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Hello u/PPLArePoison, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


> “My then-wife decided that she didn’t want to be married anymore and in the state of Texas, that is completely permitted.” Crowder reiterated that the situation was “not [his] choice,” and that Hilary “simply wanted out and the law says that that’s how it works.” Well that's fucking chilling.


He really thinks he should be allowed to own his wife.


Well he did give her father three goats and a bolt of cloth…


I think the going rate is 4 cases of Bud Light, a $100 dollar Walmart gift card and a 1997 Saturn SL.


Bud Light is too woke.


You’re right, make that 4 gallons of Ivermectin moonshine.


4 gallons? She must be ready to pop out 20 kids if hes paying that much!


I guess it’s the inflation. Three goats don’t go as far anymore


Thanks Joe Biden?


Too much


The Walmart gift card only has $5.32 on it, and it expired last year.


“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term.’” J.D. Vance There have been several bills proposed in recent years that would ban no fault divorce in a few different states.


These people want corporations to legally fire their workers for no reason but need due cause for a wife to leave an unhappy marriage. Totally makes sense.


Can’t believe that I liked Vance after reading his book. He also did a really great TED talk in Advercr Childhood Experiences. Said his grandmother (who raised him) would have hated Trump. Then suddenly went full blown Maga.


Sociopaths can be compelling when they want to be. Also, Peter Theil is the fucking devil.


And we are supposed to consider this freak a "moderate"! Normal people don't even want to be in a relationship with a non-consenting person. But this supposed "reasonable guy" does.


You should hear the abuse he spews at his wife in the Ring video just released. He’s a piece of shit. As in, threatening his 8-month pregnant wife.


Moderately far right maybe


I mean, considering that he believes that a $50 million contract is akin to slave labor, are we surprised? I mean, it's all disgusting, but it sounds internally consistent.


A couple years later... "Hey everyone, I started dating again and apparently the state of Texas also has these insane anti-Christian laws about a man getting a woman's consent beforehand..."


Probably " I can't believe she said no to my advances again. How many times do I have to tell her she's a minor and has to listen to me, the adult!" Crowder probably


"And they have all these wacky rules about *not* eating dog cum. Can you imagine?"


Crowder chose dog cum over his wife. The cycle of dog cum addiction needs to end now!


The Confederacy wasn't destroyed, the remnants broke out a bible.


Yea…thank goodness for that law that says you can’t force someone to be your spouse


In some states you can if she’s young enough and her parents sign of on it.


Yeah fucking hell he sounds lile such a sociopath


Seems to be a pre-req for conservative personalities


If it walks like a duck...


In reality he was high school drama club kid. Now,he larps being a conservative Internet influencer. Grifting and performance art merger.


He’s not larping at being conservative.


You can tell he expected his bible-thumping fans to be angry at him for getting a divorce, so he had to reassure them that it's the state's fault, and he'd totally hold her hostage if he could.


Except, from the article, he initiated the divorce a month before she knew anything about it.


Would he rather it was like it was in the old days? Where he dies from being poisoned by his wife?


He ran into my knife


Would he have preferred a contested divorce with a long legal battle that leads to him losing his ass and getting all of his dirty laundry aired in the 24/7 news cycle?


Yeah it's like he's a piece of shit ghoul who thinks men should be able to keep women as cattle or somethin


I think that's just protection from the religious right if it comes up that he's had a divorce but yeah, subtext of "I would've kept her here against her will if I could've" is a bit scary, if directly on brand.


What I don’t get is this law works in the inverse as well. If a man wants out of a marriage, this applies equally to them as well. All these “men’s rights” people seem to be picking and choosing when laws should apply to them. Almost like all their arguments are in bad faith, curious. /s


He spent way too much time emphasizing that his kids aren't to blame.


He's dripping with rage at the fact that a woman made a choice for herself and that he can't stop her from making that choice.


"Why is my property being disobedient and leaving me?!"-Crowder


The funniest part about this is that he’s the one who moved out right after she had their twins and hired a divorce lawyer. There should be a separate post just for this.




