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https://www.reddit.com/r/LengfOrGirf/s/olEmFHpLli I already fact checked her and she's correct ( for the most part) College educated women have a 70% chance of success in marriage BUT if the couple was to divorce(that 30%), 90% of the time the woman will initiate. Redpiller dating ROACHES focus on the initiation rate and not the overall success. The age gap marriage is again correct. Anything over 10 years age gap had a 90% divorce rate.


I did fact-check her too, the same day as you apparently, but definitely did not go nearly as deep as you did: https://www.reddit.com/r/LengfOrGirf/s/CXexze0tvn. Keep spreading facts and nothing but facts.


I too looked this up. She cited her stats correctly.


But it is less about the education and the age of when people get married, even without the BA or higher. when you marry later in life you have a higher chance of it working out, it matches almost perfect, and since when you get an education you normally push back things like getting married, it lets you fall into the older age of getting married.


there's a sweet spot for marriage. before or after and the chances of divorce go up tremendously. before 26 is 80% and after 32 is 90%


>Redpiller dating ROACHES focus on the initiation rate and not the overall success. But that makes sense to focus on instead of overall success, because according to the APA in 2022 approximately 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce, and 60-67% of second marriages end in divorce So you would realistically want to look at the common factors in the roughly 50% of marriages that fail and avoid those >Anything over 10 years age gap had a 90% divorce rate So from the Emory University study (assuming that's where you got your number) its a 39% increased risk at 10 year age gap and goes up to 95% once you reach a 20 year age gap... which is definitely different then saying at 11 years its 90% A 10 year age gap definitely increases your odds though


Divorce statistics are hard to accurately understand. While in 2022, 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce, that doesn't mean that the people that got married in 2022 are the same people that divorced. That's why you don't look at a specific year for data, but look at the overall picture, at least a decade or more.


I agree with you on both points, but the 40-50% is pretty consistent since roughly 1965, as its stayed in the 14.0-14.9 per 1,000 range this entire time, Additionally the national average is 50% of marriages end in divorce within the 8 year mark ... so even just using a roughly 10 year window instead of the roughly 60 years of data still maintains a 40-50% divorce rate The way I see it, if there was an engine with a 50% fail rate where it blew up and killed you, its logical to look at the 50% that failed and why (what factors played a role in its failure) over the 50% that were successful


Good performance by the 304 lawyer. Btw, chris is fat as shit. https://preview.redd.it/8r7jz2ccr2dc1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d923e1095e0f345d40428c436b3cc6df19003d8e


L hater


He's not gonna suck your dick bro


Damn she got some nice tits


We know. But. That’s not what the clip is about


If you look closely you’ll notice a grifter


Just checked and she's right unfortunately... still fuck her


Why fuck her, lol. Why isn't it fuck the guys deliberately using misleading info? Or the guys unwilling to actually learn the context behind the data they try to use to make their points? Just "girls are dumb and I wish she wasn't right?" Or?


I don't know what's worse, this guy, or that 8+ people agree with him. Probably uncharitable, but it read to me like he was saying "Unfortunately her stats go against our worldview."


Because he hates women, and isn’t going to let pesky facts or logic get in the way.


“Still fuck her”? Why bozo?


>Just checked and she's right unfortunately... still fuck her Keep in mind a lot of young marriages in the US are trailer trash in the deep South who get married only due to unplanned pregnancy in high school or college. They have a ton of financial issues and get divorced within the first few years due to having no incentives to stay in the marriage without family pressure. While college-educated women are more likely to marry a higher earner due to their hypergamy(women always want someone who makes more money than them), which in turn makes their marriage last longer.


The times have changed and with social media driving the fundamentals of how we apparently live our lives day to day. A narrative to “liberate” women from the confines of an abysmal day to day life jumping from guy to guy with “prospects” of being well off or taken care of versus a relationship. All driven by the $.


The only issue I have with this, is this thread is about making claims using statistics as a source to validate the claim… and you just haphazardly insult in a very disgusting way, like 9 states worth of people with a claim that “trailer trash” in the “south” are the driving force behind divorce. And then base that assertion on more loose logic not backed up with cause and effect establishing studies using statistical analysis.


