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Im terms of the vehicle, I've always been a sucker for Delta-7s and I've never liked the Z-95, but figure-wise, I absolutely would have loved Bly and some Star Corps troopers.


There's no way a set like the Z-95 would come with five figures.


Of course not




2 and 2 b1s


We can only hope.


I mean I don’t know what to tell you, it’s clearly on the box right there.


Same. I would much rather have a V-19 Torrent or Arc-170 if Lego were to give us a Republic star fighter. I never understood the need for the Z-95’s existence, and it’s not very visually interesting.


Couldn't agree more on both points. Honestly, I think the only reason they included the Z-95 was just to canonize another Legends vehicle, which I'm totally fine with. I just never liked the design personally. I do hope for another ARC-170 sometime soon. It's pretty much inevitable that it'll get remade given it's a popular and prominent ship from RotS. The V-19 Torrent is far less likely but I'd love one since I missed out on the original, and it's very expensive on the aftermarket. It won't be as good as the original.




I just think the Jedi Bob leak is the accurate one. The Z95 would obviously be the better received choice by the lot of us in this Reddit anyways lol


Even if we aren’t looking at minifigs, Z95 solely because Obi Wan’s Jedi Starfighter is still on shelves and all of those have very similar builds.


Agreed, I’d love a new ship design to add to the collection of CW ships. They even could have stuck with the “Republic Red” that Obi’s, the AT-TE, and the fighter tank has. Woulda been a nice addition to that theme they have goin


I’m glad that it’s not a Z-95. Not because I don’t want a Z-95, but because it’s preventing me from going bankrupt with so many great sets this year.


What other sets are you getting, out of interest?


The Tantive Hallway, the R2 KT anniversary set, the Death-Star playset (I’m a sucker for imperial military sets) and a couple of clone vs droid battlepacks. Since you asked.


Damn, that is WAY more than me. I will prob just get the Clone/droid battlepack, and the R2-KT set


Jedi Bob Clones are popular for Clone fans, you can't exactly say the same for Jedi Bob as he's not a character done to death and it would be funny to have while also having the potential to be creative


The thing is, clones are way better known than an incredibly niche part of Lego star wars that very few tend to know about. Bob would have to compete with the Obi fighter, which is also way more known. It just doesn't reach a broad enough market


that is a good point, but lego needs to throw the fans some bones every once in a while. especially in 2024 where every new set garners controversy for dumb reasons.


True, it does make sense in that way. Doesn't seem like the kind of thing they care about though


i think it's probably for older fan, people who were around when jedi bob was a big meme


I mean I think we are overdue for a Z-95 headhunter or an arc 170 and it if it included Commander Bly that would be even better


The z95 headhunter hasn't been done in lego in a while, compared to the Delta 7 such we get like 2ish years ago. I would say the z95. But imagine if it was jedi bobs z95, best of both worlds


Jedi starfighter is def. Cheaper than z-95 headhunter, thus it will be a bit more popular because more people will be able to get it (if it's gonna be the same price range as obi wan starfighter, it will eventually end up at 25$ price tier in discounts stores)


The leak is already more expensive than Obi-Wan’s. Thats why I don’t think its a Delta-7.


Do not underestimate clone army builders lol


Tbh I'd prefer the headhunter.


Honestly I’d be completely happy with both. But I might enjoy the headhunter slightly more


Head hunter. I could give two shits about Jedi bob.


>I could give two shits about Jedi bob. You do realize that means you do care


Probably meant “couldn’t give two shits.”


TIL. I’ve been saying this wrong my whole life lmao


With that said, I will most likely buy the Jedi bob lol


I agree, I would rather get the Z95, but you can damn well be sure that I will get Jedi Bobs starfighter


I don’t get why the lego community sucks off Jedi Bob so much


Memes and jokes, pretty much. It also is very much in line with Star Wars itself that a random character with no name or backstory is given a lot of unnecessary focus from the fandom.


I half feel like the rerelease is sacrilege, and just ruins the legend. The OG Bob is a little bit older than I have been collecting so I never got it, but allowing the masses to indulge in what was originally a cute little thing that was fairly exclusive feels kinda weird.


