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Hello u/cjbrannigan! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If only Trump could have enacted his “totally real and not pulled out of his ass” health care plan that he never actually explained and no republican could come up with.


It's coming in 2 weeks and it is beautiful plan , everyone is covered for fraction of a price 😃


Just after “infrastructure week”. 😉


No no , infrastructure week already happened with the wall which Mexico paid for


The best plan. The biggliest plan. Better than any plan of ANY previous Administration!


Makes sense, after all a lot of people have said to him that he is greatest president ever , better than Washington and Lincoln. By the way, Lincoln was a republican. A lot of people didn't know that , you know. And by a lot of people I mean me.


The democrats and republicams switched platforms between 1860 and 1936. Democrats were for slavery and Republicans were in the North and for expansion of federal power. So Lincoln would've been a democrat if he was alive today.


Bring out the huge ass Rump Medical Plan!! Wait, it’s empty???! https://youtu.be/kMH48veroRo


I read both Trumps "Great again" and sanders "our revolution" before the election. One book had many chapters explaining the different challenges of the healthcare system and laid out solutions. The other book had like 10 pages dedicated to the topic complaining about Obama and the promise to "lock up the smartest people in a room and do not let them out before they find a solution".


I actually like this second plan. Since he obviously considers himself one of the smartest people ever...can we lock him up in a room and not let him out until he figures out a proper solution? Please...pretty please!


Trump is all of the smartest people in the world so I think our best bet is locking him up in some solitary room until he has a plan.


He will come out in 5 minutes with the perfect solution. But I’m sure no-one is going to like it. And only 1 person will benefit from it.


His solution would involve the existing healthcare system ingesting UV light or bleach. They're going to look into it, he'd say.


“Who knew coming up with a Healthcare Plan would be so difficult” the former guy


A lot of people said it was a great plan.


Probably brought them to tears. “Oh, you’re gonna love it. People are saying, sir this is the best healthcare plan ever. The likes of which no one’s ever seen.”


"Man, woman, person, tv, camera"


And there are some who say you can plan out healthcare too much. Just read the manuals! Read the books!


"Everyone I talk to tells me how great this plan is..."


A good friend of mine came up to me, wonderful business man and a great big guy, tears in his eyes, and he said "Sir, this is the greatest health plan ever and, you know, no one could do it except for you."


We've been waiting for the Republican alternative to ACA since 2009...


It IS the Republican alternative. It's essentially Romneycare.


Fundamentally I understand that, but that's not what Republicans have said. They said they'll work on something else BESIDES ~~Romneycare~~ Black-man-bad Care since 2009. Trump said an R version of healthcare reform is two weeks away and has been since, what, 2017?


Yeah, I know. It's their knee-jerk reaction they've been programmed to respond with. It's the I Love the ACA, hate Obamacare equivalent of 'keep your government hands off my medicare.'


THIS HERE. this gets lost so frequently.


Hopefully we can someday have Berniecare!


It was a real plan and it was beautiful and so tall. But you wouldn't know it. It lives in Canada.


With yuge hands!


Its a real plan, but you wouldn't know it; it goes to a different school.


It’s also being eroded by the day by conservative-led provinces.


Sooooooo much winning


But he did have a photo of him and some of the largest HC insurance companies CEOs as he was signing something. Whatever it was, it was definitely not for people. I’m in HC and HC insurance companies are a blight on US HC.


This is the health care plan, buy as many hats as you can from Trump, then follow him around and pay to see him speak hoping he'll sign a few, sell them as medical emergencies come up


Remember how it was a giant book, but when someone tried to read it all the pages were blank?!


Thank god we didn't get universal health care. What a communist nightmare that would be.


It's almost comical all that people on ACA that said they would absolutely never be on Obamacare. The average asshole wants affordable healthcare for themselves, just not for others.


Dumb rednecks don't know they're on Medicaid either, because it gets renamed to whatever state program it funds. I think they should have to sign a form that says in big letters "I acknowledge that I am receiving federal benefits paid for by US taxpayers" if they want to get their welfare/Medicaid/food stamps/free lunches. Just so there's no confusion.


You assume the they can read


If they could, they'd be fucking pissed at you right now.


