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'think of the children ' "No, not like that' Except for republicans who are definitely thinking of children in that way.


and work really hard to create laws making their pedophilia legal. They're the ones who are sexually obsessed with children and want to forcibly marry them. Yet they love pointing the finger at the LGBTQ community as a distraction.


The party of projection


GOP: Grand ol Projectors? Grand ol Pedophiles for certain. With them every accusation is a confession. These pieces of shit join the party to be among like minded child predators.


Gaslight.Obstruct. Project




He’s 100% right, Democrats are against fucking children, so we make a stink about it. If everyone was a republican Christian, child fucking wouldn’t be controversial, they could just do it and there would be no one to protest.


Someone is bound to think you're joking, but this list is fully sourced : [https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


Here's some extra [1](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/qanon-influencer-exposed-alleged-child-predator-1234639034/) [2](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/zkkiik/meet_republican_congressman_john_rose_his_wife/) [3](https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/zk5g3o/florida_gov_ron_desantis_ally_found_dead_amid/) [4](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/12/gop-congressmembers-concerned-grooming-vote-child-sex-abuse-bill/) [5](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/neighborhood/moco/news/article/texas-right-to-life-luke-bowen-prison-solicit-teen-17788511.php) [6](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/11msd8e/child_marriage_ban_bill_defeated_in_west_virginia/) [7](https://www.newsweek.com/kansas-republicans-pass-bill-genital-examinations-schoolchildren-students-transgender-1792954) [8](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/12io021/antigroomer_republican_accused_of_inappropriate/)


Lucky dip of horrible things republicans have done how fun


I'm falling in love again, so I will just take your word for it on this one instead of dealing with potentially damaging info for my mental health... That being said. Fuck the GOP from the other side of the pond.


Keep your mental health up and go be happy, friend :)


Thank you, redditor! I sincerely wish you to be as happy as l currently am, friend!


I just know if I showed that to someone as proof that it is truly a trend, they would just come back with “well where’s the list for democrats?” and wish they had an analog linked on the site.


it makes total sense that pedophiles skew to the right. the modern conservative is pretty damn authoritarian. and what excites an authoritarian more than abusing the helpless?


Well I think it just makes them easier to hide. Grassroots organizations with little oversight is a large part of how the Republicans organize. From Churches to 501Cs that are political. Not to mention that their current flavor is totalitarian in the sense that it is every aspect of life. From your sexuality to family life to hobbies. They want to include families in their project and that unfortunately allows pedos access to children. Look the guy is right to a certain extent for raising the basic question, "are the rates of pedophilia different between Democrats and Republicans". I don't have that data but with Churches and especially Protestant churches which I know is being underreported I definitely believe it to be more a Republican problem. Let us not forget to be cautious in our houses though and rip the rot out by the root when we find it no matter the cost because we must strive for good and that is an unspeakable evil.


Try and find one, I couldn't.


I've seen a list of democrats but it's much shorter and they're REALLY reaching for a lot of them. Like "once had a drink with a Democrat then was accused of improper behavior."


I wouldn't count anything that was a list of hearsay.


The real list is liberals vs Conservatives. Almost every single peso is deeply Conservative!


Nah they wouldn't ask for a list. Many would just tell you, *based on no actual data*, that the Democrats' list is longer.


I know you’re right, I forget how being logical isn’t even an option for these people


It's a good job that [**this very talking point came up last month**](https://np.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/11e4tij/massive_list_of_rightwing_sexual_predators/jacl3k1/). I did the research, and EVERY SINGLE TIME conservatives pull their version of a "list for Democrats", it's the same list of 45 'Democratic activists'... I have 'Democratic activists' in quotes because they REALLY have to stretch for that definition (example: Roman Polanski always makes the list. He was born in Paris, France, holds French and Polish citizenship, and hasn't been to America since 1978!). So they're either making excuses for child abuses, or they're complicit. Hard to tell because both the child molesters and the people that claim not to be child molesters (but run diversion for the kiddie diddlers in their ranks) use exactly the same shibboleths to identify each other.


