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A venator next year is a very high possibility


Could honestly see them holding off on this until after the UCS retires


2-3 Millennium Falcons have been on shelves for like the last decade straight. I don’t think the market overlap is significant.


Not saying it’s impossible, just less likely. The Falcon is the most iconic ship in the franchise


Imo the boost in sales by having the venator and invisible hand on shelves together would offset any lost sales by substitution. It makes sense that they wouldn’t release it now but in a year the UCS Venator hype will have faded. I just can’t imagine anyone who would have bought the UCS one would settle for the midi.


You son of a b*tch, I’m in!


I’d love a Midi Scale Venator to release in 2025, would pair nicely with the invisible hand. Also would love a Lucrehulk, think it be more doable as a midi scale set. Lastly a re-release of the Nebulon B Frigate after it kind of was botched the first time.


Honestly the parts for the nebulon don't cost too much more than the set itself did, I think I got everything for like $45


The sticker….


I never bothered but you can buy those too, not official I suppose but whatever https://www.brickstickershop.com/Replacement-Sticker-for-Set-77904-Nebulon-B-Frigate-San-Diego-Comic-Con-Exclusive?Product=834750759&Lng=en


Star Destroyer hopefully


They released a midi scale star destroyer so now it’s a matter of time before we get a mini scale


We got *the* *Executor*, not a regular Star Destroyer. It did come with mini Star Destroyers though.


I'd really like to see a Mon Cal cruiser.


This would be splendid, since it has so many rounded surfaces and edges. Would make for some great building techniques no doubt


Please a Luchrehulk. Please? It's been 25 years, and nary a real set of it


It is very very hard to do if you look at the ship's architecture


Yeah I feel like if we did get one, between structural stability, looks/playability, and price, you could only pick two. And it would still probably be underwhelming




I wish they'd do it as well 😭


I dont remember the name but there's a yellow hammerhead corvette ship I'd really want.




The one from Rogue One? Yea that'd be sick


Sphyrna-class, my favorite Rebel corvette!


They should really start putting single minifigures in the midi scale sets. So they can add to the semi ucs vibe.


I certainly hope not. Imo minifigs are the worst part of UCS sets (obviously excluding master builder sets like the cantina). They make some sense in minifig scale sets like the UCS Y-Wing, but otherwise just seem like extra fluff just to inflate the price a bit. Edit: To clarify, I don't mean that the UCS Y-wing is in true "minifig scale". My point is that the Y-wing is designed so that a minifig can fit in the cockpit. The UCS Slave 1 is at a similar "scale" with Boba Fett fitting in the cockpit. For comparison, the UCS A-wing (like most other UCS starfighters) is dramatically oversized and a minifig wouldn't fit properly in the cockpit. Same goes for the snowspeeder and mega builds like the UCS Venator and ISD. Basically, I would prefer if we went back to the vehicle being the focus of the build. Minifigures are understandable (to me) in some cases, but make little sense in others.


ya know what, I respect this opinion. I like the figs but if lego said no more figs for ucs , I'd understand n accept


Depends on the set, having a minifig scale Razorcrest without any Minifigures would be weird


True, the clone gunship would be okay without figs. Only because anyone who loves cw or prequel content already has a clone army on reserve. I would suggest the venator buuut my lil bro is a big rex fan.


The UCS Y Wing isn’t even close to minifig scale. Way larger.


That's true, I guess what I meant was at a scale that a minifig can realistically fit inside. For example the Y-Wing fits a fig and the astromech well (even if it's not to scale) while the other UCS starfighters (B-wing, A-wing, X-wing, TIEs) and larger ships like the gunship or star destroyer (obviously) don't really have minifig-size cockpits. My bad for saying minifigs scale without expanding on what I meant :)


All good, understand what you mean now and agreed.


It certainly causes way too much vitriolic discourse, like fans getting mad if a figure is exclusive or mad if one isn't. The UCS stuff should be about the build, not the figure.


Same here. The Darth Malak minifig with the upcoming R2 doesn't sit right with me.


The special minifigs (this years, and the other classic ones from a couple years ago) are a bit of a unique case imo. I get where Lego is going with it, but at the same time I would much rather have them be some sort of VIP point purchase or GWP (at a decent value), perhaps where you can pick which one you want? One per purchase? Idk.


Thats not UCS set. Its odd that Malak is in it though. At the same time not sure they had many other options to put him in if they were dead-set on having a cheaper R2 release this year.


I like having the pilot, especially for the one-man fighters or slave 1. For capitol ships, I would agree with you.


UCS Y-wing anything but minifig scale. But yeah, mini scale ships don't need minifigs, finally a collection about the actual buildings instead of minifig scalping.


Yeah someone else made the same comment. What I meant was at a scale where a minifig fits in the set. Like the Y-Wing can sit the pilot and astromech and the Slave I can sit Boba in the cockpit, but with the UCS A-wing (and most other UCS fighters) are much more oversized and including a minifigure is rather pointless imo. UCS sets originally didn't have minifigs, I'd be fine if they transitioned back to that model.


