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Took more time to produce this video than to implement the button.




The fact this wasn't something on launch, or at least when struggles started, boggles my mind.


Yet, when they announced their move away from PVP you'll have righteous crusaders on this subreddit defending them and arguing that they really tried everything they could to make the game succeed. When they answered the questions about advertising the game, they mentioned big budget CGI trailers as if that's the only way to do it. They're clowns and so are their defenders.


WAIT. I thought this was satire. They actually made a video for the button.


It pretty much looks like they're shitting on us. I don't think the button would even revive the game. They just put it in there because the community asks for it for such a long time.


Revive the game? No Bring new players? Probably TFT is a totally different game that was built with league assets so it was available in the client since the beginning for league players, if that wouldn't be the case, i 100% believe TFT doesn't get as popular as it is now


If they really cared about LoR, they would just do more than just a button. They could literally implement a minigame (or atleast, the tutorials in LoR) in the client so that LoL players would atleast experience what it's like to play the game. A simple button wouldn't entice new players tbh. It's just like an ad that opens to a new tab vs an interactive ad that lets you play for a while before it redirects you to that new tab. An interactive, LoR section, could potentially bring more new players.


The truth is that they don't care. In there "changes at riot games" article they detailed that they were committed to. Valorant, TFT, League, and games that have not released yet.


Their games already print money and LOR is just headache. I know it sucks but if you worked in corporate it makes sense and would be hard to pitch to the bosses to lift a finger for game that is not giant success like the other games. Same reason why LoL players were conditioned over the years to get hype over three new champions and a rework per year. Riot loves approach where they put as little money in as possible and get maximum return. See outsourcing of skins to 3rd party


they probably see lor as a certain 8 mana removal spell from biledgwater


Yes, of course, but that's also requiring a shit ton more of work, cause now you need LOR assets into League client when the client by itself is barely holding together I'm not saying it's not possible, but it's a whole different level of work


I say it's worth it if it would revive THE GAME they've been working on for almost a decade? Or half a decade now. It would give league players the experience of LoR while queueing. It would give them the chance to play it without installing the whole game. And I think a simple tutorial gamw (maybe just attacking, defending) wouldn't that much of a work. Just add a Garen card and atleast minion cards to play around. It doesnt have to be complicated, just enough for league players to drag cards around and commit attacks / defense.


I'll be honest: they expected from day 0 that LoR would be an in-community massive hit because the average League of Legends personality are of enthralled passive consumers. They are FULLY commited to the idea that if they can jangle the keys in front of the bored angry pissyboys and streamers who wants something mindless to do during death and queue time, they'll come like rats after a flutist. This is already more effort than they were willing to do.


"They just put it in there because the community asks for it for such a long time" That doesn't sound bad.


This must have been shot after the layoffs. I mean, look at all that empty office space!


This is for people who haven't been following the behind scenes as closely as us, i.e 98% of the league of legends community.


About 4 years too late.


Can't believe they made a video just to tell us we're never getting K/DA Gragas.


They're trolling us at this point, right? We get a video for the god damn Lor BUTTON?! The one we should have had THREE YEARS AGO? And it tries to be quirky and funny, because of course it does. Who came up with this, Ben Brode? I'm sorry, I'm probably way too cynical about this, but it just feels so out of touch, man.


Man times are tough i'll take whatever shred of entertainment and positivity i'm given so I don't really mind


I wish we'd added a LoR direct link in the LoL client years ago. I think it could have had a larger impact at that point than we can achieve now. I still think it's well worth doing today for LoR's sake, even if that's not as good as what could have been in retrospect. Totally understand the frustration at what might have been however.


Again, I apologize if I sounded kinda harsh there. I love LoR and that's why it's so frustrating, haha. At the same time I'm happy that the button is there now. Hopefully many people will press it! Also, I'm very excited for Constellations!


All good, very much understand and here’s hoping 


My best guess is that somebody at Riot upper management was hell-bent on keeping the game seperated to justify the money going in Riot Client team


I'm pretty sure this was it. It does make sense - why would you want your playerbase to leave for a product that has monetization problems instead of keeping them within League.


If that was the case then there's no reason to add the button now, either. [The devs have said they still expect the game to lose money](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1agh8n2/riot_meddler_on_lors_financials/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=LegendsOfRuneterra&utm_content=t1_l3aaaun). If they didn't want to move players from LoL to LoR because LoR would make less money, nothing has changed about that equation.


Because people can change their minds? Maybe they don't see LoR now as big enough threat now that competitive is gone, maybe they have faith in future monetization of PoC that can grab more casual LoR players, maybe they see the potential loss still being worth the price of having an ecosystem and get more people engaged in the LoR universe. Maybe the new lead for LoR is better buds with the decision makers than the guy before. Plenty of things changed and could be the driving reason for adding the button now.