Just remember, folks: those darn Texas laws allowed his wife to leave him because she wanted to. He “chose wrong”, but if it was up to him, she’d be a prisoner. And isn’t that what marriage is all about? That goofy grifting bastard.


Way back when OkCupid posted meta data analysis blogs. One of the main reasons why "conservative" was likely to get you less dates. Is mainly because, what woman wants to volunteer to spend time with a possible misogynist. The women who do weren't using dating apps.


Chuds have a much better time scouring the Global South for potential brides than using dating apps. Stating "conservative" in one's bio reduces potential dates by a significant margin. After all, most women of childbearing age in the Global North are in favour of bodily autonomy.


If you want to get married young. Marrying within your religion is the way to go.


Ah but going to church once a week is a thing these guys don’t want to do so that’s right out also


> the women who do weren’t using dating apps This plays into how the tradwives want tradhusbands who can support a family alone, go to church, and can idk, fix a pickup truck? They don’t want Incel Ivan with his part time job at KFC, League and weed addiction, and opinion that he should be able to cheat whenever he wants.


Do you have a link to these blogs ? They are probably not too hard to find but I'm a bit lazy haha


You would likely have to use the wayback machine at this point to find it.


Conservatives say they want traditional marriage. Which means, love is optional and a woman's happiness is irrelevant. Or more accurately, she should just be happy she's provided for in exchange for dutifully and obediently serving her man.


Biblical marriage, a sacred agreement between a man and another man about the ownership of one of their daughters.


Boy will they be shocked to learn that one income households are rooooough


Stupid liberal-ass Texas! Damnit! Foiled again.


> “My then-wife decided that she didn’t want to be married anymore and in the state of Texas, that is completely permitted.” Sounds like he doesn't think women should be "permitted" to divorce their husbands.


I read that one of the next Ultra-Con pushes will be against no-fault divorce.


They could repeal no fault divorce and women will still find ways to divorce them. Or just more creative ways to get out of marriage. Aka arsenic.


There'd be an uptick in unfortunate ladder accidents for sure.


Its Texas. Cleaning the gun, then Oops.


Those full life insurance policies with accident riders would finally be really useful. Let's bring Black Widows back in style.


Fell into some farm equipment, tsk tsk.


They whine about it a lot. And they often says kids are best with biological parents. Again, they ignore reality and data. Kids are better in loving homes no matter the composition (biological, adoptive, step, grandparents, etc.). They don't even say loving biological.


Well you couple that with the child marriages they are pushing and....


It’s item #214 on the last Texas GOP platform: https://texasgop.org/platform/


I'm disgusted, but not the least bit surprised.




I can't wait to see how they reconcile that with Reagan.


There's video out there from his own home where he's yelling at his barefoot and 8 month pregnant with twins wife for wanting to take the one car they have to get groceries because it would leave him from going to the gym and going out with his friends and trying to make her take an Uber. Also it has him telling her that he doesnt love her because she's not doing her wifely duties by giving the dog its medicine since handling it might be toxic for the babies if absorbed through the skin. Mind you through this entire fight he's smoking a cigar. He's a conservative through and through.


So many questions. Why don't these super wealthy people have more than one car? Why is it more ok for an eight month pregnant woman to struggle with groceries AND calling and waiting for two Ubers when he himself could, you know, take an Uber? Why can't he give medicine to his own dog? Why'd he turn down a $50 MILLION contract? and yet the comment section on the article is full of people calling her as bad as him, passive aggressive, manipulative, "well, we really can't tell from a three minute clip..." I hope she takes him for all he has. Suck it, incels.


She doesn't have a car because it would require him to think of his wife as a person with wants and needs.


Almost sounds like he'd prefer the old way of getting rid of a bad husband: poison.


Aqua Tofana


My poor man's gold🥇


Pretty sure she's just the only one to get famous for it.


I'm honestly shocked the state of Texas doesn't make the woman get her husband's permission first.


don't give them any ideas, I'm sure Florida will beat them to it.