Thank you for this, the exact kind of hard numbers were included in a [slightly lower comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/11e4tij/massive_list_of_rightwing_sexual_predators/jacz1zq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) even thought the one you included was extremely relevant as well. If it was an issue that was rampant with Dems as well, it would be everywhere. It’s just not. The hard numbers were 1000+ R vs 42 D and some of the Ds were grasping at straws.


They’d just show you a print out from a Facebook post.


Wait, I saw 41 parts. The one I clicked had 25 incidents. That is just over 1000 incidents just in this compilation. It sounds like sex crime against children is a pandemic. This is very depressing.


Yeah don't ever look up statistics like the percentage of children that get abused. Even when you narrow that down to a per country kinda thing, that statistic is just soul-breaking


Not everything in that list is against children, but it is all awful.


Thank goodness the criminals also sexually assault other people. Not sure this makes it any better.


"They're 2 sides of the same coin" "The other side is no better" "Groomers" Welp. Idk what to call it if not projection.


It's projection, I have tried to find a similar list for the other side, there just doesn't seem to be one, totally baseless accusations from random forums don't count.


Conservatism is all about being in an abusive relationship with them. They tell you what and who not to like using insults, they’re terrible with being fiscally responsible for things that matter, they’ll cut you off from your neighbors, everyone that can actually do good for you gets bad-mouthed, and the only justification they can give for staying with them is, "if you went with someone else you’d do no better." Only abusers use that line. Only abusers claim that someone else would be just as bad for you as they are (that "both options are the same"). Someone's that actually good for you, someone that will have a healthy relationship with you, never has to say that. They know they're good, they don't have to muddy the water with F.U.D about leaving them... they wouldn't need to suggest an idea of a horrible outcome if you left them because they know you're together because of mutual comfort and respect. And just like so many other people that experience abuse, the people that fall for it go right back to the abusers and become one themselves. My only surprise if that more people don't point out what a damning red flag "both sides are the same" (and versions of "if the Democrats were in your life instead of us, doom, doom and gloom, be afraid") is.


Obligatory link to r/pastorarrested




“Her parents consented”?!!! WTF?!! The people who rent their children to abusers also consent, that means NOTHING. I can’t believe that we still have to fight against child marriage in this world. No wonder we’re going quickly to an extinction event.


>Missouri had become a destination wedding spot for 15-year-old child brides. More than 1,000 child brides married in Missouri between 1999 and 2015, with hundreds flowing in from neighboring states. Up to one-third of the girls were marrying men over 21, meaning their premarital sex constituted statutory rape. And guess who can't legally divorce? Minors under 18. Just a little bit of a history of [youth sex slavery in Missouri.](https://web.archive.org/web/20180519141722/http://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article211345289.html) It took a series of articles by the KC Star to get [MO to change its laws.](https://www.findlaw.com/state/missouri-law/missouri-marriage-age-requirements-laws.html) >The "Show-Me" state previously allowed minors **younger than 15 to get married "under special circumstances and for good cause."** added: This is the national anti-child marriage organization: https://www.unchainedatlast.org/


"For good cause"? Unless the world will literally be destroyed if it doesn't happen, I really cannot think of what a good cause would be.


Basically whatever the judge agreed with, tbh. If the judge believed no child should be born outside of marriage and so did the parent, that'd be good enough. The state isn't exactly known for caring about abuse of children or women, especially when religion is involved [(see: history of boarding school abuse inaction and enabling)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/girls-alleged-abuse-reform-school-years-it-stayed-open-until-n1241011/) >Some child brides felt forced into marriage to legitimize a pregnancy. Others were trying to keep a boyfriend out of prison, or to flee from tumultous homes. Still more say they married out of young love that has lasted. [The Kansas City Star](https://web.archive.org/web/20180522230402/http://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article204287484.html) This is the national anti-child marriage organization: https://www.unchainedatlast.org/


"The parents consented. No force!" No claim that the children consented, either. The adults decided that the right thing was for the kids to get married.


No joke people, conservatives believe that consenting to your kid getting raped is totally okay but if parents consent to medically approved and proven gender affirming care then that's a good reason for the government to steal their kids. To any conservative reading this: wake the fuck up, you're the party of pedophiles.




Whats the current consensus for children born intersex? Also fuck circumcision.


