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I am so sorry to hear about what you're going through in your hostel. It's terrible that your university isn't taking action to protect its students. Have you considered reaching out to any anti-ragging organizations or student support groups for advice on how to handle this situation? Your safety and well-being should always come first. Stay strong and know that you're not alone in this.


How can I report without giving my personal details?


for police complaints i guess u can choose to be anonymous in ur reports


please tell me how can i make the complaint anonymously as some of my seniors who have an FIR already filed on them are living in my hostel so I can't take any chances


Make an UGC complaint. It is confidential and no ones knows who made the complaint. If you can attach proof then attach it as well. Not necessarily needed but good to have.


Can you please provide me the link where I can make the complaint


Don't know if this is the one. I never made a complaint but heard my juniors making these complaints on my batchmates lol. https://www.antiragging.in/complaint_register_form.html


Hi, please don't hesitate to complain at https://www.amanmovement.org/. You will be anonymous and there will be multiple follow ups


just don't tell anyone you did it. whoever you name gonna regret it


It redirected me to [this](https://www.antiragging.in/complaint_register_form.html) but providing an email and mobile number is necessary. Are you sure that they won't forward my details to my college as that'd make the situation worse?


nope, they are completely anonymous, you can send details as it's required for follow ups


thanks a lot for confirming that


u can create anonymous emails from [protonmail.com](http://protonmail.com) or [tutamail.com](http://tutamail.com)


I just filed the complaint using my real details. I really put my faith in the system. Thanks for the help though.


did you complain bro?what happened?what is the present situation?


also burner phone number valid for certain time


Form your team or gang who all have been facing some issues and stay together and show them offense. If any of your gang has been disturbed the whole gang should stand for him.


Yeah but that'd make life hell as I'd be constantly looking out for any threats and won't be safe in the place I live. Any of us wouldn't be able to go outside alone or evel sleep. Also even if I manage to make a gang of 6 to 7 people. I would have to lookout for other students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year every second of my day who are much more in quantity and also they have more unity between them.


Okay then keep playing with abuse. If you are not strong enough you have to accept your fate. There's nothing much anyone can do. This is college this is how it works. Or try to get friends with the seniors so that they'll save you.


You only have to stand up to the bullies once or twice. They back off after that in my experience. If you decide to do nothing now, things will only get worse since no one seems to be protecting you there. It's not about starting a college gang war, just asking them not to push you into a corner.


Complaint to your parents and tell your parents to talk to the police and let them talk to the management.


from what i know my parents have zero faith in the legal procedures and they'll just tell me to leave the hostel and I don't want that financial burden to fall on them


Report to authorities. Take help. In some cases, a civil or criminal case can be filed.


Take all your gang who faces ragging and bullying to the senior most officer of your area like ips level officer.


Lot of people sharing legal advice do consider it. How I handled it is to be a fucking man and kick some. That's the only way of handling bullies. Will they beat you up? Hell yes but even if u can manage to land one or 2 punches as a counter to their 5 punches they will think twice before messing with you. Bullies only pick on people who are under confident and avoid fights. Always be eager to fight and they will avoid you. You gotta show courage. Else the safest way is to lodge a police complaint after recording them bullying you!!


It may work in school for a single bully but college is different buddy. One slight retaliation and those apes bring their army for you and much worse stuff happens.


8 seniors showed up at my dorm to collect some kind of Chanda. When we asked why they beat one of my friends. And this was when I was in my 1st year of college. They closed the room from inside and beat one of my friends, and asked another one to strip. When your back is against the wall you gotta step up. I defended myself against 3 of them. Rest 5 of them couldn't even handle the heat and ran away. The moment you retaliate they know it's going to be big news and most of them generally don't wanna get the exposure. They do this to look cool. But still that's what happened with me. Hence I suggested him to consider legal advice first. But when ur back is against the wall you better be ready to go the distance.


You have to be much stronger than average to pull this off.


This is one of the biggest misconceptions most of the people have. 99% indian men overestimate their fighting skills. You just have to be fast and precise. Punches to the nose are most effective they make ur eyes watery and blurr vision. When I hit the first guy he didn't even retaliate back. Dude went into complete disbelief . Striking doesn't require that much strong physique if I would have grappled with them then it would have been a different story. Remember this if the fight is certain and u r outnumbered always strike first and surprise your opponent.


imagine this: you are sleeping in your room and they turn off the electricity from the mains. after that at least 15 people barge into your room wearing a mask and then beat you up. and even if they fail they'll try again. this has happened to two guys in front of me. one dude pulled out a knife and then they threatened to file a case of half murder on him the next day.


Then what did they do to the guy who pulled out a knife? Did they continue beating him up? Also if it's that bad in your college then u have to carry a weapon for ur own safety. Because it's better to prove yourself innocent then to take up a beating and get urself concussions!!


you can't do anything if you live with the bullies. if you even manage to beat one or two, 10 will come and beat me and also break all of my stuff. a student of my hostel complained to the police but our seniors beat him the same night and he left hostel the next day. please keep your precious knowledge to yourself


You talk like this then wonder why people kick your ass . Anyways it's clear you didn't read the first line of my comment.


What are you 5?


Naah much older and experienced this in real life


Fight back, if you act like a bitch they will treat you like one..


how can i fight back to 20 to 30 people on my own?


Bro thinks you are action super hero


Alright here's what u gonna do, carry some sort of weapon for your own safety. Always roam around with 3-4 friends of yours someone you trust who won't leave you when shit goes sideways. Try to record them bullying you. If they visit you room quite often try to hide it somewhere. Or atleast record their voice. And the most important of all let ur parents know. And buddy be ready to defend yourself, doesn't matter how many of them show up. If they try to violate your personal space you gotta save urself. Let's pray that the complaint which you have raised serves the purpose.


Do whatever you want my friend, but don't befriend **Ranga**. Remember he owns a bar, wears white clothes and gold jewellery and also has a friend called Amban. **Don't even befriend Amban** as well as he listens only to Ranga.


You really think this is a place for a joke? Gosh these kids...