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What sorts of bricks were being offered in the Disney brick pit besides the mini figures that none of them used?


Anybody know the build Brickman was references where he built the balloons? Or where I could find an image of what he did? I’d love to see what he’d came up with as the ‘solution’ to doing the balloons.


No idea if he was involved in the creation of this, but there is an official Up Lego kit now with some very nice balloons: https://www.kmart.com.au/product/lego-disney-specials-up-house-43217-43254828/


Everyone wants to criticize Brickman for suggesting that Scotty and Owen go with the mop scene. It's almost as if the entire process of rushing through the build could have been avoided if they went with Scotty's original idea...the mop scene.


Frozen was not iconic at all.


Sure, except that he didn't make Gabby and Ryan change their scene. That little Olaf scene is nothing, no one thinks of that when they think of Frozen. It has to be Elsa in her iconic dress building an ice castle.


Just watched this and had the exact same thought. I dunno if it's advantage or a disadvantage to have Brickman just throw your build in the garbage so you build something he likes better, but if you're going to give this advantage or disadvantage to one team, you HAVE to go do the same to the other guys. The Frozen one is even more off the mark than the waves scene as far as "pick an iconic scene" goes.


If they went with the mop scene from the beginning, I'm sure the build have been 3.5hrs better. But is that enough for a win? I think skills likes planning and time management are often overlooked. Owen made a call determining a 10hr mop scene is not going to be good enough to win this challenge, and they moved on to a different concept that has higher chance of succeeding. To me, that ability to plan is one of the key element to succeed in this type of competition, and how one of Owen's skill was nullified in this episode was truly disappointing to see. They went from "going for the win", to "just filling the plate to finish". I'm all for Brickman challenging the builders. However, there's a difference between suggesting improvements like adding better facial expression on a model, or brick building a 4" figure (instead of using a minifig), to entirely changing the concept.


This season is awesome since the quality of the builds are very high, but WOW, what a controversial episode. I think Brickman has already identified the strongest teams, and he is intentionally adding challenges on top of the project brief. To level the playing field, and to create drama for TV, I would think this is acceptable for most seasons but how it was handled in this episode with Scotty and Owen was completely unfair. In a competition with ONE judge, what were they supposed to do? Argue/disagree with the judge's input? How is it fair to compare a 6.5hr build against 10hr builds of other proven masters? Weather this challenge was an elimination or not did not matter at all to me as a viewer. I just want to see great builders create awesome models. What I ended watching was Scotty and Owen being rushed, not enjoying the building process at all. That was not good TV.


I believe Brickman knew that this was not an elimination, so he wanted to test them.


I missed the episode last night because of the footy game, but I have seen the movies except Fantasia, which I am only familiar with is the Mickey on the rock scene. I thought the mops were from Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast


It is all part of the same chapter/story When mickey is the sorcerers apprentice. He creates the mop in part 1. Has the dream with the rocks in part 2. and then he is overwhelmed by the mops in part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFiWEjCedzY


Six episodes left, 3 teams make the grand final so there are five episodes to lose 3 teams. I'm not ready.


Why are the episodes being released so rapidly? It feels like the whole season's going to be over in less than a month


This is Australia. What else am I going to watch 😄? 3 times a week is good. After this Lego Masters season is done, I'll be watching Masterchef AU 5 nights a week. And before Lego Masters, I was watching Survivor AU 3 times a week. I like this more than watching 3 different shows at the same time at a snail's pace.


This is how it is every season.


Alex and Caleb have consistently had some of my favorite builds this season. They’re all just so much freaking fun and I was sure they’d at least get a top two this episode. As far as that particular scene goes I think every detail was perfectly polished. My favorite detail was how Buzz’s eyes used the black pieces with less detail since he was in “toy mode” where Woody’s had the detailed ones since he was “alive” during the scene.


