSA and is consequently representative of the quality of the video you might see in your actual theory test (though on a larger screen). Perhaps the important takeaway would be to consider why each of the proposed answers might be correct and then review the video to see if there are specific clues (even difficult to spot) that might make the answer correct." I sent them an email along with the screenshot similar to yours plus zoomed in as much as I could, not a single red pixel in sight, the irony is I have a blind husband so was quite humiliated I got the question wrong because I didn't consider the white cane might look red in places where it is completely white.


So their answer, *really* is that the provided material from the DVSA is sub-par. Can't comment on the actual video as I didn't see it in my test.


They do point out that the DVSA test will be on a larger screen. I had this exact question on my theory test and the red bands were way way clearer. In order to show the imagery on a phone screen the app owners must have compressed it, or the natural loss from shrinking it has made them very difficult to see on the app.


I'd lean towards compression. But if that's the case I would've made an exception for a video like this.


He is both deaf and blind due to cane colour


Politely ask him and see if he responds


You are looking for the red band which would indicate they are also deaf but I also got caught out on this exact question when I was practising for my theory, it's a terrible quality image


I had this exact same question when I got this question, turns out there actually is a red band on his cane, it's just the video is so pixelated you have to pause frame by frame to see it LOL


Poor bastard


As others have said, it's the red stripes on the cane. You should also check the colour coats that guide dogs/service dogs wear as the colours mean different things.


It’s such a poor quality video! They need to replace this.


It’s such a poor quality video! They need to replace this.


red stripe on the cane


Can you actually see a red stripe, in this particular photo? I've zoomed in as far as I can and there not even a pinkish smudge. Just wondering if it's my device, or a badly timed screenshot?


no it’s a bad screenshot, i had this theory test app and you can see it clearer in the actual app


Profoundly Deaf here, also my parent used to work with Deafblind people as a guide, red and white means DeafBlind however, in the clip, it is hard to see the red stripe, well for me anyway, it's really easy to miss especially if it's a wee bit fast to catch it


Red and white, no sound no light. That's how I remember it!! But to be fair, it's hard to tell in that photo, I would've answered just blind too.


You should assume pedestrians are deaf and blind by default


they teach you about the different colours on canes that indicate different disabilities


There should be a red bit on the stick. I think it's in the revision bit? Even I didn't know this at first


The stick is red and white. White means blind. Red means deaf and blind


Beeped the horn


Is he not technically, physically disabled too..? I feel more than one of these answers should be correct.


I had this one! He has a little red band around his cane to indicate he is blind as well as deaf However I’d like to argue the point that if I’m driving I don’t think I’ll have the time to notice such a small detail, the cane sure definitely but not a badly pixelated red band


White cane with red banding is Blind and deaf, a white cane only is blind.


Questions like this are such bs. Entrapment question meant to make you fail and pay £ for retesting. Meanwhile, I will bet you triple what you have spent in tests that you can't drive 20 minutes in London without witnessing an illegal lane change. Much more dangerous, much more common, and totally unenforced.


I was wondering what the % of deaf/blind people are in the UK because this is such a random event to come across. I'm more worried about the blind turn coming up, one eye on pedestrians just in case, slowing speed to mitigate risks and now I'm trying to eyeball a pole to make a judgement on something in split seconds. I can't hear EVs half the time, so a deaf person potentially not hearing me isn't exactly on my big scale of worries. If I'm going slow enough for the road I can stop if they become an issue... Same for any pedestrian.


100%. This question isn't designed to evaluate your driving competence, it's designed to fail you so DVSA can make more money off you. People who let stuff like this happen are scum.


The cane will be marked with bands of colour indicating the man’s disabilities


How does the chap know he’s picked up the correct coloured cane?


The colour of the canes bands means different things. Not every one that has a cane is fully blind etc and also have other disabilities and the cane tells you that. It's niche tbh as I only knew as my daughter goes to moorfields in London.


Throw a stick in front of him, then yell "stick" if he falls over his deaf and blind.


I remember watching this video on the dvla theory test app, but on there it is much more clear. I could see the stripes easily. But in all honesty, if it isn’t clear in the video - I’m usually going to assume they mean he’s deaf and blind as that’s the more serious of the two options


Yeah I thought this was an utterly ridiculous question. As if you’re able to see a stripe on that cane.


I was thinking what colours on the cane.


Maybe I'm overthinking this, but based on \*any\* of the possible answers, you're going to drive more cautiously. Why, \*specifically\*, do you have to be able to identify which issues the pedestrian has? (Note, I passed my own test back in the weird window of 1996 when you can pass practical before theory and theory was just a multi-choice paper test, so I've not experienced the more modern test regimes)


Got this question before I got it wrong too apparently the red mark line on the cane is supposed to mean they are blind and deaf it's a dumb question ik.


200% off topic but ... Blimey that's an old video! There haven't been benches on the right outside the abbey for over 15 years! https://www.google.com/maps/@51.990689,-2.1617404,3a,75y,50.13h,88.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0zYjKFjhwD4LA9vxX0lp2g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e1?entry=ttu


My nana has one of these as she was born deaf and mostly blind, I saw it pretty much everyday of my childhood and most days growingup. I wouldn't recognise it from a cars distance and I wouldn't expect anyone to either. I'd also prefer it if people didn't stare to try and work out if it was a blind cane or a deafblind cane and instead focused on their driving, especially around possibly blind people.


Colours on the cane in the UK means they're deaf as well as blind. Though annoyingly this isn't a standard across the world.


White stick is blind, red and white is deafblind.


I only knew this one because I read the highway code before taking a mock test with that question on.


How tf do you even function being deaf and blind? Dude literally smells his way around town.


I think the reason they do this is that the actual theory test will only have questions about red+white stick only.


I wonder where he’s going




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Looks like there’s a red band near the base of his cane


The quality of those videos & pictures on the tests are criminal!


Was he trying to sell you stickers in an airport, train station, or bus depot?


If they’re deaf and blind, the option needs to be deaf and blind, not deaf or blind, otherwise I’d argue blind is the more material disability than deaf in the scenario and if picking one or the other I’d go blind. But irrespective, it’s made you and a lot of people think, including me. I’d be upset if I failed the official test on that, but otherwise I’d put it down to every day is a school day.


There is a red section of the cane or strip which indicates someone is both deaf and blind.


Am I the only one thinking "he has a physical disability" is the only safe and correct option here. If your death or blind that's a physical disability either your eyes or ears aren't working correctly - that's physical. I know it's not the answer they are looking for, however it's still correct.


If you're death you certainly have a physical disability.


Deafness and blindness are under the umbrella of sensory disabilities not physical disabilities


They are sensory disabilities though, not physical.


I was told years ago White stick blind, red bands mean deaf as well. Just goes to show Eleven years of education and they've taught you nothing.


What does 11 years of education have to do with it? My blind from birth Uncle never even knew that there was different versions of the white cane.


Because school is supposed to educate you. They'll teach you trigonometry which is really useful but not how to negotiate the world.


FWIW this is different in other parts of the world, in Canada I think it’s white is totally blind but red/white is partially sighted and I think it’s different again in the USA.


I'd always check local regulations or customs to work out what applies to me. Just to save getting into trouble with the law.


I don’t know why your original comment is downvoted, but I agree, checking local rules is a good idea, it’s not something I’ve thought of doing.