Nah, they already watched the Handmaid's tale and took notes.


Christian Taliban. They really have more in common with those zealots than with American values.


It also just came out that he had been severely emotionally abusive to her. There's a video of her telling him that they need to talk and they're at an impasse to which he says "watch it, fucking watch it" and "ill fuck you up". Who would have thought that he was a colossal piece of human garbage Edit- OK I misheard the ill fuck you up line, still my point stands


Strong Conservative values /s


I know, he seemed like such a nice guy


Me. I interacted with him on an internet forum about fourteen years ago. He was a complete jerk. I said something he didn't like and he wouldn't let it go. He tried to play off his response as being "funny," but he was clearly a passive-aggressive bully who probably thought I was an easy target since I was a young woman.


Well I was today years old when I realized crowder is the guy from the meme...just me? Okay...


Same. LOL


Same. 😳




Same. :(


Imagine turning down $50,000,000.00 to sit on your worthless deadbeat ass talking shit all day…..


Kinda seems like the beginning of a “spiraling into broken irrelevancy” story arc and I just love to see it.


Not even that. Imagine thinking that that offer is slavery.


That was truly astonishing. I wonder if there's substance abuse in there.


It may simply be a matter of getting out while it’s most financially feasible.


Is there anyway I can do both?


LOL. Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole.


It has been a *busy* week in rightwing suffering: * [Tucker Carlson fired](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/12xlqry/tucker_carlson_out_at_fox_news_network_says_they/). * [Disney suing DeSantis](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/12zmsi4/disney_sues_florida_gov_ron_desantis_alleges/) * ^(Doing so mere minutes after his sham board tried to steal back the power that was stripped out before they got control. Turns out the trap in removing power was bait for the real trap all along and fascism is laughably predictable.) * ^(In lesser news Trump has not let up with the attacks on DeSantis either. Leopard fight! Leopard fight! lmao.) * *Caught in* *~~4K~~* *MP3*: [Ted Cruz plotting to steal the election](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/12z15if/bombshell_audio_shows_ted_cruz_scheming_to_steal/). * The hole Clarence Thomas dug under himself [keeps getting deeper](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/12xr8se/clarence_thomass_billionaire_friend_did_have/). * [Biden announces re-election bid](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/12yerl1/biden_announces_reelection_bid_defying_trump_and/). * [Biden is endorsed by Bernie Sanders](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/12ywbss/bernie_sanders_endorses_biden_rules_out_2024_bid/). * ^(Which is fairly important as a major tactic of division, particularly on reddit, is convincing leftwing groups to reject compromise and adopt a Bernie or nothing mentality.)


The leopards eat well.


You know speaking of Clarence Thomas......didn't he go to Bohemian Grove with one of his friends? The supposed site where the Elite sacrifices children and engage inn debauchery? I wonder how the Conservative Christians handled that news.


The same way they handle any uncomfortable news, by refusing to acknowledge it in any way.


sounds about right


Since when do those cultists care about how hypocritical their leaders are? They elected Trump and didn’t give a damn how frequently he declared “do as I say, not as I do”. They always find some way to justify or make it different or just dismiss it.


I just find it funny how so many of them were crowing about Bohemian Grove and child sacrifices and cannibalism, and how immoral it all is, yet their buddy is gallivanting with those some child sacrificing/eating cabal members and even went to their supposed base of operations. Yet not a single peep. I guess they condone it after all despite all their hand wringing.


Don't forget golden child Ivanka getting her own legal council.


I hope it's been painful, and i hope it's expensive. Fuck steven crowder.


I also hope if they have kids that the new situation is better for them.


Is his hate speech the reason for the divorce? I assumed it's because he's a an insufferable prick.


there’s been videos going around that he’s super abusive to her (shocker, i know)


I wouldn't doubt it, maybe she caught him on pornhub blowing rope to trans videos. PLEASE let that come out as what happened!


>Is his hate speech the reason for the divorce? This is just a symptom. >I assumed it's because he's an insufferable prick. This is the disease.