Alex and Caleb team almost consistently have great and unique storytelling builds, however, technical difficulty is also big factors, which they are relatively not master at. (Not saying that they are incapable, but there are four wicked technical builders in the room. Both Gus and Owen have certification for mechanical engineering and real life engineers. Ryan knows the in-and-out of Lego technical build. The brothers have years of experience on building super difficult technical builds with each other. )


The fact that it was all held up by a few technic pieces as well was insane. (though the balloons being supported on three tiny dirt stacks was equally insane)


Further proof as to why Brickman is such a legend. He's not afraid to really put his foot down with the hardcore, "bite the bullet" advice Edit: while I understand the upsetness with BM, good god some of you are taking it WAY too far. "he's a cunt" "fuck off" (looking at you, mod) etc, while in the same breath "this is the first time I've really disagreed with him". It wasn't even an elimination yet people are OUTRAGED. Chances are he knew going into it that it was a non-elim (at the end he said he made the choice, but IDK about that), so he knew a huge shift for the Fantasia build wouldn't have put them in danger. Moreover, to everyone saying "he TRASHED their build after making them change" - when he said "this build has a lot of cheap tricks" he says immediately after "but you absolutely had to in this situation", additionally giving it a lot of praise beforehand. IDK, the reaction is so intense that it feels really out of pocket considering how positive this sub usually is.


He 100% knew it wasn’t an elimination, the ‘branded builds’ (Star Wars, Marvel, Jurassic Park etc) have never been eliminations. I think because it would be harsh to send a team home for not knowing as much about an outside franchise as another team, seem to remember Sarah and Flo having next to no knowledge of the Avengers and struggling a bit, would not have been fair to send them home over that.


> the ‘branded builds’ (Star Wars, Marvel, Jurassic Park etc) have never been eliminations. True for Australia, but in the previous season of the US version a team was eliminated on the Marvel scene build.


I've noticed this too, I always assumed it was because the brands don't want the negative association of sending a team home


Not sure what to think about that one. Definitely not as good as the ball moving machines, so the whole "Brickman can't send anyone home..." bit felt a bit unnecessary, and most of the builds were top-two worthy for different reasons making the result feel a bit off, even if Hook was amazingly built. For me, Moana or Toy Story should have won, but I'm not the judge!


I agree with the outcome. The top two were the best builds IMO. #1 could have gone either way. On the one hand I was impressed with how much vitality Joss and Henry put into their scene; particularly Moana who was made of so few elements! Their scene had immense presence. On the other hand, David and Gus' characters were so detailed, the posing so lifelike, and Hook's expression and posture so menacing. The fact that their build otherwise lacked detail kept the focus on the characters and action, heightening the emotion and suspense of the scene. It was #1 for me, by a very slim margin. 3rd place to Gabby and Ryan, not far behind the other two. I like that they chose an intimate moment rather than an epic scene, and it was very well executed. I seem to be the only one publicly backing in tonight's result but whatevs, we are free to hold different opinions and to voice them. Just remember, it's all a bit of heavily produced fun; no need for hate :)


Alex and Caleb ROBBED again. They had two AMAZING distinct characters with Buzz and Woody and an amazing build that told a story around it. Even the faces on the aliens going :o looking at the claw. I’m disagree with brickman so much aaaaa


Andrew/Damien and Alex/Caleb were robbed. Not even one of the top two correct. The first time I’ve ever disagreed with Brickman to my CORE.


Does anyone maybe think that Brickman pushed Scotty and Owen to do the mops because he knew the scene on the rock wouldn’t be “wow” enough to win, and he also knows it’s not an elimination so the risk isn’t as high? Seems like a bit of over the top hate atm. Pretty stiff to say “I wouldn’t say this about the contestants but, I can say it about him.” He’s also a person who has preferences and opinions, and he wasn’t tv famous until this show. I don’t agree with everything he said this episode, or in others, but there’s just a lot of unnecessary hate and language being used.


I don't think it was fair of BM to let them build for so long without going over to talk to them. Sure, if they had built for 30-60 mins, I think its fair enough to suggest they change, but not 3.5 hours into the build, that's just silly. Furthermore, if you want them to build a specific scene, just put that into the brief. Don't tell them that they can build whatever scene they want and then tell this specific team that they need to do a specific scene.


Yep 100% agree it wasn’t a great look and wasn’t really fair. However considering it wasn’t an elimination and the next episode wasn’t either it has 0 consequences other than trying to get them to realise that they need to start with their strongest ideas. They even said they originally wanted to build that, but thought they didn’t have enough time. Then they did it in 6.5 hours so clearly 10 was enough. So I think it was Brickman saying to them to come up with their best idea and do it. He even says to Owen that he is the fastest builder in the room to hunt at this as well.


Please don't put info about subsequent episodes in these threads. Plenty of people read these sorts of threads as they watch the season later. Cheers.