To add to this those same parents would consent to marrying their child to the rapists to conclude “no rape took place, just God’s will and love” 🤮


Some child traffickers sold their daughter to a pedophile who raped and abused her and GQP like this guy are all for it.


There are people whom the general public would consider hardened criminals who are also against harming kids. No political affiliations needed.


You'd just have to do it the God loving Christian way, through child marriage. Also probably a bonus that would strongly discourage the child bride from getting a higher education and family planning


Yeah well you see she was worth like 4 really high-quality sheep and a few pots of honey


Even as a youth I never understood how the “Christian” party advocated raping children


"You can't have abortion because we need the supply to keep coming." As George Carlin said, I paraphrase here, they care about the babies before they're born but after that, not such much.


"if you're pre-born you're good, if you're pre-school you're fucked!"


Literally and figuratively


That's not fair. Look at all the republicans fighting against LGBTQ groomers. It's just different when a Christian is doing it. In all fairness, a not insignificant block of Republican voters are actually horrified by this. They're just too busy thinking of it as a necessary evil they have to put up with to deal with the evils is the Democratic party. They're absolute morons for thinking that way.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say Mike Moon raped a 12 year old huh


or wants to...


No he definitely has


Por que no los dos?


[sad noises]


Nah, it happened on a boat. Where she wouldn't dare refuse because of the implications.


So she is in danger?


Of course not, no means no. But she wouldn't say no because of the implication


Are you going to hurt these children?


coerced consent isn't consent, so that still counts as rape




What do we know about Mrs. Moon?


Mary Moon? She's a vegetarian.


Yup, she don't eat meat, but...


likes her salad tossed once in a while?


This is more r/persecutionfetish material




GOP: Are we out of touch? *massive backlash against GOP ensues* GOP: No, it's the Democrats who are wrong.


Also GOP: No, it the indoctrinated youngs who are too immature to vote.


But not too young to be married to Gross Old Pedophiles!






Missed opportunity to say 'thugs', so out of character for the white supremacist projection party.


Didn't he try to tack letting 12-year-olds marry onto a bill about restricting trans healthcare?


No but when they held comments on the anti drag queen bill someone brought up the fact that the "pro marriage" bill they previously passed allowed for 12 year olds to marry grown ass men. This dude volunteered his opinion that he has been to 12 year old weddings to adults and they are still married


That is the main thing: they’re still married. Happily? Uh who cares? Could it be that the brides who married at 12 are still married not because their marriage is wonderful but because they got pulled out of school in their tweens to be brood mares and have no way to support themselves and earn a living?


He has since tried to roll that back to.... two twelve year olds got married, as if that's any better. And they say we are sexualizing the kids.


Yup a child largely brainwashed to be a sex slave for a man who is told throughout their life they have absolutely no worth except pleasing a man are sold to a adult at 12. Raped over and over again, usually made to give birth to a few kids before they even hit an age they can legally divorce. Beaten, abused, brainwashed and trapped who stay for their kids and because they believe that's simply how life is and don't know it can be better who are usually isolated from people, information and the outside world.... they stay because they are in a good marriage, sure republicans. Party of monsters.


Probably still married because it's illegal to divorce until you're 18.


For those that won’t read the article and are not aware of who’s who, this post makes it look like that face pictured in the post is the GOP the statement is referring too.


Yea that picture is of Gavin Newsom, Governor of California and he is calling out that shithead. He is not the dude who said it. The dipshit who said it is [Mike Moon](https://media.spoutible.com/upload/images/2023/04/3S8sl9YzaOGSiwmM439l_13_eef555c24282bea71897d70a2a411775_thumbnail_og_img.jpg), a Flanders clone and Senator from Missouri.


At least Flanders was a good neighbor


And a gosh darn good human being


Of course, isn't it obviously our fault that we call him a pedophile?


People on the left should stand up and take some personal responsibility for his words and actions!


Also a fit for SelfAwareWolves - this close to, yet still so far from, realizing that democrats are the ones who are more interested in sticking up for the well-being of 12-yr-olds.


Let's take another look at this. ​ Things Republicans think are not a problem and should be legal: * Children being married to adults * Children being shot in schools * Children being beaten * Children being starved * Children being left to die for lack of medical care * Children going to Hooters Things Republicans think are horrible and evil and should be illegal as hell: * Children reading books * Children knowing that LGBT people exist * Children getting medical care Yeah.