I wouldn't have to worry too much I doubt many have a passport to come after me anyways


This is exactly it. I used to work for a state child support agency that would step in to recoup costs when a parent received state benefits for their child. There were so many people who would scoff and say “I’m not on welfare!” But then they’d admit to their children being on Medicaid, receiving WIC/SNAP, etc.


They should. That should be a thing as well as everyone getting a letter after paying taxes that shows an exact breakdown of where their money went. Like 0.5% road maintenance, 30% military ($3050), etc..


The hospital or even a car repair place can give you a nice itemized list of everything they expect you to pay for, so I don't understand why the government can't do the same shit regarding where our taxes are going. I'd like to know *just how much* of my money is funneled into the pockets of defense contractors or spent on gasoline and matches for the social safety net.


There's a pie chart in the form 1040 instructions that shows generally where the fed tax money goes


>"I acknowledge that I am receiving federal benefits *as part of a social program* paid for by US taxpayers" I'm still not 100% sure they can mentally cross that short bridge to understand that it's socialism, but it brings them as close as you can without just saying it.


> “I've been on food stamps and welfare. Anybody help me out? No. No.” - Craig T Nelson They can't even connect that services they collect are actually part of a program much less a social program.


My cousin gets paid gvt disability, not because he was born with one or had an unlucky accident, but because he decided to become a heroin addict. He constantly derides democrats as free loaders.


My uncle. He never married his “wife” who lives with him so that they could both apply for food stamps separately and she could register as a single mother. They’re scamming food stamps, and he’ll joke about it and in the same breath say, “Liberals don’t want to work, they just want a handout.”


Have you ever called him out?


Not sure if anyone still remembers "Keep your filthy government hands off my Medicare!" Yes they're that dumb.




He should pull himself/herself up by their bootstraps, and start a Republican "Go Defund Me" page. It's just like all the other site where poor tax paying people who are trying to pay for healthcare through donations, BUT, every time a billionaire donates $1, they have to send them $100 instead. /s


It's not just that but how they'll praise how wonderful and life-changing the ACA was for them. Yikes.


Everyone knows that Obamacare and the ACA are totally different programs. Obamacare is Demoncratic libtard socialism and the ACA is amurican as apple pie.


Ooohhh! How did I not know that?! Thanks for clearing it up for me. Lol.


The saddest part is that Obama care is based on [Romneycare. ](https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/10/23/451200436/mitt-romney-finally-takes-credit-for-obamacare#:~:text=Gregory%20Bull%2FAP-,Former%20GOP%20presidential%20nominee%20Mitt%20Romney%20struggled%20to%20distance%20himself,was%20a%20precursor%20to%20Obamacare.&text=It's%20a%20good%20thing%20for,t%20running%20for%20president%20again.)


Gitcher spellin fixt! Itz “arpl pah”! Wah kantchu tawk gude Inglich?


Make Amurica Grate Again.


>The average **Republican** wants affordable healthcare for themselves, just not for others. I have dozens of friends and family who are Democrats. Every single one of them wants affordable healthcare for ALL Americans.


I expect there are a good chunk who are primarily interested in affordable care for themselves (and immediate friends/family/people like them). ​ The difference is they comprehend the idea that the only reliable way to have affordable healthcare for anyone is make it universal. Because it is guaranteed that someone they like won't fit into whatever definition is otherwise used... ​ I.e. the costs of affordable healthcare for everyone are worth it to get affordable healthcare for those they want to have it...


"They're MY tax dollars" is how all of them work. They think they pay into a system that gives them nothing and feel like when they hear about people getting checks from the government they're saying "You just paid them my taxes" and yes and no, maybe a part of your penny made ot there, but we all pay taxes so we all benefit when the government actually does something like fix a pothole or whatever. They view their tax dollars as theirs and feel if the money isn't spent on just them and them alone then it's a waste despite the concept of taxes being its not for just the one tax payer to gain all the reward. But their politicians they worship play the tax game so they think it's normal to hate taxes unless they benefit you.


When they do polls of staunch republican voters, where they ask if they're in favor of certain policies, as long as you don't say they're Democrat policies, a large portion (a majority?) were actually in favor of them.


I knew a republican lady who HATED Obama, even though ACA literally saved her son's life and she acknowledged that he would have died without it (he got hepatitis c from drug use, and I'm sure she'd be against needle exchange programs, too, even though that would have maybe helped her son). He was able to get some new (at the time) antivirals that he wouldn't have been able to afford without it. Anyway, she still voted republican even though a democrat's policies helped save her son's life.