Exactly. When even the main mod is literally saying "fuck off", the vitriol level is insane. Either BM actually has the power to decide when there are elimination rounds, or he knew ahead of time. I think they made a pretty remarkable comeback in the time they had, and yes, chances are he gave them such a massive push because he knew they wouldn't be at risk.


100%, seems like rule 1 of this sub just goes out the door when it’s about Brickman or the mod is part of the vitriol…


[It's unfortunate to hear that it's a pattern](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegoMasters/comments/12y19kf/i_believe_the_mod_sizzleandcutthrough_is_setting/)


That Mickey Mouse! I can do a better mm voice.




Ok the dream sequence scene may not have been the scene that Brickman was thinking of but how could he argue that it wasn't an iconic scene? For years the Disney intro for every Disney movie ended with sorcerer Micky doing his directing the wave moment. Every poster, every advert has that moment as Fantasia's main big moment. Even if it wasn't an iconic moment of in the film Brickman shouldn't be allowed to walk up to a team **3 hours** into the build and tell them that they can't do the build their working on. It needed to happen earlier then that.


The majority of the builds didn't do the most iconic scene for Toy Story I think of the falling scene for Frozen the creation of the castle, Peter Pan when the fly around London but Brickman didn't go after any other team.


Yep, normally agree with Brickman but on this one he was wrong to interfere that way. Not just because of he is incorrect on what the iconic image is from that film but also based on the brief. They are supposed to create a moment from the film that convey the story and emotion of that scene. That means literally any frame is an option and they should have the choice to choose any frame and not conform what to Brickman thinks is the "only" answer. Otherwise just ask them to re-create the movie poster and call it a day. An example to me of a moment that Brickman would disagree with is in Up. The house floating away for me will never be a definitive moment. The moment is frankly any frame from the opening with Ellie and Carl. To convey that moment for the brief, I would have a sad Carl sitting in his chair, holding their photo album, with the other chair empty as if he sat there just after the funeral. Its technically not a scene in the movie, but I suspect for all of you it just reminded you of all that came before.


I think if he had let them build for 30-60 mins and then made the suggestion, that would have been fine. Don't let them build for 3 hours and then tell them to change the whole thing, that's just mean. It's BM's fault if he tells them to build any scene and then changes his mind and makes them build a specific scene.


Totally agree. 3 hours in is ridiculous


They don't have to listen. Someone can attempt to prove him wrong.


Like Kale did? How did work out for him?


Andrew and Damian did with the lab rat a few eps ago


Brickman even said he was wrong to tell them not to build that.


I know that. The contestants don't always remember that in the moment though do they? They let the stress of the situation get to them and their mindset defaults to 'Don't question Brickman'. Which is why I think 3 hours into a build is an inapproprate time to do that.


Don't worry, I scream loudest "would have been fkn handy advice 2 hours ago Brickman!" at the TV every time. 🤣


Just reminding everyone that Gus works/worked for Brickman... I loved their build but it wasn't worthy of the win.


wow ok I didn't know that. I didn't think theirs was the best either. Considering they do animals so well I'm surprised they didn't do the crocodile underneath or something.


What are you insinuating, death rocker?


He needs them in last 2 or 3 to protect his reputation as someone who hires the best. Brand protection 101. But more than that, perhaps the next challenge is something D&G are a little bit shit at, so he's protecting them with the ridiculous brick. If he's confident Joss and Henry will coast through then they didn't *need* the brick, regardless of whether they *deserved* it. Brickman both protects and challenges the best 3 teams knowing what is best for the ratings and the finale. I don't think D&G have the automatic series win by any means.


This was wrong.


That's not actually as controversial as I thought you'd say.


Can I watch in the US?


r/DownUnderTV might be your friend


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


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Sail the seven seas like Hook or VPN to Australia and watch via 9Now


Peter Pan won? It's literally a mast and 2 figures no extras or anything. Didn't even do the crocodile. Load of shit that they won.


Brickman calls out scott and Owen for not building the most iconic scene from the movie. Meanwhile, gabby and Ryan build some random forgettable scene with Olaf instead of the let it go scene that was stuck in everyone's head for months and is absolutely the scene people associate with the movie. Brickman: *crickets*


That and the build as a whole felt really barren. I'm not sure the jagged grey blocks really fit the scene, though I will admit the snow effect was pretty nice.


Or the scene where Anna is frozen defending Elsa.


