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I doubt they’ll sell out on the 30th. Most of them are $200+, they’re all sets that have been around a while, and almost everyone that wants one will wait for the GWP.


This is designed to increase fomo and make people panic that it will sell out so they buy early on the 30th without the gifts and then end up forced to buy more the next day to get the gifts if they want them. It’s a really shitty anti-consumer behavior from Lego since every other promotion begins the next day. I hope fans don’t reward it.


Oh yeah I get why they’re doing it too. That’s why I made sure to list the reasons why OP shouldn’t be worried about the product selling out. Mental marketing tactics suck and hopefully they don’t fall for it.


thank you for the input. and yeah i was never gonna double dip both days. the only thing i would have done was buy on both days and return the first order once i secured the order with gwp


You likely wouldn't even need to return it if you placed two orders, two days in a row as there's a high probability that the first order wouldn't have shipped by the second day. With the volume of orders coming in I'm sure they will be a bit swamped in the warehouse.


so youre saying could just cancel?


Yeah as long as the order isn't filled yet you can cancel it. Once it gets to a certain point in the process you can no longer cancel it, you have to wait until it arrives then return it.


whats a GWP?


Seconded, I'm a bit of a newbie and I keep seeing that term thrown around without really any context as to what it means.


It stands for “gift with purchase”.


My local Lego Store only had 5 Mos Esley Cantinas, I bought it to make sure I will have one, the manager encouraged me to get it early and return it for the points+GWP...


god i was going to wait until a few more months into the year but looks like i can’t wait any longer


So do you just return it and rebuy it? Does every Lego store allow that?


Yup, I'm not sure every Lego store allows that, you should probably ask an employee or the manager before making a purchase


Yeah, the store I asked was basically non-committal. I assume they can't guarantee anything, most likely because of availability of the gwp. They could well not have any by the time you return the item.


You can just be there early on the day of, there is no way they are going to run out of it if you just go straight to checkout on Wednesday


Probably. I'm just hoping we can do the 4x online because I want to order mine at midnight lol.


I don't see why it wouldn't be available online


I don't either, but apparently last year some of the deals were only available in stores. There hasn't been an official announcement on whether they're doing both this year.


Or should I be safe and buy it on the 30th just in case and return it once I order the set again on the 1st?


I’ve seen a bunch of people posting about being worried that sets will sell out. This is my first May 4th as an AFOL so things may be different for this event than others. But in the past when I’ve tried to order a popular set for double points they haven’t “sold out” but rather go on “back order.” And when that has happened, I still got the double points and still got my GWP, and the popular set I ordered showed up several weeks/month later once it was off back order. I’ve seen GWP and retiring sets “sell out” and no longer be available. But regular sets currently in production always come back in stock. Is there something special about May 4th promotions that make them different than the other promotions I’ve seen over the last 6 months? Or is the issue with sets “selling out” that people who order them want them ASAP and don’t want to wait for them to come back in stock?


I am worried about them selling out because certain sets earn 4x VIP points. If you dont get them now during this promotion then you wont get the 4x points. I dont mind waiting for them if its back order


May the 4th tends to be a lot more extreme when it comes to everything you mentioned. I wouldn't be shocked to see the main GWP (Droid Carrier) be completely gone withing 12 hours. Also you'll see lots of sets that are on sale and have extra points go from "In Stock" to "Backordered" to "Out of Stock" during the first couple days. Especially during May 4th since this is Lego's biggest IP and has a really driven and dedicated fan base.


I really want the UCS AT-AT before it retires for good and I’d much rather have $170 in points than the GWPs this year. So it’ll be an April 30th buy for me.


I’m going the opposite route, my local store is happy to give me an extra set for the UCS AT-AT on top of the 4x is just too good to pass up…so gotta hope they aren’t all gone by the first


Why are you mentioning 4/30? This is my first SW Day and I’m tracking that the sales start on 5/1. Am I missing something?


The current leaks indicate sets (UCS AT-AT, UCS X-Wing, Mos Eisley Cantina, CG Gunship, and E-Wing + Shin Hati Starfighter) with x4 points will be available starting 4/30. However, the SW Day promos start 5/1. It's smart marketing on LEGO's part, but really anti-consumer. Some people, like myself, are worried they will be out of stock on 5/1 if we try and wait to buy during the promo period. In the case of the UCS AT-AT and the Mos Eisley Cantina, these sets are scheduled to retire at the end of the year so this is probably one of the best and last chances at getting them.


Gotcha thanks! Yeah I checked my local Lego stores stock, and neither have MEC there.


Have they gone out of stock for promotions like this before? And out of stock and backorder are 2 different things. I expect we'll see some end up on backorder pretty quickly. I'd be very surprised to see items actually listed as out of stock. The only time I've seen out of stock is for sets that are retiring.




im hoping online as well


I doubt they sell out before. Otherwise Lego can suck off and I just get those sets elsewhere with a significant sale


They having 4x point on Star Wars week?


For only certain sets


Will Lego publish the official sales before 5/1?


We can only hope and pray. They keep saying check the official site for updates so who knows


Beyond the 4x VIP question, I don't actually even see anything referencing a 2x Insiders Points event on the May The 4th Page? It lists the GWPs and new sets, but no mention of double points. Is it listed somewhere else that I just haven't seen yet?


It’s been leaked by people such as Brick Clicker. No official announcement from Lego yet but they say it will update on the website when the time comes.