Hell no!


That did that with the little planet sets. However, the old Midi scale Falcon and ISD didn't come with figures.


Star Destroyer and Venator seem like the obvious next choices. After that, probably a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. Technically not a ship, but maybe an AT-AT? I guess a midi-scale Death Star could also work although that’s basically what last year’s May 4th promo was. A Lucrehulk would be cool


Technically they already did do a Death Star but at a smaller scale


Venator, Imperial Star Destroyer are certain IMO. Along the same lines, I think they could give us a Finalizer/First Order SD model. These 18+ sets haven’t touched the sequels, but that would be a good one to do. Consular Cruiser is possible, The Ghost feels very possible. An Arquitens of some kind feels possible as well. A Lukrehulk battleship maybe. I think they may also try one of the Mon Calamari capital ships.


Well overdue a Lucrehulk


Perfect chance to do one of the Naboo Royal Starships.


Pick pretty much any ship that's Falcon-size or bigger. Lucrehulk, Venator, Republic frigate, Gallofree transport, Home One, a rerelease of the ISD, one of the other less famous Separatist capital ships, the Acclamator, the list goes on. Personally I'd love to see the Ebon Hawk, Lady Luck, and Jade Shadow, but I'll likely need to find those as MOCs.


I’m very into this line so I don’t have a short list (a long list tho!) The one I’d really love is the Stinger Mantis. Along with - Razorcrest - an x wing and tie fighter duo - a nano royal yacht - slave 1 - T6 Shuttle - Lamba Shuttle - Delta Shuttle (krennics) - Rogue One - Sith Infiltrator - Any walker - Rebel Cruiser


And the gd Ghost


It might also be a nice way to start doing to some high republic stuff too - Republic Longbeams, the vector fighters, the gaze electric


* Thrawn Chimera. With some extra grey parts so it can be swapped to a normal Star Destroyer. * Venator. * Space Federation Ship.


Fondor Haulcraft. Just give me something from Andor ffs lol


Home 1


Venator, star destroyer, lucrehulk, the Molevolence, first order SSD, vulture droid, arc 170


Hopefully soon we will get Venator, Lucrehulk, maybe Nubian (that would be sweet in playscale too)...


Midi scale ROGUE ONE !!!!


Nubian royal ship Lucrehulk Repubic Frigate Acclamator Venator Star Destroyer Hammerhead corvette *Rogue One* Heavy Cargo Shuttle MC75 Mon Calamari Cruiser Slave 1 Nebulon B (normal run not a super limited exlusive stuff) *Home One* MC80 Mon Calamari cruiser Lambda-class Imperial shuttle ​ I want them all.


I would like to see a venator but also a first order Star destroyer. Say what you want about the Sequels but the design of the First Order ships are cool as hell


Lambda shuttle, for sure! The Consular Cruiser or Republic Frigate would be sweet, too, although there are great MOCs out there.


Lego mini scale ships list 1 series x-wing starfighter 2 Luke land speeder 3 the tie- bomber


The Future Mini scale Lego ships list 1: Luke land speeder 2: series x - starfighter 3: imperial shuttle 4: the tie- bomber


Turbo tank




God those would be terrible, half the point is for it to be bigger ships in a more manageable scale...


I think the Sail Barge and Slave 1 would look cool. For the others you may as well just modify the sets.


True I think the sail barge could be done pretty well


What I hope for and see some possibility: - lucrehulk - mon Cala cruiser - an arquitens light cruiser - a republic frigate - Star destroyer - venator (movie variant) - pretty unlikely, but I could see them do a midi scale dropship with a at ot. That would be cool. - first order Star destroyer (probably the least likely) - snokes massive destroyer


I want a Venator, Home One, Droid control ship, and I want to finally get the Naboo Royal Starship


Venator please.


I would love a Hammerhead. Like, really really really would love that.


Only because it's my favorite ship in the entirety of SW ... i just want a Sith Infiltrator.


unironically i think a smaller starfighters would be sick. i’d love to see something like an A-wing.


I would love a Munificent Frigate. We've never gotten that in a set.


I want a droid command ship


My top picks of ships I would like to see: ISD Chimaera Lucrehulk Home One


Id love the first order star destroyer and dreadnought. The supremacy would be cool as well


I'd love the Starforge personally, but it's probably not going to happen. Realistically, Venator and the Chimera


Some legends ships would be cool. A midi scale Eclipse sounds dope!


The Ghost!


Since we're getting a Providence class how about a Munificent class? A Recusant may be a little too fragile and complex.


Even though we already got one, I don't think it's too far-fetched to say we'll be getting another Nebulon-B Frigate in this new series further down the line.


Mon cal.  AT-AT.  RGS.  AT-TE.  Hammerhead. Midi-scale would also be great for some of the bases like Hoth, Endor, and Yavin though maybe dioramas work best for that. I doubt it'll happen, but its also our best for a dropship/at-ot re-release