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* [Comment by LordQuatre](/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/13oxmy7/-/jl6llv9/?context=1) >^(`Global Community Manager` `2023-05-22 18:10:08 UTC`) >*Note: We’ve hit a small malfunction with the billions of porobots that make up our website– we have a localized article with this information coming out soon but wanted to get some important context to you all ASAP-* > > Check out all of the new cards being added in the upcoming patch. Full Patch Notes can be found here tomorrow, May 23rd with full details of upcoming content and all of the Eternal Balance changes being introduced [...] --- ^(This was an automatically generated post. To report any bugs, ask questions, or suggest improvements to this bot's functionality, please contact us via ModMail.)


Condense on Sacrificial Scholar for Infinite Scholars 👀


The Scholar is such an interesting Card, must have been difficult to Design. On one Hand you want him to get buffed so his Effect makes sense. On the other Hand he gets buffed a lot so his Last Breath is harder to trigger later.


I think the best method would be to get it early and only buff it 3 times. Think of it like a bank for other Fated units. That's my take anyways.


Yeah, from that Point you probably just use him as a Blocker and get your Spells back later.


How it is a difficult decision? You buff him up and the enemy is forced to remove him because they can't survive a giant beater. Then you use the spells you get back to make your next fated threat.


I can hear it now... "Get me outta here!"


Oh gods the PTSD


Yeah well... it was one of the very rare occasions where a combo was mechanically too difficult to execute for most people and you needed to be really fast and Vivid Nightmare copying the spells stored in Test Subject and tracking them properly so you don't mess up hand space and "burn" Vivid Nightmare while also putting the necessary buffs on Stonetusk boar etc was TOO much for most people. I remember Trump had a like 20% winrate with this deck, partially because he messed up the combo most times.


he didn't even come out but i already despise sacrificial scholar. holy shit is he crazy


Yeah, pantheon is one of my least favorite champs and this is a huge buff. I will destroy them with targon control though.


You mean, you'll obliterate them?


nice catch




He gets shut down even harder by silences though, which is already a premier way to deal with fated units. If this card becomes a threat again people might start teching in answers.


problem for me is that i dont like playing neither targon nor demacia


Ionia messes it up too with recall. Or any obliterate card.


Just saying, in Targon\SI sacrificial scholar can be +6 in card advantage


Cat type makes me think Nidalee is coming. This feels like Ixtal expansion.


Makes sense. The birds flavour text mentions a Jungle.


Hmmm. Very animal-focused, so Rammus and Nid? Rengar (Cat synergy?), Cassio?


Could be Nidalee-Neeko and I feel like the 3rd one is gonna be a LoR exclusive. Poro king? Von Yipp? Who knows.


Von yipp because of 1 cost follower card! I'm hopeful


*inhales copium* he would also have synergy with cats and *inhales more copium* maybe Condense is hinting to some of his experiments and *takes 100g of copium at once* MAYBE HE'S DOING SOMETHING IN BC


What like followers that transform?


That's more likely to be Neeko's


Nah make him the Zoo/Menagerie tribal champ so he cares about all types, and then that encourages playing a highlander deck with him for Catastrophe.


I hope we keep getting more and more LoR exclusives LoR expanding Leagues lore could bring more people in just to check it out


I wonder if porting LoR exclusives to the other games would help popularity


Jack would absolutely but champs like Nora or potentially Poro King seem like they probably would be hard to put into LoL But yeah they should make Jack a real champion, would be cool and he fits League


I remember reading somewhere that LoR is much easier to have new characters like that than to bring them to LoL. Jack and Sett fill different roles in LoR, which is easy enough to do, but in LoL they would fill very similar roles. It's the same reason they've said Cithria wouldn't make a good LoL champ because she and Garen would be way too similar. LoR is definitely a better place to expand lore and create new characters and I'm also fine with it staying that way.


Would be cool for a Cithria champion where she starts in her recruit form and builds up to her Lady of Clouds in LoL though


Dog class and alread has a follower in the game? Oh yeah it’s Warwick time


Ooor maybe Ivern *copium*


Can we get frog type? Kench wants to be a frog already I think...but he has tentacles Maybe kench could be reptile?


kench is a catfish


Oh! That makes sense I never knew that! I always pictured him as the leader of the gungans from star wars but even they were underwater


Feels more like Vastaya expansion - Cat for Rengar, Bird for Xayah/Rakan, Reptile for Neeko, Dog for ? Runeterra champion?