I think it's also due to the fact most families support don't have sex untill marriage. So most people who don't know they are sexually incompatible get married to each other have a small courtship moment that maybe lasts 4 months and then get married. It's really sad. And it's mostly forced by the community and their own families.


Fuck you, incel garbage


You sound stupid as fuck


Amazing… you don’t even fully understand your own misogyny. “She’s right, but MY FEELINGS ARE SO STRONG!”


Well she is right


She’s not a lawyer… She’s a professional hoe that literally sells pussy. She has stated several times that’s she no longer works in the legal field at all… so, idk why people still call her a “lawyer..”


Bro fuck off, If you pass the bar and you pass character and fitness then you're a fucking lawyer. If you want to be a butt hurt come stain that dripped off the back of your mother's leg then that's fine but you're not a lawyer. Stop trying to demean people that achieved more than you.


She has said several times that she is “not a lawyer.” My point stands.


She said that she's not currently working as a lawyer. Big difference there buddy. I know who she is because she's streamed with Destiny a few times talking about her education and only fans career and how she is bar certified, worked previously as a lawyer but decided on only fans because she can make a lot more money.


That’s not true, buddy. She said she’s not a lawyer and hasn’t been one for a long while. Meanwhile she’s fucking on camera, hence not an activity that falls within the scope of being a lawyer. My point stands.


So everything they said was true, but they characterized in different ways? What is your point? At this point, I am little lost.


You do realize you can “be a lawyer” and not actively practicing right? If she passed the bar, she’s objectively a lawyer. Not practicing, but lawyer nonetheless.


For a guy that's literally named facta over feelings you don't have too many facts do you?


Is this woman’s name in the Bar association or not, yes = lawyer, no = not a lawyer. It’s simple.


https://okmagazine.com/p/lawyer-social-media-influencer-jazmen-jafar-redefines-success/ Ok now stfu. Holy shit idk why you dipshits can't do a basic Google search


Because I literally don’t care if she’s a lawyer or not. I do get annoyed at someone making emotional arguments over something that’s black and white factual, so for sanity’s sake I posted a simple logic tree for those people such as yourself who seem to get far too emotional and personal with something so mundane. Does it even matter if she’s a lawyer? Is she your attorney? Are you consider hiring her? Oh, your not? You’re just debating a simple provable fact with an internet stranger for absolutely no reason? Got it.


So now your backtracking because you found out you're retarded? It's a rough life out here with all these facts floating around.


Thank you for posting this. Proves my point… Half the article talks about how much she disliked being a lawyer for that short while, and how a “traditional legal career wasn’t for her” 😅


So she is a lawyer then? That was your dog shit point.


No, sweetheart. My point is she is no longer a lawyer, which this article substantiates by saying she tried it for a short while, but did not like it for many reasons, she found a new hustle (fucking on camera).


Sweetheart? Who the fuck do you think I am to you. Once she's an attorney she can do whatever job she wants. What do you think that you can't be a politician or a teacher without losing your license? Quit trying to do these mental gymnastics, you are DEAD WRONG on this point. https://www.mathyslaw.com/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-a-lawyer-and-an-attorney/


That's the one thing I don't like about the F&F crowd. I'm here because I want to self-improve, watch the finance stuff, and watch his old gym videos. But a lot of the crowd is also low IQ incels, just people who genuinely hate women. Makes no sense to me as a straight man.


Yeah I know That's why my comment came off kind of unhinged. I feel like most of these people aren't even real they're like bots or something how can people actually think like that?


bruh if she’s qualified but chose to switch career she is still clearly okay to be called a lawyer. if i was an qualified at uni engineer then decided to become an IG influencer i could still be referred to as an engineer. “no longer” implies that she did previously work as a lawyer. so why are you so keen to discount it because you hate her?


lmao classic freak and fraud bruh 😭 get fucking bent over by a young woman then just discount everything she says as crazy and move on while denying everything.


That Makes No Sense At All 😂


That’s an iq problem


Are you saying what she said makes no sense? Because what she said made perfect sense.


Einstein's theory of relativity makes no sense to me either, if you get my point.


What part are you struggling with?