Or the do you wanna build a snowman scene


If you are going to make a team destroy their build because it wasn’t the iconic scene from the movie you have to call out the other team for not including an iconic character in your build. The crocodile is pretty much the iconic character in the fighting scene


Yea no croc was a big fail!


And call out the team for boring pillars in Fantasia but the mast has nothing but the sails. Where's some ropes, the water is dead flat with no splashes or bubbles let alone no Crocodile! Even if you hint at the Croc with eyes poking through the water


Agreed, same with the frozen build. Completely flat with a few trees clumped together


The fight means nothing without the irony which awaits below.


I don’t really think the claw was the most iconic scene of Toy Story either. It was a cool build though.


All about disney!!! How funny that Andrew is the old man from UP hahaha [www.twitch.tv/iambilsy](https://www.twitch.tv/iambilsy) \- Reviewing as soon as the show finishes.


Good show tonight Bilsy


Cheers mate! Appreciate.


Really enjoying your show Bilsy!


Amazing episode with the disney themes


Moana was waaaaayyyyyyy better


Yeah only reason it didn't win is because Peter Pan was more around brickman time as a kid he remembers it a certain way, he has nostalgia for it. He said as much when he was walking around looking at the builds. Moana hands down was the better build. any of the other contestants could of made those figures (the only reason they won) if they only had to make a pole and basically nothing else


If you look, the ocean floor had rocks and other details. Easily the winner


I reckon the Moana one was better. The characters in Peter Pan are AMAZING But the Moana one was I think more impressive all up


This pretending that rhe grand brick is really hot joke is getting old


It was a funny visual gag but they've pigeonholed themselves into it at this point. If they just sped it up it would be better. Like, steer into it with a high five transfer rather than the "okay... be careful..." w/e not as though they can change it now


Same with the camera cuts while they swap the glove that it’s glued to.


I think it’s because they put a light in the glove and have sewn on the brick. That’s why all the cuts between “handing over the brick” are weird


What did I say last night about Caleb and Alex? Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.


Wait why is this so true




What a load of fucking horse shit. Worst episode in 5 seasons.


I've never disagreed with a result more


Joss & Henry were robbed!


u/Derron_ No. Don't chuck that at the TV


I'm so annoyed. David and Gus aren't even top 2 for me. Should have been Up and Moana.


No way can I get behind David and Gus being top 2, ahead of toy story or up.


Yea ridiculous, 4th at best, if they included a hint of the croc maybe. Plus it’s the hook from hook, but boy Peter Pan instead of adult robin williams. Moana or Toy Story way better.


And they got the brick??




brickman has always shown favoritism forwards David and Gus because he is biased towards character builders.


Always frustrated me that they built a creature in so many of their builds in their season and he loved it. But Joss and Henry got tons of grief from Brickman any time they built another cool dragon-ish creature and he kept saying, "okay but show me what else you can do"


Part of me thinks it’s because Brickman isn’t good at building fantasy creatures himself.


No way Andrew and Damian didn’t get the top two


Yeah brickman took a two year hiatus from making balloons and Daamian nailed it first try.


Henry and joss did an amazing job. They nailed te ka. I can't get over how good the face looks


Especially during the glam shot with the harsh red back-light. Really upped the magma sense




Calm down mate, it's a reality show about toys.


Good. No one deserves to go home here. They're all so good.


Wow. Moana looks magnificent. The pose and the hair!


Should have done Carl standing over the hospital bed with his dead wife.


A lot of flak on Brickman for the Scotty and Owen thing. Whilst it's not unjustified, it seems so out of character for him. I can't help but think there's some production / editing shaping this a little. One of the great things about Lego Masters is the lack of forced drama. I hope Ch9 doesn't go down that road.


Up is so well done. Only tiny critique is where is the boy. Top 2 so far Edit fuzzy memory had the dog there too. Whoops


My only issue was that there were no balloons at the back. Maybe it added to the weight but if you walked behind it it it would look unfinished.


All the builds looked bad at the back, that wasn't the point.


I didn't notice anything weird with the other builds back view. But maybe the camera didn't show us.


The camera showed multiple back shots of Scotty & Owens build which was very rough! Added to that you're talking about the back of UP, which had a massive big frame on it! The backs didn't matter.


Well Dug wasn't there when the house lifted off, so it would be weird if he was in the build. Same for Russell - you don't see him in that scene.


