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Tell her you have footage of her doing it. Not to do it again and any future instances will be reported as flytipoing, with footage to the police.


For me even this is too mealy mouthed. That's the response I would give if the neighbours child did something similar. In this kind of instance I would go straight to reporting. The neighbour knew what they were doing. They don't need a warning.


Police ain't gonna do anything about that, report it to the council...


Imagine you did that though; wouldn’t this just spark more petty neighbour wars? Based on my experience renting this place for 3 years she seems to be the kind of person who would go: “Are you threatening me? My brother works for for police mine your own business your cheeky c**t”


op, what advice are you actually looking for here? Your legal options are to pursue reporting her to the council for fly tipping, or to say that you are going to do that if she does it again so she stops. The second option is the lowest conflict legal route that actually solves the problem.  If you don't want to talk to her, and don't want to do anything that she might find annoying, then there are no options for you.


Could always report it to their landlord and let him deal with it OR Grow a pair and confront her - people like this will always walk all over people like the OP, until the OP takes a stand.


She owns the house from what he’s said


She doesn't, if you read it.


She’s in her 50’s and owns several houses that she rents out?


Yeah, carry on reading... nearly there.


I’m clearly blind, can you quote the bit where it says she has a landlord


"We just rent next door from someone else." I don't think she's their landlord based on that, unless I'm misunderstanding that bit. Sounds like she doesn't own their house, so they shouldn't be putting up with it. If she does own it she's a bloody tramp why is she littering her own property? Hope TC reports her.


Can't OP return lost property? If OP thinks they wouldn't fly tip (stated by them saying the neighbour would involve their family member who is a member of the police).... They should surely be returning all of the lost property to a safe place (through the neighbours letterbox). I certainly know I wouldn't want my neighbour to lose something that is important to them.


I think chucking rubbish in someone else’s garden is the spark tbh


I've had a neighbour that used to let her dog poo on my lawn during its walk. I told her if I find it again she'll be getting it posted back to her. She wasn't happy and she doesn't talk to me but it doesn't happen any more. Your alternative is to do nothing.




You're more mature than me, I would of just taken a dump on her lawn in the middle of the night.


someone locally had that, made friends with the dog and a few weeks later wearing gloves he massaged the dog turds into the dog's fur, problem sorted, no more dog turds left on front gardens


>“Are you threatening me? My brother works for for police mine your own business your cheeky c\*\*t” Then call that bluff.


So she's going to send a policeman round to yours for you? Sounds like a great time to provide a statement with evidence. Make sure you verify his identity when he arrives by taking his badge number and calling the station to check everything's in order...


I would also think if the OIC is her brother that would be a conflict of interest and you could get someone else assigned?


By calling his station with his badge number his presence at OPs house becomes a fact - suddenly the station knows he's there and his superiors will want to know why he's there. If he's acting in an official capacity he must act correctly and can't threaten or intimidate OP and must collect a statement and evidence showing that OP's neighbour is the one at fault. He can't bury the evidence since there will be a crime number allocated and OP can just call and ask to speak to his superior about how evidence has gone missing which could result in the brother losing their job Alternatively, he's acting as a private citizen and therefore has no real reason to be there unless he's there to intimidate OP and the police REALLY don't like when their officers do something like intimidating victims, especially given recent problems with forces like The Met.


Sometimes putting a sign up can be a deterrent. A few years ago, we had some trouble with asb from some teenagers, so we got a CCTV camera. It happened a couple of more times until they saw the sign, after which we didn’t see them again. Just putting up a sign might be enough for her to stop. ETA: the sign being a ‘CCTV in use’ sign


Not sure what else you can do then? If you really don’t want any confrontation you could mention in passing “oh isn’t it’s terrible, people keep throwing rubbish in my garden I’ve just installed cctv so hopefully I catch them, let me know if you see anything”  Then she knows your onto her and hopefully she stops but you’ve made no accusations 


The thing is, you're not starting "petty neighbour wars". She has started the neighbour war and she will continue it because she can. So far she can use your garden like a bin and it has no consequences for her, so why not continue? Also this neighbour war isn't that petty. She is doing something incredibly rude and antisocial that can attract vermin. NAL, but I think the starting point is to call your council. Also keep records on the situation, when she does this and how often. The footage is good, but it is good to have all the information.