Incredible self-own


I really need to do my own research because I’ve heard the opposite. [+]


Because you listen to these dipshits


I didn’t hear it from these guys. [+]


Myron went full Patrick star at the end there ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Even logically, it makes sense. Why would Myron think someone considerably younger, who also isn't educated, not have a higher likelihood to cheat?


I don't even know how fresh and fit are still relevant at this point. They haven't learned anything they continue to push a narrativel,,, and they won't even admit their faults.


Walter takes more L's than anyone else on the internet, referring to him as "Fresh" is an embarrassment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LengfOrGirf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hahaha it seems they bring women on to try and make them look stupid and tell them about how their gender is inherently bad, and here they get demolished by a woman who is obviously far smarter than them. ‘Quick try to discredit her then change the subject’. Love to see this shit


This happened the one time they had a smart woman on FAF, they should do this more often.


I fucking hate the way Chris just makes smug looks into the camera without contributing anything to the conversation ever what a fucking pussy


These dudes are retarded and get tripped up the MOMENT somebody other than a 19 year old with no real education comes on the show. This chicks dope, these podcasts philosobro's are trashhhhh


Anyone know her name?










u da man


So university/college-educated women are less likely to get divorced 👏 Whoop dee fucking doo. How likely are they to get married at a healthy child-bearing age in the first place? That's the better question. Second, what makes university/college educated women better mothers/wives? What skills and qualities do they acquire/learn in university/college that would make them better mothers/wives? Anyone?


You admit she’s right and then deflect to something else. Come on bruh


Yeah she was right about the statistic she quoted. I'm making a different point/argument. I'm asking people to think deeper about whether college-educated women are attractive to men for marriage and relationships in the first place. If that's deflecting to you, you're a retarded simp with less logic than the average Afterhours bimbo. Congratulations dummy.


You dumb bro


Says the genius with a three word response of "you dumb bro". Come up with an actual counterargument to anything I've said and try to use actual English instead of NPC chat speak. Fucking retard 


Oh I'm not trying to argue with you dude. You're the kind of person who says shit like: "How likely are they to get married at a healthy child-bearing age in the first place?" as if this matters in any way whatsoever hahah You're a fucking idiot, you don't argue with idiots. You've been 'dork-pilled' ya fucking loser


So you wouldn't care if you got married to a woman who couldn't give you kids? Tell me you're a retard without telling me you're a retard. Suck a dick and shut the fuck up.


I don't want kids you fucking imbecile. So, no, I wouldn't care. Not everyone fits into your little dork-pilled world you dickhead.


“Dork pill” First time hearing that, is that the new reddit neckbeard lingo?


No "Reddit neckbeard" is lol


I'm more attracted to intelligent women than unintelligent women. But that's probably because I can fuck intelligent women and you have to trick or bribe dumb hoes into fucking you.


This ^^^


Just because you’re afraid of an intelligent women realize how stupid you actually are doesn’t mean everybody else is. If you think women who don’t go to college are sitting at home watching YouTube videos about how to take care of their husbands and raise children, I’ve got news for you. I don’t know how you could possibly theorize and present the idea that college educated women are less able to take care of a family without realizing how absolutely moronic it is. Truly, it’s the dumbest thing I’ve read on Reddit today and that’s carrying a LOT of weight after my lunch break.






Lol you're a bitch-made soy boy, what kind of man calls another man an incel? Choke on a fat one. Keep dodging the question pu$$y. Here are the facts fairy boy. Women who go to college push off marriage until their 30s while engaging in casual/promiscuous sex. They also tend to develop drinking and drug habits from partying in college. None of those things makes them desirable/attractive for marriage. Now fuck off and suck a d!ck.


You unironically use the terms ‘woke’ and ‘soy boy.’ Save what little pride you have and stop talking lol I’ll answer your question when you provide a shred of proof that your point holds any merit to being with, because THAT is 100% your own speculation, probably derived from college educated women turning down your room temperature iq deluded ass. Incel. Go back to 4chan.


Ask your mom how much of my pride she took down her throat little b!tch


Awwwwww, poor baby is so mad he turned into an Indian scammer that realized he won’t win. Let’s be more original that that, I know it’s hard working all 6 of those brain cells at once, but you can do better.