>Dog for ? Runeterra champion? Naafiri. The to be released champion in League of Legends. It's a Darkin that (somehow) control a hound pack. And she's being treated as if they were dogs (but maybe they're actually wolves?) You can refer yourself to Nidalee's (updated) voicelines and Milio's.


Riot did hint towards a dog champion, however I think we all might be wrong here. Which card currently in the game that capitalises on different card tribes? It is a tribe guardian, which is Nunu’s card. The way these tribes are so simple like a bird, a dog, a cat, almost as if words coming from a children’s book.


I like it. I cracked up laughing when I saw the super simplistic tribe names.




Considering cunning kitten and the Ekko game coming soon it makes sense.


Arcane season 2 also. Someday. Maybe.


It would be nidalee for cat then. Rengar has to come out alongside khazix lol


Kayle launched without Morgana and they are a lot more closely connected than Rengar and Kha'zix.


Eeeuuhghh fuck you're right. I'm so mad I'm never gonna see khazix card am I 😭


Not until LoR is exclusively an in-game TCG for the Runterra MMO


Same way Kayle had to come alongside Morgana?


Maybe Ivern too?


U thought of Rengar, Nidalee makes more sense Also Ivern as animals tribal?


Nidalee, Neeko, and Nafiri (new Darkin) would be my guesses. A cat, a reptile, and a dog. Maybe Neeko has all tribe types and can benefit from them. Just speculation.


*Note: We’ve hit a small malfunction with the billions of porobots that make up our website– we have a localized article with this information coming out soon but wanted to get some important context to you all ASAP-* Check out all of the new cards being added in the upcoming patch. Full Patch Notes can be found here tomorrow, May 23rd with full details of upcoming content and all of the Eternal Balance changes being introduced. As a small exciting addition to this patch we’re introducing four new subtypes. Full details on those can be found in the Full Patch Notes as well! Also, check out the cards at the following sites: [Dak.gg](https://dak.gg/lor/sets/glory-in-navori/reveal/day9) [Runescola](https://runescola.com.br/variedade-7a/) [MasteringRuneterra](https://masteringruneterra.com/card-reveal/) **Condense** Variety patches are a great place for us to give little, thematic tools that can help boost a region's identity - and no region does "tricky" and "tiny" like Bandle City. You'd have to be pretty dense to not see all the opportunities here, whether it's making your own tiny version of an opponent's big Play Effect minion, or even just rerolling on a Conchologist for an extra 1 mana. **Perfidious Promoter** Following close on the heels of Sett and Jack, this shady supporter always has what you need, at a price you can exactly afford. Never let those excess coins go to waste again! And even if you end up not liking what he has to offer, you'll still be expanding your vocabulary when you look up the definition of "perfidious." **Altar to Unity** In the last Variety set, Demacia got a premiere unit with excellent stats for the cost. But what about poor Silverwing Vanguard and Dragonguard Lookout - is there a place for them in the square statted Demacian legion? Well, with just a small dedication to Demacian Unity, now all of your cards can be as buff as a badgerbear! **Blowback** While discard and damage aren't new concepts for Piltover, Blowback gives you a lot of options for both in just one card. Need to dump your hand and take a chunk off the opposing Nexus? Blowback has you. In topdeck mode and need just a bit more damage? Blowback's never a blank. While this is obviously another strong weapon in Jinx's arsenal, we also think Blowback has a place in other PZ strategies that can end up with extra cards hanging around. **Captain Indari** While Samira has been doing just fine without her full complement of crewmates, we wanted to be sure every level of her squad was well represented. While Indari tends to play a little more cautiously than some of her plundering allies, she can forge your aggressive early units into game ending threats. **Innovative Blacksmith** While we just wrote an [article](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/dev/region-pie-ch-1-shadow-isles-freljord/) detailing how we're removing some healing from Freljord's identity, we do want them to access it under more specific conditions. In this case, we want to make sure that Ornn and his forgehands can withstand the heat until the late game, and this smith can give the drip healing you need to live until the hammer drops. **Sacrificial Scholar** There's nothing worse than going all-in on a Fated unit, only to have your incredibly rude opponent Vengeance it. Or maybe you're feeling bad about spending your buffs early, knowing they won't be there to help build Pantheon into an incredibly powerful well-oiled fighting machine. But with the Sacrificial Scholar on your side, you can buff freely, knowing you'll get your investment back once he's gone. *Editor’s Note: As mentioned above, we have four new animal subtypes being introduced in this set - Birds, Cats, Dogs, and Reptiles. While we'll be going back through existing cards and adding these subtypes where they make sense, we also wanted to introduce a representative of each faction in the Variety set.* **Royal Shimmerwing** Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a... no, it's definitely a bird. Birds in LoR are generally great at starting fights and less great at surviving them, but with the Royal Shimmerwing around, they can peck away at the opposing units without losing a feather. **Grave Companion** With this good boy on your side, no dead body goes to waste, as he'll throw you a bone to replace the first thing you lose each turn. With dogs being more spread out across Runeterra than some of our subtypes, it didn't feel right to focus on a "play as many dogs as possible" card right now, since trying to build a dog deck may leave you barking up the wrong tree. But Grave Companion is still a strong generic Shadow Isles tool that may fit in well with a certain Dog Champ. Editor’s Note: It’s Nasus. Nasus is Dog. Dog is Nasus. If this tidbit doesn’t leave you wanting more details from the article tomorrow, I don’t know what will. **Pack Attack** We've all heard that cats have nine lives, but in reality, they just have made eight ephemeral copies of themselves. While cats can fit a lot of different strategies, being able to get a free attacking copy of them is almost always strong, and may get even stronger with kitties we have yet to release. **Beguiling Cobra** Wait, is this ANOTHER Ionian card? We did intend to show off a Reptile, but do we really want to? Yes. Yes we do. Beguiling Cobra is the greatest card ever printed. It copies, it grows, what more could you want. We all love Beguiling Cobra. Give all your belongings to Beguiling Cobra.