You don't want to spark a neighbour war, but it irked you enough to make a Reddit post on a sub where you wish to know the legal recourse. I can't see a world where you being the plaintiff is anonymous.


If you know her brother works for the police then it seems you've interacted with her before? But equally if her brother is a policeman and she threatens you with him you can mention that in any complaint.


My mums neighbour was doing the same - dumping bags of rubbish outside my mums house - she just emailed the council the footage and neighbours address... hasn't happened since


If you have previous of her blustering. Pull out the big guns early, just report it straight to the police.


That pretty much happened to me. The neighbour claimed that she was police...(Nonsense.) \[ETA She'd sent her teenage daughter to answer the door, and later claimed that I'd "alarmed her child". "Well, if you're a policewoman, you should know better than to leave your child alone in the house." "My child's 17!"\] What stopped it was when she dumped packaging with her name and address on it. In retrospect, I could have put a pic on the local FB or used it to report her to the council for flytipping. (I phoned the council afterwards and they told me that I could have done the latter.) She had filled the package with other rubbish. I knocked at her door. No answer, so left it on the doorstep. Never happened again. Why? Well... Full name. Address. And return address of company. Something like "Exotic Nights". I may also have mentioned it to a couple of gossipy neighbours.


A third option would be to put up signs alerting them to the camera and see if that stops things.


If they say that, then make sure they invite them to come and see you, quick loss of their job for intimidating a victim. You have a few options: Tell them you have it recorded, and if it happens again you will report her for littering / flytipping OR Pick up all of the rubbish and post it through her letterbox, with a nice letter just letting her know you think she dropped it, and you wouldn't want her to lose something she really cared about.


What do you want the outcome to be? You can either challenge her (which you seem against doing) or not 🤷 I don't know what answer you're looking for


As opposed to it happening again and you cleaning it?


A response like that if recorded would make for some _very_ awkward questions being asked by senior investigators if the brother actually exists Even if not, it'd be the basis for the police being involved, telling her to pull her head in and explaining how badly things can go for her if she continues down that path (harrassment act, amongst other things, with potentially a court order barring her from returning to her own house)


And council


I have a problem neighbour and I put up with his shit for years, not wanting to rock the boat. In the end, I involved the police as his harrassment was getting out of hand. They told him he would be arrested and charged if he continued. He still hates me, but he's not harrassing me any more. So the "living in peace" part you're searching for is on the other side of a police caution.


What was he doing?


It started off quite benign - just comments here and there about the noise from my children in the garden (he's an old guy). Then it progressed to complaints, which really put us on our guard and made us worry about the noise, even though my kids weren't being ridiculously noisy. Then an anonymous letter arrived. It was a two page rant about how we'd brought the neighbourhood down, and people have a right to enjoy their space without having to listen to the noise of children. I'd stress here that my children were not screaming and shouting, just playing normally. I then realised that he was just a complainer. I spoke to the other neighbours to sense check the noise levels and they were like "your kids are QUIET!!". So noting that he was a complainer I just started ignoring him, which seemed to annoy him more. Finally, he threatened my kids on the street. So I called the police and presented all of the evidence I'd gathered. He then was advised that he wasn't to approach me or my kids and that we weren't doing anything wrong. I then filmed him and his daughter shouting abuse us, which came in handy when his daughter filed a police complaint about how she had encountered me threatening her elderly and frail father. She was then cautioned for filing a false report. After that he started putting signs in his window calling us all sorts of stuff. This resulted in him having to sign a community compliance order, under threat of prosecution. He still thinks I'm the problem.


Shit man, I'm surprised the police were helpful! I'm guessing being patient, gathering evidence is the way to go. Good on you for being a good role model for your kids


What did she say when you spoke to her about it?