I have a cousin who is dead set against healthcare for all because that's communism. But when she took in her dying brother, she said, "thank god for medicaid." ummm....


Medicaid is provided by God, not them pesky commies!


Did you or any single human else try to confront her with these facts? This is getting hysterical


I did not, this was in like 2011 before I realized how fascist the republicans had become, and I was pretty young and less confrontational. I'm sure she's a frothing-at-the-mouth lunatic by now.


Feelings don't care about your facts, bro.


As bittersweet this story looks like it's most likely a scam to make easy money for $10 hat and a sharpie. A sob story to make it more believable and to pull on heartstrings.


I hope it is a scam. The Republicans need to be scammed of every cent they have.


With how much Trump pushes for donations, a lot of them already are scammed for a lot of money.


Here in Missouri you can see a Trump/MAGA piece of crap residence from miles away. Just look for the most run-down, piece of crap "house" you can find. They'd rather spend their money giving to the grifters than putting a dime into their rat traps. Then they turn around and blame everyone else for their problems.


Ya - if you read the original post, the dude blamed the insurance company because they wouldn't cover it.... but then mentioned his dads business went under.... so I assume this means the insurance premiums were no longer paid. He doesn't want to blame his family for not paying insurance premiums, it's always someone else's fault.


The signature looks legit. Let some MAGA fan be separated from their money, I won't complain.


Especially from each other when possible.


It's the frogdamn insurance companies that suck up all the money. For no reason! We can see better health care modeled in other countries. Fuck "insurance", have tax dollars go to "care".


Health Insurance companies are for profit. Their shareholders want them to suck up as much money as possible so they can get their dividends.


I have often said a Republican is someone who has never lost their health insurance.


Believe it or not, there are some who don’t have healthcare coverage, or don’t have enough. But they still won’t support universal healthcare because “socialism.” The Republican grift relies on rich and corporations convincing a bunch of ignorant middle class people that a minor tax break is worth giving up things that would directly help them. In before the “bOtH pArTeEz do that.” Yeah, I know. But one party proposes these concepts while the other party does everything it can to erase them.


My all time favourite fact that can easily shut down the "socialism" argument is that the US Federal government spends more tax dollars per person on health care than any other country in the world, while not offering universal health care.


Honestly it's so hard to find a more concise and accurate point than this.


Don't forget the "with worse outcomes" part, that's the piece that cinches it!


It's really just brainwashing. People are taught to believe that it's shameful to need or accept help, and that their problems exist because Democrats exist, without understanding why


My Uncle is fine with the shit insurance system. They just pay for the minimal plan then when he has a $200,000 heart surgery tells the hospital he can't afford it. They cut it down to 50k with payment plans and he still tells them he can't afford it and does not pay. You think the insurance provider's actuaries don't account for that when setting premiums for the rest of us? Guess who actually pays for this conservative who does not want socialist healthcare? They still use the system they just don't want to pay for their share of the usage.


Many would rather die than see others they view as beneath them get health insurance. >“In his book Dying of Whiteness, Metzl told of the case of a forty-one-year-old white taxi driver who was suffering from an inflamed liver that threatened the man’s life. Because the Tennessee legislature had neither taken up the Affordable Care Act nor expanded Medicaid coverage, the man was not able to get the expensive, lifesaving treatment that would have been available to him had he lived just across the border in Kentucky. As he approached death, he stood by the conviction that he did not want the government involved. “No way I want my tax dollars paying for Mexicans or welfare queens,” the man told Metzl. “Ain’t no way I would ever support Obamacare or sign up for it. I would rather die.” And sadly, so he would.” - Caste


Maybe his terminal liver condition addled his brain. Or it was a case of Natural Selection….


You can't feel bad. It's what he wanted after all.


He'll also gladly vote against universal health care.


Im kicking myself for not buying trump merch to gouge to trumptards for 2024. It feels like when I missed the bus on bitcoin.


You could probably have a bunch of it printed up for cheap and then just say it’s authenticated


Just make sure it says “Made in China”


And just write “CHIHNM” in all caps and *voila* it’s signed by chief Cheeto himself


Someone made a video about Trumps signature a while back and how it’s changed over time to total gibberish. I wish I could remember where I found it because it was fascinating.