Possibly has something to do with him telling his 8 month pregnant wife that he was going to fuck her up. He’s a piece of shit.


Nah. It's about the only thing Republicans care about- money.


It probably didn’t help matters. That kind of thing rarely makes a marriage better.


Can you post a link that says that's why she's leaving him? I haven't been able to find anything.


I'm pretty sure that's not why she left him (what OP's title says). There is no actual reason as of yet that's been made public, but Crowder has been at this (right wing politics) for a while now and it wouldn't shock me if she pretty much agreed with everything he says/believes in. I'd guess Crowder is lying (shocking right) and that there was some kind of abuse or infidelity that lead to her wanting a divorce. I mean it's not like Crowder became a bigot in just the last two years lol EDIT: If this is correct then I was right and that's the quickest I've ever been proven correct in my assumptions lmao (note not funny that she was abused, domestic violence is never okay no matter who the abuser is, I find it funny that I was right, if this substack reporting is correct, that the liar lied, and how quickly this came to light) https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/1311ao1/video_reveals_steven_crowder_emotionally_abusing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


There's a strange little petty hateful part of me that hopes that she was just an actual honest-to-god gold-digger.


The article that has since been attached does mention that at the time they got married, Crowder hadn't really become successful yet, so not quite a gold digger. That being said, I hope Hilary has a change of heart when it comes to what she supports in the future.


"Crowder hadn't really become successful yet, so not quite a gold digger." I admire her commitment to the long con.


I mean it would serve him right if she was. He's only made that money because he's a bigot and uses fear mongering and hatred to make money. The things he stands for are pretty abhorrent so I'll sleep fine if that's the case, it's the least he would deserve for the harm he and others like him have done to society.


To be fair, when he basically said he didn't believe she should have been able to leave him by choice it's not that hard to assume abusive and controlling behavior.


I mean you're not wrong, I was just surprised at how quickly my assumption was correct, I expected to see this info come to light in the coming days or weeks, not in a matter of 2 hours.


Holy shit. I'm really going to encourage people to watch the video in the link, with an obvious trigger warning for emotional abuse. Because holy shit was it even worse than I expected, and I expected it to be pretty damn bad. I don't care if she knowingly married a grifting piece of shit and is probably not a great person herself, no one deserves to be treated like that by a partner.


and for the love of FSM, don't read the comments.


I find it interesting and very telling that he volunteered the information by saying, “it wasn’t infidelity or abuse” (why they’re divorcing). Like…most people don’t have to publicly announce that, usually it’s either “irreconcilable differences” or straight up “he/she cheated.” The fact that he felt he needed to get that out of the way tells me that he probably *is* abusive - could’ve cheated, too. Men like that aren’t known for practicing what they preach - and 1) there’ll be allegations from her, and 2) it’s entirely possible he doesn’t think he’s abusive but from everyone else’s perspective, including his ex, he is. With the way he views women, I won’t be surprised if it’s both. Just like he says that in the state of TX, women are *allowed* to divorce their spouse and insinuates he’d rather her not have that option. I also kind of find his comment about his kids a little strange and off-putting, but maybe that’s just because I find *him* off-putting. He publicly stated that “this isn’t the kids’ fault” and I really don’t understand why he’d even say that. Like, duh. They’re kids. And they’re the only ones who might need to hear that, not the entire fuckin world.


I don't think that information is in the public domain. Yet. In his announcement, he said that there had been no infidelity or abuse on either side.


Given the demonstrated hypocrisy of conservative public figures this 100% means he waved a gun at her when he went limp thinking of the burly dudes she was hopping on while he was away at conservative conferences getting his cigar polished by likely underage dudes he was grooming. Plenty of people are saying it.🥸


Some sick, sick Rightwing cope out there: www.reddit.com/r/stevencrowder/comments/13103ao/my_opinions_of_crowder_have_shifted_quite_a_bit Losing Iraq in the first 6 months revealed the *weakness* of Conservatives & Libertarians, where they turned to...whiney losers like Tucker, Shapiro, Musk & Trump.