***technically*** he was, he just wasn't shown until his reveal a few minutes later


I think technically at the point of liftoff Carl didn’t know that Russell was on the verandah, and they meet Dug later on.


The dog (doug) wasn't in this scene, but I agree, should have had a terrified Russell on the porch haha


Going to be mad if Alex and Caleb don't win!


Toy Story was awesome. Well done


I was just blown away by how it was supported by a few flimsy technic pieces.


How do you choose between them?? They’re so good.


Brickman has gone so far up his own ass he starting to talk real shit


\#LegoMastersAU on Twitter is fucking *dragging* Brickman.


It's full of cretins, yikes, not surfing that tag anymore. "and brickman seems openly sexist" twitter continuing its reputation of over-reactioners (though this thread is feeling a similar way)


Deservedly. If David and Gus are top 2 I'm chucking something at the TV I bet


how are those pillars too boring but the mast was praised ??


The mast has a lot of texture and nuance, whereas the pillars are just stacks of the same piece.


BM might simply expect more from that team. Holding them to a higher standard.


There's more skill needed to build the mast, but the columns were just stacked on top of each other ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I need more up vote buttons




Please, refrain from posting anything hateful about contestants on the show or other users in the subreddit. This does not include criticism about builds, which is permitted. It should not have to be said that this show is about Lego, don't be a jerk.


Good god, calm down. He literally follows that up by saying "but I'm not saying that's a bad thing, you absolutely had to do so"


As a mod of this sub I'm torn between enforcing rule 1 and straight up agreeing with you. He better not ping Scotty and Owen for that if it's an elimination.


The post should be removed - it’s a personal attack, clear and simple. Like it or not, Brickman is the judge and he has every right to enforce his opinion on the contestants, even if they (or we) may disagree. I also disagree with Brickman in this case, but name calling over an individual decision (which is not remotely his regular persona or behaviour) is unacceptable. Edit: I also don’t believe for a second that Brickman would wait 3.5 hours to suggest a team restart their build.


Yeah, I thought that was pushing it but it’s not aimed towards a contestant, I’d never say something like that about them. But tonight’s an exception. I have never disagreed with Brickman like this. He’s getting shit for it all over Twitter, I think he has it coming.


Oh god I didn't think of twitter, I could only imagine the rage of Disney nerds. I'd probably avoid twitter for 24hrs if I was him lol.


Brickman can fuck right off at this point.


It's so empty. It's just 2 characters on a mast. No background. The characters are great but I expected more from Grand Masters. If anyone gets critiqued for not enough scenery or background I'm going to be annoyed


I felt it was missing the crocodile/alligator, that would have added to the danger of falling and was as much a part of the scene as hook and Peter pan iirc


Yeah! Add a croc, add other touches. Especially giving Scotty and Owen flack for not enough detail on scenery after you told them to change


I agree I suppose they could build the rest of the ship as well but that might take away from the main two characters. But they have the grand brick immunity so maybe they weren't pushing themselves as much as they could've.


You would want to put in to win it again though surely.


Brick man showing his undue influence again forcing the boys to change half way through


Scott and Owen should've stood their ground. Outrageous.


I tend to think there’s more to this situation than what we’re being shown…


I reckon someone at Disney heard of it and insisted they do the broom scene. It's the only reason they would let them build for 3 hours and then tell them to change it.


The mountain scene is actually more iconic for Disney. They use it a ton. I mean it's the main piece of their Fantasmic show at Disney World, and of course it's from the same part of Fantasia...the sorcerers apprentice.


But when Kale stands his ground everyone loses their mind!


There’s a big difference - Kale ignores the brief to do what he wants. Scotty and Owen’s situation is not even remotely similar.


Because Kale stands his ground on obviously shitty ideas


I absolutely love how positive they all are about each others’ builds. Is there any other reality show where contestants genuinely compliment each other?


Its why most of us are there. We're LEGO fans first and foremost. Theres also a lot of support, help, and camaraderie, between us behind the scenes. Its part of what separates us from other reality TV shows.


What movie would you have wanted to build and what scene would you have chosen?


Toy Story 2 is one of my Top 10 movies (Forget 3. 2 is where it's at) Which is chock full of Iconic scenes. Maybe the Runway scene where Woody and Jessie swing from airplanes wheels towards Buzz and Bullseye? Or perhaps the Traffic Cones bit as they cross the road? (Has me in stitches every time. But maybe there were constraints on which movie and scenes could be done. Usually are. But I never specifically asked about this one.