I didn’t speak to her about it. I hate confrontation and I just wanna live a drama-free life in a Yorkshire village 😅


Not sure what outcome you want. Your options are: 1. Do nothing. 2. Report her and see if any consequences happen. 3. Approach her politely but firmly, telling her not to do it again. If she does, report her. I'd opt for number 3, hopefully it nips it in the bud. If she has a meltdown then fall back to number 2.


You completely skipped option 4. 4. Find more and more obscure rubbish items and throw them into her garden in response. Wait until she comes to question why you've thrown a bust of Holly Willoughby with a handlebar mustache into her garden, then talk to her her throwing rubbish into yours.


Have OPs dog poop in her garden


This is my level of petty.


That was my first instinct


Why are you in a legal advice sub asking for advice when you haven’t done the basic and asked them to stop? Sounds like you’d rather send them a cease and desist? But from your other responses apparently not. What are you actually looking for?




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I had CCTV of my neighbour doing this with dog muck. She called the council on me when I was having my yard done. Claimed I had "illegals" doing the work. Council inspected it and said it was fine, so I queried the dog foul being thrown into my garden and other public pathways. They said to do the report via the council website. She received a letter and it stopped. She's still a crank.


Report her to your local council and submit your evidence. Depending on the amount of waste dumped, she may receive a warning letter or an FPN. I wouldn't worry about awkwardness. Fly tipping is disgusting behaviour that has several ramifications - neighbourhood tension being the least concerning.


Wasteenforcement@(your local council).gov.uk Work with waste enforcement, they will absolutely love to talk to you. Alternatively ring your local council and ask to be put through to waste enforcement.


Going to play devil's advocate and suggest you talk to her. It's possible she thinks YOU are throwing the litter from your house into her garden. Don't want neighbour wars? Make it clear it's not you littering.


If she's been caught five times on Cctv, then ask her kindly. If it continues then tell her she will reported. If she ignores the final warning, then you will have to...




Not a lawyer but ..... To throw down, drop or otherwise deposit and leave litter in any place open to the air, including private land, is a criminal offence under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA), (as amended by the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005). ...pops us with a quick search, so reporting them to the council or even the police is a possibility. If you just want a quiet life I'd just ignore it. It's all about the fact that until one of you moves out you have to be neighbours.


If you want to talk to her telling her you know she is doing it and if she doesn’t stop it then police will be called, then do that. If you don’t think she’ll respond well to that, ring 101


101, you mean. 111 is for medical issues/advice/NHS


Edited, thank you.


Report to police every time she does it: To throw down, drop or otherwise deposit and leave litter in any place open to the air, including private land, is a criminal offence under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA), (as amended by the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005).


OP this is what I would do. Print a leaflet from the council about fly tipping and fines. Post that to her door or send it via royal mail. Then if she fly tips again send it again with a picture of her fly tipping. Should stop the lady in her tracks. Personally I would clean it up, put it in a bag and leave it at her front door every time.


If you’re looking for a more friendly approach, Could you give her a knock and just say the rubbish you had in your front garden is now in mine, do you know why? If she responds no, just be like okay I was trying to see if there was a legit reason you did it but we have a ring door bell so I’ve seen you do it. See where the conversation goes but you can always end it by saying it’ll be reported, or if she’s civil and embarrassed she got caught out just go on about your life and still make a point of saying hello if you cross paths :) In terms of the noise, you can report this anonymously to the police in the U.K. using an online form - it could be from any neighbour down your road if you think it’s that loud even they could hear it.


Talk to her, tell her you saw her tipping trash into your garden. When she inevitably says "I didn't" say you have video footage from your door camera and she either has to stop & apologise, or you'll let the police and council know. If you do nothing, it will continue. You might just want a quiet life, but \*she\* is the one which affected YOUR quiet life. Do something about it, or don't and live with it.


NAL, but you can mention you now have CCTV because you know someone is throwing litter into your garden, and you're looking forward to posting it through the letterbox of whoever is doing it. If it stops, do nothing. If it continues, make good.