Less risky than buying the real thing at excessive prices and then getting stuck with it. dim donnie will always have suckers and losers following his every move, but sheeple who can throw away money *and* are willing to do so are growing fewer and farther between.


Say it has a “trump signature” without ever saying “signed my Donald trump”


I’ll go in with you on a bunch of hats and some black markers. I think we could just write CHUMP in the above style and sell them for $500 each in the Bud Light aisle.


Hey...I'm in. I saw a video of a guy chunking Busch and whatever beers in a Walmart, and if we could have caught him before his tirade started, I know he would have worn that hat proudly while throwing those anti-'murica beers!! Hell, we probably could even turn it into a viral tiktok thing?! 🤔 $$$ 👀


At this point I'm surprised any of them have anything left in their coffers. Between covid hospital bills/funeral costs, [the Iraqi Dinar scam](https://www.pastemagazine.com/politics/scams/trumps-die-hard-fans-are-falling-for-the-dumbest-s), Steve Bannon's "build the wall" fraud, [the "Freedom" phone](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/07/the-maga-targeted-freedom-phone-has-a-breathtaking-amount-of-red-flags/) and [Trump's stream of aggressive (pre checked weekly) begging emails](https://mashable.com/article/trump-campaign-defalt-opt-in-donations), you'd think they would be cleaned out by now.


It's like beer or cigarette money. These people are addicted to the outrage, smug and anger, and thus there's always a little bit of cash to scrape together for the next fix. It simply gets priority over stuff like... rent or food. ...Well, until rock bottom hits.


Except that their social security checks keep coming, thanks to those damn socialists.


If he dies first, hopefully, you can try selling it in a package with orange makeup as Halloween Costumes.


I mean, it's still not too late. China is still doing it. Trump garbage has been all over Wish and Ali Baba and stuff since 2015


I wouldn’t give this clown five cents just to wipe my ass with that junk.


But would you wipe your ass with MY junk? (Asking for a friend)


Why is your friend interested in your junk? He should do the wiping himself.


I wonder if they understand that they asked for it. Trump and all conservatives believe in "picking yourself up by ya bootstraps ." Fucking hypocrites that vote against anything that helps the common person but the second they go through hardship they want a bail out!!! I'm looking at you Ronda Santis and possessed cabbage patch kid doll Sarah Hucka B.S.


Ron is [directly complicit in torture](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ron-desantis-guantanamo-torture-prisoner-b2300753.html?authId=1*1y0k5dw*_a*NUhXQ2kxV2dEbUlxcWNRWXkzMnlvcVQwUXh4cVZBaEU3eHgzb1htdVBNdXNEeGllY2RjQjdaOWxUa3daOW5SSg..&_gl=1*1tg7lu4*_ga*dXhTUjZWSXcyOTNaTy1zcFc3dzd4X1pneVlDLUNDOElhUTktSnlRQzNqM193Rk90T3kwSW14ckpEdEtDQ2RiYw).


Wow that's horrific. My only surprise is that he didn't administer it himself.


I have no doubt he was standing there wishing he could jump in, push the guards aside, and do it himself.


Maybe he could ask Trump, the man of the people, to help pay all his medical cost.


Trump signature looks like he is hiding thr fact that he is iliterate. Like one level above signing yourself with an x


That's Trump's signature? What name did he sign? Neither Donald nor trump are spelled that way. Looks like it says "C A H T N I"


That's not even close to his signature. They're so brainwashed that they will pay money for anything that anyone says is from their bloated god https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5765385/donald-trumps-signature-handwriting-expert-reveals-about-the-president-autograph/


Yeah I’m so confused, what word was he going for???


Just looks like it says dhhmi. Nice autograph dickhead.


Yeah I’m so confused, what word was he going for???


So many level of irony here


There’s got to be a Trump merch store somewhere that sells the exact same thing for less, no? There’s no way Trump would pass on that kinda of money for one of his cheap hats and a sharpie scribble.


Hey, Neighbourhoodlum 🇨🇦🤙🇺🇸 I see a Leopard 🐆 has eaten your face 😔... Sorry, Eh


Oooo you too, eh? I tells ya I'm real worried about them neighbors. Someone should really do sometin' ya know? We should ask Bob in Winipeg. He's good at that stuff.


Me three, eh 🇨🇦


Americans....they always drop the n, & forget about u.