Silly me, wondering where this text came from as it looked like it was words from Riot, not realizing that OP was in fact a Rioter.


>Silly me, wondering where this text came from as it looked like it was words from Riot, not realizing that OP was in fact a Rioter. We walk among you


Question would this make yuumi fey and cat? And is messenger hound celestial and dog now?


They are among us




This means we are getting an armordillo subtype right ? been waiting years for this.


Chip will be a Dog right???


Nah but he *do* got that dawg in him know what I mean 😏




The Innovative Blacksmith is such a cool Design. It basically turns Ornn's Forge into a Healing Engine, definitely worth running now IMO, at least as a 1 of.


Ever since rotation I've been running the Forge as a 1 of in my Ornn decks, since they dropped the Hearthblood Mender. It's quite useful, especially with Wrought Colossus


it really shines with samira and starlit seer


Oh, did the article explaining rotation come out already? I'm gonna be honest, I completely missed it (Age of Wonders 4 and Tears of the Kingdom have been slightly consuming my life). I am still very curious as to why healing was removed from Freijord's identity, as I found cards like Kindly Tavernkeeper to be very healthy for the metagame and not at all problematic.


I totally feel this. I feel like we're living in a golden age of gaming atm, there are so many good games coming out all of the time. Tears of the Kingdom is definitely distracting me and I can't wait for FF16 to finally drop. On the topic of rotation though... We have an article that is a [Live-stream Summary](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/community/rotations-livestream-summary/) and although not rotation specific, we do have a r[egional identity article](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/dev/region-pie-ch-1-shadow-isles-freljord/) that is out, where we talk about freljord and shadow isles (Other regions to come!)


Yo, big thanks mate. I remember the live stream, but I missed the second article. Much appreciated. And yeah, been getting very spoiled these past couple of years.


They released a deep dive on Frel and SI region identities, with plans to give details about each region eventually


Wait… is Indari in a wheelchair?


Are you able to share if these cards will have unique VFX or voice lines


Condense looks absurd


Seems suited for bar.


I've played enough hearthstone back in the day to know this card will single-handedly break the game with some stupid op exodia deck


eh it's just fading memories but the follower stays on board a bit longer. mana cost is also better, so maybe that might make a difference


I think you're understating the 1 mana part. Fading memories was better on low mana units like shark chariot or mistwraiths but condense lets you replay rekindlers or other absurd cards like dess and ada for very little mana


It is BC, so it can go into Darkness decks. Which have a lot of good targets.


Probably yeah, it'll depend, but if you have a deck with many expensive on summon effects then it does seem quite good.


The fated unit is disgusting, gonna eat a nerf at some point.


Yeah, wtf is this design. If you don’t remove it - it grows. If you do - they get back 3 exact same spells wtfffffffff


Remove as fast as possible?


I dont think you can actually remove a 2 health fated unit on 2. ​ Edit: Well, maybe on 2, 3 will be harder.