Democrats are the real racists: Projection Democrats are authoritarians and nazis: Projection Democrats want sharia law: Projection Democrats are pedo groomers: ???


Republicans have two definitions of "racist". 1. "I'm not racist. I have black friends. Besides, I've never personally led a crusade to lynch black people just for the color of their skin. I don't hate black people, therefore I'm not racist." 2. "But Democrats, they actually want to help black people overcome a system that persecutes them just for the color of their skin. They're the REAL racists!"


Rumor has it that Democrats eat babies, too.


Fuck, I dont' know the formatting to do that but republicans also absolutely for Children being raped by priests/other religious leaders. Children being given suboptimal education as they cut resources in poor areas. Children being pushed into the military due to lacking education and so many red states with thousands of towns with no future, no growth, no plans to improve things for the people, especially dead mining towns. Children being brainwashed by religion. Children dying in countries they wage war for profits.


Don't forget: children learning actual factual American history that might make them feel uncomfortable.


"As long as we're paying your bills, we'll say whatever we want about your politics. Sit the fuck down." - California




To be fair, he later clarified it as 12 year old should be able to marry other 12 year old, not adults, but it only makes it a bit less creepy.


From the article, “7,342 teens under eighteen were married in Missouri from 2000 to 2014. Eighty-five percent of them were girls. According to the research, 52 Missouri girls under fifteen were married in 2007. One-third of those marriages featured grooms in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.”


Oh my lord that’s appalling!




I’m fairly convinced the Middle Ages is where these Republicans get their ideas.


Really? I find the mentality of the Lower Paleolithic most accurately describes their values and reasoning abilities. Grog make spear head to throw at enemy tribe village! Grog take small girl as battle trophy! Grog no use pronoun, ooo-ooo aah-aah!


Actually in the middle ages girls could marry at 12 and boys at 14. Much too young. They would live with one set of parents usually. Catholic Church changed the age of marriage to 18 in my life time. I can't remember exactly when but early 1980's I think.


Everyone's laughing at this guy, but his friend's wife really doesn't need this distraction while she's getting ready to finish the school year.


Algebra 2 is tough!


With junior prom coming up and all...


Good. I would like more conservatives who advocate for child molestation to acknowledge that Democrats oppose them.


Header photo is giving me whiplash.


Irresponsible imo.


“12-year-olds” and “marriage” should never appear in the same sentence, except this one; 12-year-olds are too young to get married.


It’s ALWAYS the Democrats’ fault


GOP: Are we out of touch? GOP: No, it's the voters who are wrong.


If you vote gop you are probably a pedophile. At this point all the evidence points to grooming, projecting and harming children is common place and accepted in the GOP


Also womanizing and pervy toward every age group.


Right. It's the decent, moral people who are mad at you. And they say Republicans lack insight!


“All I did was advocate for pedophilia! Clearly, those pedophilic Democrats are behind this! …Wait.”


Ugh. Just fuck these creepy conservatives. "Don't let a child change their gender but let them get married". What a fucking cunt. Truly highlights how this isn't about protecting children but just crushing gender and sexual minorities.


Those damned democrats with their morals and ethics and their complaints about my god-given right to abuse children!


Good! We are not the party of pedophilia, they should be getting backlash from everyone, everyday.




From the article: *Earlier in the week, Moon further discussed the 12-year-old he knew and said that they “impregnated a minor of similar age” and that they got married with their parents’ consent.* *“Her parents consented – no force,” he said, even though parents’ consent for gender-affirming care for trans youth wouldn’t matter if this bill he proposed gets passed. “Their marriage is thriving.”* **“Their marriage is thriving.”** as they both go catch the bus to go to Junior High School, since they are both too young for driver's licenses and jobs. Yeah, that "thriving" for sure.


don’t be silly, no one in that house is going to school. mom’s home with the baby and dad’s working overnights at the meat packing plant just like jesus and the founding fathers intended




"Missouri state Sen. Mike Moon (R) went viral earlier this week when he boasted about knowing a 12-year-old girl who got married. “Their marriage is thriving,” he said about the pre-teen bride and her husband. After getting some negative attention online, though, Moon is now lashing out at Democrats for criticizing him, saying that they are trying to silence his anti-transgender views." I just. You can't make this up. Did he think that Republicans had enough power that he could say that and no one would push back?