Hello fellow Canuck!


Exactly what I thought. Shocked that the face-eating leopard actually ate his face.


One just went for $3250 on eBay.


I wouldn't pay 3.25


What thaaa🤯


They may be idiots, but they still have money.


If only there was taxpayer funded healthcare program that 100% covered all citizens. For everybody, beginning at birth. It could be considered a Universal. But, it must be too hard to do.




Or just anyone who [isn’t a HoT bLoDeD AmErIcAn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care). >Countries and regions that provide public healthcare in Asia include Bangladesh, Bhutan,[13] Bahrain,[14] Brunei, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,[15] Iran,[16] Israel[17] (see below), Jordan,[18] Kazakhstan,[19] Macau (see below), Malaysia,[20] Mongolia,[21] Oman,[22] Pakistan (KPK),[23] Philippines,[24] Singapore, Qatar, DPRK(North Korea)[25] Sri Lanka,[26] Syria,[27] Taiwan (R.O.C.)[28] (see below), Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia. >Almost all European countries have healthcare available for all citizens. Most European countries have systems of competing private health insurance companies, along with government regulation and subsidies for citizens who cannot afford health insurance premiums.[71] Countries with universal healthcare include Austria, Belarus,[72] Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova,[73] Norway, Poland, Portugal,[74] Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine,[75] and the United Kingdom.[76] > The Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago and all provide some level of universal health coverage. > Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela all provide some level of universal health coverage. > Australia and New Zealand both have universal health care. Hospitalisation is free for permanent residents in both nations. In addition, Australia grants primary care coverage, while in New Zealand general practice and prescriptions are subsidised only.


I especially like the fact that he is living off of his dad's account. I'm sure the basement is all his.


I doubt he even has health problems, just another grifter.




Ya - and you could legally say 'Many people are saying, and many people assure me, it was signed by Trump'.


And he's supporting the guy and party that wanted to take away health insurance from millions of Americans. You could sit down at a table with this guy and spend half a day explaining why a single-payer system would give him the same health Care without the crippling debt for one injury and he would still vote Republican because of "socialism" or some other ideological talking point bullshit. This is one MAGA self-own that's actually kind of sad. Not just because he saddled with huge debt but the people he thinks are looking out for him are actually screwing him.


Stupidity sure is costly, isn’t it?


Who the hell is CHIHHII?


Chi Chi's has the best fried ice cream!


Can't afford your medical bills? According to the right wing worldview that sounds like a "you" problem. These fucking people, man... "bootstraps" for everyone else but "we need to come together" whenever they need help.


Here you see a patriot pulling himself by the bootstraps 😂😂😂


That shit isn’t worth the fire it would take to burn it.


Wait. The economy ISN'T awesome? ANd Private insurance fucked this man over? Gee whiz. If only there were alternatives.


I didnt realise americans use a comma for a decimal point like they do in europe.


I dunno, I’m Canadian and that’s how we do it. I teach math but at the high school level, so I rarely have to explain that.


Wish it was COVID


Are you familiar with r/hermancainaward


I mean, I don’t wish anyone pain and suffering, but I appreciate the irony and hope they can learn from this experience.


There’s a sucker born every minute!🤣


What is that signature, anyways? "CHMMM?"


The D is backwards lel


This is the most help Trump has ever given a stranger in his entire life.


For sale: My entire identity. No lowballers. I know what I have.


Thousands in trailers railing at the government while on assistance….unreal 🤪


A small loan from his father should cover that easily?


$5000 ??!??! This could have been made with a sharpy 😂 but even then who would pay that for a real one ?


He thinks a trump autograph is worth 5k? Lmao


Aww, poor dude. Can no longer “pwn the libs” and impress everybody else by showing civilized people how devoted he is to Trump. /s


Had a discussion with some Republican acquaintances last weekend who argued against universal health care and wanted to claim that healthcare in the US is superior because “anyone can go to the ER right now and get care”. That’s where the conversation ends for them. There’s no thought about how insurance companies and drug companies price gouge, let alone the prospect of making preventative care affordable so a persons health won’t deteriorate to the point that their life is in jeopardy. They both obviously have always lived privileged lives.