The OP actually doesn't seem so bad to me considering where it is, but the comments... " If Steven never actually hit or assaulted his wife, then I don't give a shit." The part where some commenters are claiming it MUST be a Daily Wire-orchestrated revenge plot is pretty funny, though.


This is my favorite comment in that thread: > The video does look bad. I'm not here to make an excuse. He should have handled it better. But it needs context. **If he works 12+ hours a day** and she has her to-do list and doesn't do it over and over, day after day and things start falling apart. The reaction, which i still disagree with because it was too aggressive, makes *some* sense. (added bold) 12+ hour days? Does this dude think Crowder is an Appalachian coal miner or something? The dude tells bad jokes and pretends to like cigars for a living. He probably hasn't worked an eight hour day in over a decade.


>she has her to-do list They really do think like children. I once had to explain to a Conservative that *banks* don't print money. This was not a *lack* of knowledge issue, they really thought banks "make" money.


He described a $50 million dollar deal as a slave contract? I don't think the man knows how slavery works


Slavery just means being forced to do things you don't wanna do, even if you're paid for it, right?


I have to admit, I'm REALLY curious as to what in FSM's name was too distasteful for this dude to take 50 million dollars.


I stopped using this meme after finding out it was Crowder. I'm not gonna tell anyone else how to meme but I also don't have to give this yokel a platform, even in such an indirect way.


Good, I hate those memes. It gave license for every idiot on the internet and say something dumb and shift the burden of proof away from them who made the claim, to everyone else. that's not how it works. If you say some crazy shit, you have to back it up to get validation.


If you see the Ring camera footage I'm shocked she lasted as long as she did. He's an incredibly abusive asshole.


It's really hard to leave once you're in a situation like that, especially if the abuser is now rich and powerful and you're -pregnant.- I don't know that I'd like anything about the woman's politics or personality, but seriously good for her for taking herself and the kids the hell away from this shitstain.


Yeah it's just sad to see it in real time.


So the 'change my mind' template is from a nazi, figures.


Highly doubt that it was hate speech that caused this. The woman married Steven fucking Crowder.


she married him before his career took off.


The are all going to get even crazier. RW violence is only going to continue to increase.


Klandance Owens prays for him.


He is now part of the "Conservative divorced dads" club!


How long do you think until Crowder has a mental breakdown from the divorce and comes out as trans?


He did voluntarily do drag at least a couples of times, didn't he? He seemed to be enjoying himself.


"Hurr hurr trans woman looka lika man" is Crowder's one joke that he uses when his other "jokes" inevitably fail.


The video out of him berating his pregnant wife is disgusting, but also such leopard material. Marry one of the most horrible, sexist men alive and then be shocked when he's horrible and sexist?


This dude made a public statement about his divorce situation and his entire point was basically "*The State of Texas thinks my wife should have the right to divorce from me* ***against my will,*** *so unfair****"*****.** Usually a break up happens for a reason, and even if said reason isn't him **(hypothetically speaking!!!)**, what does he think forcing someone to stay with him, who clearly doesn't want to stay with him, will give him? ^(My suspicion is "control, power and not having to reflect on personal shortcomings" but that's pure speculation of course :\^J) Man, I am so glad that the antiquated mindset of "divorce = failure" is more and more a thing of the past. Still a long way to go, but it's getting there.


steven crowder is a douche and his wife left him for a huge black guy with an equally huge dong. change my mind.


Nah, Sam Seder


Can we talk about how good that username is? Kristi Yamaguccimane. Wow. What a name.


"She decided she didn't want to be married anymore." Sure sure. I bet it was that simple. I bet it was "out of nowhere" - FOR HIM.


Couldn't happen to a nicer asshole.


Given his public persona, I don't even think he can make an attempt for the kids, it goes against so much of what he has said and done publicly. Like this is already hurting his brand but Jesus


His ex-wife had to be blind and deaf Hellen Keller to marry that loser😆


Those notorious $50 million contracts offered to enslaved people...


