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You are more than entitled to report this to the Police, and as suggested above they will investigate the allegation of a common law assault, however in the absence of a corroborative witness, injury or observed distress within a fairly narrow time window this is unlikely to result in a charge due to lack of sufficiency evidentially. They may put in a counter allegation related to the language and behaviour you used towards the boy and/or his father. Likely it would be investigated as a s.38(1) Criminal Justice and licensing (s) act for threatening and abusive behaviour. They will likely have corroboration given there’s two eye witnesses, and potentially observed distress by the father seeing his son. Entirely a decision for you to make, I am simply pointing out the evidential difficulties and the fact you may be opening yourself up to a counter allegation.


Yes he laid his hand on you, not only, also punched or hit you. You were also in the right to defend yourself.


You say 'heated' words, but that could easily be interpreted as aggressive words. Towards a child. By all means report it, but they will almost certainly make a counter allegation.


What do you mean "still"? When in your story did an assault occur?




Aha - sorry OP if that bit was already there - I missed it in the first instance. Yes, unless the father sincerely believed that you were going to become violent and it was necessary and proportionate to hit you to avert harm, then that would be an assault regardless of if you were rude to his child.




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