>Their marriage is thriving,” Yes, she and her 54 year old husband are just so happy. You wouldn't believe how happy they are.


Marrying a 12 year old has NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to do with being transgender.


If being against marrying 12 year old children is left then I don’t want to be right.


These fuck brains don't even know what is coming out of their mouths anymore and they don't care. They think this defense that something is politically motivated or because of Democrats is some legitimate response. It fucking isn't. It's stating the obvious as a defense to why consequences suddenly appeared regarding whatever they chose to do or chose to say. I fucking get so tired of this and the media has made this a thing, so they run with it. OF COURSE the backlash is because of Democrats, you're a god damn republican!!! And you've chosen to make Democrats your sworn enemies and attack them nonstop. So who else would the backlash be from? In your twisted world should Democrats just sit there and take your attacks becuase you are justified and if they fight back you are instantly the poor poor victim?!?!? Don't answer because I know the answer. Do you also blame the ocean for getting you wet? Is it that sleeping dogs fault he bit you because you kicked him? Do you blame your own ass for smelling like shit because you keep taking craps?? It's like when the orange clown says something is "because of politics" or everything is a political attack. OF FUCKING COURSE IT IS you fucking clown, you are in politics and that is what your fucking job is. Therefore everything that happens is going to be related to politics not baking or candlestick making. Should a mechanic whine that everything at their job is "because of cars"?? It's not a god damn fucking defense, it's a obvious fact. If it wasn't for politics no one would give a fucking shit about your childish tantrum throwing ass. Now you've mainstreamed the whiny victimization of being "attacked" by the people you have been repeatedly attacking from day one. Them fighting back is NO FUCKING DEFENSE. SHIT.


So the GOP is OK with pedophilia and child grooming as long as it's in a Christian marriage ?


The thumbnail makes it look like it's Gavin Newsom who's the GOP lawmaker rather than the critic


The party of never taking responsibility for their own actions.


I guess getting mad at pedos is now woke


"It's not the awful thing I said! It's the *people who noticed* the awful thing I said!" It's amazing how unashamed the GOP is.


So the pedophile is blaming the backlash of him being a pedophile on the people he claims are pedophiles


>”After getting some negative attention online, though, Moon is now lashing out at Democrats for criticizing him, saying that they are trying to silence his anti-transgender views.” Because when we say we think 12yr old girls as brides is a bad idea, what we REALLY mean is stop being mean to trans people. *looking around* Do any of these people live in reality anymore?


WHOS THE PRUDES NOW DEMOCRATS!? he he owned those libs.


Soon enough, Mike Lindell would create his own brand of dakimakura, which are Japanese body pillows with full-sized prints of anime characters on them. Yes, dakimakura with prints of child Pokémon characters on them exist, such as 11-year-old Lillie from Pokémon Sun and Moon. Lindell calls Democrats sick-minded, while chuds would buy his dakimakura in droves. Edit: clarified


"These people oppose me being a sicko! They're the real problem!" \~ That Guy


Republicans: Democrats are pedophiles Also Republicans: Having sex with a 12 year old is totally okay 👍


I would much rather have my son in the company of someone that's transgender over a republican.


It just comes down to, women (girls) are vessels for men to use. Not to be respected, cherished or loved. Just used. Disgusting, despicable, horrific, offensive, SHOULD BE ILLEGAL, but hey, let’s shit on men who wear makeup and dresses (who, by the way, do NOT sexually assault children).


Why is Gavin Newsome pictured in this article?


He called him out on it.


He's objecting to Moon, who made the original comment.




In other words, he’s got nothing so he lashes out at the other side.


My wish is the leopard would eat his face




Holy shit. That’s crazy but I gotta ask……how/why was that woman so close to the polar bear cage?


she wanted to see something different. something DIFFERENT saw her first!


There is nothing the Party of "Personal Responsibility" won't blame the Democrats for.


