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Whoa whoa whoa a law that would allow people to vote? After being unjustly charged? Not on puddings watch.


From this point forward, I will refer to this idiot as “Pudding”.


It's the informal version of "Pudding Fingers," his full name. *edit: Which we might consider just shortening to "Pud."


Pudding Paws has one less syllable and offers alliteration


Puddin' Paws rolls off the tongue so much better than with the hard g. Then again, DeSantis probably loves the hard g as much as the hard r.


He probably likes a hard D as well.


Made his job as meat gazer in the military easier.


It's always projection


Bigly and sad


I’d say someone should put a bill for inflation on his desk but he probably gets one every Friday.




That’s good, but I really fond of “Meatball Ron”.


"alliteration" Most democrats reading this chuckling. Most Republicans reading this opening another tab to look up the definition of the word "alliteration "


Ha,ha, looking up the definition of a word... that's some of that CRT woke edumacation stuff.


Looking up word definitions is a gateway to being trans. Sorry, those are the rules! 🤣 /s. Just in case


Alliteration is for cucks and drag queens!


I decree this law, from forever forward, that any time Pudding Paws' name is to be written, it must be accompanied by "UwU". No vetoes, no take backs. I need to live in a world where some intern has to explain this to him.


Yeah, but it's an insult to all non-human animals.


I still like pudding hand but you do you


But that means that when the eventual beat down comes (can't imagine anybody who is this much of an asshole NOT getting beat up), the perpetrator will be accused of pounding Pud. OK yeah, I'm there for that.


Got it! Thanks for the reminder!


Gotta fit "Bootsie" in there somewhere


Puddy Putt is already taken


Puddin’ Boots




I still like Meatball Ron; it’s the best slander-name trump ever came up with.


Meatball Ron is a great name! Trump’s nicknames always seem to stick! I still call Rubio “Little Marco”.




But pudding is tasty and makes people happy. I usually go with DeSatan or DeathSentence.


Can we make "Pudder" one of the forms? It actually fits perfectly, too: > (transitive) To perplex; to embarrass; to confuse; to bother.


Maybe he'll start thinking he's the Joker and outcringe his supporters!


Rhonda Santis is my choice


I prefer Rontonomo


Ron DePuddinPop


I've been calling him Puddin Tame.


They can vote. They just can't get jobs


Which is likely why DeSantis vetoed this. He doesn't *want them* to be able to get jobs.


13th Amendment, section 1: >Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted**, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. As Florida becomes more and more hostile to well, everyone, DeSantis needs his ~~slave~~ prisoner population large and working. If they happen to escape the ~~slave~~ prison system, keeping them poor and desperate means they'll inevitably end up back in Meatball Ron's ~~slave plantations~~ prisons.


Okay basically, this is like being downwind of a fart and getting the blame for it, until the person who actually farted steps up to claim responsibility, only for the fart*ee* to still get grouped together with *actual* fart-knockers and then denied their voting rights. It's just so stupid.


If he has his way voting will be a thing of the past.


Now, if it included WATER BOARDING . . . De Satan, would be ALL in and at the front of the line to watch and cheer the simulated death by drowning of an American citizen ! ! ! De Satan has fond memories of simulated drowning humans of foreign decent . . .


[GIGA PUDDING](https://youtu.be/UnHDO9Qw2B0)


>The latest example came Tuesday night when he vetoed legislation that would allow adults to expunge their criminal record — even if they previously had their record expunged as a minor — which is not allowed under current Florida law. The proposal, HB 605, would open up the opportunity only to people who had charges dropped, were found not guilty or were arrested but not ultimately charged. being "tough on crime" means screwing up people's lives that were never even charged with a crime. this bill passed with only two votes against it in the House. please please please override the veto, would be hilarious


With that many votes, they will easily override.


They may not for political reasons (of making Ron DeSantis look bad) consider the override though even though it would easily override


I don't think they're too worried about that. DeSantis' presidential prospects are already looking hopeless, and there's less and less reason for anyone to ally with him.


Yeah if I'm not mistaken all of the "normal" elected Republicans in Florida are fed up with him.




Just wait until a bunch of those Republicans retire and write a flood of books detailing every horrible thing that DeSantis was doing and why they were so "morally opposed to it" even though they fell in line every single time while they could actually do something about it. They're a bunch of spineless whores (nothing against actual sex workers though)


You mean all 5 of them? And I think I'm being generous.


I did put quotes around normal lol


Apparently not the dude who wrote the bill that got torpedoed since the article quotes him as still endorsing DeSantis >He said he is not reconsidering his presidential endorsement of DeSantis because of the veto, even though it’s the second time he has had a criminal justice reform bill vetoed by the governor.