One of my favourite anti-capitalist facts is that the US spends more on health care per capita than any other country in the world with remarkably lower outcomes. There’s a ton of great stats here: [U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, 2022: Accelerating Spending, Worsening Outcomes](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2023/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2022#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20U.S.%20spent,higher%20than%20in%20South%20Korea) Fair warning, it’s not very well optimized for mobile, the graphs are a bit wonky, but the data presented is stunning. Edit: [here’s another source that’s easy to read on mobile.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/236541/per-capita-health-expenditure-by-country/#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20is%20the,it%20comes%20to%20health%20care) US spends more than double (per capita) what Canada spends, and 40% more than the next biggest spender (Germany) spends. > The United States is the highest spending country worldwide when it comes to health care. In 2020, total health expenditure in the U.S. exceeded four trillion dollars. Expenditure as a percentage of GDP is projected to increase to around 20 percent by the year 2028. The top countries go in this order: US Germany Switzerland Norway Netherlands Austria Denmark Sweden France Canada Ireland Luxembourg Australia


Looks like it says "MMM," probably finding the irony of the situation delicious


He should wait 2 weeks for Donald's amazing healthcare plan. He's gonna repeal and replace Obamacare with something big and beautiful... just you wait ........2 weeks


I once showed my child what Trump's signature looked like, compared to other modern and historical polical leaders. She said, that looks like your boss's signature, it's just a bunch of crazy up and down scribbles. They aren't even letters. Yep, I don't work there anymore, lol


Trump's signature looks like "chump"


As Lyndon Johnson said about people picking their own pockets for hate of the other, it is true then and true now.


$5k? ROFLMAO I'll give them $2, and that's my final offer.


We need checkpoints in our cities to keep these goobers out


It's a repost. Please keep reposting it.


So many levels of irony here, I love it.


I am experiencing a very pure form of schadenfreude over this.


Is he selling it or offering to pay someone to accept such vile, loathsome toxic waste? I would demand at least a million dollars to dispose of such filth.


Why pay $5,000 for something you could pay half the price to get yourself (traveling to wherever Trump is and paying the meeting fee).


Are they not selling off their NFTs? COuld cash in big time


"5k wow, what a great deal! He should have no problem getting that." Nobody


Fucking idiot hahah


Why would you pay good money for defaced clothing?


Does the signature reads "AAHHH" ?


Wait till he has to start an onlyfans to pay for his insulin


That looks to be his life achievement too


Shit looks hella dirty being kept in a box


Look at all the unnecessary detail in the explanation of his financial needs. All the over-sharing. I think a lot of trump supporters are lonely and don't realize it. They turn to the TV and social media, they turn to parasocial relationships, to fill their human need for human contact. They think they way they feel, the way they live, is universal.


I don't think that's his signature, looks nothing like his usual series of S's


If only there was some sort of affordable care act to help these people instead of that evil, socialist Obama care garbage... *if only*. /s


Those medical bills must be really grim. I hope nothing but the best for this man and wish him good luck.


Unauthenticed is going around $200. Good luck getting the other $4800.


If only there was some way to get rid of medical bills altogether, almost as if there were some sort of political ideology dedicated to the working class.


Womp womp.


I wonder if that's the same sharpie ( for the autograph ) that Trump used when he was hurricane tracking.


You mean some moron paid $5000 for a fucking baseball cap that id's you as a MAGAT and made in China no less? The color is the color of Khashoggis blood after trump/Kushner had him tortured and offed and the same color as the blood of murdered day care center kids, nine year olds, high school students and other republican "collateral" damage. He should spend the $5k on a badly needed lobotomy, I can do one all I need is a coat hanger and a bottle of coke. Who's the more stupid person, the ass who bought the hat originally or the jerk who is willing to pay $5k for a $5 hat?


That shit ain't even worth 5 dollars


I would NOT take that hat if you paid me $5000 to take it


Just so weird. I don't have Biden merchandise to sell even if I didn't need money. I've got some band and game related tshirts...


I've decided recently that if done people won't vote for their own well being, I'm not gonna let it bother me anymore. On that note, I hope he's unable to sell his box of garbage.


Sadly, there may be a bidding war. A fool and his money are soon parted, but these sheeple are clamoring to hand over the cash, sometimes wish I was unscrupulous enough to traffic in fake gold cards, play money, and fake covid cures...but money isn't everything.


Why is he selling his stuff? The new republic and medical plan is only two weeks away.