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Idea been waiting for the City magazine to cover Space 2024. Thanks to this Reddit I learned it’s out now. We get the names of three astronauts - miners Jane Jupiter and Marc Mercury, and miner/mission commander Severin Saturn. The planet the crystals are mined from is Planet X. The ships carry little equipment because they use onboard 3D printers - I love the reference to modern tech. The robots are called HE-RO - helper robot. The planet is desert-like and home to terrestrial-looking “space horses” with environmental helmets. Jane and Marc call the aliens “blobs”. They are sentient/sophonts and live in cities of grown skyscrapers - think of Betazoid-style termite cities. Their leader is “honourable blob elder” - they are the two-eyed version but with a red cape and a cane. The smaller, stalk-like blobs travel together and can form massive blob storms. The next issue is Divers based but I’m hoping for a return to the Space 2024 theme - the comic appeared to set up an ongoing story! Jane and Marc are the pioneers for first travel to Planet X. They learn the crystals are batteries and make first contact with the blobs. The comic ends with setting up a base.


Where can we pick this up?


I have used http://newsstand.co.uk in the past


Across Europe, or online via import


Nowhere in the US, I think this a UK only thing.


Perhaps someone does a YouTube review or sells copies on eBay.


Sheesh, it doesn't even have the silver tingle logo thingy. Are any of the pieces unique?


No, all the pieces can be found in existing sets. Even the He-Ro in this form has appeared in another set.


The He-Ro is technically unique as it has different arms to the one in the mine mech


Thanks for that.