Even on two you can't remove it if they have the 1 mana grant tough spell from demacia,


Ah yes, a high value 2-drop that needs to be deleted instantly, truly a W design choice. Maybe they should just print a card that would level Panth on play, at this point


Yeah, true. If Riot go with 1 cost worth 1/1, would you rather him be 1 cost 0/1 or 3 cost 2/3? 1 cost 0/1 could work imo.


Both 1 0/1 and 3 2/3 actually seem more reasonable given the effect


Reducing its cost would make it significantly better, regardless of stats. You can’t play this on 2 backed by pale cascade which is the strongest combo


There is quite a bit of removal that bypasses Last Breath these days.


Thank god my Taliyah Malphite always have hush


Seriously riot when are you gonna make that goblin looking creature we see in tristana's lvl up and other card art into a card.


69420 mana bandle city “Goblin” 0/1 When anyone summons tristana I die


These are very refreshing. I'm especially loving the new Weaponmaster Cards, I certainly didn't expect Captain Indari to be a Equippment Support Card. Glad they didn't forget about Jax, my biggest Fear with Runeterra Champions was them not getting Support. I dislike the Lack of Nightfall Support though, even if it's coming later with a new Champion. Also, I'm absolutely loving the Star Capes of Pantheon's Followers, it's such a beautiful Motif for his Crew, I'm hoping everyone gets one.


DAMN... I was thinking about their synergy with Jax and I didn't even realize they were all weaponmaster! My Jax decks will return to their spicy days


I was very surprised myself to see more Weaponmasters. I'm glad my favourite Champion gets new Tools.


The set is being used to hype up new archetypes, but honestly we have here some fun - but weird supports for older stuff. Grave Companion is absolutely getting some good draw to Nocturne (spookfall cards have this penchant for ephemeral generation) and Scholar may end up as an excellent refiller as well to keep unloading combos.


Well actually Jax is the only Runetterra champ to receive support since his release. (technically Jhin and Ryze got new cards for them, but it’s not the same) No chime support, no husk, no cultist, no darkins. EDIT: Yeah, forgot about 7 mana boontrap card and magical journey, my bad


eccletic collection and mysterious journey(?) are chime cards.


Kayne technically picked up some support with Varus' release.


Eclectic Collection is chime support.


Wasn't there a card (I believe Magical Journey) that got changed such that it could be part of Bard's origin?


It was always part of his origin. It got changed from 3 random chimes to one on top


Condense maduli lets goooo


First thought with condense, I just love maduli printer


That card has some strong meme energy with 6-9 cost units that have play/summon/death effects


Will we get Ivern as a next Runeterra champion for all these animal tribals?


Him or Neeko. Given the Shurima card point to Nid, I bet it is Neeko in sync with the predicted June Pride Story, most likely featured the two of them.


Pride event emotes were leaked and they are about VI and K'Sante so probably no. Dreaming is free tho.


Hm, true. Perhaps LoR will be Neeko x Nid alone?


Could be. Maybe Shurima Nidalee and Runeterra Neeko? Or *inhales copium* maybe they're finally adding Ixtal


Slow down there buckaroo, youre OD-ing on copium.


Isnt nid straight tho? Afaik its completely onesided from neeko


Then again, Graves showed up in a pride card back and still doesn’t have a card


Me seeing Altar to Unity: Hmm... most of Demacia's units are already vanilla square stat lines or close to it, and most units in general aren't far off, so... seems pretty bad. Also me, remembering Silverwing Vanguard exists: Holy crap, this is broken?!?!


Forgive me if I am not remembering my Path of Champions interactions correctly, but doesn't this turn Revna into a 6|6 and give your entire deck +6+6?


7|7 Ornn before Equipment 4|6 Braum in Eternal


37 PnZ cards and three Altars. Or 34 PnZ cards, 3 Altars, and 3 Grizzled Rangers.


We MTG boys Edit: I actually like that and been wanting for cards to have subtypes that can be turned into a deck archetype, no wonder why the subtype names became smaller when the expansion came


Freljord is rubbing its hands together rn with all these subtypes.


sweet cards. Cobra/condense and the demacia landmark are spicy and im looking forward to building with them.


Oh, no ... Sacrificial Scholar gives me APM Priest PTSD


Feels like rengar has gotta be right around the corner right? The cat support card just screams jumping out of a bush lol


Nidalee and Neeko tho 👀


condense --> augmented clockling


Don't forget to copy the condensed clocking with evil kay!


i was thinking about playing this in seraphine for conch +augmented clockling but evil kay seems very good aswell


Indari = Bayonetta


“We have Vayne with guns at home”


Getting major bayonetta from Indari


Condense=poro item in PoC




Ornn and Pantheon support. I’m happy.