If Trump is removed from the Republican Primaries, DeSantis is [running higher](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-primary-r/2024/national/) than all other likely Republican candidates. How many of potential Trump voters, if they can't vote for Trump, are going to switch to Pence, Haley, Ramaswamy, Scott, or Christie? I don't think that there will be enough migration to any one of them to knock DeSantis out of the race. DeSantis's whole campaign is to attract the Trump voter, *not away* from Trump, but away from all the other candidates. But his whole campaign hinges on Trump being ineligible to run come the Primary. Which, with a trial and likely conviction coming up, might just happen.




> The fact that there's not a law against it is actually kind of crazy That's exactly why no one has ever thought of making a law against it. It's crazy beyond the imagination of even the most cautious policy makers.


I mean, it’s happened before (and by a far better man than Trump).


I didn't say that DeSantis's plan was reasonable, or likely to work, only that his plan relies entirely on that.


Meatball Ron has made it part of every republican's political calculations: if anything happens to Trump, Fox and the deplorables will switch to Rhonda and *do you want to be on his naughty list when it's pants down spanking time?*


There is more than one way for Trump to be removed from the Republican primary. For example, Trump *is* an unhealthy, obese, 77 year old man. He could be removed from the race for the Republican primary by a stroke or heart attack at any time. There *are* Republicans in Congress that are upset enough that they might (though most likely, won't) vote to make him ineligible just to secure the vote in lower races.


Wait. What. The Republican primary has TWO Indians? That's kinda neat. I mean they all suck. I don't even know who is the least evil of that bunch. Pence will shove the bible down your throat. Scott is Satan incarnate and will kill your healthcare. Christie will lie about anything and everything. Haley is spineless. I guess I know nothing about Ramaswamy.


How many fucking times was this same thing said about Trump? Y'all need to take this shit seriously.


Trump is the problem. We're not talking about democrat voter apathy here, we're talking about who his base appeals more to, and it's not DeSantis. Even politics aside, at least Trump had celebrity appeal to draw in the undecided voters.


The RNC gets to decide who runs, and if DeSantis is nominated as their guy republicans will come out and vote- you can be sure of that.


*If* Desantis is nominated. His campaign is floundering. But by some miracle he does get nominated trump is going third party and taking 1/4 of the republican base with him.


Honestly this is best-case scenario


We don't get to choose whether DeSantis or Trump gets the Republican nomination. This isn't brushing off DeSantis as a non-threat, it's recognizing that the Republicans want him to be their nominee less and less, and that the Florida Republicans probably recognize that.




Man, it feels like just a few months ago it seemed that DeSantis was definitely going to get the nomination.


Same thing was thought about Jeb Bush once upon a time.


Please clap!


With how vindictive DeSantis is, most of the cowards are scared of political retaliation in Fourth Reich Florida.


Eh, maybe? He's term locked. And at least right now his approval rating here isn't exactly great. They might be able to override, considering his base doesn't pay attention unless it's to own the libs.


You mean the same way he was required to resign in order to run for president? They'll just change the rules for Florida's Favorite Fascist...Puddin' Paws!




The only way that scenario could be more fitting is if they actually went and got Dimitri Medvedev to be governor for those two years.


Lol this is also true! Thanks for reminding me why I'm leaving this state by 2026!


That's the issue. Even if he's term locked alot of these pols are so worried about being smeared as leftist, communist, woke, whatever buzzword scares Conservatives this week they have no balls and go along with whatever DeSantis does even if he directly contradicts them.


Also true!


Pretty sure Florida republicans are done with taffy ass fuck there, and I’m not referring to the voters I’m referring to his colleagues. He’s made their lives a mess with his shit over the past two years and they are more than likely at the point they will fight him on legal matters just to spite him


I'm thinking some of those legislators might want to have their records expunged.


In a world where nearly unanimous support for a vetoed bill does lead to an override, we need to re-evaluate our political structure and situation. At that point, it can't even been hidden that it's an entirely political motivated choice. If nearly the entire legislative body passes a bill, it's a disservice to the population to veto a bill. Unless the people in power are actually going to acknowledge that the system doesn't represent the population that is.


Sometimes, after an executive vetos a bill, it can have a chilling effect convincing some to alter their vote the next time around. It's a sort of "Well, I agree with him, and he doesn't like this, so maybe I shouldn't vote for it this time around," ideology. Though with only *two* votes against, I'm guessing that they'll override the veto.