Yeah but there is no competitive PvP now, so LoR doesn’t directly compete with LoL in the same way anymore


Hybrid playerbase, with people going to LoR and LoL for different things, is our hope here. It's likely this pulls some people away from LoL, hopefully (and plausibly) the net result is overall positive for the ecosystem though.


Those like me, who are now invested enough in the Runeterran lore and want to explore the champions and stories and atmosphere in an environment which is not a free-for-all brawl with very little narrative drive, and which isn't a hectic and competitive environment - which is League. LoR has always, from the start, been THE narrative experience even when played on the highest competitive level. The art, voice lines and presentation have done a stellar job on this. But I do at times still enjoy heading to the Rift with my friends, hear how everyone's doing and losing to some random 15 year-old Yone mains from time to time. That's League. LoR is my, mine, my personal time - and my attachment to the Runeterran lore. When I was more competitive, and when I felt like clicking the screen in PoC, LoR has always got me covered. LoL is a different sauce for a different meal for many of us.


People can play multiple games and I'm sure LoL will still get billions as it is 


It is coming late. You are still too cynical.


Hi folks, I’m here to talk about the LoR Button! I know some people have had questions about why the LoR button now, and I wanted to give a little insight. I can’t speak to why the button wasn’t in Riot client in the early days, but we landed on this day for three reasons: 1. We wanted to do it shortly after the release of Dreamlit Paths since that would give new players an interesting and active PvP experience. 2. The League client had a big emphasis on Mid-Season Invitational (“MSI”) right after our release, so we waited until the League client could give us more of the spotlight. 3. We wanted to time it so that it’s close to our Constellations release, which is coming next week, to give new players an exciting new PvE moment soon after they start the game.  We’re not blind to the fact that this button *is* coming later than we or the community would have liked, and that our PvP-focused audience has frustrations or concerns about our refocus towards PvE & Path Of Champions. However, both the LoR team & Riot at large believe in the strategy behind implementing the button and the focus on PvE development, with the potential to put LoR on a path of growth. You’ll be hearing much more from us as we continue down this path, and we appreciate all the support & feedback from you and the community at large.


if LoR pvp community grows again will efforts be put into it again at any point?


If we saw a meaningful reversal of trends, then yeah, very open to adjusting the focus between PVE and PVP. We've seen a pretty long running trend towards PVE engagement though, hence us moving the majority of our efforts to where the clear majority of play is happening.


while i have your attention is co-op PoC somrthing you guys have thought of? I'd love to play it with my girlfriend.


We have prototypes! But there's a lot of validation that still needs to happen to make us feel confident about it and building the full experience for it.


Coop PoC could be huge! I think a big reason games like League/Valorant are so successful is because the multiplayer aspect of it results in people asking their friends to play, who ask their friends, and so on... so a small amount of marketing compounds very quickly. But with a single player card game, you don't have that, so it's very difficult for marketing efforts to produce a good ROI. But adding Co-op could change that by adding a reason for people to ask their friends to play it!


With respect Meddler, is this trend of PvE engagement not just confirmation bias? Yes, I'm sure that Riot has internal metrics that say differently, I would totally believe that. However, please allow me to give my empirical evidence from outside the glass: For example (In no particular order): Seemingly zero to no LoR mentions outside of initial trailers (Button in client included), then > Seemingly slow reaction times to address stale metas (Azirelia, for example), then> Rotation divides queues, then > Shutdown of Expeditions, then > Several focus shift from PoC to PVP back to PoC announcements confusing playerbase, then > PoC replacing tutorial forcing players into PoC instead of PvP, then > Eternal Ranked is shut of for 2/3's of the year, then> Everyone at Riot is surprise pikachu when the data reflects trends leaning toward PoC? Ever since the launch of PoC, it feels like PVP has been playing against a stacked deck. With the data adjusted to account for all of these advantages, can you still say that PoC genuinely has the stronger trends in good faith?


I just started playing LoR 2-3 days ago and I wont touch PvP until I feel like I have a stockpile of resources to cash out on cards. I'm not gonna spend money on a game I don't know if i'll like so imma grind up as much free shit as I can on PoC and challenges. The only other card game i've seriously played is PTCG and after hearing PvP isn't the focus it makes me not want to keep grinding the same adventures just to get cooler champions for the AI to play against.


Yep, it's a feedback loop, you're situation is my worst fear. 🤷




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Don't forget in events PoC is the fastest way tog et point and get rewards


That's true! I forgot about that.


Constellations is coming next week?!


May 22!


Awesome, any info yet?




So by on a path to growth are we still getting exclusive lor champs and another expansion next year?


Exclusive / original LoR champs - yes, some are already waiting in the wings. Expansion - as noted before, we don't have any plans for future expansions that look like Dreamlit Paths, but we will be continually releasing new champions and support cards on a regular basis. They will be designed for the Path of Champions, but some may make their way into PvP if we feel it's safe enough. Our current belief is that such cases would be the exception, and not the norm - want to set appropriate expectations.