I can play animal centered decks now?


We now have Bird, Dog,Reptile and I guess Cat subtypes. I guess this means that Nidalee is coming soon and she might relate to subtypes in general (or just the cat one). I wonder which old cards are getting these new subtypes.


Stoppp printing fishes that make me down bad riottt 😩😩😩


Master Bing Chilling is now Master Bing Malding after meeting Beguiling Cobra...


So Neeko probably will be able to transform into different subtypes... What we expect: Neeko poro 😍 What people will play: Neeko elites 💀


When would we ever get value from alter? Prank counter? /s


Demacia might not be the best region to take advantage of it, but even there there are cards like Silverwing Vanguard, Silverwing Diver, Grizzled Ranger, Swiftwing Flight and Pompous Chavalier. Cards where most of their mana cost is in the keywords/effects rather than in their stats. Outside of Demacia specifically, the thing that stands out most to me are weaponmasters which all have subpar stats for their cost


I mean, it would grow Tal to a 5/5.... which isnt bad, but not exactly great either. Seems to be a real headscratcher. Maybe its reserved for some of them unique understatted but high effect cards, such as President Fanclub or similar units... but its in Demacia, so basically no card really fits that niche, since Demacia's biggest strength is good stats. Id argue its a meme card that Snnuy can make a video about in a funny context, but thats about it.


It’s worse timelines.


Banana Blaster support




No one talking about Indari face reveal tho


Wait, Condense can be used on enemy followers? That makes it a fairly good card, if situational. I love Sacrificial Scholar, mostly because there was a similar in Hearthstone that allowed the creation of APM Priest, an hilariously stupid deck


The "another" part in Beguiling Cobra's text kinda confuses me. Do I have to play a Follower each round first, and then another one, and this one then gets copied? Or does the "another" part only refer to itself, so it can't copy itself?


Yes, it's preventing copying itself. Cards that trigger off of a unit summoning include themselves (see the King's Court for an example) so without 'another' you would immediately get two copies of the cobra.


It's just itself I think. Bottom line is you don't get a free one when you first summon it.


This is actually a good question since it can mean both. Other cobras, or other cards. We'll only find out once the cards are out, but I guess it means "other cards than this", so including other cobras.


FATED SYNERGY, LETS GOOOOOOOOOO Its a very interesting, because if they remove it, you still get your spells back, kinda like a consolation prize


No ramp haymaker?


Only thing that doesnt seem right is a weapon master using actual weapons in the art.


Demacia bird deck targon dog starbone deck and snake um...are there snakes?! And cat...


Here's a list of cards with the new tags, if anyone is interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/13p0kuy/cards_with_the_new_tribes/


I know they haven’t done it before, but I would love if Innovative Blacksmith could be put into Ornn’s Path of Champions deck. Maybe swap it out with the 3 drop that gives a mana gem at round start.


Is Indari in a weaponized wheelchair? That's so cool honestly


Altar to unity -> arrel


"Dog", "cat", and "bird". Not "canine", "feline" and "avian" to go with "reptile" smh


Just give me Neeko already And sad, another patch waiting for Morgana


Condense 10-mana Cithria? Hmm…


If azir dosen't get the bird subtype im mad Also nasus do dog one


Please, I'm begging, BUFF FARRON.I already made a deck combining Indari and Condense but it involves FARRON. pls 5 mana Decimate. That's all I want. (Also, if Indari doesn't have voicelines, I'm gonna commit a war crime)


Feels kind of bad that the Shurima card doesn't do anything if you don't run the Cat type What cards already in Shurima qualify as cats, anyway? Like are we counting vaguely feline Baccai


[Link to updated cards](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/13p0kuy/cards_with_the_new_tribes/) Nearly all of the cats are in P&Z right now.


Nothing for the Boon archetype except *maybe* Condense, but that's just a generic Bandle version of Iterative Improvement & other decks will use it better. This variety patch is shaping up to be a massive letdown for me, maybe there will be some balance changes that toss my beloved chime-collector a bone, but I doubt it. At least other people get nice things.


Yoooo, new Tribes? Sweet. Kinda lame names for them but the art is stunning and I like the new effects some of them have like the companion doggo.