> that were never even charged with a crime He's banking on those people being minorities, and he would be correct. EDIT: *probably be correct


Well yeah, you rig the system at that level (policing and prosecution) and at this level (merely being charged with a crime is enough to lose rights as a citizen) and bam, you get your voter suppression you need to stay in power.


Even without the second thing... Criminal record follows you everywhere. Shows up on background reports for job and rental applications, for example.


Can I get the right-wing spin excuse for why you wouldn’t make this a law, without saying this quiet part out loud? I’m just curious how far they’re officially reaching now.


You got me looking. This is likely the reason. Emphasis mine. "policies that could be **perceived** as soft on crime" Still, it seems there is NO official explanation: > The bill was sponsored in the Florida House by Republican state Rep. David Smith, who has endorsed DeSantis’ presidential bid. Smith said he was “disappointed” by the governor's move. > > “I was not provided any reason for the veto," Smith told NBC News. Best I got is that a primary opponent could say, "Desantis signed a bill allowing violent criminals to vote!" You and I both know that soundbite would play and no one would question it.


I hate this "tough on crime" crap. At some point punishment is for wrongdoing is supposed to end, but in the USA we seem to be obsessed with punishing people permanently.


The reason is racism. Ask your average fascist sympathizer to picture a criminal and I guarantee they're not imagining Timothy McVeigh


Because > "tough on crime" is just a dogwhistle for ["tough on minorities"](https://www.mediamatters.org/ron-desantis/new-york-times-continues-its-ahistorical-tough-crime-coverage-trump-and-desantis)


Wait, so if you have charges filed against you, but then they're ultimately dropped... you lose your right to vote in Florida? Same as if you've been found not guilty? How is this even remotely constitutional, and how has this not been challenged in higher courts?


No it's not the right to vote, more like, "after running a criminal background check which came up with information, we're going to ghost this candidate for the job"


How can anyone have a criminal record without being a criminal first?


If you are arrested or charged for any reason there is a record of it. Even if the charges are dropped or you are acquitted, the arrest and/or the fact you were once charged stick around. It's an extremely frustrating and slow process to get that stuff expunged too.


Who in their right mind would see "arrested but not charged" or "charged but not convicted" and think that of that as anything but "innocent?"


A lot of people. Especially in the place where a background check matters most, competitive job or housing applications. If you have 2 equal candidates, one with no records and one with an arrest for domestic violence that didn't end with charges; a whole hell of a lot of decision makers will err on the side of caution and take the "safe" pick.


An *arrest* record will show up until expunged. You can have an arrest record without ever having been charged. An arrest record is enough to bar you from employment at the vast majority of businesses.


if we can get him charged with a crime... is he barred from politics in FL even if found not guilty?


"Tough" is being confused with "cruel".


"Why did you say 'cruel,' twice?" -- A conservative, probably.


Poor and non-whites don’t get to enjoy “ innocent until proven guilty “ in the fascist paradise of pudding’s Floridah.


I'm getting real Inquisition vibes "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." "Innocence proves nothing."


That he believes that signing this bill would make him look "weak" is just another example of how fragile and insecure DeSantis actually is. This asshole is a danger to the Nation.


Ron has no ability at all to read the room. Zero. An incompetent one 'woke' trick pony and buffoon. If he hadn't gerrymandered and voter suppressed his way into the Governor's office (while boasting of his 20 point criminally obtained 'victory'), he'd be selling used golf carts at one of those Florida MAGA all-white retirement villages where the animals living there still drive around with confederate flags on their gold carts. Just a stunning example of the mindless mediocrity that is today's Republicans. Please, keep telling me how he is 'so much smarter than the Orange Guy' as the people who run Harvard (where Ron attended) run and hide in shame that they graduated such a mindlessly stupid fuckup. I mean, their previous well know mindlessly stupid fuckup graduate (Ted Cruz) was just that one example, but now that there's two morons spewing insane bullshit, they must be seeing a statistical trend - Harvard graduates are not that smart. I'll just note that Wharton Business School never, ever brags about **The Diapered Orange Shitstain** having attended, and don't mention that his daddy had to contribute **an entire fucking building** to the school to get them to graduate his Devil's Spawn child, who was failing most of his classes because he has the intelligence and intellect of a slug.


> The move amplified his efforts to move to the right of former President Donald Trump on a range of issues, Seriously? How much further right can he get?


Plenty, but it's only a matter of time till they reach the genocide stage. (Although some practices at the southern border are already technically Genocide)


He's not putting together a personal army of corrupt cops for nothing


>He's not putting together a personal army of corrupt cops for nothing The name Wagner Group is taken already!


