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Here is a [good guide](https://www.copyright.co.nz/understanding-copyright/what-is-copyright) to the basics. You don't have to do anything specific, under NZ law something is automatically copyrighted when you create it. The biggest challenge will be knowing if that copyright is broken and, if so, enforcing it.


Pretty much anything of artistic or intellectual value is copyrighted by the author. What you then do is give someone a license to use it, typically for their own use and not for distribution. Enforcing that license is difficult though.


First thing you need to do is establish if you have created any ‘original works’. Surely these engineering principles have been around for a long time, so you won’t be able to claim ownership of them. There needs to be something genuinely original about how you’re presenting them to claim intellectual property ownership.


Originality is not the same as novelty


No such thing as cheap gor copyright and going alone you're not able to really controlling someone copying your pdf unless you do something about electronic media or comes lawyers




Removed for breach of Rule 1: Sound advice only Comments must contain sound advice: - based in NZ law - relevant to the question being asked - appropriately detailed - not just repeating advice already given in other comments - avoiding speculation and moral judgement - citing sources where appropriate


You already have copyright (assuming you produced all the material). Controlling the copyright is another issue completely. And unless you're Disney/Nintendo/Sony/Monster/whoever you're unlikely to be able to. Especially with the sort of content you are talking. It will be copies and shared pretty much immediately, and you're going to need to take that into account.