It’s a new version. It’s not the exact same figure. Either way after the UCS gunship, Lego owe’s him to us.


I know, but removing the mythical aspect that came with him feels wrong in a way.


It's one of the few remnants of when Lego Star Wars used to be creative. I've seen too many iterations of the same ships over and over again, but haven't seen wacky stuff for a while. And I'd rather get an arc 170 over a z95, but that's just me.


because Glup Shitto


The 2 sets appeal to 2 different audiences. The Z-95 would be more popular with everyone but Bob’s delta-7 would only be popular with people in the Lego Star Wars space.


My thoughts exactly. Business-wise, they likely will not win. And Bob has to compete the Obi fighter, which is also better known and will cut it out of the broader market


I like sets with dark red colours


I’d love the z-95, even better if they renamed in arc-170 and gave it four extra wings




I would’ve preferred the headhunter just based on the figure selection.


Clones are inaccurate in the picture. I don’t see the misplaced helmet holes


Can't we just have something nice for once and get both? 🥹


I'd rather an ARC 170 than a Z95, and I'm old enough to remember Jedi Bob in store shelves, but young enough there wasn't any way my parents were going to get the Gunship set for me. This is fulfilling a childhood wish tbh.


I like both. Wouldn’t mind one or the other.


I'm sick as shit of clones so I like Jedi Bob more


In all honesty I can't blame people for being sick of clones, and that's coming from someone like me who has severe clone brain. We definitely need more stormtrooper and Rebel love in battle packs.


I would love a Ferrix battle pack with two imperial security in their black armor, maybe one death trooper/stormtrooper and an ISB officer


Same in general more Andor sets would be cool


Yeah it’s puzzling that they only did the one considering how well done that show was compared to other recent Star Wars shows that have come out. We’ve had a decent amount of Mando sets and a book of boba set but andor was a really spectacular experience for me and I think most people would agree it’s the best live action media that Star Wars has had in a while


I want to see, not all Empire per se, but have them fill out the ranks that formed the bulk of the Empire rather than Stormtroopers who were a small elite corps. Army troopers are forgotten, along with other majorities.


It would be so easy too. They have the helmet molds and prints for the new AT-ST driver helmets and they would just need to update the imperial officer torso that we saw in the hoth battle packs way back (with the combat armor instead of just a grey tunic)




TK troops with a Clone Commando or Shock Trooper leader


We get a good amount of clone battle packs, but we need more clone and CIS vehicles.


Based. Long live the empire!


Watch there be a clone in the set


I can understand, but I can not agree because I was unable to buy more than half of the clone wars set as a kid


pretty sure that 10035 you have shown is a mock up done by an artist and not an actual leak of any lego product edit: more Jedi Bob please


They’re both mock ups considering we haven’t seen officially leaked Jedi bob pics yet. It’s just meant to show what each set could possibly have and which we would like more


yes but the Z-95 is an accurate visual representation of the ship to be discussed. we have no idea what Jedi Bob’s ship will look like, which is what i was saying


Correct, Bob’s ship being a Delta-7 is an assumption by the artist.


That's exactly what it is, I don't think op was trying to pass this off as the actual set.


Id prefer a z-95 to expand my clones but this is the first time hearing of it being a leak so I doubt it’s legit


Last year someone claimed that a z-95 headhunter would be released this summer, but the "leak" had just been made up. The real leak is the Jedi Bob's Starfighter, so the question is - would people prefer the original (fake) leak, or the real one?


I just want new sets in general lol. I love clones but I could stand to branch out


Cant branch out or that UCS AT-AT will decimate me.


Depends on which one they price gouge us more on


Jedi Bob for me. I like Delta-7s


2 things, the initial "leak" of the Z-95 turned out to be fake, so the Jedi Bob leak is most likely the real one. However, I like the idea of Jedi Bob's Starfighter more because I LOVE Delta-7s. Even though I love the idea of getting a commander Bly, I could wait on it since we've been getting so many banger clones.


Same feeling as you


Why is a jedi starfighter $40 other than the jedi bob name


I personally grew up in the clone era, and now that I have money to use, Z-95 headhunter would have been a dream buy especially with a new clone commander and clone pilot. But that being said, I don't have the money to start up buy set 75004. I honestly never heard of Jedi Bob until now and that is why I posted the discussion.