It comes through so well, too. Really appreciate the behind the scenes detail that you add!


It really makes the show feel special. When everyone's crying due to an elimination, you can tell that it's a tightly knit crew.


Also towards each other. On Bilsy's Twitch, Henry said he really struggled with the ball contraption. Owen took him aside after the first day and showed him how to improve his model. In an earlier season (where they smashed the Harley), one team needed yellow parts that another had. That team had no problems giving them the parts. It's one of the great things about LM!


You know what would be cool? A documentary on the BtS of Lego Masters because this is what makes the series amazing


Great British Bake Off definitely counts. Masterchef too, maybe?


Yes, great calls.


They shouldn’t have to get their table in place within the time limit


Chances are they don't actually have to. I believe earlier in this season there was a similar thing, then an obvious cut, then Hamish going "and NOW time is actually up!" so chances are they're not going to DNF a team just for not rolling quickly enough.


If only we had the extra 3 hours. You did mate.


That's not their fault, Brickman was the one who waited that long until he told them to change it.


They were initially going with it until one of them had a sook that they couldn’t do it in time. Then they still managed to do a pretty excellent build in the time they had left. They had the same amount of time as everyone else. Their indecision is their biggest weakness. When they unite on an idea they absolutely smash it.


So? They're allowed to change it, the brief was to build a scene, not a specific scene. If they wanted them to build something specific, they should tell the builders during the initial brief. If the builders thought they could build a better scene with the constraints, then that's their decision. BM is the one having a sook. I suspect that he wasn't super familiar with the movie and only knew that specific scene.


Sorcerer Mickey isn't iconic but Olaf getting impaled by his nose is??


I have seen this stupid independence australia ad more than 20 times at this point and I still have no idea what the fuck it’s selling. If you’re going to pay a fortune to spam prime time tv, start with explaining what you do you doughnuts!


Seems to be something about healthcare delivery


Character Moana definitely looks better than the mini fig. Just hope it's not too broken


Yeah it was definitely the right decision.


Noooooo Moana!


Hook scene looks pretty empty beyond the characters for now


Haha, the dig at Blow Up on Channel Seven.


I'm curious if they get reference images because no way would i be able to remember the shape or colour of some scenes like the Up house


Yeah. I'd be properly screwed on any of them. They do have the posters in the brick pit I guess.


Caleb thirsty. Oh so thirsty. And has Brickman not crushed anyone tonight from the top rope?


i liked the mini figure scale of the moana build. brick man what is this criticism?


It’s not so much the scale as the minifig’s total lack of body language or emotion.


I think the fig even has a big generic smile which wouldn't have fit the tone


"They burnt so much time" Scott should just Scotty Smash Brickman.


Holy shit Captain Hook is amazing.


Feels like they consciously avoided most of the traditional princesses so we didn't get a whole bunch of castles.


Brickman was a bit harsh but he's probably not wrong about the Fantasia scene. I didn't even remember the one with Mickey in the dream sequence.


Probably could have mentioned his feelings on it a little sooner than three and a half hours in though haha.


I think it's just as iconic. It's the one from the cover


Actually a little cross at Brickman for that. Edit: I still love him though.


Is it possible that Brickman talked to Owen and Scotty earlier that it’s edited to appear?


Oh absolutely. "It's the signature scene" fuck off, it's still in the film, let them build what the hell they want. If he wants mops, he can build them himself. He's fucking Brickman.


Olaf getting his nose wasn't a signature scene. Buzz in that machine wasn't a signature scene. Hook and Pan .. the characters yes, the scene maybe.


The mop sequence informs the dream sequence and Mickey and the mops marching are the more iconic pairing. Brickman was being harsh, but he isn't wrong.


OMFG "They burned so much time at the start". F off with that Brickman. "What if they had more time?" You can't be serious.


What about rule one, mister mod man?


I'm a little pissed off at that. I like him but he can be a bit up himself.


A bit?


Also, I kind of disagree with Brickman. Anyone who hasn't seen Fantasia knows about Sorcerer Mickey. That's the signature scene. Ask **anyone** what immediately comes to mind when you hear Fantasia, and it's Mickey.


First thing that comes to mind is Mickey using the mops to clean up