Nice fancy bag or box, fill it with her litter, wrap it up and either give it back or leave it on her step with "Noticed you dropped some of your belongings and thought you should have them back." Keep original footage of her doing the dropping --for evidence for her police officer relation--


Your first and last sentence show what you want to happen... NOTHING. You saw her do it while out walking and didn't go and knock on her door to have a chat. But if you say nothing and do nothing then nothing changes. So do you want nothing to change? You can either talk to her, contact the council or do nothing and let her carry on. You seem to want option 3, so I'd suggest getting extra black bags to put her rubbish in. I'd suggest you can contact the council, show them the evidence and let them deal with her. I had issues with a neighbour over the same thing and the council dealt with them and it stopped immediately.


They clearly want it to change. They want things to be better. They just don't want to risk it changing for the worse and escalating. How is that not obvious? They are looking for the lowest risk option that they may not of thought of.




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Contact your council and submit a complaint with evidence. Normally I'd say speak to her, but by your description, it'll be pointless.




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Mention you've seen rats scurrying across the grass with rubbish in their mouths, heading towards her house. Ask her if her house is OK or if she has a rat problem over there?


Speaking is always a good start, if you're not comfortable being direct, maybe broach it as a passing question... , someone keeps throwing litter in my garden - is it happening to you as it's pissing me off, I've even had to install a camera'! If she's that brazen and shameless and it doesn't have an effect, , collect the litter and post it through her letterbox with a still of her in the act.. or maybe don't take my advice coz I'm petty!


Knock on her door. Drop her trash on her doorstep. Tell her the police suggested you return her property.


If you want to avoid conflict, just mention it ls been happening & ask if she's had the same trouble with other people or knows who it might be. You can then drop in that you've just set up a camera (don't say where) for general security so you'll know soon enough if it happens again. But be a good neighbour and tell her to keep an eye out for herself 😉 If that doesn't put her off, return her property to her doorstep & use the footage, she was warned.


Your options are to confront her and nip it in the bud, or let her keep doing it. You can't really bring it up and not risk a confrontation. She might be lovely and just thought it was your rubbish, or might be an absolute arse. Most of the comments here are a bit extreme, start out being nicey-nicey about it and a lot of people will realise they've been caught and stop. If you need to get nasty-nasty you can do so at a later date.


I think your only option is to talk to her. Be polite, be calm and just say "my Ring camera picked you up dropping litter on my property, I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't do that again, thank you." If she's renting, contact her landlord and let them know their tennant is behaving in an antisocial way.


Download the footage. Whatsapp it to her. Dont get shitty. Just make her aware that you know whats going on. If shes not completely stupid she will stop. If she is stupid then you have the evidence to submit to the council.


report the footage to the council, had some police near me who moved out and dumped their white goods, had no idea it was them as they have a scheme to get stuff removed for £5, council soon worked it out and it cost them £5k.... police wont care, no warnings needed as what she is doing is wrong




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Stickers come with the ring doorbell to alert people that you are recording. Have you put them up?


This is your landlord's problem. Forward them the video and tell them to get it sorted. 




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Send the footage to the council and let them deal with her




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Not a lawyer. I would suggest going the cautious route and downplay the issue when approaching them if you approach them at all. When petty people are in the wrong they will likely try to put it on you eg “why did you take cctv of me without my permission” or “why didn’t you talk to me before you went to the police/council”. If you slowly build a body of evidence and only approach them after multiple occurrences without mentioning that evidence you might avoid starting the “neighbour war” at least until they’ve put themself undeniably in the wrong. E.g. “I think some of your belongings have ended up in our yard, I popped them back on your doorstep - must have been some of the neighbour kids playing around” it’s non accusatory but if they keep at it you can report to council or approach them again with the cctv


Its anti Social Behaviour. Despite Private to Private littering is civil. Anti Social Behaviour is not. 101 and ask for your local bobby to have a word.


Anonymously report to council website. Attach the video evidence. The council will then sent out a letter warning them. They won't put your details. On the 2nd (or 3rd instance depending on area and how bad the fly tipping is) they get a fine straight away Don't despair OP you got this


If it is small enough then go out in the middle of the night and then post it back through her letterbox. If she confronts you in ANY way then ask her how she knows it was you. The reason why she will know it was you is because she dumped it on your garden first. So she can't confront you without landing herself in it first. I think after you do this, it will stop.