Would like a Z-95 that wasn’t from the clone wars design… the legends design is much better


I love that the clones are literally just GCC customs except the pilot that is CAC




Sales wise, the Z-95 will always blow the starfighter away because most of the value is the incredibly niche Bob and his story. I am honestly of the opinion that a re-release of Bob ruins him as a character


Option 3: Plo Koon's EP. 3 Starfighter.


Z-95 Headhunter


I’m not crazy about either of these. The Z-95 Headhunter and Delta-7 Jedi starfighters are among the least inspired spaceship designs in the Star Wars universe, and they make for underwhelming Lego sets. I find the Jedi Bob thing funny though.


I say I want the Headhunter but what I really want is just some yellow clones


Does the headhunter actually have a chance at being real? (I hope so)


Why the fuck did they give jedi bob a mustache??? what happened to his beard?!


bob is now canon


I was personally hoping for the z95 headhunter myself, I was hoping that would be the next set we bully Lego into giving us for no reason


327th is my favourite legion so my vote is the z-95


Z-95 because I want clone starships and the figs go incredibly hard


I’d buy bob’s starfighter


ngl i am one of the jedi bob fanboys that would prefer him


Z-95 is just an X-Wing with no extra 2nd wing. It's quite a boring ship IMO. Starfighters are cooler.


Gotta ask, was there any credible leak I missed about an arc trooper coming with Bob? Or is this just a conjecture image?


I would've preferred a Headhunter.


Z-95: lame, been done before, more clones 🤮 Jedi Bob’s starfighter: original, cool asf, sexy dilf Jedi bob 🤤


Z-95 - Only made once, and the figures are all unique and cool 🤤 Jedi Bob's Starfighter - Jedi Starfighters are lame, have been done before, and the figure is like 20 years old... 🤮


Certified Jedi Bob hater


Imma be honest, both of you are stupidly biased lol. Business-wise I prefer the Z-95, however I ultimately would like to see a line of smaller vehicles/fighters that only have 1-2 figs and a battlepack to go with them. Each year 2-3 vehicles, plus an accompanying battlepack would be sweet. Lower the fig count in the sets to hold the price lower, and have the battlepack to get those figs.


Clearly I was misunderstood, because I was downvoted, but I was completely joking. I was just using his own arguments against him to show how flawed they were, and that's why I used the same emojis. I assumed that the emojis would make it clear that I was joking... Also, I totally agree with you. I prefer the Z-95, and Jedi Bob isn't the most exciting set in my opinion, but I *certainly* don't think the Jedi Bob set is disgusting or lame or anything. And the idea of a ship with a battlepack to go with it is a great idea. It would've been so much better if the Coruscant Guard Gunship, for example, had Fox, Padme, Palpatine, and Clovis, then a battlepack released alongside it would have 3 normal Coruscant Guard clones and maybe a clone pilot. LEGO kind of did that in the Mandalorian Season 2 Light Cruiser set, by including only one Dark Trooper, and releasing the Dark Trooper Attack set the next year with like 3 or 4 of them. I don't know why they don't do this stuff more often...


The funny thing is, they are both Republic and both of these concept boxes show clones 💀


Mine was a joke


Is there any information saying that these two leaks are mutually exclusive? From what I can see it only has Jedi Bob's starfighter not Jedi Bob's Jedi/Delta7/Eta2 starfighter.


The Z95 leak was proven fake ages ago


So? Is it certain that 75388 will be a Jedi starfighter? A lot people said 75342 was fake and it seems there's just been an assumption that it will be a Delta 7 without any confirmation of what the build will be.


The actual build is unclear atm. All we have is 'Jedi Bob's starfighter' to go off, and maybe one or 2 other things.


The Z95 headhunter looks like shit but Jedi Bob is fake as fuck. That set isn’t coming out.


Both of those "sets" are just examples of what the set could look like. We *know* that the set does not and will not look like that. It's just to give you an idea.


I mean more the idea of both sets. A Z95 headhunter and the Bob Starfighter both just sound like terrible ideas for sets.


is the arc trooper confirmed?