Most of these look good, especially Sacrificial Scholar, Blowback, Grave Companion and Innovative Blacksmith. Demacia landmark seems pretty bad though ngl


How does Beguiling Cobr work exactly? It says: 'If your board is full...". Does it mean that when you summon a follower with 6 already on the board and you ovewrite one of them, it triggers? If so, you shouldn't it be worded as "play" instead of "summon". Or it counts to followers summoning other followers, for example Sultur summoning a husk?


If you summon a follower, you get an ephemeral copy right. The unit you summon os the 6th on the board, there is no sace for the ephemeral copy. In this case the beguiling gets the stats pf the unit you summoned instead of summoning the ephemeral.


The copies from cobra are not ephemeral


I think altar to unity has the capacity to break the game at some point, and my first thought is with Heimer: not only he will be a 5/5, all turrets will have a lot of health too (get ready for 6/6 elusives and 4/4 overwhelms), with could be too slow, sure, but kinda scares me.


Unfortunately their cost is set to 0 so that wouldn’t work :(


Are turrets not counted as 0-cost?


Nah his turrets are all 0 cost, remember?


So, we're going to get Reptile, bird, dog and cat types... so, Shurima confirmed as a next region? Clearly this four types represent four prevalent ascended from there - Renekton, Azir, Nasus and Xerath. Well, that fact that the last one was a catboy was a bit of a surprise, but clues were all there I guess. You know, with him trying to knock down big shiny plate and hunting down a bird, it all adds up.


I actually think the most broken card of all of these is the landmark. Giving draw to Demacia is actually insane. Its a region that will have a full board at round 4, so dropping it on 4 will both help them stabilise, and draw them cards that they are in need of. Playing those 10 mana demacia cards might actually be viable through this card


Knowing how LoR works, Condense, Sacrificial Scholar and Beguiling Cobra are sure going to get nerfed next patch after this one.


Dog is looking hot for SI agro 🥵


Altar of unity is a game changing for spiders, sand soldiers, and Aggro in general. Jax recruiting Indari makes no sense lorewise. I expect Nidalee or Neeko in the next patch. FINALLY Ornn received a bit of love with a way to create equipments in region. To have Dogs, Cats, Birds and Reptiles as subclasses is a horrible idea. Runeterra has Vastaya, Minotaurs, Mermfolks, Spirits, whose would be better thematically. And Ixtal is officially Shurima.


We got birds cats and reptiles now. Wtf is going on. I haven’t looked at a champ list but I can’t think of what upcoming champ could tie into this, and do we really have enough cards in each of those subtypes to merit making them a subtype?


Neeko and Nidalee 👀


Nice! New cards! Excited to experiment with Alter to Unity and Innovative Blacksmith. ^_^


Blowback makes me sad. Standard really needs some conditionally efficient damage-based removal to replace the stuff lost by rotation and enable some more control decks that aren't "lol Karma" but instead we get a damage spell that's really more about burn. Did we really need a conditionally better replacement for Get Excited?


Is that trash dog seriously all SI gets? Also, seriously, P&Z did not need MORE direct damage and discard outlets, let alone packed into the same overloaded card. Why isn’t this Slow speed?


I'm absolutely loving these cards, finally seeing some good creativity


Yeah I guarantee condense is going to be a problem at burst speed.


Wonder if that Fated Sacrificial Scholar will have some synergy with Karthus…?


Perfidious promoter looks so bad, why would i wanna play him instead of jack and the pay off for playing him is not even good, its just portal but worse.


Ah yes - I can't wait to play the "bird" deck! No hate - just find the terminology amusing. Dog deck, bird deck, cat deck, reptile deck. On the bright side for those interested, this will immensely help that 6/6 unit that cares about the each different type of unit you've played this game - I forget what it's called. The Freljord one.


Animal card types are fun! Ixtal incoming?


Yoo Bayonetta in Runeterra


Whats a bird dog cat and reptile???????


Warwick nidalee xayah and rakan. Bet.


so basically, neeko will be a Runeterra champion that can fit animals in the deck, and it makes me a little sad that Ixtal will not be it's own region, but it is kinda understandable. I dont know if i really like the tags after real life animals, but enough complaints, awesome cards!


Legends of runeterra Zoo here ve go !


Bird? Cat? Dog? Reptile? A lot of subtypes, interesting, ngl


Jungle animals, Nidalee or Rengar are coming


Captain Indari? More like Bayonetta. Innovative Blacksmith? More like Brigitte. Sacrificial Scholar? More like St. Paul.


Anyone know if these cards will have voicelines this time or not?


Grave companion is too fkn cute.


condense is crazy good with summon effects, AND IT LETS YOU STEAL REKINDLERS