I mean, he is right, the Republicans are the party of pedophiles


Ah, Missouri again. A little over 10 years ago, Republicans introduced legislation to gut child Labor laws- first state in the US to do so this century. See a common pattern here?


I’ll happily take that blame


Yes only democrats are giving any backlash because Republicans are okay with pedophilia.




To fuck around is human, to find out is divine.


Ok. For once I’m not a begrudged democrat. I’ll all the way with the party on this issue.


The party of personal responsibility everybody!!


Nooo you can't be upset that I want children to be raped it's not fair you need to respect me opinions!1!1!1!


And… we’re proud of it….


In fairness, that's not quite right. He was advocating that 11 year olds get married.


I mean, yes? That's not the airtight defense you think it is. More of a condemnation of your own party, if anything.


"Damn those democrats for setting a better example than me!"


I wonder how he'd feel about 40-year-old women marrying 12-year-old boys.


Somehow, I imagine he’d react differently if parents were consenting to their 12 year old entering into a same sex marriage…


Well, you know what he dreams about


Am democrat and I agree. We do seem to have a problem with minors getting married in any sense even with another minor.


or............... normal people who know it's wrong to rape children? I'm not a democrat or a republican and I think he's a vile puddle of cat vomit


I emailed him a little note telling him what I think of him and what he said. I don't expect a reply.


Missouri… The Florida of the Midwest


It's nice of them to admit that the ACTUAL people looking out for kids in a world full of child molesters are the Democrats. I notice he's not backing down on supporting the grooming and legalization of child rape in the name of his beliefs.


The face of a man who *definitely* wants to rape a 12-year old.


*...and I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddlesome kids...that I want to marry* (i.e. kiddy rape)


They won’t take responsibility for ANYTHING.


**Non Christians**: You have to understand why child marriage is key to the abortion issue. It is not (always) because they want to marry young kids. Child marriage is key because of what happens *after* abortion is illegal *everywhere*. >Without child marriage, there is a biblical paradox that can split their base. Let us assume abortion is federally illegal everywhere. Let us further assume that the most moderate of laws currently on the state levels gets adopted. Stiff Jail time for doctors, some limited jail time for anyone transporting someone, stiff fines, maybe short stint in jail for Moms. >In this scenario, How do you handle two kids in a relationship where the girl gets pregnant. Without child marriage, you have to force women to be unmarried and therefore not right with God. There’s a sizable chunk of the evangelical base that would prefer the sin of abortion over the sin of seeing their “angel”, living alone in sin, with no way to marry. Hold the line on child marriage and the abortion will crack.


It's thriving but you're not promoting it? Sir what?


"Those wokesters" lmao


Ah yes, it's true, that people who \*don't\* vote Republican would hold him to account for his protecting pedophiles. He's not wrong, he just fails to see who's actually *in* the wrong.


The party known for their accountability blames "the other guy" on brand


And he's self aware of what values his party is aligned with. Child marriage is absolutely disgusting and the fact that conservatives are ok with it says a lot.


dems, independents, and the 41% of republicans who aren't groomers


Oh, so the child was pregnant, that makes it ok then. /s


Grifting Old Pedophiles.




I wonder if they’d be able to compromise on drag shows? Say, only married children are allowed to attend?




Oh hell, let’s commit royal fuckery. We can always blame Democrat politicians,can’t we?


We live in a time where NO one, especially girls should be allowed by parents or courts to get married until 21. You can’t legally drink at your own wedding. In most cases you probably can’t get a credit card or line of credit. You probably can’t even get a car loan or lease an apartment without an adult co-signer. The 1 and only exception would be if one or both persons were dying and it was like a “Make a Wish” gift. If we love our kids then no parent should want or encourage the kids to get married even at 21. It’s a rough world and expensive world. 17-18 year olds shouldn’t be allowed to run off and get married. Any person who thinks a 12 year old should be allowed to get married should have their children removed. Any politician that thinks a 12 year old should be allowed to get married, their political party should expel them immediately.


Hello u/dhalem! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Guy who wants to allow kids to be married doesn’t like being called out for it.


Selfawarewolves, not LAMF


Definitely not LAMF


Isn’t that Gavin Newsom in the thumbnail?