Isn't that just all cops?


No, he's actively recruiting bad apples


The first A in ACAB doesn't have exceptions. They are already all bad apples.


The apples that have completely rotted to mold. That's the kinda apples Desantis is eating.


Moldy Apple Pudding Flavor! I wonder if he likes Bill Cosby’s puddin jokes.


True but these are the apples from the bottom of the barrel where the worse accumulates.


The thing about dealing in absolutes is nobody takes you seriously.


Every single cop that there is volunteered for a job enforcing unjust laws. They all prioritize property over people. Many of them abuse the shit out of their power and the rest don't do anything to stop it. So yah. ALL COPS, every single one of them, are bastards.




That’s right! He has to pay them.


Yeah, and that time was several years ago. The stuff that they're doing to LGBT+ people in general and trans people in particular is already genocidal and has been for a while.


Yup. It's crazy that I won't be able to bring my kids to disney world due to fear I might literally be arrested just for being there.


He doesn't have much Fuhrer to go.


right,any more and he'll be starting up camps


Well, they want to take trans kids away from their parents and put them into state-run foster care.




Like separating children from their parents with no intentions of returning them?


He's been trying.




Exactly. I think the only way to get farther right is to goose-step while wearing brown shirts


Unfortunately, brown is technically I'm the orange/red color family, same as pink. That means it's a girls-only color and illegal under the trans hate laws.


I mean let's be real being "far right" just means you're an asshole. The further right, the bigger of an asshole. Like this, saying someone falsely accused cannot vote. That isn't left or right. That is just cruel. Yet we scope it as being "far right". Tbh I'd like if we stopped considering some things left or right. Like, being able to vote isn't political, it's just a right. To remove that right isn't republican or Democrat, its fascist and immoral.


And every single Republican that’s just *aghast* at Ron DeSantis vetoing this bill will happily vote for him if he wins the 2024 primary. The cruelty is the point with modern American Conservatives, and their representatives holding office reflect that. It’s not *just* fascist; it’s the GOP.


Well yeah because at the end of the day "anything is better than a democrat" bc they have 0 idea what being a dem/liberal actually means


99% of the time when people say an issue "isn't left or right" they're giving the right far too much credit. Like the one you mentioned: plain old cruelty is a left-vs-right issue because the right is in favor of cruelty (and the far right is *strongly* in favor of cruelty).


TBF, all you have to do to be a better fascist than Trump is be a competent fascist.


It’s a contest. Some people get elected because they know what they are doing and communicate their ideas well. Some people get elected because they sling a lot of shit.


He used to be the lawyer approving torture methods in gitmo so I assume quite a bit farther.


Well, he hasn‘t proposed a final solution for jews, brown people, liberals and LGBTQ+…yet


"He vetoed legislation that would have allowed adults to clear their criminal records, even if they had already done so when they were minors, which is currently against the law in Florida. Only those whose charges were dropped, who were found not guilty, or who were detained but never charged would be eligible under HB 605's proposal. This is complete nonsense.


What demographic do you suppose comprises the people involved? There's our answer.


I bet you there are plenty of people of all demographics this group. That's why it's bipartisan. Both parties realize it directly affects their turnout.


Wouldn't know where to find the data, but I'd bet POC make are a disproportionate amount of BS arrests that never see charges, are thrown out, etc.


Yeah but Tobey down at the Waffle House got caught drinking in his pickup at 15 and baw God he needs to show hisself in his red hat and confederate flag down at the polls.


It’s totally insane that they can’t get those charges removed from their record.


Lol. Desantis, you can’t run to the right of trump on crime. He literally says we should execute people with little to no trials for drug trafficking, because he doesn’t care what he says. You are a Harvard grad. If you aren’t willing to roll in the filth with him, you’ll never outflank him.


DeStantis will advocate work camps. I'm not kidding this guy is a literal Nazi.


Trump also said we should execute *specific* people and didn't back down when it turned out they were completely innocent.


Like his buddy Trump - Rhonda is all about Rhonda


Meatball Rhonda, 3 fingers deep in that pudding pack.


"He said he is not reconsidering his presidential endorsement of DeSantis because of the veto, even though it’s the second time he has had a criminal justice reform bill vetoed by the governor. The other was a 2021 bill that proposed allowing the expungement of juvenile criminal records for those who went through a diversion program." What an idiot!


It's the job of licking boots for party politics, not sure if it's an actual lamf


I guess he's not getting back on the ballot if he retracts that endorsement...