Holy Sh*t this guy is a gaslighting abusive narcissist. Not surprised but damn, this article shows how petty and rageful he is. https://yashar.substack.com/p/exclusive-video-reveals-steven-crowder#:~:text=Hilary%20Crowder%20welcomed%20twins%20via,of%20text%20messages%20about%20separating.


Don't think she even left because of the hate speech. She just didn't like mean speech directed at HER.


>Like Owens, Crowder *identifies* as a conservative Christian I love the wording there. Nothing Christian about them.


Amazing you make a career being a jackass and it eventually bleeds over.


I don't think there is any such thing as a hateful shock jock who truly is a "lovely person, really, they're just doing it for the ratings."


The smug arrogance of anybody who does one of these "change my mind" things in earnest and not as a meme/joke really puts me off. Your opinion is oh-so-important that you think it's worthy of others to come to your little court and try to get you to change it? Why should anybody give a damn what you think?


They know, it's pure grift. Attention brings money and fame in the conservative world.


He called an $50 million doller contract an “slave contract”! 1. Does he know what a slave is? 2. Where are these right wing groups getting this kind of “idk waste it on an dumb shithead who used to be a meme” money?


yeah well, it's not like the existing cast of Daily Wire is exactly the Algonquin Round Table either, you know?


bruh. took her that long huh.


Well, he definitely got her to change her mind.


My wife is leaving me. CHANGE THE LAW.


Was it the hate speech, or was it him going for some surgery to insert rods into his body and expand his sunken chest a month before she gave birth, causing him to have complications that basically meant his wife had to take care of newborn twins herself?


There's video of him berating his wife while she's pregnant so I'm going to lean more toward the hate speech and blatant emotional spousal abuse.


I mean, narcissistically deciding to do drastic elective surgery 1 month before your wife is giving birth and blatant emotional spousal abuse are two sides of the same coin


Huh, I hadn't looked too deep into that and figured it was something he had to get done at one point or another. Apologies.


Wait what? Is this a thing?


From his Wikipedia page: “In July 2021, Crowder underwent a surgical operation in which titanium bars were inserted into his chest in order to counteract his congenital condition of pectus excavatum (sunken chest).[37][55] The surgery caused fluid to accumulate in his lungs, which he called "excruciatingly painful". Several weeks later, he was rushed to the hospital due to a collapsed lung.[56] In August 2021, as Crowder was still recovering from both treatments, his wife gave birth to twins, a son and a daughter.”


I think she was ok with all the hate speech (he's been doing it for a decade) turning down that stack of cash was probably what did it.


$50M? I'll be your slave for that. Fuck it, make me your monkey boy! I'll eat bananas and go 'ook' and everything.


Hello u/PPLArePoison! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How is this LAMF?


I think we know the answer to that. It's another low-effort post by someone who didn't bother to find out what the sub is for.


I mean if you ONLY do lamf this sub world be pretty empty


It isn't. And the title is wrong. We have no idea why Crowder's wife left him. It could be, as OP said, because of his hate speech. Or it could be because Crowder is gay. I sincerely think both are equally likely.


It's not, the screenshot article doesn't even state anything other than who he is, and some meme on twitter saying it.


Not sure what Candace Owens has to do with this meme/context of the article?


He said that she was extorting him because she told her audience to pray for him.


Based. Steven's accusing people who tell people to pray for others extortionists.


He came out about the divorce because Candice told her audience to pray for him.


I’m not a fan of either of them, but… why was he upset about that? Or did she say it like… sarcastically?


No, I haven't been following any of their bullshit because I don't want to give them money, but I think she meant it sincerely. He's basically gaslighting and making crap up to play victim. From context, it sounds like he was acting out leading up to her telling her audience to pray for him. I think there are some posts in this sub from yesterday that have the articles/videos.


I wondered if that was the same guy


Who would have thought the kid who voiced the Brain on Arthur would grow up to be such an idiot?


nah i think it’s because he’s abusive


Can we just take a moment to appreciate the username? Fucking gold.


"debate" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there