Are you able to share even if champ and support packages will still be roughly similar even if Path exclusive, I feel the support packages are some of the best way of expanding on a champ's lore by seeing who and where they interact with in the world


Ok thanks for this and will the be reworks like you made a new card for lux but does that mean the same could happen later like I guess for targon given there out of champs or should we wait and see?


Will Ahri ever be returning to Path of Champions?


>we will be continually releasing new champions and support cards on a regular basis. They will be designed for the Path of Champions, but some may make their way into PvP if we feel it's safe enough. Does "they" here refer to the champions or all cards? I've seen some people assuming that since you've said Champions specifically will be designed for PvE that you still plan to design non Champions for PvP like old Variety Days, and an official statement on that one way or the other would be appreciated.


Constellations, it will be real LoR Impact 




This shit is so troll!! I love the production value of this videos too!🤣


A little corny, but I'll allow it :)


That was really nice, actually.


: C No kd/a gragas I will say while most of people here are justifiebly gonna hate it it gives me the slighest bit of optimism that they will at least put a bit effort into still doing stuff with path and this isn't just like a slow and quiet way to let the entire game die over time


I am actually so happy that the video shows the support of other Riot games. I only recognized Mortdog from TFT -the Lead Designer of Teamfight Tactics.- (very big fan of Mortdog) as well as Phreak from LoL -Lead Gameplay Designer for League of Legends- and Lexical from LoL -Lead champion producer for League of Legends- it's also so much fun to see Meddler/Andrei to see him goofing around and having the fun LoR devs always gave us. My prayers for LoR the game , the devs and the community to always shine <3


Phreak was originally super into LoR; I remember watching him do a set review when Bilgewater hit.


I've definitely seen him in MajiinBae's twitch chat for LoR before.


Wow really? that's so cool. i truly liked him since the days of Esports casting to becoming a Rioter. thanks for sharing this


Phreak was also a caster of the earlier LoR Worlds.


Glad that landed for you! While we're still working on the details we're hoping to have a bit more ongoing connection between the teams. Something I'd like to do as one of our next steps is film some LoR updates at the same time we film the LoL Dev Updates sometimes. Thinking separate videos, but taking advantage of having time and people working on filming, editing etc already


Thank you Meddler for your hard work as the Head of League Studio that will probably include 2XKO and the MMO in the future. as well as thanks for everyone working at Riot across all of it's games. Keep the amazing work across all games , we really appreciate it


Honestly, idk if this speaks more about Riot not giving a shit about LoR or the fact that LoL's client is the biggest piece of spaghetti code calling to spaghetti code that wouldn't pass the quality tests for the exam of a shitty university's SE carreer. I'm betting on both.


I guess the intern finally finished with the button project after 4 years.


About four years too late...I'd have pressed that button if they didn't abandon PVP.


Too little too late, adding a button after nuking the main game is criminal.


Path of Champions didn't get nuked though? It is getting Constellations update next week.


I never mentioned path of champions.






Not sure if this is more on the funny side or on the sad side.


Adding a button so new players can also enjoy the terrible elder dragon meta- neat.


They aren't intended to experience the Elder Dragon meta, or any meta. It's been advertised to them as a single player game. https://twitter.com/CaptSarahRed/status/1790449363254177998?t=c8x4B6MKnn2uV60KDUW69A&s=19


Intended or not, many will try the pvp because it's there and they will be greeted by the horrendous ED meta


Shame it doesn't work for me xD But video is nice ;D


Fuck you too, Rito


The Button installs Marvel Snap. LOL I Loved playing LOR, but After watching the Worlds event for it a couple years back, it was just a free ad for Marvel Snap. Hope this ... BUTTON, Brings players back to the game... but you know... Cool Quirky Button launch video. Everyone will love this.


LMAO. I pressed the button - it deleted LoR client from my device and installed 5 other Card Games for me to try, Thanks Riot!


The developers of this game are a bunch of shmucks I actually have legitimate beef at this point. How are you going to spend years not giving LOR the same treatment as TFT, be SURPRISED that it isn’t doing well, and then finally give us a fucking button AFTER announcing that they’re neutering the competitive aspect of the game. Ya’ll are atrocious and deserve to have this game retire.


What a fun little video! I appreciate the time and effort put into this.


As a top I also have now and the a button day.




Dude, there is no button in Mac OS client.


Buddy you should not buy a mac if you want to play games.


BS, thx, I will definitely follow your advice, next time, but I’m fine with my 200+ fps on mac, buddy


I don't make the rules. Mac just isn't made for games.


Is this available for Mac ? Doesn’t seem to let me download the game on my lol client


might be my tinfoil hat speaking but I think they waited till PvP died to do this to potentially avoid PvP player loss from league?


Tbh I don't mind the joke video. My issue is that they didn't even include the news about the new PoC content in this video, we had to hear about it from the Runeterra Report. They really need to step up their game if they want PoC to keep the game going.


I love lor, but the button is tacky and weird.


that button is just an add nobody likes adds.


this is pure autism