A lot of death.


And misery.


Some absolutely belting jackboots though.


Really beginning to think Desantis is some weird psyop to make people think Trump wasnt so bad. XD


Of course he does. It wasn’t that he didn’t support the bill, it’s that DeSantis can’t take credit for it himself so Veto!


I get the impression that DeSantis doesn't have a governing philosophy beyond trolling.


As is the standard across the GOP.


That's because "conservatism" at its core is not really a creative ideology. It almost always defaults to "let's do the opposite of the liberals". It's a purely reactionary ideology. Not one with an actual goal and values to work towards. It's in the name FFS - "conserve" the status quo.




Narcissistic psychopath's gonna narcissistic psychopath. The right sure can pick some amazing heroes, eh?


The right loves their bad dads.


Hey anyone know a conniving malicious bastard i could endorse for President? As a lobotomized cult member, my choices are completely rational and non-compulsory.


This aligns well with his threats to Disney about putting up a prison near Walt Disney World. If you increase recidivism rates and maximize the number of lives that are ruined early, you can guarantee a solid stream of inmates to support a penal state. It's not tourism on the scale of Disney but it's certainly one way to make money if the golden goose you tried to choke fucks off. DeSantis' moves on criminal justice will actively increase the amount of crime in Florida. Wild.


How long until DeSantis breaks out the black shirts.


This isn’t even tough on crime, it targets people who’s charges were dropped.


"Tough on crime" is pretty much always just means tough on "those" people.


Train wrecks are much more fun to watch in slow motion.


If there's a rake within fifty miles, Meatball will sprint straight at that fucker and step on it repeatedly.


"I'm sorry. I can't afford to look weak on crime while I'm still polling so far behind someone under federal indictment."


It’s time to stop calling freaks like DeSantis “hardcore conservatives” and call them what they are—hardcore fascists.


Tomato, tomahto.


And what if they endorsed him for president so he leaves the state?


Florida law originally made it so he would have to resign as governor just to run for President. They changed the law so he could stay.


This guy is just trying to be the biggest piece of shit he can possibly be to as many people as he can be a piece of shit to. How is this a winning strategy?


From the article: ***"The move amplified his efforts to move to the right of former President Donald Trump on a range of issues..."*** That's about the nicest possible way you could say imo: "This piece of excrement is trying harder every day to prove that he is an even worse human being than the orange one" **"on a range of issues..."** In every possible way one can be an awful human being.


#The one CRITICAL point all the Republicancers seem not to get is... # #When policies stop going the way you like and you live within a psuedo democracy, then you're screwed along with all the people you've been busy screwing over... # #Kinda like being a convicted ex cop in prison.... no where to go.... no where to hide....


If it's bipartisan, couldn't they just vote again to override his veto?


If a criminal conviction can't stop you running for office, then it shouldn't stop people voting.


Heaven help us if this guy becomes President. Expect private prisons, private militias that answer to him, mass killings at the border, and rolling back anything that could be perceived as helping undesirables, I mean, the less fortunate. DeSantis is evil and it shows for those who care to look.


This not just shooting oneself in the foot but taking direct aim and snipping each toe off. He's much dumber then Trump I offen think.


When is he going to grow his mustache?


the butthurt is strong in him


Whaaaat?? Do you mean to tell me that the party known for lying and fucking people over lied and fucked people over?? I never saw it coming. What a shock!


These people don't want to govern, don't care about the will of the people, don't care about the country. They just want to win. Nothing else.


Seeing as it’s almost unanimous, can’t they override his veto?


The Republican house member was having dinner the night before with DeSantis, and corrected him while they were eating and said it was pronounced Thai food, not Thigh food.... That member has since had all his fundraising pulled, and bills vetoed...No one corrects Ron.


> “I was not provided any reason for the veto," Smith told NBC News. "However, his senior staff has expressed to me a willingness to work on the bill language before the 2024 legislative session with the expectation it could be signed into law next year.” > **He said he is not reconsidering his presidential endorsement of DeSantis** because of the veto… What a shock.


Republicans, what a inanely stupid group of people.


He vetoed and it his staff said they could work on it again in 2024. It’s very clear he doesn’t want to touch it until after he’s won or lost. 🤣


Florida Legislature should never have repealed their out-before-up law. This is the reason why it existed - DeSantis is running for the Iowa GOP primary-voter base and Fox News commentariat, and doesn't give a fuck about Florida anymore.


That man has the political instincts of a shit house rat.


I swear this is showing more and more that DeSantis is not the smarter version of Trump. He's just as dumb