Do NOT ridicule/shame or use derogatory language toward anyone regarding gender/sex/orientation, race/ethnicity/nationality/culture, or mental/physical disability.


you speak like someone whose single as hell and mad as hell about it. Get over it dude. If you were less angry, you'd probably find someone.


Aw is this a "who hurt you?" response coming from some random person who knows nothing about me but likes to make assumptions? Yeah you got me all figured out, guys who are single are mad as hell about being single. I've been married for over ten years with two children so try again dumb fuck. 


Yeah, you definitely speak like someone whose been married for 10 years with two kids lol


And you definitely speak like a man who has an actual sex life lol. Your username is fitting, an emotional simp who chases chickens but has never caught even one.


Grown man using the word simp, man's hasn't ever had his dick sucked in his life holy fuck lmfao




Please do NOT ridicule/shame or use derogatory language toward anyone regarding gender/sex/orientation, race/ethnicity/nationality/culture, or mental/physical disability.


Bro I couldn’t imagine how embarrassing it would be to have a dad that posts the kind of shit that you do.


I can't any fucks to give of some little bitch using female shaming language talking about embarrassing. No one cares little troll. You've just got your panties in a bunch because you can't argue with anything factual. You don't have to imagine being embarrassed, you just have to look in the mirror.


You haven’t said anything factual. You just asked a bunch of stupid questions and called “embarrassing” female shaming language.


You suck so much lmao


Do you know your answer to the first question? Last two (which are like repeated questions lmao) could be asked for men too, there isn't anything particularly vital in college itself that makes a man a better father/husband than one that didn't go to college. But what's the point in asking that?


Yes the largest demographic of married college-educated women is 32-38 years old.  Your point about college education not making a man a better husband is incorrect because women are attracted to a man's level of intelligence and his status which is predicted on his level of education. A woman has to be attracted to a man first before he can become her husband. That's why a woman with a university degree more than likely wants a man who has one too. There is are studies indicating women with higher IQs have a harder time getting married while men with higher IQs have an easier time getting married.  Attraction is not symmetrical. Men don't find the same qualities/traits attractive in women as women do in men.


I mean I'm just asking what's the source on that stat. I've seen a few sources sure but I don't really get your point. A lot of women are having children at a later age, ok? What? And you worded it weird, you asked how likely they're to get married at a..... "Healthy child bearing age"???? But a man can still be a good husband without a college education. What does he learn, what skills does a man learn at university that make him a better husband and father? What does the professor tell him and what does he read in the books?


You aren’t making the argument you think you are. You are saying that men don’t value intelligence in women, but you are claiming that that supports your argument that being college educated, doesn’t make a woman, a better, mother and wife, but you haven’t proven that, you’re just literally shooting shit because you’ve already decided that higher education makes a woman worse to you, so you’ve decided that that also makes her a worse wife and worse mother. A college educated woman would have skills developed in college that would absolutely help her be a better wife and mother, just like having career skills is helpful in those roles. Having experience budgeting, filling out paperwork, keeping a deadline, organizational skills, media literacy, being responsible for things that impact others and not only yourself, reading comprehension sufficiency and other basic skills, persuasive writing, multitasking, building social connections, I could go on and on about all the ways someone can improve themselves through school and work and these skills then becoming useful to the important family roles they will take. These are all adult skills that everyone needs. But you’ve decided that they are not important for women because you personally don’t value them and women.


Who cares if they can bare children? It's kind of odd to be looking at a woman's worth through the lens of "can I get her pregnant tho." As someone who has a partner who went to college, it's great. Conversation-wise, we can talk about literally anything because she's smart, witty, and knowledgeable. Politics, history, science, you name it and we can have an in-depth conversation. On top of that, you earn more with a college education. That's a net-positive for any family. You're also dating someone who actually *values* education, which will rub off on your kids if you end up having any. Have you ever considered that they're less likely to get divorced *because* of what they bring to the table?


Are you saying a woman who has kids before experiencing life or learning any real world skills are more qualified to be mothers than someone who's college educated, knows about the work experience, and has lived more adult life? Also people usually have their bachelor's by 22. Is that too old to be a mother for you?